1 minute read
An introduction to retrieval
Question style Example(s) from 2018/2019 SATs
Number the sentences below from 1–4 to show the order they happen. Look at the sentence about apple juice. Number the sentences below from 1–4 to show the order they happen. The machines cut down the apples. ____ The apples are washed and cleaned. ____ The fruit grows from apple buds. ____ The juice is poured into cartons. ____
Number the sentences below from 1–5 to show the order the things happen in the story. The first one has been done for you. Number the sentences below from 1–5 to show the order the things happen in the story. The first one has been done for you. Machines destroyed the pond. ____ The ducks lived happily in the pond. 1 The ducks were set free on the lake. ____ The ducks were rescued by a helper. ____ The ducks hid in some thick reeds. ____
KS1 questioning: inference
Question style Example(s) from 2018/2019 SATs
What…? Draw four lines to match… (matching-up exercise) Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. (multiple-choice question) Why did Bryn get out his toys? Why was Bryn surprised when he met his cousin? Why did Bryn put his toys away? Why is Statues a good name for this game? Why did the ducks leave their home? Being a park keeper is a good job for Liam. Why? Why did Dora want to give things to the jumble sale? Dora cried as she pushed her pram away for the last time. Why was she sad? Why did Dora decide not to buy her things back? What did the children learn about this Monday morning when they went outside? Draw four lines to match these games to what the text says you need to win each one.
The poem explains how cold weather… (1 mark to tick correct box)
Circle two words that show… Circle two words that show Dora was in a rush to get back to the hall the next morning.