40 minute read
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Written by experts in their field, the books in the 100 Ideas series present easy-to-use, practical ideas for busy teachers. Every book contains 100 ideas in an accessible dip-in-and-out format, as well as tips to help you put the ideas into practice, bonus ideas, ways to take things further and advice on how to improve specific areas of teaching. The 100 Ideas series is a great resource for both new teachers and more experienced teachers looking for fresh inspiration. These handy pocket-sized books hold a wealth of material that will refresh, renew and inspire any teacher’s practice.
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers
NEW FOR 2022
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Art
Adele Darlington
This brand-new addition to the 100 Ideas series offers creative and innovative ideas for teaching art in the primary classroom. Ideal for exposing pupils to a range of art styles and inspiring them to pursue their artistic interests, the activities in this book have all been tried and tested in schools. Each idea uses accurate terminology to ensure pupils have a strong understanding of key vocabulary and art concepts.
Adele Darlington (@mrs_darl) believes all pupils deserve a high-quality, varied art education. Her ingenious ideas range from painting and printing to exploring sculpture, creating art outdoors and appreciating works from all over the world. Publishes 10th November 2022 PB • 198 x 129mm • 128pp • 9781801990790 • £14.99
The quick idea section describes the idea and tells you why it's useful. Perfect when you're flicking through the book for inspiration!
Extra advice on how to make the activity run smoothly, how to troubleshoot any problems, or how to make a strategy work well.
How you might develop the idea further, use it on a larger scale or make it work as a homework task. 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Art – Adele Darlington

A step-by-step guide to putting the idea into practice.
Extra special, original and creative bonus ideas.
PB • 198 x 129mm • £14.99
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Maths

Shannen Doherty
Offering 100 fun, practical and creative ideas for teaching primary maths, this is the perfect resource for all teachers. The activities cover the entire maths National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, from number and place value to fractions, geometry and algebra. Featuring games, starters, speed challenges and open-ended investigations, this book will help put the magic back into maths.
136pp • 9781472984470

Kim Griffin
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Sensory Processing Differences is an ideal guide for all teachers looking to understand more about this complex yet common special educational need. Occupational therapist Kim Griffin explains how sensory processing differences may present in children, explores simple adjustments that can be made and provides easy-to-use strategies for supporting pupils in the primary classroom.
144pp • 9781472986948

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Outdoor Learning
Adam Bushnell and Sc.out.ed
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Outdoor Learning features inspiring ideas to engage pupils through positive outdoor experiences. This real-life learning can then be used as a stimulus back in the primary classroom to encourage discussion and complement topic-based work. Covering a range of National Curriculum areas, including literacy, maths and science, the activities are suitable for any outdoor environment.
136pp • 9781472973634

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Science
Paul Tyler and Bryony Turford
Packed with exciting yet achievable ideas, this book enables primary teachers to enthuse and engage pupils in all areas of the National Curriculum for science. There are a whole range of activities focusing on the key areas of biology, chemistry and physics, including deceptively simple experiments that demonstrate scientific concepts in a memorable way, and strategies to develop pupils’ science capital.
144pp • 9781472976659
ACROSS THE CURRICULUM History Clare Horrie and Rachel Hillman
152pp • 9781472957375 Literacy Rob Smith and Katherine Simpson
128pp • 9781472948861 Writing Adam Bushnell, Rob Smith and David Waugh
136pp • 9781472972361
CLASSROOM PRACTICE Behaviour Management Molly Potter
Differentiation Rachel Orr
136pp • 9781472941350 Engaging Parents Janet Goodall and Kathryn Weston
128pp • 9781472949660 Mindfulness in the Classroom Tammie Prince
136pp • 9781472944955 Outstanding Teaching Stephen Lockyer Questioning Peter Worley
136pp • 9781472957412 Raising Boys' Achievement Gary Wilson
144pp • 9781472934451
144pp • 9781408193686
Supporting EAL Learners Chris Pim
136pp • 9781472961570 Supporting Pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties Roy Howarth
144pp • 9781472961617
STAFF LIBRARY: 100 IDEAS FOR TEACHERS 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers
PB • 198 x 129mm • £14.99

Janet Goodall and Kathryn Weston
Based on extensive research and practical experience, this book presents 100 ideas to enable teachers to engage parents in their children’s learning. Perfect for form tutors and pastoral leaders, these easy-to-implement strategies will help improve home–school communication, break down barriers and raise achievement across the secondary curriculum.
144pp • 9781472976635
Simon Johnson
100 practical ideas for teaching computing at secondary level. Perfectly aligned to the Key Stages 3 and 4 National Curriculum, this is an ideal toolkit for all teachers seeking inspiring, ready-to-use activities for their classroom. From rubber duck debugging to teaching algorithm design through magic tricks, the ideas will inject excitement into any computing lesson.
136pp • 9781472984401
ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Literacy Across the Curriculum Graham Tyrer
144pp • 9781472950239 Outstanding English Lessons Angella Cooze and Mary Myatt
136pp • 9781472967930
Outstanding Science Lessons Ian McDaid
128pp • 9781441135445
CLASSROOM PRACTICE Assessment for Learning David Spendlove
128pp • 9781472911001 Engaging Learners Jon Tait
136pp • 9781472945327 Interventions Laura O'Leary
120pp • 9781408193624
Andy Lewis
This book presents 100 tried-and-tested ideas that cover a range of different faiths, beliefs and worldviews. With cross-curricular strategies that include reaching out to members of local faith communities and using technology to 'visit' sacred sites, this is an essential resource for those teaching this sometimes challenging subject.
136pp • 9781472972422
Revision John Mitchell
136pp • 9781472913753 Stretch and Challenge Paul Wright
136pp • 9781472965578 Tutor Time Molly Potter
144pp • 9781472925022
SEND Supporting EAL Learners Catharine Driver and Chris Pim
144pp • 9781472917904 Supporting Students with Numeracy Difficulties Patricia Babtie and Sue Dillon
176pp • 9781472961099
The Succeeding As… books offer practical, no-nonsense guidance to help you excel in a specific role in a secondary school. With invaluable advice, top tips, examples and opportunities for reflection, these titles include everything you need to be successful in your teaching career. They are ideal for those just starting out as well as more experienced practitioners looking to develop their skill sets.
Succeeding as an English Teacher
Abigail Mann et al.
Written by 12 experienced and dedicated teachers, this book is the ultimate guide to teaching English in a secondary school. It includes practical guidance to help you develop schemes of learning, plan for a knowledgerich and diverse curriculum, deliver effective and engaging lessons, support students with revision, develop your subject knowledge and progress to the next stage of your career.
PB • 198 x 129mm • 256pp • 9781472989413 • £16.99
Succeeding as a Head of Year
Jon Tait
Experienced pastoral leader Jon Tait takes you through the steps to becoming an outstanding head of year, from applying for your first post to leading a team, managing behaviour, working with parents and supporting specific year groups. With advice on raising attainment and on day-to-day practice and challenges, this book is filled with practical, honest guidance to help you succeed.
PB • 198 x 129mm • 256pp • 9781472963376 • £16.99
The Outstanding Teaching series is full of advice, tips and strategies to propel satisfactory and good teachers into the outstanding category. Written by highly experienced practitioners, the books feature tried-and-tested strategies that can be easily implemented to enable all teachers to build a toolbox of skills in key areas.
How to be an Outstanding Primary SENCO
Jackie Ward
Jackie Ward uses her many years of experience to provide practical, realistic tips and advice for SENCOs, helping them to focus their time and efforts on improving the life chances of the children in their care.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp • 9781472963291 • £16.99
How to be an Outstanding Primary School Teacher (2nd edition)
David Dunn
Covering everything from lesson planning to classroom management, this practical guide is a must-have for all primary teachers. Now in its second edition, this bestselling book has been updated to reflect changes in teaching initiatives, including new ideas for using technology.
How to be an Outstanding Primary Middle Leader
Zoë Paramour
A compendium of advice, research, anecdotes and tips to help primary middle leaders excel. In her unique, straight-talking and witty style, award-winning blogger Zoë Paramour offers practical guidance to all those leading a subject, phase or any other whole-school responsibility.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp • 9781472951861 • £16.99
Emma Davie
Packed with tips and strategies, this easy-touse book helps teaching assistants deliver outstanding support in the primary classroom. Experienced teaching assistant Emma Davie explores the diverse range of responsibilities held by support staff and provides guidance on managing them successfully.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp • 9781472934611 • £16.99
Teacher Toolkit Guides turn the theory of education into practical ideas for your classroom. Each book in the series explores a key principle of teaching and learning, and offers research-based strategies to transform classroom practice. The guides each include a bespoke Five Minute Plan, based on Ross’s renowned Five Minute Lesson Plan, as well as scaffolded ideas with ready-to-use templates and worked examples. Supported by infographics, charts and diagrams, these guides are a must-have for any teacher, in any school, and at any level.
NEW FOR 2022

The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Memory
Ross Morrison McGill
Cleverly designed with infographics, charts and diagrams, The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Memory provides clear, visual explanations of how learners retain and recall information. Ross presents a wealth of original ideas for incorporating this theory into day-to-day classroom practice, with proven methods for aiding knowledge retention and testing recall, to boost learning, support revision and motivate pupils. This is the perfect guide for teachers looking to understand how learning happens and how they can use this to maximise their impact in the classroom. Publishes 9th June 2022
The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Questioning
Ross Morrison McGill
The Teacher Toolkit Guide to Questioning highlights the importance of questioning as a teaching strategy to challenge pupils, identify gaps in knowledge and improve recall. Offering the latest research in a clear, concise and accessible way, this book will show you how to encourage primary and secondary learners to analyse, evaluate and actively engage in their learning. Publishes 1st September 2022 PB • 234 x 153mm • 128pp • 9781472989383 • £12.99
PB • 234 x 153mm • 128pp • 9781472989345 • £12.99
Ross Morrison McGill
Ross Morrison McGill, aka @TeacherToolkit, is an award-winning teacher, author and blogger and is the most followed teacher on Twitter in the UK. His bestselling books and resources offer practical, inspiring lesson ideas which aim to reduce workload, improve outcomes and encourage research-informed teaching. Ross’s Five Minute Lesson Plan is used by teachers all over the world.
Mark. Plan. Teach. 2.0

Ross Morrison McGill
This new edition of Ross Morrison McGill's bestselling Mark. Plan. Teach. has been thoroughly updated with recent thinking around assessment and feedback. Mark. Plan. Teach. 2.0 is packed full of pragmatic ideas to help teachers mark work, plan lessons and teach students effectively. It comes with a unique 48-page visual guide to Ross’s key ideas, brilliantly illustrated by Oliver Caviglioli.
PB • 234 x 153mm • 208pp + 48pp booklet • 9781472978622 • £16.99
Praise for Mark. Plan. Teach. 2.0
}This is a great book for early career teachers, or those who wish to refresh their pedagogical approaches in line with strong ~recent research findings that go beyond educational fads.
– UKEdChat
SECTION MARK. PLAN. TEACH. Idea 3 Live-Marking
SECTION MARK. PLAN. TEACH. Idea 4 Marking Code
Over the years, I’ve used live–marking – marking in lesson time with the student by my side – to embed formative assessment in my classroom and reduce the workload burden. SNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT
Ensure your students understand the key assessment points, then develop a simple marking code that works for both you and your students (and is in line with your school policy).
Zonal feedback is a targeted approach to live–marking that ensures teachers and students focus on a specific area of the work.
❶ Choose just one area to mark. ❷ Draw a box around it. ❸ Mark it in detail but give no grade. ❹ Offer precise feedback (written or verbal).
Give students enough time to act on the feedback and check they’ve done it properly. Creating a dialogue
Use live–marking to put a greater emphasis on verbal dialogue that is scripted and targeted to help students improve their work. Try the question–suggestion–action approach.
❶ Frequency & speed
Build in regular opportunities for students to recap on work as part of your curriculum plan.
How often should I mark students’ work?
Student response ❷
❸ A scripted response and a suggested action live in the classroom How quickly should I return it?
Reduces workload outside of lessons. Encourages diagnostic and precise feedback. Promotes dialogue for immediate student action.
4 The pros and cons of live-marking
Can only work with one student or small group at a time. Have to monitor level of detail to avoid spending too long on it. Curriculum coverage may suffer due to action on feedback.
#MarkPlanTeach www.TeacherToolkit.co.uk Professor John Hattie
[It is important] for the teacher to communicate the intentions of the lesson and the notions of what success means for these intentions.
Give students different pieces of work, asking them to rank them and identify why one is better than the other. Grade
Get students to grade each other’s work and identify the reasons why marks are secured or not. Spoof
Give students a ‘spoof’ or ‘mock’ assessment and ask them to assess their own performance against the success criteria.
Developing a marking code
Correct/good point/ well written. Incorrect/wrong point. Correct a spelling mistake.
Does not make sense or needs to be clearer.
Add a word. Start a new paragraph. Provide examples.
Manageable Motivating
A marking code will help feedback make sense and have demonstrable outcomes for you and your students. A good starting point for reducing workload is to keep marking codes as simple as possible.
www.TeacherToolkit.co.uk #MarkPlanTeach Motivating marking should help you engage students to make progress.
48-page visual guide of the key ideas from Mark. Plan. Teach. 2.0, illustrated by Oliver Caviglioli
Just Great Teaching
Ross Morrison McGill
Bestselling author Ross Morrison McGill explores the ten key issues facing UK educators, using research and case studies from ten primary and secondary schools. He gives examples of effective strategies and approaches, explains why they work and provides practical ideas to help every teacher and school leader tackle these issues effectively.
PB • 234 x 153mm • 256pp • 9781472964236 • £14.99
Teacher Toolkit
Ross Morrison McGill
Ross Morrison McGill, aka @TeacherToolkit, shares great teaching practice to save you time and to ensure you are the best teacher you can be, whatever the new policy or framework. Filled with countless anecdotes, from disastrous observations to marking in the broom cupboard, Teacher Toolkit is a compendium of teaching strategies and advice, and a must-read book for all new teachers.

The Teacher Journal
Naomi Barker
NEW FOR 2022
The Teacher Journal is a must-have hybrid journal for early career teachers looking to thrive in their first role and prioritise their wellbeing. It’s packed full of opportunities for professional development, practical information and relatable anecdotes from an experienced teacher. The easily digestible content makes it perfect for fitting around a busy work schedule, and it even offers space to plan and organise lessons. The content is divided to reflect each school term, encouraging professional and personal growth throughout the entire academic year. Publishes 7th July 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 160pp • 9781801990318 • £14.99

Feel Free to Smile
Nikki Cunningham-Smith
A fresh perspective on behaviour management, detailing honest, real-life classroom experiences and the sense of humour it takes to deal with them. Nikki Cunningham-Smith draws on anecdotes from her time as a teacher in alternative provision settings, and there are also stories from fellow professionals and ECTs including Ross Morrison McGill, Vivienne Porritt, Kemi Oloyede and Sarah Mullin. This reassuring book provides practical strategies and tips for dealing with difficult behaviour and keeping your cool in testing situations. PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp • 9781472984487 • £14.99
How to Survive Your First Year in Teaching
Sue Cowley
How do you actually survive your FIRST YEAR in teaching?! Don’t panic – help is at hand from expert teacher Sue Cowley. In this bestselling book, Sue supports new teachers through the stresses and strains, and the highs and lows, of their first year in teaching. There is advice on lesson planning, marking, behaviour management, teaching and learning, pastoral care and much more. Written in Sue’s honest and down-to-earth style, this book is a must-have for all early career teachers.

Teaching for Realists
Omar Akbar
A funny, open and honest guide to surviving and thriving as an early career teacher – no matter what the education system throws at you! Many new teachers enter the profession unaware of the challenges facing the sector and often either quit because of them or spend years struggling to keep their heads above water. Omar Akbar explores the issues facing the profession and gives a wealth of hard-won advice for becoming a happy, healthy and successful teacher in spite of it all.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 112pp • 9781472985286 • £12.99
Getting the Buggers to Behave (5th edition)
Sue Cowley
Getting the Buggers to Behave is a firm favourite with trainees, early career teachers and experienced staff alike. Sue Cowley’s advice ranges from the basics of behaviour management to how to deal with the class from hell and is applicable whether you are working in the early years, primary, secondary or further education, with level-specific examples in every chapter.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 248pp • 9781472909213 • £19.99
A School Without Sanctions
Steven Baker and Mick Simpson
Based on the authors’ widely recognised sanction-free approach, this book offers a practical methodology that enables teachers to manage challenging behaviour with compassion instead of punishment. Steven Baker and Mick Simpson explore basic evolutionary psychology to help teachers understand why challenging behaviour occurs, and provide classroom strategies and behaviour interventions that work – without the need for zero tolerance.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472974525 • £19.99
The Behaviour Guru
Tom Bennett
Behaviour management isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone – but it is a skill that can be learned. This no-nonsense guide by behaviour expert Tom Bennett offers instant strategies for dealing with the most common classroom scenarios, helping you to keep your students on task, manage low-level disruption, and face extreme situations calmly and confidently.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 240pp • 9781441128607 • £19.99

Let's Hear it from the Boys
Gary Wilson
Gary Wilson lets the students do the talking in this unique perspective on boys’ underperformance in secondary schools. With real-life testimonies from boys and advice from Gary’s decades of experience on what teachers can do to help, this is the perfect practical guide for raising boys’ achievement and creating the best learning environment for all students. PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472974631 • £19.99
Breaking Through Barriers to Boys' Achievement
Gary Wilson
PB • 297 x 210mm • 184pp 9781408193549 • £24.99
Pocket Pal: Raising Boys' Achievement
Gary Wilson
PB • 200 x 100mm • 96pp 9781472909602 • £8.99

The Authentic Leader

Andrew Morrish
This timely book offers readers a four-part framework for effective, authentic school leadership. Based on current research, 20 years of leadership experience and real-life examples from educators, The Authentic Leader supports school leaders at any level to construct purpose, connect with people and collaborate in a meaningful way. Andrew Morrish encourages readers to find their core purpose in their role, and demonstrates why cultivating an authentic culture is the very best starting point for excellence in school leadership. Publishes 13th October 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 272pp • 9781801990271 • £19.99
The Headteacher's Handbook
Rae Snape
This must-read handbook is filled with practical guidance on all aspects of primary headship to support new, current and aspiring headteachers. Written by an experienced headteacher and National Leader of Education, this book covers the nuts and bolts of headship from meeting your team, communicating your vision and developing the curriculum to managing budgets, handling complaints and working with stakeholders. Rae Snape presents invaluable advice, models, research, motivational quotes, selfreflection activities and further reading to develop best practice in this role.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 320pp • 9781472975423 • £24.99

Lighting the Way
Angela Browne
In the context of a system on the edge of crisis, Lighting the Way is an uplifting book which offers primary and secondary leaders inspiration, courage and practical tools to lead the way towards change. Angela Browne, experienced educator and star of the BBC Two documentary School, uses her wealth of knowledge to help school leaders become torchbearers, leading children, staff and local communities with purpose and integrity, and navigating challenges with confidence and optimism.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 208pp • 9781472972460 • £19.99
Praise for Lighting the Way
}This is an honest, courageous and ultimately uplifting book ~about how leadership has to be both ethical and sustainable.
– Jill Berry
Angela Browne
Angela Browne has worked in education for over 17 years. She has been the head of a pupil referral service, principal of a Steiner Academy and deputy CEO of a multi-academy trust. In 2018, Angela was part of the BBC Two documentary series School. Follow Angela on Twitter: @nourishedschool

Riding the Waves
James Hilton
Leading from the Edge
James Hilton
Ten Traits of Resilience
James Hilton
Riding the Waves offers practical strategies, advice and reflective questions for developing the fulfilling aspects of headship to carry school leaders through any challenges they may face. James Hilton explores how school leaders can enhance their mental health, wellbeing and work–life balance by building effective relationships, nurturing talent, celebrating achievements, feeling in control and, importantly, taking a break.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472967992 • £19.99 Leading from the Edge is the brave and honest account of how the headteacher of one of the largest primary schools in the UK suffered a breakdown brought on by work-related stress. James Hilton shares his story of pulling himself back from the brink to inspire others and offer effective strategies for dealing with the challenges of leading a 21st-century school.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 208pp • 9781472917348 • £19.99 In this thought-provoking book, James Hilton explores ten traits of resilience and demonstrates to school leaders how they can embed these traits in their own practice and in their school to create a climate of resilience in every classroom. Ten Traits of Resilience is packed with practical advice, tips and reflective questions to help school leaders become more confident, optimistic and decisive.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472951502 • £19.99
James Hilton
James Hilton is a former headteacher working as a conference speaker and author, specialising in leadership, stress management and positive psychology. He applies his experience of human leadership to inspire a wide range of clients and provides fresh insights into the challenges of leadership in the intense environment that is the modern workplace. Follow James on Twitter: @jameshilton300

Stepping Into Senior Leadership
Jon Tait
Experienced school leader and author Jon Tait provides invaluable guidance on senior leadership: from acing the application stages to settling into your new post and developing a vision. Jon offers insights into making the leap from middle to senior leadership, supporting you as you establish yourself as a school leader, build effective relationships, plan for school improvement, and create a climate of wellbeing and professional development. PB • 198 x 129mm • 240pp • 9781472986498 • £19.99
Jon Tait
Jon Tait is Deputy CEO and Director of School Improvement at a multiacademy trust in North Yorkshire. Prior to joining this trust, Jon worked in three different and diverse schools in north-east England for 20 years, with 15 of those being as a school leader in various senior leadership positions. Follow Jon on Twitter: @TeamTait

A Manifesto for Excellence in Schools
Rob Carpenter
Rob Carpenter took a school from special measures to outstanding in 16 months and firmly believes that the quality of teaching and leadership holds the key to raising standards. This book is about helping teachers to become architects for learning by designing classrooms, curricula and whole-school practices that are inclusive, engaging and, above all, excellent.
PB • 244 x 169mm • 176pp 9781472946348 • £19.99

Education: A Manifesto for Change
Richard Gerver
Education expert Richard Gerver offers an empowering vision for how education can be transformed and made fit for purpose for today’s children. Sharing his experiences of working with some of the world’s leading business minds, Richard shows educators how they can help our young people thrive in the 21st century and beyond.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 128pp • 9781472962362 • £19.99

Leading on Pastoral Care
Daniel Sobel
Written by an expert in the field of inclusion, this book helps middle leaders, senior leaders and SENCOs to manage the most challenging aspects of pastoral care. With tried-and-tested strategies and real-life case studies, it is ideal for all primary and secondary school staff who wish to support their most vulnerable students without increasing workload.

Narrowing the Attainment Gap
Daniel Sobel
Narrowing the Attainment Gap examines the real issues behind the attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their peers. This compelling book focuses on key leadership skills and practices that will help school leaders identify specific problems and come up with bespoke solutions that meet the needs of their community.
The Emotionally Intelligent Teacher

Niomi Clyde Roberts
Niomi Clyde Roberts explores how we can improve our emotional intelligence to combat power struggles and workplace politics. Using her years of experience in schools, Niomi demonstrates how empathy, clear communication and compassionate leadership can make every team member feel motivated, fulfilled and valued. This book will uplift every teacher and leader and inspire them to build positive staff relationships. Publishes 3rd February 2022 PB • 244 x 169mm • 96pp • 9781472974655 • £19.99

The Wellbeing Curriculum
Andrew Cowley
Bestselling author Andrew Cowley presents the ultimate guide to developing a primary wellbeing curriculum. Covering a wide range of topics from self-awareness and building trust to healthy eating, cyberbullying and diversity, The Wellbeing Curriculum is a must-have book for schools looking to reconsider their pastoral approach and embed children’s wellbeing in lessons, assemblies and the school as a whole.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 224pp • 9781472986412 • £19.99

The Wellbeing Toolkit
Andrew Cowley
From the founder of @HealthyToolkit comes a practical guide for addressing primary and secondary school staff wellbeing. Andrew Cowley draws on his own experiences as a school leader to unpick the myths around wellbeing and sets out a practical, authentic, values-driven model that will enable school leaders to create a climate of positivity.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472961655 • £19.99

Proactive Pastoral Care
Maria O'Neill
A practical guide to pastoral care that puts student wellbeing at the top of the agenda. Full of clear explanations, research-based solutions and tried-and-tested classroom activities, this is the perfect resource for all secondary teachers looking to prioritise personal and social development, create a supportive learning environment and encourage students to make healthy choices.
Wellbeing in the Primary Classroom
Adrian Bethune
Experienced teacher and advisor Adrian Bethune explains the latest evidence and research from the psychology of happiness, and applies it to the primary classroom. Packed full of tried-andtested activities and techniques, there are ideas for teaching children mindfulness, developing a classroom culture of positivity and incorporating more exercise into the school day.

How to Survive in Teaching
Dr Emma Kell
This book offers a realistic, unflinching and positive perspective on the challenges and rewards of teaching. Drawing on her own first-hand experience and detailed research, including feedback from over 3,000 teachers, Dr Emma Kell offers support, advice and practical suggestions to help you stay flourishing, positive and, most importantly, teaching!
PB • 234 x 156mm • 160pp • 9781472941688 • £18.99
Praise for How to Survive in Teaching
}It gives a real sense of support to teachers, reassuring them they are not alone and that the challenges can be ~successfully overcome.
– Parents in Touch
100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Mindfulness in the Classroom Tammie Prince Live Well, Learn Well

Abigail Mann
Offering 90 practical ideas for supporting student wellbeing, this book is ideal for all teachers who want to help students become successful, resilient and well-rounded learners. These easy-to-use strategies encourage students to manage their time more effectively, cope with stress and play a more active role in their local communities.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp • 9781472972255 • £16.99

Live Well, Teach Well
Abigail Mann
In order to secure the best possible outcomes for pupils, teachers must look after their own wellbeing. This book is jam-packed with 90 ideas and strategies to help teachers do just that. With techniques to support mindfulness and physical and mental health, this book will help teachers stay energised throughout the school year.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 160pp • 9781472949790 • £16.99
Abigail Mann
Abigail Mann is an experienced teacher and is currently an assistant headteacher in a London secondary school. As an advocate of the #Teacher5ADay initiative, she takes an active role in improving the wellbeing of teachers and students in schools across the country. She holds a genuine belief that the most successful schools are those in which staff and student wellbeing is regarded as vital to their success. Follow Abbie on Twitter: @abbiemann1982

Teaching Happiness and Well-Being in Schools (2nd edition) Ian Morris Teach, Reflect, Doodle... Paul Wright

Representation Matters

Aisha Thomas
In this crucial book, school leader, campaigner and TEDxBristol speaker Aisha Thomas demonstrates how race shapes the experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic teachers and pupils in the UK education system, and why representation is fundamental in every school. Using real-life stories, this book offers reflection, practical strategies and resources to drive change and promote an anti-racist approach to education.
Publishes 12th May 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472989451 • £19.99

Celebrating Difference
Shaun Dellenty
Celebrating Difference is an essential handbook for LGBT+ inclusion in primary and secondary schools. Filled with practical advice, it enables schools to ensure the safety, success and wellbeing of all pupils and staff. Shaun Dellenty presents an effective, tried-and-tested approach to eradicate prejudice, prevent bullying and improve whole-school outcomes. Written with warmth, humour and compassion, this is a must-have for every school.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 256pp • 9781472961501 • £19.99
The Inclusive Classroom
Daniel Sobel and Sara Alston
This innovative guide from inclusion expert Daniel Sobel and SENCO Sara Alston offers a practical, rewarding approach to help primary and secondary teachers support vulnerable students in a time-effective, stress-free way. It contains simple, effective actions to improve outcomes, back-up ideas for when things don’t go to plan, real-life anecdotes and advice on rethinking traditional diagnoses by prioritising strengths and needs.
PB • 244 x 169mm • 176pp • 9781472977922 • £16.99
Lesson Planning for Primary School Teachers
Stephen Lockyer
With a breakdown of lesson planning strategies and practical classroom ideas, this book is a complete toolbox for primary teachers.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 144pp • 9781472921130 • £16.99
Pimp Your Lesson! (3rd edition)
Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman
Pimp Your Lesson! provides practical and easy-toimplement guidance on embedding outstanding practice in your daily teaching.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 168pp • 9781472905154 • £16.99

The Ultimate Guide to Differentiation
Sue Cowley
The Ultimate Guide to Differentiation will help teachers, practitioners and support staff meet the needs of every learner with over 90 practical strategies for effective differentiation.

Across the Spectrum
Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox
A unique insight into the diverse presentations of autism in children and young people. Francine Brower and Keith MacKenzie Cox use their decades of experience to share real-life examples of the underlying characteristics of autism and the challenges individuals may face. Also included are a wealth of practical strategies to enable practitioners to provide effective support in both mainstream and special schools.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 176pp • 9781472984524 • £24.99
Praise for Across the Spectrum
}Based on years of practical experience, this book provides useful insights into the nature of autism and gives helpful guidance for ~anybody supporting young people with ASD.
– Dr Stephen Tyler, Former Principal, Inscape House, Together Trust
The Dyslexia Assessment
Gavin Reid and Jennie Guise
This comprehensive guide to assessing for dyslexia is designed for teachers and specialists in all sectors, from Early Years to higher education. Experts Gavin Reid and Jennie Guise provide guidance on running assessments, interpreting results and carrying out next steps.
PB • 297 x 210mm • 176pp 9781472945082 • £39.99 PHOTOCOPIABLE RESOURCES
The Dyscalculia Assessment
Jane Emerson and Patricia Babtie
This bestselling book is the complete assessment tool for investigating children’s maths difficulties. Ideal for use with primary school children, it is an invaluable resource for SENCOs, teaching assistants, educational psychologists and mainstream teachers to support pupils with numeracy difficulties.
PB • 297 x 210mm • 208pp 9781408193716 • £39.99
PB • 198 x 129mm • £14.99 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Numeracy Difficulties and Dyscalculia Patricia Babtie
136pp • 9781472961570 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Supporting Pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties Roy Howarth
The Dyscalculia Solution
Jane Emerson and Patricia Babtie
The perfect companion to The Dyscalculia Assessment, this book includes step-by-step instructions for supporting children with numeracy difficulties. It includes scripts for teaching pupils to use whole numbers through reasoning, and supports communication using verbal, diagrammatic and written forms.
PB • 297 x 210mm • 272pp 9781441129512 • £39.99
Inclusion for Primary School Teachers
Nancy Gedge
This book examines what inclusion is, what it means for teachers and parents, and how to create an inclusive environment in your classroom. Being an inclusive teacher means that what is good for children with special educational needs is good for everyone!
PB • 216 x 138mm • 176pp 9781472921147 • £16.99
144pp • 9781472917904 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Supporting Students with Numeracy Difficulties Patricia Babtie and Sue Dillon
176pp • 9781472961099
What Every Teacher Needs to Know

Jade Pearce
What Every Teacher Needs to Know is essential reading for research leads, heads of department, and teaching and learning leads. In a concise, accessible manner, Jade Pearce explains some of the best-proven teaching strategies and looks at how an evidence-informed approach can transform outcomes for students and be embedded across a whole department or school. Publishes 1st September 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 176pp • 9781801990356 • £16.99
Teaching Rebooted
Jon Tait
Teaching Rebooted uncovers the most important research on the science of learning: how we learn and retain information. Jon Tait offers clarity around key learning techniques, such as metacognition, dual coding, interleaving and retrieval practice, providing practical ideas to embed them in classroom practice. Quick and easy to read, this guide will help reboot teaching so it is both evidence-informed and effective.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 160pp • 9781472977663 • £14.99
What Works?
Lee Elliot Major and Steve Higgins
From the authors of the Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit, this book is the essential, authoritative guide to what works – and what doesn’t – in the classroom. Lee Elliot Major and Steve Higgins explore the research and evidence behind common teaching strategies and distil this into clear, practical guidance that teachers can use immediately to transform their classroom practice.
PB • 234 x 153mm • 176pp • 9781472965639 • £19.99
BLOOMSBURY CPD LIBRARY Bloomsbury CPD Library enables schools to run effective CPD sessions in-house, saving money and unifying staff behind a common improvement goal. Divided into two unique sections, Teach Yourself and Train Others, the books offer individual teachers and middle leaders the chance to ensure their own practice is shipshape before leading CPD training programmes for colleagues. The books provide a set of ready-to-use training plans, accompanied by PowerPoint slides and worksheets available to download online. On average, each book offers 20 hours of CPD, equating to just £1.15 per hour of training!
PB • 234 x 156mm • £24.99
Research-Informed Practice Jennifer Ludgate
272pp • 9781472961532
Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Design Summer Turner Stretch and Challenge Debbie Light
288pp • 9781472928405
NEW FOR 2022

Naylor’s Natter
Phil Naylor
Inspired by the popular education podcast, Naylor’s Natter brings together advice from the most influential voices in education. In this one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the best interviews, drawing on advice from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary teachers and school leaders. Publishes 26th May 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 192pp • 9781472992468 • £19.99

Nick Hart
Impact is a practical guide for improving outcomes for children in both primary and secondary classrooms, helping them learn, thrive and succeed. Nick Hart provides a five-part framework for thinking about, planning for and maximising the impact of your work in schools. This book is ideal for the teacher striving to make a difference to the children in their class, the middle leader tasked with raising standards in their subject or phase, and the senior leader working on school improvement. Publishes 1st September 2022 PB • 216 x 138mm • 128pp • 9781801990141 • £14.99

A Year of Primary PE
Mark Carter
A Year of Primary PE offers a collection of games, activities and top tips for teaching primary PE lessons that are inclusive, engaging and meaningful. Fully aligned to the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, this comprehensive book includes 110 easy-to-follow lesson plans, colour photographs of games in action and advice to develop teachers’ skills and pedagogy. Structured around a full school year, it features a mix of brilliant indoor and outdoor lessons.
Publishes 9th June 2022 PB • 246 x 189mm • 224pp • 9781472992239 • £24.99

Fast Feedback
Lesley Hill with Gemma Whitby
Fast Feedback is a thought-provoking, funny and inspiring book about one primary school’s journey to abolish written marking. When Lavender Primary School took on the ultimate challenge of transforming their marking and feedback policy, the outcome was incredible: reduced teacher workload, improved staff retention and more effective learning. Backed up by theory and full of practical advice, this entertaining and informative book takes you through the school’s journey so you can confidently follow the same steps to reform marking in your school. Publishes 14th April 2022 PB • 216 x 138mm • 192pp • 9781801990011 • £16.99
Effective Transition into Year One

Alistair Bryce-Clegg
A smooth transition from the Foundation Stage into Year One is vital in ensuring that the pace and quality of learning are maintained and that children continue to make good progress. In this comprehensive guide, Alistair draws on his experience of transition projects that specifically focus on children’s emotional, social and academic development throughout this period. Packed full of practical ideas to help practitioners create an effective learning environment, this is an essential book for any primary staff bookshelf.
PB • 244 x 169mm • 128pp • 9781472932280 • £19.99

Growth Mindset: A Practical Guide
Nikki Willis
This practical book is full of creative, inspiring and easy-to implement ideas that will help to establish a growth mindset culture in your primary school, without generating lots of additional work for staff. It has everything from lesson plans that allow children to direct their own learning and assembly ideas that teach children about why a growth mindset is important to inspiration for displays that show how even adults make mistakes!
PB • 244 x 169mm • 96pp • 9781472955067 • £14.99

Happy School 365
Action Jackson
This inspirational manual written by motivational speaker Action Jackson offers primary and secondary teachers a tried-and-tested method to motivate their learners and unlock their potential for success. The book is packed with 30 easy-to-implement and scientifically proven ideas to help young people to achieve their academic and personal goals, supporting them to make the most of school and life, build better relationships with teachers and peers, and develop a sense of self-worth, focus and discipline.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 144pp • 9781472974563 • £14.99

The Arts in Primary Education
Ghislaine Kenyon
Drawing on interviews with school leaders, case studies and her own experience in the education departments of the Courtauld Gallery and the National Gallery, Ghislaine Kenyon discusses practical ways to integrate the arts across the primary curriculum. With inspiring artwork displayed in a fourcolour plate section, this book explores the reasons why creativity is of crucial importance to enrich learning and raise attainment across all subject areas.
PB • 216 x 138mm • 160pp • 9781472961051 • £19.99
NEW FOR 2022

Sustainability Education
Stephen Scoffham and Steve Rawlinson
An in-depth guide for teachers of children aged 3-14 years, featuring more than 180 age-related teaching ideas on topics such as conservation, health, food, climate change, social justice and sustainable living. A companion website offers more resources for planning and teaching across all subject areas. Publishes 22nd April 2022 PB • 246 x 189mm • 288pp 9781350262072 • £19.99

Compelling Stories for English Language Learners
Janice Bland
Shows primary and secondary English language teachers how they can use children’s and young adult literature, including picturebooks, graphic novels, verse novels and fiction such as The Hunger Games, to promote critical literacy, creativity and interculturality. Publishes 26th January 2023 PB • 234 x 156mm • 344pp 9781350202856 • £28.99

A Poetry Pedagogy for Teachers
Maya Pindyck and Ruth Vinz with Diana Liu and Ashlynn Wittchow
This book introduces new approaches to teaching poetry in the secondary classroom, presenting 13 principles and exercises based around readings of Wallace Stevens' poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" along with other helpful poetry resources, examples of student work and more. Publishes 22nd September 2022 PB • 234 x 156mm • 208pp 9781350285385 • £17.99
Education and Technology (3rd edition) Neil Selwyn
An updated edition of this successful introduction to the key issues and debates, with new sections covering the latest technological developments and bonus material on the companion website.
PB • 234 x 156mm • 232pp • 9781350145559 • £24.99 Leading Disadvantaged Learners David Middlewood and Ian Abbott with Roberto A. Pamas

What principles, strategies and actions do schools that achieve outstanding learning outcomes in adverse conditions have in common? This book reveals what we can learn from them, using case studies and interviews to bring the ideas to life.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Schools (2nd edition) Janice Wearmouth
Updated with the latest legislation, this book introduces schools’ responsibilities for assessing and addressing the needs of pupils with SEND and offers teachers practical strategies based on ‘what works’ in SEND.