What denotes a member of the BRS Hall of Leaders?
What denotes a member of the BRS Hall of Leaders?
The Hall of Leaders honors the cumulative, complete package of service and achievement that only a special few can achieve.
Whereas other awards are designed to honor particular types of service, Hall of Leaders honorees will distinguish themselves more broadly and over a period of sustained support and leadership
The Hall of Leaders honors individuals who:
• are highly accomplished in their fields and communities
• have shared their achievements with the School through leadership, advocacy, and philanthropic support
• may have helped bring their own sons, grandsons, and other family to the School
• are loyal to BRS and its mission at all times.
Having been honored with another of BRS’s awards does not exclude one from the Hall of Leaders. In fact, many members will likely have been honored with another BRS Award before being inducted.
The Hall of Leaders was created by a loyal group of Blue Ridge graduates, as a unique way to to celebrate and inspire their fellow alumni, current students and friends.
Once each summer nominations will be invited for the Hall of Leaders from the BRS community. This will be done via electronic survey and social media. The Associate Head of School for External Affairs will coordinate this process.
To be nominated for the Hall of Leaders, you must meet the following criteria:
• Be an alumnus, parent of an alumnus, or friend of the school in good standing
• Be “known to the Treasurer,” having made gifts as able to support the school
• Not be a current member of the BRS Faculty or Staff
• Preference will be given to alumni, so to further define the public profile of the BRS graduate in the decades to come
In August, the Hall of Leaders Task Force will convene for its annual meeting to review nominations and determine selection(s) for that year.
Nominees may be screened with a confidential background check before being formally nominated or selected for the Hall, per appropriate HR guidelines.
A task force of either five or seven members shall be created to manage the Hall of Leaders.
Guided by their President, the ALC will select task force members each year at their Annual Meeting in October. Those selections shall be based on the same terms and guidelines as the Board of Trustees, based on the following:
• The President of the ALC, who represents the Board of Trustees
• Two or Three BRS Faculty – at least one current and one former
• Up to Three at-large alumni
For the Initial Task Force, to be convened in early 2023, the ALC suggests this structure:
• One current faculty member
• One former faculty member
• One current faculty member who is a leading coach
• The President of the ALC
• Up to three additional current or former members of either the ALC or BoT
• An outstanding Current Student in the Senior Class, to be nominated by the Head of School.
The Associate Head of School for External Affairs would support and facilitate the work of this task force in a non-voting role.
Initially, two members will serve one year, two will serve two, and one or three will serve three, so as to create a rotating cycle. The President of the ALC will determin this rotation, initially.
Important Notes:
• Once rotating terms have bene established, Task Force members will serve no more than six consecutive years and must be away from the work for at least one year before being renominated.
• The President of the ALC will update the Board of Trustees about the work of the Task Force at every Trustee Meeting, and will relay feedback to the group, accordingly.
• The President of the ALC will lead the voting, selection process and will follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
• In Year One, as many as ten inaugural members of the Hall of Leaders may be selected by the Review Panel.
• In Years Two and after, no more than five new members shall be selected.
• A unit of individuals, such as a single athletic team or related group, will count as one nominee.
• New inductions of Hall of Leaders members will always occur at Alumni Weekend.