Yuting Lei Portfolio for UCL Architectural Design

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| Design for connection |

Yuting Lei




TEL: (+86)15616465055 E-mail: ll965079371@163.com Bachelor of architecture Hunan University Apply for MArch Architectural Design UCL Student Number: 21096721



Yuting Lei




Flat 101,14-2 Huangshan Road


Playground-Interdisciplinary Colorful Digital Visualizations Workshop SCI-Arc online workshop


SIT project in Hunan Province Study on the Optimal Design of the color system of Changsha oldage care Institutions (Member)


Heritage space interaction workshop Changsha Endangered Heritage Longwang Temple Adaptive Reuse design


Publication The third author of Research and analysis on color system optimization of pension service institutions in Changsha City based on NCD in Packaging Engineering


Practical project Design and optimize the color design of Changsha Hongfeng nursing home

Guizhou Province, China Mobile


EDUCATION 2016.09-2021.06

Hunan University, 985&211project Bachelor of Architecture


Second Prize, Schoo-Level Scholarship


Third Prize, Schoo-Level Scholarship


First prize, SIT project in Hunan Province


Merit Student, in HNU


Third prize,The Dreamer Construction Competition in Hunan Province Scheme design, component processing, actual construction

LANGUAGE Mandarin Chinese (native), English (overall 6.5)


Editor-in-chief of HNU Media Lab


Volunteer leader in the publicity group of the 2019 Annual Education Meeting for Urban and Rural Planning


Volunteer in Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Assisted in participating in the Guanlan branch of the 2019 Shenzhen/Hong Kong Urban Architecture Biennale

SKILLS Professional Softwares (3D/2D) Sketchup | Cinema 4D | Rhinoceros 3D&Grasshopper | AutoCAD | 3dMAX Visualization Vray | Octane | Lumion | Enscape | Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere) Environmental Tools Ecotect | ANASYS


Catalytic Connection


-Connect tourists and residents through Baling Opera

Serial Module


-Connecting different makers and residents

Arch Mozart


-Connect the history and present of the campus

The Torn Landscape


-Connecting the city with nature

Other Works -Workshop& Research& Structure& Paintings& Photography


Catalytic Connection Urban design Based on the urban catalyst theory, this design aims to stimulate the vitality of the site and increase people's cognition of the site culture through cultural catalyst . The design site is located in the Area of South Dongting Road, Yueyang City, Hunan Province, bordering Yueyang Tower in the north and Dongting Lake in the west, with rich cultural deposits, among which Baling Opera is particularly outstanding.The upper planning of this area emphasizes the protection and inheritance of culture, but there is no performance place of Baling opera in the site, and the cultural buildings related to Baling opera are also damaged. With the development of the city, the residential rate is also high.How to activate the site through cultural catalyst on the premise of ensuring the normal life of residents has become a major problem. By analyzing the use of the site by residents and visitors, it is found that the use of night time can be used to change the way the building is used to perform the Baling opera, hoping to create a cultural catalyst city Shared by residents and tourists

Time : 2020.05-2020.07 Location: Yue Yang, Hu Nan Province,China Supervisor: Haohao Xu, Hunan University Group work: Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren My Work: Concept generation, Culture researsh and Diagram drawing

Group work:Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren

Map of tourist notes

Cultural building distribution map

The history of Baling Opera BC.1600 Folk songs and dances flourished

BC.3000 The first instrument was born

1931 Stray period

BC.400 formative period

1300 prototype stage

1600 Peak period

1931 Lag period

1950 Recovery period

1978 Revitalization period

Potential catalysts in the site Underutilization of public space Traffic-clogged

Urabn design: Catalytic Connection

Urabn design: Catalytic Connection

Parking takes up public space

Parking takes up public space


Safer cycling roads?

What is Baling Opera?

Where can we watch Baling Opera?

unserviced green spaces


Too much free time at night


Where can we recreate a theatrical performance?

A new career after the fishing ban?

2002 2007

Differences in the time of use of the site between residents and visitors

2013 2018

Lack of appeal

Primary industy Second industry Tertiary industy

Carrying out night activities related to Balin opera culture can improve the vitality of the site, carry forward Balin opera culture, and promote the communication between tourists and residents.


Lack of playgrounds for children

Main roadway

Secondary roadway


Impassable area

cultural building











24:00 03

Group work:Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren

Q1:How to improve the architectural style of the site? Q2:How to improve the vitality of the site?

Step 4: Reorganize the transportation system and add bicycle parking and motor vehicle parking

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Step 6: Step 3: Different catalyst sites were implanted in Analyze the traffic system and identify the the corresponding areas, and the night nodes where traffic is bad site was activated through the strategy of "day and night conversion"

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Step 1: Step 2: Step 5: Statistics of building quality, building age Demolish low quality buildings that affect The potential sites for catalyst and historic buildings in the site traffic, renovate and build new ones implantation were analyzed, including historical buildings, cultural buildings and waterfront areas

Q3:How to connect the dynamic points within the site?

Immersive theatre experience Pavilion

Morning fish market

10 Ba ling library


8 Public park

11 Guesthouse

14 Air restaurant

9 Visitor center

12 Waterfront plaza

1 Parking lot

4 Theatre square


2 Children's square

5 Theater Museum

3 Ciji Tower Square

6 Sightseeing train

Master plan 1:3000

New additions in the section 1:3000 04

Group work: Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren

Catalyst point in the site

Prediction of the impact of insertion

Selected elements of Baling Opera

The area before insertion

catalyst point

The area after insertion

01 Between residential buildings l a c k o f communication between the two buildings

A waving flag

waterfront The waterfront pier is in a state of abandonment

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

A spiral bun


fish market There is no wet or dry zone in the fish market

Collapsible fans

The various elements in the urban environment are interrelated, is not only external visual form, there are inherent economic ties. As one of the elements change, change can affect other elements or drive, this element is "catalyst". In typical areas of the site, such as residential area, waterfront area, market area and cultural area, catalyst points related to Baling Opera are implanted, which can facilitate the daily life of residents with high residence rate in the daytime and provide new opportunities for tourists to know Baling Opera culture.At night, the use of these catalyst sites changes to perform the Baling play.

Industrial relics

A foldable market

04 The old library

Urban catalyst of different scales

Bicycle shed

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection


Corridors that facilitate communication

to have its roof removed and be more open to the street

Waving feathers

A deformable staircase

05 The Ciji Tower ?

Whirling step


T h e To w e r cannot be noticed by passers-by


Inflatable balloon

06 squatter area

Phoenix coronet

H i g h occupancy rate & inconvenient transportation

A hemispherical stage


Group work:Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren

Day: The Ciji Tower by Night: Projection Theatre

Day: Ship Experience Night: Baling Theatre

Day& Night: Baling Theatre

Day&Night: Bike shed

Day: Baling Library Night: Baling Theatre

Day: Corridor Night: Flea market

For residents For visitors For residents and visitors

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Day: Fish market Night: Dance party

Exploded View of different catalyts in the site Day: restaurant, Night: cocktail party

Different usages between day and night

At night, the buildings or installations at different catalyst points are deformed to form a completely different space from that in the daytime, providing Baling Opera performances. For example, the area around the Ciji tower is projected onto the surface of a balloon, the library area is provided with a folding staircase to watch the Baling play, and boats from the waterfront are hoisted out onto the platform to perform. 06

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Urabn design:Catalytic Connection

Group work:Yuting Lei, Yuye Hou, Ziyu Hu, Qintong Ren

Scenic view streamline

Groundside view of the site between day and night


Serial Module Community design China's policy support for college students to start their own businesses and the promotion of universities make more and more college students choose to start their own businesses when they are about to graduate. However, newly graduated college students are faced with the problem of high communication and transportation costs when starting a business. The community integrating living, working and communication is their ideal place of residence.Detachable and inexpensive modules are the first choice for community building. In Changsha, universities are located almost to the west of the Xiangjiang River, while business centers are located to the east of the river, which increases the cost of starting a business for college students.I chose a site with complete community supporting facilities on the east bank of Xiangjiang River, which can be used as a starting point for college students to start their own businesses.The combination of residence and office can provide more communication opportunities for young people.Flexible organization can also add vitality to the community and bring vitality to the surrounding community while matching the recreational functions of the surrounding residents. The runway is used to connect different areas, allowing different people to communicate and generate new activities.

Time :2019.05-2019.07 Location:Change Sha,Hunan Province,China Supervisor:Xu Li,Hunan University Individual Work

The general predicament:The need to build entrepreneurship centers

Problems&potentials in the field


Commercial concentration area University Maker Incubator Center

Positive side

Community design: Serial Module

There are many spaces in the site that are conducive to communication, which makes the neighborhood friendly and people willing to interact with others.

Lack of sports venues Negative side Because of the lack of sports places, children can only play and run in the street, which is very unsafe.

Mountain area Xiangjiang River The Site degree of association

1.Young entrepreneurs live farther away from the city centre 2.Young entrepreneurs live far apart from each other 3.Communication and transportation costs among young entrepreneurs are high

Data analysis on entrepreneurship

Change table of entrepreneurship index of College Students Convenient transportation

Low rent

Positive side

Positive side

Visitors can get there in 20 minutes by subway and bus

Here is close to the commercial center and the housing price is not high, so the residential + office mode can be realized

China's policy support for college students to start their own businesses and the promotion of universities make more and more college students choose to start their own businesses when they are about to graduate.Among them, live-streaming and VR, as emerging types of entrepreneurship, have become the choices of most college students' entrepreneurs, while artistic creation and consultation, as traditional types of entrepreneurship, are also quite popular.However, entrepreneurs fresh out of college face many spatial and geographic challenges.

Site users can create an intersection to solve both problems Separate activities of different people

Lack of appeal Negative side There are no activities or places to attract visitors


Selling Playing exercise Reading


Shopping Mall




Parking lot

Bus station Subway station


Main roadway Secondary roadway

Showing creations Contract Giving lectures


Contract Playing Design Manufacture

Negative side


Common activities involve different people


Lack of gathering places The venue needed a gathering place for young makers to communicate with each other

Table of changes of four types of entrepreneurship index

Community design: Serial Module

Be willing to communicate


Public activities Creaters&Residents Buying Eating

Visiting Taking photos Experience


Contract Creating something living together Creaters&Residents&Visitors&...


Individual Work

Module combination experiment Live module

VR module

Building formation process Consultation module

Art making module

Living module

First floor

Second floor

The site is located on vacant land with convenient transportation and close to residential areas

In order to connect more with the surrounding buildings and streets, the circular volume is adopted

Determine the main entrance and raise the surrounding volume to facilitate access to the central area

P a r t i t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o d i ff e r e n t functions and requirements

The implanted runway connects the different areas

Extend the runway to form a large platform and the lower space is used as a free market

Formation two

Physical model formation process& Result

Formation three

The variable and inexpensive features of modules meet the needs of young entrepreneurs. This session explores how module combinations can achieve Shared needs.

Community design: Serial module

Community design: Serial module

Formation one

The result of Module combination 01 Live module

04 Art making module

02 VR module

05 Living module

03 Consultation module

The modules of office, store and residence are divided into shareable and non-shareable types. They are named A and B, C and D, E and F. According to the module experiment above, the combined form is: Office area: 2A+5B, Market area :3C+2D, Residential area: 2E+F.

In this stage, different areas were subdivided, but this result was too mean to be differentiated enough, and the connection between the modular community and the site was not close enough, which failed to meet the expectation of promoting the communication between different groups. In this stage of the grass mold: 1. The large central platform is optimized so that people can watch the open-air performance here. 2. Design the form of facade window. 3. Try to use corridors to connect different module combinations, and add a runway to provide sports fields.


Individual Work

Function and flow diagram

The schedule of choosing module Office&living& other space? Firend?

Test and select the space and location you need

To live, work and create somthing together

Makers can choose the size and location of the studio, making it easy to carry out their work.While serving entrepreneurs on one side and local residents on the other, the circular volume allows the two to remain alone, and the runway and central platform provide opportunities for communication between the two groups.


Live module


VR module


Consultation module


Art making module

Step 1: choose your work module

Lvie studio & rest room

VR studio & test room

Consultation studio

Art studio

It can provide space for 3 or 4 live teams

It can provide space for 1 or 2 VR teams

It can provide space for 3 or 5 VR teams

It can provide space for 3 or 4 young artists

Provide places for tourists and anchors to take photos

Provide places for tourists to experience VR world.

Customers and entrepreneurs can negotiate here

Visitors can choose creative products from the art studio.

Community design: Serial module

Photography room

Experience hall

Meeting room

Cultural creative shop

Sharable office space

Step 2: choose your market module

Community design: Serial module

Unsharable office space

For exhibition and sale

07 For rest and communicate

Exhibition centre

Step 3: choose your living module

young Artists can exhibit their works here

Private space

Shared space

05 Living module

06 Weekend fairs 08community 09 service center

Makers who live together can find partners and reduce the cost of communication and transportation.

O n w e e k e n d s , r e s i d e n t s Residents can exercise and Nearby students can learn to can book the area under the relax outside their offices. read here. platform as a flea market.

community library



Community design: Serial Module

Community design: Serial Module

Individual Work


Shared cellular office Independent office

Community library

Meeting room

Community service center

Plan at 2M\ 5M\ 8M 1:600

Living module





Physical Model photos

10.000 9.000 6.000 3.000 ±0.000

5.000 1.500

A-A Section 1:500 12

Community design: Serial Module

Community design: Serial Module

Individual Work

Aerial view of the community

The residential and office community provides young entrepreneurs with a new way of life as well as opportunities for residents to contact with young people and enhance their sense of community identity.

Groundside view


Arch Mozart Architecture design Hunan University has a long history. From Yuelu Academy in the Song Dynasty to the modern campus now, its architectural style is always changing: from traditional Chinese architecture to modern classicism, eclecticism, nationalism, early modernism and so on. Arch is an architectural element throughout it. Students, teachers, businesses and residents share the open modern campus without walls, and drama can be the link between these groups and satisfy the highest needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.Thus, a theater composed of arches can continue the architectural style of Hunan University and meet the spiritual needs of the users. Time :2020.05-2020.07 Location:Changsha,Hu Nan Province,China Supervisor:Erxi Liu,Hunan University Group work: Yuting Lei, Ziyu Hu My Work: Concept generation, Site researsh and Diagram drawing

Group work: Yuting Lei, Ziyu Hu

Why Theater(Maslow's Needs-Hierarchy Theory) Students






Love and belonging


Creative actualization

Public communication



Specail flexibility

Specail diversity




Moral support




Water& food



Although different groups in the university have different daily life paths, they all have high requirements for aesthetics and communication and entertainment, and the construction of a theater here can meet their spiritual needs.

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Why Arch

The building materials and forms of Hunan University have been changing for a thousand years, but the use of arch has been consistent, and the use of arch to build a theater can continue this style.

Development diagram Yuelu Mountain The school theater Tianma Mountain


Width change

Height change





Connection inversion

Result 1

Result 2

Open hole

Result 1

Result 2

Yuelu academy 976

Graduate school The second academy 2017 The school building

Student Hostel 7 1953

North building 1947



The site is in a Hunan University without walls 15

500*500 Reinforce Concrete Rib Arches

Tube Arch Structure& Detail Drawing

Steel flat quadrangle mesh frame

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Group work: Yuting Lei, Ziyu Hu

Reinforced concrete roof covering

Entrance Lobby Coffee Auditorium Stage&Backstage Lounge Dressing room VIP room Office Rehearsal rooms Activity space

Structural explosion diagram

Model photos& Detail drawing 16

Group work: Yuting Lei, Ziyu Hu

Pool Entrance square





Exhibition space Lobby


Coffee Lobby Projection booth Optically controlled chamber Voice control room lounge lounge Lounge Auditorium Stage&Backstage Stage&Backstage

VIP room

Aerial view



The first floor plan 1:1000

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Dressing room

A-A Section 1:1200

West& North Evalation 17

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Architecture design:Arch Mozart

Group work: Yuting Lei, Ziyu Hu

Above: Groundside view / Below: Node perspective 18

The Torn Landscape Architecture design Although the emergence of high-rise buildings solves the problem of rapid urban population growth, it also brings about the problem of separation of residents from nature and disconnection from the city. In order to solve this problem, we chose a site suitable for establishing a connection with nature in the riverside area of Changsha and used the method of "tearing" to connect the city and nature. Changsha is a typical hot summer and cold winter area, so the climate factor should be considered in the layout of buildings.Shading and insulation in summer and winter are very important, so different shading measures should be taken to build green buildings according to the solar radiation of different facades. Time: 2019.10-2019.12 Location: Changsha, Hu Nan Province, China Supervisor: Jiansong Lu, Hunan University Individual Work

Individual Work

Meteorological data for Changsha

The site is located in the binjiang New urban area beside the Fuyuan Road Bridge in Changsha city, with xiangjiang River in the east and City Garden in the west. It is a node on the urban green axis of the area.In order not to affect the continuation of the green axis, the high level can be torn apart to create a torn landscape.

Building formation process

In summer, the sun Angle is higher and the sunshine duration is longer

In winter, the sun Angle is lower and the sunshine duration is shorter

Overall radiation in summer: west > east > south & north, scattered radiation is evenly distributed in all directions

Winter total radiation: southwest > south and south > southeast > northeast

The annual dry bulb temperature in Changsha is hot in summer and cold in winter.

Relative humidity of Changsha throughout the year, Changsha is part of China's rainy and humid climate.

The dominant wind direction of Changsha in summer is SSW, and the average wind speed in summer is 1.8m/s.

The dominant wind direction of Changsha in winter is NNW, and the average wind speed in summer is 2.56m/s.

Wind environment simulation analysis was used to determine the orientation of highrise buildings Plan A Advantages: comfortable natural wind on the square in summer Disadvantages: the office building is not well ventilated in summer, and the wind pressure on the north side is too high in winter

Step 1: Step 2: Continue the urban green axis Tear the high-rise apart to see and divide the high-rise into the torn landscape on the green two halves in the middle axis

Step 3: Adjust the Angle of high-rise buildings according to wind environment simulation

Architecture design: The Torn Landscape

Architecture design: The Torn Landscape

Site status& Urban green axis

Plan B Advantages: good landscape view, comfortable ventilation in summer, Disadvantages: difficult to control the swirling wind in winter& the wind pressure on the north side is too high Plan C Advantage: comfortable ventilation in summer square Disadvantage: difficult to control v o r t e x w i n d i n w i n t e r, p o o r ventilation in summer high floor

Step 4: Adjust the torn texture so that it presents the trend of mutual occlusion

Step 5: Add podium and plant vertical greening on the epidermis of the high-rise

Step 6: Put in functions according to the needs of different people in the hotel and the office

Plan D Adv antages : g o o d l a n d s c a p e view, comfortable ventilation of the square in summer Disadvantages: the quiet wind area of the square in winter is too small


Individual Work

Radiation analysis of hotel tower and office tower with different shading measures on each facade OFFICE TOWER in Summer





800mm 1000mm 1200mm

NORTH facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

WEST facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

SOUTH facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

EARTH facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

Architecture design: The Torn Landscape




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

WEST facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

SOUTH facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

EARTH facade




800mm 1000mm 1200mm

Architecture design: The Torn Landscape



The HOTEL & OFFICE tower overall shading before and after contrast

Radiation decreased by 40.7% in Summer Radiation decreased by 21.5% in Winter

Radiation decreased by 55.5% in Summer Radiation decreased by 29.2% in Winter

Shading measures for each facade of the hotel tower and office tower N

Double ventilation curtain wall ( 0°)

N Horizontal shading& vertical greening


Double ventilation curtain wall ( 0°)


The west facade of the hotel tower


Horizontal shading& vertical greening


The south facade of the hotel tower


Double ventilation curtain wall ( 30°)


Double ventilation curtain wall ( 30°)

Perspective renderings After wind environment simulation and radiation simulation, high-rise buildings can meet the needs of landscape sight, save energy, so that people living and working here to achieve a real green life 21

Individual Work

Roof garden

Meeting hall

Hotel room

Office space



Physical Model Photos Architecture design: The torn landscape

Architecture design: The torn landscape


Parking lot



Accessories shop

Bus station

Snack shop


Clothing shop

Taix station

Consignment stores

A-A section 1:1500 Function and flow diagram

The torn texture can be endowed with appropriate size and function according to the needs of office or hotel users and Shared by these people, such as bank and meeting functions in the office tower, swimming, bar and movie functions in the hotel tower, and solar power generation devices can be installed on the roof to further improve energy conservation


Architecture design: The torn landscape

Architecture design: The torn landscape

Individual Work

Perspective renderings


Formal Office


Meeting Room


Tea Room


Hanging Gardens


High-rise core tube


Open office area


Coffee Shop



Report hall


Two-story Deluxe Suite



Senior office


Single Room




Clothing Store



11 Restaurant





12 MAC

Double Room


Sexy Tea


Entrance Hall

Deluxe Suites


Candy Store



Simple Single Room


Manual Store

10 Entrance




High level standard plane 1:1200






Shoe Store

13 McDonald's



14 Game




Court Side


15 Shining


Floor plan of the podium building 1:1500 23


Crowded outdoor environment

Site problem

The three main problems: 1 Migrants without too much money need to live here 2 To o c l o s e b e t w e e n the buidlings, but too far between people 3 Cold form and color cannot ease people's emotion

Theoretical foundation: Theory of social resilience

Close spacing is made more crowded by the disordered facilities

Crowded indoor environment

City Village Playgroud Architectural Installations Design

Time: 2021.01.24-2021.02.02 Location: Guangzhou, Guang Dong Province, China Supervisor: Elena Manferdini, Kumaran Pathiban, Andrea Cadioli, Pengfei Gao SCI-Arc online workshop Individual Work There are many villages like guangzhou ling village, people in order to lower the rent living in overcrowded housing, they lack of public space, in a small room to experience the joy of getting along with people, in set the age between building and building suitable playground, provide interesting social space and the rest space, can promote their living experiences.

High density urban village between tall buildings

To protect privacy, Windows are often half-draped

Site basic information Total population: 270,00

The perception of threats in their living environment and the ability to respond are based on social capital value the most. Control concerning the physical surroundings is not only effectively changing the built environment (such as personalising one’s environment or creating their own territory), but also the perceived possibilities of different forms of use of the physical environment (Dorst, M. V. 2006).

Color selection basis: NCD color & texture impression coordinate

Choose the light, romantic and refreshing combinations of color and texture from the color impression coordinate and texture impression coordinate.

Development diagram Typical spatial cognitive Selected elements of drawing map of children in the field

Elements in translation

Sketches of elevation and plan

Area: 40 ha Total population: 5.7 ㎡ per person Building height: 7-9 stories High street width: 7-8 m

A 12-year-old girl from Henan

Lane width: 4-5 m Alley width: 2-3 m An 11-year-old girl from Hunan


A 12-year-old girl from Henan




Different lights


Different layers of plane


Final presentation



Research and analysis on color system optimization of pension service institutions in Changsha City based on NCD

Hollow Plastic Plate Structure


Third prize The Dreamer Construction Competition in Hunan Province

Crane Pencil sketch, 2016.11

2017.09 Started research

Data collection (Information of Changsha nursing home, visual changes of the elderly, color theory, existing research results)

2018.07.22-2018.07.27 Investigated and surveyed

We visited 28 nursing homes in Changsha and collected 219 valid questionnaires

2018.11 Publication

Research and analysis on color system optimization of pension service institutions in Changsha City based on NCD in Packaging Engineering

2019.07 Optimized the color system of actual project

Investigated Hongfeng nursing home, designed the color renovation plan of the restaurant, hall, yard and office, and completed the interior renovation of Hongfeng restaurant and office

2019.11 Realized school-enterprise cooperation with Hongfeng Nursing Home and Dulux

Three paint cans Watercolor, 2018.08


Investigated Hongfeng nursing home, designed the color renovation plan of the restaurant, hall, yard and office, and completed the interior renovation of Hongfeng restaurant and office

Interior design renderings 2019.07

First prize Colorful Village Fair Majestic seventy years of national photography competition Actual transformation results 2019.11

Taken in Guizhou province 2019.02

Second prize Thrid prize Stratus Clouds Prosperity Present the 40 years of China national photography Educational practice activity competition of "Studying the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress" Taken in Guizhou province Taken in Guizhou province, 2018.02 2018.02 26

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