Irish Country Sports and Country Life - Winter 2021

Page 43

By Steven McGonigal

Oscar Young Oscar


thought Oscar had well and truly lost the plot. It Was 30th January this year, a Saturday morning with some snow on the ground and he was baying in the middle of some gorse bushes, not moving at all just baying – Being a true aficionado in the pursuit of foxes, Oscar never stayed in one place because the foxes never hung around long enough, he was always on the go, his familiar deep bay while running always made me smile. I got Oscar as a young pup from Paul Sullivan in Cork in 2015. He had a calmness about him from eight weeks old, never shy, never cocky, just calm, sometimes I thought he was too calm. I often regretted never training him better as a puppy, but the truth is had he been trained he never would have turned out how he did. He wasn’t a dog to be trained, as training would have only tempered his edge, it would have cooled

the fire in his belly that made him who he was. As a puppy he never showed much interest in hunting. We walked the lanes and fields in the spring following his arrival in in autumn and while he scented and sniffed here and there, he never showed much interest. I laid blood trails, let him see deer carcasses, rabbits, pheasants and all sorts of things puppies become familiar with, but they never interested him. I didn’t overly worry about it, but it did concern me just a little that he appeared to have a lack of interest in ‘things.’ One evening about a year after he arrived, I was walking in the very same area where we began the story when he became very keen on a scent. He began sniffing and snorting, really getting his nose into the grass and took off running while whining and barking and was gone for over 30 minutes, and appeared

to be in pursuit of something, although I couldn’t confirm this as I didn’t see anything and I assumed he was messing about. This happened another few times until one evening he was baying and howling in the gorse when I spotted a fox leaving the bottom of the gorse with Oscar coming behind a few seconds later. I realised then that he had begun to realise what his nose and his voice was for. As he matured from puppy to dog, he became ever more reliable and I really started to understand him and his voice and came to know what he was chasing.

He preferred to sneak about on a shoot and catch the odd easy pheasant Oscar never cared about rabbits one bit. I could walk him through a field of ten thousand rabbits and he wouldn’t

Irish Country Sports and Country Life Winter 2021


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Articles inside

The Pointer and Setter Champion Stake 2021 - By David Hudson

pages 94-100

FROM THE ARCHIVES Michael F. Twist’s Pre Christmas Shoot with High Birds & Bubbly

pages 85-89

The Balmoral International Event for Pointers & Setters By David Hudson

pages 90-93

Curlew Conservation Programme in Ireland - From Emma Birtwistle

pages 79-80

The RED MILLS Interview Albert Titterington interviews Shauna McGroarty, on her ‘dual purpose’ approach to showing and working golden retrievers

pages 81-84

Uganda - In Bell’s Footsteps By Simon K Barr

pages 74-78

FISSTA’s News & Views

pages 70-73

Fly Tying - By John Naughton

pages 64-65

Inside Story : Really Exciting Times Ahead - By Stevie Munn

pages 60-63

Angling Reflections By Michael Martin, Six Mile Water Trust

pages 66-69

Lets Go Traditional Trouting By Simon Everett

pages 56-59

Catching Big Fish At Sea By Johnny Woodlock

pages 49-51

Hunting Roundup With Tom Fulton

page 48

Inland Fisheries Ireland New Corporate Plan focuses on sustainability

pages 52-55

Terrier, Lurcher, & Whippet Show Roundup - By Margaret McStay

pages 46-47

The True Story of Oscar (The One Off Teckel) - By Steven McGonigal

pages 43-45

Private Ryan 25 Years On By Frank Brophy

pages 40-42


pages 18-22

A Treasure Trove of Firsts By Dr Anthony O’Halloran

pages 38-39

Regulating a Double Rifle By Diggory Hadoke

pages 33-37

Countryside News

pages 6-17

The Ancestor of Every Hunting Dog - By Derek Fanning

pages 23-29

A Conservation Rain Check by Hugh Brady

pages 30-32

Editorial Comment

pages 4-5
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