5 minute read
Teacher Guides
Matthew Nichols “A friend and colleague in book form.” - Drama and Theatre magazine
This guide provides support, inspirational ideas and rock-solid guidance for secondary drama teachers. It outlines the fundamental principles of a creative drama curriculum, and looks at how teachers can facilitate this and deliver inspiring lessons to fulfi ll the potential of their learners.
The author's own advice and expertise is supplemented by case studies, thereby collating and offering up the best advice and experience available.
PB | 9781350092679 | £19.99
What Is A Drama Teacher?
Building a Curriculum Creating, Performing, Responding Surviving: The Pressure Points Engaging with Contemporary Work The Bits in Between
Watch Matthew Nichols’ Q&A
on Bloomsbury Academic YouTube
A Teacher's Guide to Musical Theatre
Kenneth Pickering and David Henson
“Whether you are a new or experienced teacher, this superbly written book has plenty of gems and treasures that will add value, broaden your teaching, and engage your students ... A must buy!” - Ivor Flint, London College of Music Are you looking for a structured approach to introduce musical theatre to your students? This book is for you! The unique structure of the chapters guides you through key facts and concepts in musical theatre history and offers practical in-class activities for students.
Teaching Playwriting
Theory into Practice
Paul Gardiner
“An excellent textbook, full of wonderful practical exercises that are useful to anyone connected with the theatre.” - British Theatre Guide
Both an engaging and rewarding activity for young people, playwriting is still under-utilised in the classroom. This is an essential resource for teachers wanting to gain the skills and confi dence necessary to introduce playwriting to their students.
PB | 9781474288019 | £25.99
How to Teach a Play
Essential Exercises for Popular Plays Edited by Miriam Chirico and Kelly Younger
“There are scores of great ideas in this book for enlivening plays in the classroom.” - Eugene O’Neill Written in an accessible and jargon-free style, this book features practical exercises for teaching 75 of the most commonly taught plays. Each exercise demonstrates how performance illuminates close reading of the text and will inspire you to transform and reinvent your own role in the dramatic arts.
PB | 9781350017535 | £24.99
200 Plays for GCSE and A-Level Performance
A Drama Teacher's Guide
Jason Hanlan
“Let’s not beat around the bush with this stage whisper: this book upstages anything else out there.” - Teach Secondary
How do I choose a play to perform with my students that meets the curriculum requirements and also interests my class?
If you're asking these questions, this is the book for you!
Written specifi cally for drama teachers, this is a quick, easy-touse guide to fi nding and staging the best performance material for a whole range of student abilities and requirements for 15 - 18-year-olds.
PB | 9781350146624 | £18.99
Winner of the 2021 Drama and Theatre Award for Outstanding Drama Resource
A Beginner’s Guide to Devising Theatre
Jess Thorpe and Tashi Gore
“This book demonstrates just how much drama can contribute to educational development. Any young person who comes successfully through this process will be equipped for almost anything.” - Ink Pellet
PB | 9781350025943 | £22.99
100 Acting Exercises for 8-18 Year Olds
Samantha Marsden
“An ambitious book which will surely become a classroom staple … Its breadth and the detail [is] invaluable.” - Teaching Drama “Here is the book that every drama teacher should have on their shelf.” - Sylvia Young, OBE
PB | 9781350049949 | £16.99 Part 1
1. How to Use This Book 2. Know Your Students: The Skills Audit 3. Which Play? Guiding Students in Choosing the Best Material 4. Design Options 5. Performance Exams: Everything You Need to Know for a Smoothly Run Professional
Exam 6. Performance Spaces: Intimate or Epic? 7. The Skills of the Actor: Language of the
Theatre 8. Shakespeare Part 2
200 plays
The Time Traveller’s Guide to British Theatre
The First Four Hundred Years
Aleks Sierz and Lia Ghilardi
“An immensely entertaining, informative guide to 400 years of British theatre that wears its considerable learning lightly.” - The Guardian
PB | 9781350301764 | £11.99
The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Memory
The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Memory JUN 2022 provides clear, visual explanations of how learners retain and recall information. Bestselling author Ross Morrison McGill presents a wealth of ideas for incorporating this theory into day-to-day classroom practice, with proven methods for aiding knowledge retention and testing recall to boost learning, support revision and motivate pupils.
PB | 9781472989345 | £12.99
Succeeding as an English Teacher
Written by 12 experienced teachers, this book is the ultimate guide to teaching English in a secondary school. It includes practical guidance to help you develop schemes of learning, plan for a knowledge-rich and diverse curriculum, deliver effective and engaging lessons, and progress to the next stage of your career.
PB | 9781472989413 | £16.99
The Inclusive Classroom
This innovative guide offers a practical approach to help primary and secondary teachers support vulnerable students in a time-effective, stress-free way. It contains simple, effective actions to improve outcomes, back-up ideas for when things don’t go to plan, real-life anecdotes and advice on rethinking traditional diagnoses by prioritising strengths and needs.
PB | 9781472977922 | £16.99
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Teaching Drama
Bring your drama lessons to life with 100 ideas to engage even the most unlikely of thespians! This book in the popular 100 Ideas series offers a wealth of tried-and-tested strategies to help students express themselves creatively, covering storytelling, improvisation, stagecraft, characterisation and more.
PB | 9781441135445 | £14.99