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Endowment Funds
Cumulative gifts of $25,000 or more to The Laker Fund entitle one membership in the Jack H. Williams Society. Jack Williams, a 1938 Boys’ Latin alumnus, led the effort to find the property to build Boys’ Latin School on the grounds where it is located today. A practicing attorney, Jack left his law firm in 1962 to become Boys’ Latin’s second headmaster on Lake Avenue. Donors who consistently and generously give to Boys’ Latin, as Jack Williams did, become members of this society named in his honor.
$250,000 + Debi and Geoffrey H. Brent ’77 Theodore W. Bauer H’17 Raleigh Brent III ’72 Deborah and John G. Eckenrode, Jr. Ellen and Douglas W. Brinkley Paula and W. Kyle Gore ’80 Ann and Brian W. Brooke Janet Bauer Hartman Sana and Andrew M. Brooks Nancy and Henry H. Hopkins H’03 Fran and James A. Callahan, Jr. ’71 Katja Engel-Hughes and C. Duff Hughes ’76 Jean A. Campbell Barbara and William H. May ’60 Gail and Bradford G. Y. Carney ’68 Rachel and Walker S. Mygatt H’16 Carol and Robert E. Carter ’64 Ann and Brian H. O’Neil ’75 Susan Cashman Anne and Steven E. Simms H’10 Pat and John R. Cochran III Frances and J. Duncan Smith ’73 Ozzie and Joseph Cowan Melissa and Robert E. Smith ’81 Eileen and George W. Cox H’13 Eileen Wilcox Barbara and Frank F. Daily III ’77 Terri and Thomas O. Daly ’78 $100,000 + Deborah and Mark M. Deering ’72 Dottie and James C. Alban III H’13 Janet and Mark V. Dyer Chandler and Richard H. Bagby ’82 Caroline and Dyson P. Ehrhardt ’59 Mary Jane Blaustein H’17 Jody and Daniel W. Evans Katherine and James R. Brooks ’73 Elinor Feiss The Estate of Leora Colbert Terri and J. Douglas Floccare Diane and Philip C. Federico ’75 Ronald Frank Louis R. Fritz ’77 Mary and Herbert D. Frerichs, Jr. Kris and Michael C. Gitlin Phyllis and Louis F. Friedman Bonnie and Robert V. Gothier, Jr. Samuel H. Friedman ’91 Charles F. Haugh Linda and Brandon Gaines ’72 Angela and Gregory S. Horning H’16 Mary Bee and L. Myrton Gaines ’74 Shannon and Nicholas G. King Alden Caldwell-Gaines and Georgette D. Kiser Thomas M. Gaines ’82 Jennifer and Ross M. Levin ’89 Beth and W. Lee Gaines, Jr. Cary and Warner P. Mason, Sr. H’12 Anne and William R. Gee Julie and Ryan McClernan ’85 Susan and Jeffrey J. Glibert ’68 Joan and J. Huston McCollough II ’69 Jean and J. Frederick Glose ’45 Rosemary and Bruce D. McLean ’75 Dotty and Leslie E. Goldsborough, Jr. H’14 Jenny and Jonathan P. Murray H’13 Carol and Mark A. Goodman Natalie and Matthew D. Nichols Kathy and Roger L. Gray Jr. Pamela and Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr. Kate and James R. Grieves, Jr. ’76 Diane W. Parker Kate and J. Patrick Gugerty ’83 Joan and Gary A. Pyne Linda and G. Todd Guntner ’72 Gail and James S. Riepe Shelly Hairston-Jones and Keith Hairston David W. Roszel ’39 Roland S. Harvey ’80 Patricia and Robert M. Rubino Harold G. Hathaway III ’66 David D. Smith ’68 Laurie and Drew M. Haugh ’77 James F. Talbert ’76 Lisa Hawkins Jill and David A. Ward Lisa and Michael S. Higgins ’74 Colleen and David E. Waters ’69 Jennifer and Matthew Hitt Laurie and Brian D. Holman Kitty and Charles M. Holub $25,000 + Elizabeth Hughes Garland and James C. Alban IV H’18 Margaret Hupfeldt Anonymous Rudy and Shawn P. Hurley Delia and Bruce A. Baggan Kelly and Christopher Jarvis Eleanora G. Baird Mary Beth and Frank S. Jones, Jr. ’77 Sharron and Herbert M. Bank Francie and John J. Keenan George F. Barker ’82 Jessica and Daniel C. Keith H’08 Anne and J. Dixon Bartlett III ’80 Anne and Donald W. Kellerman, Jr. Harriet and James E. Berg Nancy Kemp Frank E. Berger Stephanie and Harry R. Kleiser Catherine Bishop and Daniel Marino Pat and Louis J. Kousouris, Jr. ’64 Jennifer and Charles F. Black, Sr. ’73 Debi and William M. Krulak, Jr. Jeannine and John F. Black Alicia and Robert D. Kunisch, Sr. Jean and Edward F. Blake, Jr. Michelle and Robert D. Kunisch, Jr. Monica and Michael T. Bordick Robert W. Lange Alison and Brian J. Brennan Nancy and John G. Larkin Nicole and Henry A. Lederer ’80 Jill and Eric M. Levitt Kay and Craig Lewis Amy and Victor J. Lizana Douglas K. Loizeaux ’68 Michele and Louis Marchese Sara and Robert W. Martin Nancy and Jeffrey C. Mason ’81 Guy J. Matricciani, Jr. ’81 Janney McComas Betty and David W. Meese ’55 Barbara and Adam H. Miller Amber and Jason E. Miller Julie and A. Skip Miller, Sr.’76 Louise and J. William Miller ’62 Elizabeth S. Mitchell Jill and James A. Mitchell ’87 Sharon and Thomas W. Mitchell ’56 Dort and Richard C. Mollett ’69 Samantha and Ryan D. Mollett ’97 Beth and Mark Moxley ’88 Dessie Moxley Colleen and Thomas P. Mulroy Katherine and William P. Murphy Susan and Robert B. Naeny ’73 Patricia and Louis J. Nicholas David G. Noble ’54 Barbara Voss Noell and Charles E. Noell Elizabeth and Andrew M. Obrecht ’75 Betsy and David Oestreicher Susan Ohrenschall Corinne and Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. ’71 Shelle and Jeffrey H. Owen Hayley and Thomas W. Parker ’82 Ashley and J. Clark Parriott, Jr. Merle and Thomas B. Peace ’65 Pen Pendleton III ’76 Vincent Piccinini Amie and Christopher J. Post Diane and Jeffrey Powers Margaret-Mary and T. Michael Preston ’75 Stephanie and Derek M. Radebaugh ’90 Nancy Radebaugh George J. Rayburn ’84 Julie and William F. Regine Vernon A. Reid Maryann and Robert B. Rice Holly and James M. Riordan Therese and James F. Roberts Lynn and William S. Roohan Albert William Rubeling, Jr. H’09 Bonnie and Bruce P. Sawyer Laury and Lewis A. Scharff Ann and Timothy C. Scheve Sue and George M. Shriver III ’50 Donna and John W. Sieverts H’07 Kitty Simpson Donna Smith Venice K. Paterakis and Frederick Gerstell Smith ’67 Cheryl and Andrew M. Snyder Sherri and Peter B. Snyder Julia and Stephen L. Snyder Gail Spahn Ann and Charles C. Stieff ’74 Valerie and Paul R. Stierhoff ’77 Suzanne and Joseph A. Sullivan James G. Thomas, Jr. ’81 Ellen Voelkel J. Timothy Voelkel ’76 Stacy and Christopher J. Walsh Nancy and David O. Watts ’81 Nancy Webster Carol and Thomas W. Winstead, Jr. Cherie and Thomas E. Winter Kim and John D. Wolff Deb and Jonathan B. Wood F. Christian Zinkhan ’75
Kate Berger Raleigh Brent II ’44 William Gill Brooks ’45 Edmund Cashman Brooke P. Cottman ’48 Angelo N. D’Anna Louis A. Demely, Jr. ’46 Willis S. Drummer Stephen W. Feiss Emma and W. Lee Gaines, Sr. ’42 Curran W. Harvey, Jr. Charles F. Hughes, Jr. William G. Hupfeldt, Sr. ’44 Robert W. Lehr ’71 Guy J. Matricciani, Sr. Myles R. McComas, Jr. James E. McDonnell II ’45 Barton S. Mitchell H’07 Carolyn S. Obrecht Dorothy H. Ohrenschall Robert F. Ohrenschall ’44 John Radebaugh Rosalind Plummer-Reid Frances and George M. S. Riepe, Sr. ’40 Dolly and Joseph W. Sener, Sr. ’44 Eugene Servary ’43 Howard R. Simpson ’44 Carolyn B. Smith Ronald L. Spahn ’58 Priscilla and Charles C. Stieff II Mary Jean and Oliver S. Travers H’16 Kathryn and Joseph R. B. Tubman ’45 James McC. Webster, Jr. ’55 Brian E. Wilcox
Julia and Charles A. Bryan Charon and Alexius A. Dyer III ’74 Ruby and Robert W. Hearn Richard B. Kelly ’70 Jennifer and Eric T. Levin ’88 Anastasiya and Joe Lorenz IV Ingrid and Donald F. Obrecht, Jr. ’78 Wendy and Adam Peake T. Scott Pendleton ’72 Laura and John H. Rice III