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Meet the team
Introducing you to some of the newest team members you will see working in and around the Cultural Centre, we asked them why they love working here!
Fiona Hasselman Professional Beekeeper
Fiona owns the hives that are found in the Cultural Centre’s rooftop garden. She also works closely with our volunteer gardeners, the Green Team, advising on how to cultivate bee-friendly gardens.
Can you tell us about the challenges and advantages to keeping bees in our rooftop garden?
Keeping two bee colonies in the Cultural Centre garden has been easier than predicted despite it being an exposed site. Usually the amount of bees and honey harvested in windy sites are reduced. I expected to have to employ techniques to help the colony stay heathy. However, the hives have done so well, that I have even had to take some frames of bees away to other hives, as both colonies were growing in number so fast and they would have overfilled the area and hive. I find it very mediative to enjoy the beauty of the bees coming and going. This is one of the advantages of the location at the Cultural Centre as people can watch the flight path from the Viewing Platform.
How can we encourage honey bees into our gardens?
Grow a wide range of plants and do not use chemicals. Bees are very susceptible to chemicals and are sometimes even attracted to them. Control European wasps, which are an invasive species that prey on bees. Do this by using wasp traps and sprays if needed. If people would like to find out more come along to one of my events. Details can be found on my website fifisbees.com.au.
Is the Cultural Centre honey available to purchase, and where?
This season we had a good harvest and there is Blue Mountains Cultural Centre honey available for purchase from my website or the Gallery Café. The honey is labelled EnchantedHoneyKatoomba