Blue Moon Furniture Catalogue V2

Page 1

C o n t e n t s Authentically Sculpted Collection


Upholstery Collection


Heirloom Collection


Conservatory Collection




Commercial Projects





1 0 9 P a c i f i c Av e . W i n n i p e g M a n i t o b a R 3 B 0 M 1 w w w. b l u e m o o n e v o . c o m b l u e _ m o o n @ s h a w. c a 204 452 7096 2



The Blue Moon's mission is to enrich and illuminate the lives of our customers by offering an opportunity to discover and explore their home as a sacred space filled with the artistry, quality, texture and timeless beauty of our exclusive products. We have been researching and developing our product line, with the collaboration of creative artisans, designers, visionaries, and people throughout the world in order to present our unique products to enhance your world. 3

Authentically Sculpted Collection

a u t h e n t i c a l l y S c u l p t e d C o l l e c t i o n

The Authentically Sculpted Collection is made with hard woods and stone staying true to natural forms thus creating practical art pieces for the home. Authentically carved by nature, finished by craftsmen or carved with traditional integrity by artisans, the beauty is timeless. 5

m a j e s t i c l i v e e d g e d i n i n g t a b l e


m a j e s t i c l i v e e d g e d i n i n g t a b l e

These Majestic Live Edge pieces are the result of the collaborative efforts of artisans and nature. Sculpted from single slabs of wood, the contours of these tables honour the authentic form of the tree. These spectacular tables inspire a sense of awe. These environmentally responsible tables are created from rain wood, a fast growing, renewable, South American hard wood.


m a j e s t i c s t r a i g h t e d g e d i n i n g t a b l e


m a j e s t i c s t r a i g h t e d g e d i n i n g t a b l e


t i m e l e s s e l e g a n c e


m a j e s t i c b u f f e t


petrified wood Petrified wood is the result of millions of years of transformation.

When wood is buried under a cover of volcanic ash for millions of years it metamorphose into quartz crystal. This process insures the intricacies of the wood are maintained, the grain, the shape, the age rings are perfectly preserved. These pieces are a tribute to what has passed while bringing beauty into the future. 12

p e t r i f i e d w o o d


t e a k


r o o t

t e a k

r o o t

b a l l s


t e a k

r o o t

c u b e s


t e a k

r o o t

c u b e s


t e a k c o f f e e


r o o t t a b l e

t e a k c o f f e e

r o o t t a b l e


m a s s i v e c y l i n d r i c a l c o f f e e


t a b l e

t e a k d i n i n g

r o o t t a b l e


t e a k

r o o t

These are sumptuous pieces of solid teak root, carved and sanded to a smooth, touchable finish. The raw teak root is salvaged from areas under development where the roots are extracted from the earth and either burned as refuse or transformed into art. As it ages, the wood will develop cracks along its natural inclusions and continue to expand and contract with environmental conditions. 22

t e a k

r o o t

v a s e


o r g a n i c w o o d


b o w l

t e a k d i s p l a y

r o o t s l i c e


r o o t a r t i f a c t


D o i n g G r e e n

O u r

P a r t

I n i t i a t i v e

Blue Moon is bringing the effortless beauty of nature into our busy, urban lifestyles by using natural materials to increase the aesthetic value of our products while reducing the environmental impact. Weaves Feel good about your sustainable furniture purchases made of natural, renewable materials like sea grass, water hyacinth, rattan and banana leaf. Whether gorgeous modern designs, wild new organic shapes or traditional in flavoring, the green weaves are strong, beautiful and an environmentally wise purchase.

Reclaimed Teak Teak is known as being a hard, durable, weather resistant wood. With reclaimed teak items one can enjoy the quality and beauty of teak as well as the history of the piece, with a clear conscience because no new trees have been harvested.

Teak Root The raw teak root is salvaged from areas under development where the roots are extracted from the earth and either burned as refuse or transformed into art.


Upholstery Collection

u p h o l s t e r y c o l l e c t i o n

Formed from an eclectic spirit, based on international style, our upholstery pieces become the iconic centerpiece of the modern home. 29

C o c o o n



C o c o o n



C o a s t


C o a s t


C o c o o n



C o c o o n



D 1 0


D 1 0 S e c t i o n a l


N e w Y o r k e r


d e t a i l s


T h e


H a r l e y

T h e

H a r l e y

The Harley has chic accents of Swarovski crystal elements. The luxuriously tufted chesterfield has three ply seats of down and feather and foam finished with nail heads, turned legs and wheels.

The Harley Recamier Chaise is deeply tufted in our rich signature palette of hues. 41

B o n i f a c e C o l l e c t i o n

Exquisite play on tradition with a fresh exuberance, bringing an air of the old world into modern times. People stopping by on sunny Sunday afternoons to enjoy the company of their neighbours. A time when disposable was not a commonly used word and quality was readily available. The Boniface collection brings old world quality and style to modern lifestyles. With a focus on details like turned legs and wheels, tufting, studs and the comfort of down and feathers. 42

B o n i f a c e C o l l e c t i o n


B o n i f a c e C o l l e c t i o n


B o n i f a c e C o l l e c t i o n


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C o n v e r t i b l e


T r o y S e c t i o n a l

Handsomely appointed, this California scaled deep seating Troy sectional is transportable into two separate pieces easily creating and L shape or two love seats facing each other.


S l o u c h C o u c h


D 2


D 2


S u n f l o w e r S e c t i o n a l

A narrative in the essential modern tufted expression. 3 seater or 2 seater and chaise with reversible armrest. 52

T h e D o t & M i n i D o t


W a g n e r W i n g B a c k

Swarovski elements accentuate the international glamour of the lush fabrics and eclectic spirit. 54

O c e a n C h a i r


S e a n


C h a i r

u p h o l s t e r y

The upholstery collection represents our response to today’s evolving lifestyles featuring extraordinary styles.

Customizable configurations available.


Heirloom Collection

H e i r l o o m C o l l e c t i o n

The Heirloom Collection embodies tradition, craftsmanship and quality. Borrowing construction techniques from the rich history of the past merged with attention to detail, these pieces create distinction for the modern home. 59

T a u t o u B e d


T a u t o u D i n i n g C h a i r

The beautifully appointed, french inspired mahogany and suede collection, descriptively painted with silver is the quintessential embodiment of luxury. The Tautou Bed features a slat base allowing for mattress or box spring and mattress, creating a warm and inviting style. The Tautou Dining Chair borrows inspiration from King Louis the 14th. 61

P o p p y M i n i B u f f e t

C h r y s a n t h e m u m M i n i B u f f e t


m o n g o l i a n c o n v e r s a t i o n t a b l e


M a d u r a D a y b e d


V i l l a g e D o o r s

By drawing from a rich history of one of a kind antiques, the artisanal extravagance incorporates period construction details and authentic craftsmanship. 65

Stone S c u l p t u r e s


Stone S c u l p t u r e s

A refined sense of timeless luxury and character that improved with age.


c u s t o m i z a t i o n

We work to provide gorgeous functional products with our global network of highly trained craftspeople and skilled professionals to create customizable and unique pieces perfect for your project.


Conservatory Collection

n a t u r a l w e a v e s


A r t D e c o C o n s e r v a t o r y S e t

The 1940‘s Art Deco deep seating natural honey finished rattan Conservatory Set with dove grey cushioning is detailed and framed in Mahogany.


P l a n t a t i o n C o v e C o n s e r v a t o r y S e t

The traditionally inspired Conservatory Set is made from natural banana leaf with spiral arm facings, framed in mahogany, finished with wooden turned legs. 72

C l o u d


The Cloud 9 is a round conservatory love seat made of woven banana leaf. The banana leaf is strong, durable and flexible.



w o o d a c c e s s o r i e s

H e r m i t C o l l e c t i o n


H e r m i t R u g s

The Hermit Collection Rugs are all hand made using thick wool rope hand knotted and woven into plush, organic, textured floor coverings. When your floor feels this good there will be no reason to leave. Available in the earthy tones of the collection. The rugs are customizable to fit your space.


H e r m i t C o l l e c t i o n Hermit Cushions 100% cotton woven cushions are thick & chunky, available in all the earthy hues of the hermit collection.

Hermit Woven Mat Silky, hand woven grasses form a soft cushy place to rest your weary feet.

Hermit Bath Mats Shaggy plush cotton bath mats all in Hermit tones.


W o n t o n s

The Wontons are an utralux statement of handmade glass art. The wonton sculptures feature hues of persimmon and parrotlet green.


B r o n z e B u d d h a

Distinctive cast bronze buddha head, serene and at peace in timeless meditation.


A l u m i n u m W i n e C o o l e r


M o r o c c a n O t t o m a n


M o n i k a B e d d i n g


M o n i k a B e d d i n g

The meticulous craftsmanship and intricate detailing of these embroidered cotton quilts, bedcovers, sheets and pillows cases are an embodiment of days gone by, brought into our modern lifestyle. 85

Commercial Projects


C h a n g ’ s

c u s t o m

d o o r s


s e g o v i a r e s t a u r a n t


s e g o v i a r e s t a u r a n t


r e t a i l


s p a c e

B i r k ’ s W e d d i n g

S h o w


H S C L o t t e r y


L i f e s t y l e s S h o w

H o m e

s h o w

h o m e s


c o n d o

r e n t a l

p r o j e c t s


r e s i d e n t i a l p r o j e c t s


r e s i d e n t i a l p r o j e c t s


P h i l a n t h r o p y

i n d u s t r y

w i t h

i n t e g r i t y The people involved in making Blue Moon products accessible are earning livable wages at their craft. This provides the opportunity for people to stay within their communities, support their culture and provide for their families.

The Blue Moon offers great product value and the value of participating in an industry with integrity.


S a m p u r n a P r o j e c t The Blue Moon, in its continuing effort to use business as a vehicle for positive social and economic change, recently started working with Sister Cyril Mooney’s Sampurna Project. The Sampurna Project is an organization that facilitates educational and financial change among impoverished communities by establishing schools and educational programs for children and adults, as well as providing independent employment opportunities. Sampurna’s programs include the “Rainbow Kids”, a revolutionary program where the poorest of the poor children are educated and provided with food, board, medicine, books and uniforms at a private school. The “Sampurna Village” program built a school in a Sampurna Village to be used for education in the morning and as a community center in the afternoon. The “Empowering Women” program employes women to make crafts within their homes or the community center in order to establish a self sufficient form of income for women and families within the village. Blue Moon is a proud supporter and retailer of the Sampurna Project crafts.


Sampur na Loredo the


Project: School




Loreto Day School is a revolutionary program that facilitates education for the needy, orphaned and street children. The Loreto Day is a private school in Kolkata that admits 1500 students, of which 721 are the “Rainbow Kids� from these impoverished backgrounds. This school allow opportunity for the Rainbow Kids needs to be taken care of from food, board and medicine, to uniforms and books. This unique program educates the wealthy and the poorest of the poor together to meet the needs of all, remove social stigmas and utilizing resources in the most beneficial way, for the largest number of children.


S a m p u r n a

P r o j e c t :

V i l l a g e s The Sampurna villages are where the Rainbow Kids of Loreto Day School are from. The Loreto Day School was a band-aid solution in order to give the children who have been displaced by poverty an immediate place to stay. The Sampura Village Project created a self sufficient method of earning income within the village. Now, within the new community center the women of the village are educated in handicrafts and work on their crafts together. The products created are beautifully made and customizable. Consumers can be proud that their purchases are helping people earn enough to cover their needs.


109 Pacific Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3B 0M1 204 452 7096 Monday - Friday 11-6 & Saturday 11-5 or by appointment

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