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45th IKC Spaniel Championship - Report By Ivan McAlister
45th Irish Kennel Club Spaniel Championship

Introductions by Championship Chairman Tom Brennan
The 45th Irish Kennel Club Spaniel Championship was held at Baronscourt Estate on being run during the season, the IKC Field Trial Committee gave permission for dogs awarded with just one second December 28th & 29th 2021 by very kind permission and invitation of Lord Hamilton.
This Championship was very welcome and long awaited, as with many other events Covid 19 caused the cancellation of the Championship in 2020.
Judges for the two days were Ronan Gorman and Gerry Meehan, with Robin Young taking up the role of Reserve Judge.
Head Gamekeeper Stephen Pollock and his team did a brilliant job, having a fantastic supply of game on the ground for both days, which gave every dog equal opportunity to impress the Judges.
As has been the case for the last number of years, the Championship was again very kindly and generously sponsored by our good friends Feedwell Dogfoods.
There was a card of 34 dogs entered and there were two non-runners. Due to a lower number of qualifiers than usual to qualify for entry into the draw. This year’s Championship also attracted 8 entries from the U.K. Over both days all dogs were able to give a good account of themselves in a mixture of briar and rhododendrons and when game was produced it was dealt with by the first class team of accurate Guns who were Mark Clifford, Willie Megaughin, Justin Shepperd and Ivan Wilson. Stephen Pollock and his team at Baronscourt Estate are renowned for producing quality trials and on this occasion all expectations were met, with one of the most memorable Championships being run in recent years. On day two, when the Judges had seen all the dogs and after making up their books, they called 14 dogs to water for the completion of the 45th IKC Spaniel Championship. Before the presentation took place, Acting Championship Secretary Anthony Smyth thanked numerous people for their help and involvement, starting with the Host, Lord Hamilton for inviting the Championship into Baronscourt. He thanked Stephen Pollock, his team of Keepers and Agent for the Estate, Matt Stuart for the work which had been done to make this event the success that it was. Anthony expressed our gratitude to Feedwell Dogfoods for their continued support. He went on to thank the Judges and Guns and also Chief Steward, David Doherty and all the Stewards involved over the two days and everyone who took out adverts in the programme.
Anthony then moved onto the presentation.
1st:- Gardenrath Mistletoe. Sire:- Echobay Leonardo. Dam:- Lisgarvagh Nina. Owned and handled by Mr. Des Donnelly. 2nd:- Ftch Meadowbeat Neala of Greenbrush. Sire:- Ftch Belvden Collingwood.

Winner Des Donnelly & Gardenrath Mistletoe 3rd place and Guns Award Shiftwell Dazzler of Sealgaire owned and handled by Seamus Neeson

4th place Noserettap Amber owned and handled by Mick Walsh Dam:- Llangatock Luna. Owned and handled by Mr. Raymond Wilson. 3rd:- Shiftwell Dazzler of Sealgaire. Sire:- Millshot Holt. Dam:- Ftch Ainninn Thunderbolt. Owned and handled by Mr. Seamus Neeson. 4th:- Noserettap Amber. Sire:- Ftch Hollydrive Defoe. Dam:- Aine’s in the Pink. Owned and handled by Mr. Mick Walsh.
Diploma of Honour
Kilhopemoss Harlequin - Mr. Raymond Wilson. Sliabh Aoife - Mr. Louis Rice. Sliabh Henry - Mr. Gary Wilson. Muggleswick Missy - Mr. Jim Warren. Handled by Mr. Damian Kelly. Ftch Sharmar Lukaku - Mr. Murt Walsh. Birdrowe Crocus - Mr. Tim Crothers. Broomfield Abel of Sliabh - Mr. Louis Rice. Ftch Broomfield Adam - Mr. Eddie Scott. Ftch Broomfield Eve - Mr. Eddie Scott. Saxonvale Axis - Mr. Andrew Cunningham.
Guns Award
Shiftwell Dazzler of Sealgaire. Mr.Seamus Neeson.
Best Retrieve
Flaxdale West - Mr. David Cairns.
Spaniel of the Year
Freecrow Piper - Mr. Gavin McAteer. The Irish Kennel Club Spaniel Championship Committee are very pleased to announce that the 46th IKC Spaniel Championship will be held at Dundarave Estate by very kind permission of Dr. Peter and Mrs. Nuailin Fitzgerald on 28th & 29th December 2022. Judges for the event will be Mr. Paul Carragher, Mr. Louis Rice, Mr. Aled Jones and Mr. Dave Rayner
Headkeeper Stephen Pollock & Chief Steward David Doherty