2021 Capital Raise: Frequently Asked Questions Question Who can invest?
What is the minimum investment? What is the share price? Who determined the share price? When does the offer close? Should I seek advice? What is the money going to be used for?
What is the easiest way to apply?
What has been the Dividends on the shares historically? What are the risks?
What does the Company do?
How much is the company worth? Who are the current shareholders?
Answer All Blooms The Chemist store staff (including their families) and all support office staff (including their families). Current shareholders and selected key suppliers have also been invited to invest. $1,170 $1.17 The Company’s Board of Directors determined the share price after receiving a valuation from the accounting firm PKF and assessing the Company. 5 May 2021 You should read the Prospectus and seek the advice of an Accountant, Broker or Solicitor should you have any questions. To grow the Blooms The Chemist store network by providing loans to pharmacists to buy new pharmacies. The money will also be used to pay down debt and to potentially to invest in strategic partnerships or acquisitions. Complete the Priority Application Form and send it via email to: investor.relations@blooms.net.au and pay the application monies to: Name: Blooms The Chemist Trust BSB: 082-057 Account: 40-832-0809 Although the past performance is no guarantee of future performance, the dividends have been 18.8% 2020 Financial Year & 17.9% 2019 Financial Year. These amounts are grossed up for the attached Franking Credits. There are varied risks involved in investing generally and in the Company specifically. They include regulatory risk - pharmacy industry, regulatory risk - generally, regulatory risk - pharmacist generally, key person risk, default risk of borrowers, interest rate risk, value and liquidity of shares, cashflow/financial risk and are shown at section 5 of the Prospectus. The Company does two things: 1. Provides a broad and deep range of services to over 100 pharmacies and their 2,500 employees across the nation. 2. Provides loans to pharmacists to allow them to buy pharmacies. Based on the number of shares on issue and the share price, the Company is valued at approximately $137 million. The current shareholders are mainly current and former Blooms The Chemist pharmacists and their families. The Directors currently own 17.1% of the shares.
Blooms The Chemist Management Services Ltd ACN 003 584 718 Level 3, 304-318 Kingsway, Caringbah NSW 2229 | PO BOX 531, Caringbah NSW 2229 P: (02) 9526 3800 | F: (02) 9526 3899 | www.bloomsthechemist.com.au