uch has changed since our last issue of this magazine but thankfully Mother Nature continues to allow the seasons to advance and with them the wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout run the rivers as the floods pave their way for them to return to their spawning grounds. Thankfully, although later than usual due to the dry Spring, some remarkable numbers have shown up on most west of Ireland rivers which have given great encouragement to the angler who so looked forward to a bit of social distancing on our waters this season. The opening lines of our last column stated “Further to a recent AGM, it was agreed to canvass all political parties with our own manifesto for the new government to consider under the following five headings. We thank all candidates, many who are now elected, for their support and encouragement when we lobbied them in recent times. We look forward to progressing the FISSTA Plan with whoever is charged with the responsibility for our wild salmon and sea-trout in the near future.” At that time we were not aware of who would form a government, but we were delighted that our hard lobbying work led by our Chairman Paul Lawton had resulted in some very strong
The Salmon Leap on the Glen River.
support from the various candidates who have now been elected to Dail Eireann for their respective parties. Sadly, we failed to get only one political party to declare in their manifesto on the salmon conservation issue, but then Eamon Ryan TD and leader of the Green Party has from the outset of his political career been a stalwart for our wild Atlantic salmon. Many will remember his successful bridges campaign of 2005 which encouraged other political parties to introduce the drift-netting ban. Our five point plan for 2020 season is still the same. 1. PROTECTION OF OUR WILD ATLANTIC SALMON
(a) IN NORTH ATLANTIC FEEDING GROUNDS (b) IN THE NATAL RIVERS 2. END OPEN SEA NETCAGE SALMON FARMING IN IRELAND 3. END GWEEBARRA & OTHER RIVER TAKEOVERS BY IFI 4. RESTORE NIFF MEETINGS – MINISTER TO OVERSEE IFI PROGRESS. 5. REVIEW SCOTTISH STRUCTURE FOR ALL ISLAND ANGLING PLAN Our lobbying success record has always been poor throughout the tenure of the past two administrations. The hard message form us to Fine Gael / Labour government of 2011 and the FF
Irish Country Sports and Country Life Autumn 2020