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Esse Quam Videri Society

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Endowment Funds

Endowment Funds

Corinne and Ferdinand H. Onnen, Jr. ’71 Shelle and Jeffrey H. Owen Hayley and Thomas W. Parker ’82 Ashley and J. Clark Parriott, Jr. Wendy and Adam Peake T. Scott Pendleton ’72 Vincent Piccinini Amie and Christopher J. Post Diane and Jeffrey Powers Stephanie and Derek M. Radebaugh ’90 Nancy Radebaugh George J. Rayburn ’84 Julie and William F. Regine Vernon A. Reid, Jr. Laura and John H. Rice III Maryann and Robert B. Rice Holly and James M. Riordan Therese and James F. Roberts Leslie and Harry W. Rodgers IV ’74 Lynn and William S. Roohan Albert William Rubeling, Jr. H’09 Ann and Timothy C. Scheve Sue Shriver Donna and John W. Sieverts H’07 Donna Smith Venice K. Paterakis and Frederick Gerstell Smith ’67 Leigh and Roy A. Smith III ’85 Cheryl and Andrew M. Snyder Sherri and Peter B. Snyder Julia and Stephen L. Snyder Ann and Charles C. Stieff ’74 Valerie and Paul R. Stierhoff ’77 Suzanne and Joseph A. Sullivan James G. Thomas, Jr. ’81 Jenn and Jeffrey S. Vitelkites Ellen Voelkel Stacy and Christopher J. Walsh Nancy and David O. Watts ’81 Nancy Webster Carol and Thomas W. Winstead, Jr. Cherie and Thomas E. Winter Kim and John D. Wolff Deb Wood F. Christian Zinkhan ‘75

DECEASED: Kate Berger Raleigh Brent II ’44 William Gill Brooks ’45 Edmund Cashman Brooke P. Cottman ’48 Angelo N. D’Anna Louis A. Demely, Jr. ’46 Willis S. Drummer Stephen W. Feiss Emma and W. Lee Gaines, Sr. ’42 J. Frederick Glose ’45 Curran W. Harvey, Jr. Charles F. Hughes, Jr. William G. Hupfeldt, Sr. ’44 Robert W. Lehr ’71 Guy J. Matricciani, Sr. William H. May ’60 Myles R. McComas, Jr. James E. McDonnell II ’45 Barton S. Mitchell H’07 Carolyn S. Obrecht Dorothy H. Ohrenschall Robert F. Ohrenschall ’44 John Radebaugh Rosalind Plummer-Reid Frances and George M. S. Riepe, Sr. ’40 David W. Roszel ’39 Dolly and Joseph W. Sener, Sr. ’44 Eugene Servary ’43 George M. Shriver III ’50 Howard R. Simpson ’44 Carolyn B. Smith Ronald L. Spahn ’58 Priscilla and Charles C. Stieff II Mary Jean and Oliver S. Travers H’16 Kathryn and Joseph R. B. Tubman ’45 James McC. Webster, Jr. ’55 Brian E. Wilcox Jonathan B. Wood


NEW MEMBERS: Phyllis and Leonard J. Attman Stacy and Gary S. Blibaum ’88 Dawn and James H. Burch ’81 Joseph H. Grady, Jr. ’65 Oachia and David E. Lanphar Anne and Andrew F. Meredith Claire and Charles M. Shriver ’85 Jennifer Gilbert St. John “H” – Honorary Alumnus

Esse Quam Videri, “To be, rather than to seem,” the school motto, is the name given to the society established to recognize those who fondly remember the School by including Boys’ Latin in their estate plans.

Class of 1934 *Page Edmunds II Class of 1935 *Andrew J. Young III Class of 1939 *David W. Roszel

Class of 1940 *George M.S. Riepe Class of 1941 *Strother B. Marshall

Class of 1943 *Eugene Servary Class of 1944 *Raleigh Brent II *Robert F. Ohrenschall *Joseph W. Sener, Jr. *Howard R. Simpson Class of 1945 *James E. McDonnell

Class of 1946 *Louis A. Demely Class of 1948 *Harry L. Hogan *Brooke P. Cottman

Class of 1950 Timothy T. Pohmer Class of 1952 *John H. Ehrhardt III Class of 1954 *John H. Croker

Class of 1955 *James McC. Webster David W. Meese

Class of 1956 Thomas W. Mitchell

Class of 1958 Ronald L. Spahn Class of 1959 Dyson P. Ehrhardt Class of 1964 Robert E. Carter

Class of 1965 Harry C. Bowie III Class of 1966 Harold G. Hathaway III Class of 1968 Michael G. Trawinski

Class of 1970 Richard B. Kelly Class of 1971 *Robert W. Lehr

Class of 1972 G. Todd Guntner William A. Niermann, Jr. Class of 1973 Charles F. Black, Sr. C. Randall Deering Stuart D. “Dusty” Farber Class of 1973 Linda and G. Todd Guntner

Class of 1974 Scott E. Huber

Class of 1975 Philip C. Federico Bruce D. McLean

Class of 1976 J. McDonald Kennedy, Jr J. Timothy Voelkel Class of 1979 Stephen M. Dubin Class of 1983 J. Patrick Gugerty Class of 1984 Thomas G. Blair

Class of 1986 Michael D. LeBlanc

Class of 1993 Jarrett B. Leeb Dennis H. Weinman

Honorary Alumni: *John G. Bowling H’10 Gregory S. Horning H’16 Walker S. Mygatt H’16 Albert W. Rubeling, Jr. H’09 John W. Sieverts H’07

Former Parents: *Angelo D’Anna Anne D. Gee *Bettie R. Hill Angela & Gregory S. Horning H’16 Rachel & Walker S. Mygatt H’16 *Carolyn S. Obrecht Jill & David A. Ward

Faculty & Staff: *John G. Bowling H’10 Jean A. Campbell William S. Dingledine Stephen M. Dubin ’79 Dyson P. Ehrhardt ’59 *William B. Endres Armand F. Girard J. Patrick Gugerty ’83 Anne P. Kellerman J. McDonald Kennedy, Jr. ’76 John W. Sieverts H’07

Friends of Boys’ Latin: *Willis S. Drummer *McHenry “Mac” Gillet *Anne Irons *George D. Solter *Deceased

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