PRAISE FOR SOME WERE PAUPERS, SOME WERE KINGS from Leonard Pitts Jr, syndicated columnist for The Miami Herald, and winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2004: “If it is a reporter’s job to tell you what happened, it’s a columnist’s job to tell you what it means, to plumb the news and nonsense of daily life and distill from it that nugget of wisdom that tells you something you didn’t already know or takes something you thought you knew and forces you to see it with different eyes. In his years as a columnist for The Wichita Eagle, Mark E. McCormick fit that definition to the proverbial tee. He was an inventive writer and a thoughtful seeker of truth. You came away just a little bit better for having read him.”
Some Were Paupers, Some Were Kings
Photo by Diane Criner
In 14 years at The Wichita Eagle Mark McCormick received more than 20 journalism and civic awards including three Gold Medals in five years from the Kansas City Press Club, a First Place Award in 2009 from the Kansas Press Association and a “Man of the Year” Award from Wichita Business and Professional Women. Today, Mark is Director of Strategic Communications for the ACLU of Kansas. Previously he was executive director of The Kansas African American Museum (TKAAM) in Wichita and serves as a national board member of the Association of African American Museums (AAAM). He also spent nearly three years as Director of Communications at The Kansas Leadership Center.
$18.00 US
BLUE CEDAR PRESS ISBN: 978-1-7342272-0-8 Book Design by Caron Andregg
Some Were Paupers, Some Were Kings: Dispatches from Kansas
Mark E. McCormick
Praised by Pulitzer Prize winner Leonard Pitts, Jr.