1 minute read
Our Own Star – The Sun
Amazing Fact!
If you could fly on a commercial plane from the Earth to the moon, it would take more than two weeks. To travel by plane from the Earth to the Sun would take about 20 years!

Think Deeply
How would the Earth be affected if it were closer to the Sun? How would it be affected if it were further away?
If you look into the night sky on a clear night, you are likely to see many bright spots. These brights spots are stars. A star is a very large, hot ball of glowing gases. All stars are very large. They appear as small dots in the night sky because they are so far from Earth. During the day, the brightest object in the sky is the Sun. The Sun is a star. It is the closest star to the Earth.
The Sun lights up the Earth during the day and keeps us warm. Without the light and heat from the Sun, there would be no life on Earth.
Although the Sun is the closest star to Earth, it is still very far away. The distance between the Earth and the moon is about 384,400 kilometers. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 150 million kilometers.
AB Activity 7.4