1 minute read
Pretty Young Rebel
The Life of Flora Macdonald
Flora Fraser
An enthralling portrait of the remarkable eighteenth-century Scottish heroine Flora Macdonald from bestselling biographer Flora Fraser
The year is 1746. The Jacobite rebellion has failed and Scotland is reeling in the devastating aftermath of the battle of Culloden. In the Outer Hebrides, twenty-fouryear-old Flora Macdonald is woken in the dead of night by a messenger with urgent intelligence. Bonnie Prince Charlie is outside, begging her for help.
With Flora's assistance, the Stuart prince is disguised as an Irish maid and smuggled to the Isle of Skye, but Flora’s bravery results in her capture and detention in London. On her release, she returns to Skye before emigrating to North Carolina, only then to be caught up in the American Revolutionary War.
InPrettyYoungRebel,award-winningbiographerFloraFrasertellstheremarkablestoryofFlora Macdonald. It is a tale of adventure and daring, wit and charm, struggle and survival, and of a womanwhoshowedextraordinarycourageinthefaceofgreatdanger.
Flora Fraser is the author of Beloved Emma: The Life of Emma Hamilton; The Unruly Queen: The Life of Queen Caroline; Venus of Empire: The Life of Pauline Bonaparte and George & Martha Washington: A Revolutionary Marriage, which won the 2016 George Washington Prize. Flora was named after Flora Macdonald, whose story she tells in Pretty Young Rebel.