==== ==== Start your own Text Marketing Business Now http://vur.me/Hollis/text-advertising/ ==== ==== Hello everyone, Recently I finally got enough money together and purchased the Local Mobile Monopoly software and I wanted to share with you why this mobile agent software, It is the future. Why You Need to Become A Mobile Agent The answer to that is simple ! It has taken local businesses years to figure out they needed a simple website to survive. They are scared, they may have heard of mobile marketing but they may think it's just way to complicated or not for the small guy. That's where you come in. Remember there are over 29 million local businesses in the United States alone, making this a huge market for you. They NEED your help... Less than 1% are doing anything mobile and the mobile agents that have purchased This mobile agent software ( Local Mobile Monopoly) will know more than 99% of the other people out there right now. Try this, it's what finally made me confident enough to tackle my fears, Think of yourself as a super mobile agent. Talk to some friends and family about mobile marketing. Ask if they would answer a text message from one of their favorite restaurants, that offered a 10% discount off their meal, simply for showing the waiter the text message. You will soon find out that you will blow people away. The Possibilities What if you could charge a business $500 /month to set up and run a text message campaign? Do you think that you could turn that into a full time business? What if you could get a 100 businesses ? Well the mobile agents that have this software have the potential of making $50,000/month just for helping local businesses and this is being very reasonable to. I have become very excited with this.
What Businesses Need YouText Massage Marketing. So I found myself asking that very question, and found that the answer was EVERYONE ! Think to yourself for a moment, how many local businesses in your area are using text message marketing or mobile marketing? How many mobile agents have you heard about in your area? Probably very little huh? Now think about this, how many local businesses would THRIVE with it? It's not just restaurants.... It's everyone ! With this mobile agent software you are shown many ways to find local businesses to help you get
started. If you just take the time like I did and answer the questions above you can quickly make a list in your head. Golf courses, restaurants, oil changes, car wash companies, and so many more. Then start adding those up at $500/ month.... see why I got excited ! Listen I could go on and on about this, but I can't make the decision for you, I will however say this.... I am very happy that I bought this mobile agent software and have become a mobile agent myself. The software is very easy to use and I have started my mobile agent business. I truly feel that if anyone out there is looking to make money by starting a home business then this is where you should start. This is where the future is going, just take a look around at how many people have and use mobile devices, and everyone is looking for deals ( or 10% off your next meal). You could be the mobile agent king of your area if you act fast enough, this is still pretty new, that's what makes it so demanding by local businesses. Plus there is a 60 day no hassle money back guarantee ! How could you go wrong. I hope that the people out there that are looking for details about becoming a mobile agent find this article helpful, I know it seems like I'm trying to sell you on local mobile monopoly, but that's the farthest from the truth. Like I mentioned I have purchased it myself. I have a meeting in a few day with a local restaurant owner and I couldn't believe how simple it was to get it. I had the manager begging for more. This is exactly what I told him, just to get you going... I asked him if he ever thought about marketing his restaurant by using cell phones. Of course he ask what I meant, and then I let him have it.... I asked him how many people do you think would show up for lunch if they knew that got 10% off. His eye went up and I continued. What if I could show you how to get customers in here on demand? Again I could see the curiosity, So I told him..If I could show you how to send out a simple text message that offered 10% off lunch would you be interested? Well my friends that's how easy it was and Wednesday I have that meeting... and possible my first $500 customer ! Well I have said enough, Now its time for you to do some thinking! What is 2012 going to look like for you ? Local Mobile Monopoly "Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing" -- Oscar Wilder Paul ==== ==== Start your own Text Marketing Business Now http://vur.me/Hollis/text-advertising/ ==== ====