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About tite Author


1 \'vouId like to acknowledge .loanna Pyle, who has been my personal editor for two decades. You, .loanna, make my ideas and my disjointed stream-of-consciousness wríting into a cogent format called a book. I couldn't do it without you, and I'm deeply gratefuI for your 10ving presence in my liJe.


To my personal manager, Maya Labos, for almost a quarter of a century you've been there for me, and you've never once said, "That's not my job." Other writers and speakers have 25 assistants every yeari I've had only one for 25 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

For my publisher and my close personal fríend, Reíd Tracy, at Hay House, you've believed in this project from the very beginning, and you were \villing to do what it took to make it all happen. Thanks, friend. llove and respect you and your courage. l'd also like to recognize the teachings ofAbraham, as brought to us through Esther and .lerry Hicks.

And finally, to Ellen Beth Goldhar, your loving inspiration guided me throughout the wríting of this book. Thank you for your spíríted suggestíons and critical analysis of these ideas on íntentío n as a synonyrn for the lovíng Source from which we a11 emanate and to which we all aspire to reconnect.

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