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Students who are selected:
Pizza with the Principals
“Rewarding Winner Behavior” Work Hard Are Involved Never Give Up Are Noble Make Every Minute (7) Count Are Ready to Help Others
What’s the purpose? – The goal of this endeavor is to recognize students who continually make good choices and for administrators to build positive relationships with students. How does it work? – A grade level is chosen for each month and each teacher for that grade nominates two students to eat with Dr. Fishburn and Mr. Forjan. When and where does this happen? – Students will eat with the principals in Dr. Fishburn’s office on the assigned day at 1:00. Who’s paying for this??? – Hungry Howies will be donating the pizzas!
to Read Month!
West Seafordstudents participated in the “I Love to Read” month of February. A pep rally was held on January 31 to officially kick off this event. Students in each grade level were asked to read as follows: K-1 - 50 minutes a week, 2-3 – 75 minutes a week and 4-5 – 100 minutes a week. When a student reached the weekly goal, they got a pink or red heart to put their name on. These hearts were then placed in the hallway outside of their classrooms. The hearts were collected on February 25 and placed in grade level cluster tubs. On February 28, the hearts were pulled from the tubs and those students participated in a special activity at an assembly which was held on that same day.
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[ Tips ]
Make reading fun. Make it a time of bonding between the two of you. Make it something your child looks forward to doing each day.
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Make it a routine – do it at the same time of day and in the same place such as at night in bed or in the morning in a favorite chair. Children often find comfort in routines.
Make it a habit to go to the library regularly and read with your child there. Help your child find books they are interested in. Visit new and used bookstores to find great books.
Last but not least – be a model for your child by reading everyday and let your child see how much you love reading. It just might be contagious!!
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Start by reading to your child. Read fun, exciting, adventurous books.
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To instill the love of reading in your child :
Provide a variety of reading materials (books, magazines, or websites) for your child, about topics they are interested in.
Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2011
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Jump Rope for Heart! Love for the month of February! Our
students have learned about their hearts, and what they need to do to live a hearthealthy life. In their Physical Education class, our students have been learning heart-healthy exercises to promote their cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength. We have particularly focused on the skill of jump roping as our healthy-heart exercise. Our students participated in a program organized by the American Heart Association. This program is called Jump Rope for Heart. Jump Rope for Heart (JRFH) is a national fundraising program sponsored jointly by Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and the American Heart Association (AHA). JRFH is a valuable program that promotes physical activity, heart healthy living, and community service to children. We are thrilled to announce that our school did a great job supporting the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart program! The students at West Seaford were able to raise over $950.00 for the AHA’s fight against heart disease and stroke! Jump Rope for Heart also promotes community service by teaching kids how they can help others. We would like to thank everyone that contributed to such a great program. For more information about how you can JRFH and help against the fight against heart disease and stroke, visit the website: http://www.aahperd.org/jump/ To motivate West Seaford students to raise money and stay healthy (get fit through jump roping), students selected a person to tape to the wall. Miss Robinson, the school’s physical education teacher was chosen by the students, so at lunch on February 28th she was taped to the wall in the school’s cafeteria. Any student who raised money for Jump Rope for Heart was given tape to stick her to the wall. The school raised more than $800.
uan Montes earned a reward to put a pie in Mrs. Ruark’s face at the school's "I Love to Read Celebration." Juan met his reading goal as a first grader.
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Jump rope winner McKenna Longo raised the
Wilmington Trust will be offering West Seaford students the opportunity to open up a savings account with the bank. Every Thursday morning from 8:15 – 9:00, a bank teller will be in the school’s cafeteria for students to make deposits. To kick off this endeavor the bank and special guests put on a skit at the school’s pep rally. Here, students and Wilmington Trust employees have a ribbon cutting ceremony.
most money for the school’s Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser.
P e p R a l l y
West Seaford hosted a Father’s Carnival on Saturday February 26th from 11am until 1pm in the school’s gym. Coordinated by the School’s Home/ School Success Team and Parent’s as Teachers (PAT), the event featured more than 20 special guests who offered attendees the opportunity to participate in 2) things like: Ms. Edwards gets her hair colored by juggling, sand art, obstacle Wesley Bailey to support I Love to car Read Month. Wesley met his weekly course, drumming activities, seat demonstrations, craft making, reading goal. story telling, face painting and much, much more. More than 300 people were in attendance and the event celebrates our fathers and all that they do for their children and families. (2) Here Lindsey and Shelby Evick show off their sand art.
Dr. Fishburn, the principal at West Seaford, interviews Landen Hess before he gets to puts a pie in a teacher’s face to celebrate reading. Landen’s comment – “I think I will be hungry after I put a pie in a teacher’s face.”
Copyright © Jostens Inc, 2011
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Photo Courtesy of Stephanie Smith