1 minute read
Introduction to composting
Citrus peel shapes
Reuse fruit peel
What you need:
•Citrus peels: lemons, limes or oranges • Cookie cutter shapes • Plastic sewing needle • Twine
•A baking tray • Heavy items: stones, big books, etc.
What’s in it for the children?
This sensory-based activity allows children to develop and extend their fine motor skills as they handle and thread small objects. This activity reuses fruit peel that would otherwise be wasted.
Taking it forward
•Turn the citrus peel into festive ornaments. Shape them, then leave them out to dry until completely hardened. Using the needle, place a ring of twine through the top and make a loop.
They can be hung up around a room.
What to do:
1. Remove any remaining fruit from the inside of the citrus peels. This will prevent them from going mouldy. 2. Cut the peels into smaller sections and then let the children make them into shapes using cookie cutters. 3. Place the peels on a flat surface and put the baking tray right side up on top. Fill the tray with the heavy items to flatten the peels and leave for 24 hours. 4. Remove the baking tray and invite the children to arrange the shapes into different patterns. 5. Using the plastic needle and twine, help the children thread through the middle of the peel shapes to make necklaces, decorations and so on.