3 minute read
11. is the search, observation and collection of data in space. 12. A meteor that reaches the Earth’s surface is called a .
13. A is an instrument that makes objects that are far away look closer and clearer.
14. All of the planets, their moons and other objects orbiting the Sun make up our .
15. are large rocks that can range in size from just a few centimeters up to thousands of kilometers. 16. A meteoroid that enters the Earth’s atmosphere is called a .
17. are objects sent into space to make observations and collect data which is sent back to Earth for analysis.
1. What causes the alternation of day and night on Earth? 2. What causes the changes in seasons on Earth? 3. How long does it take for: (a) the Earth to complete one rotation? (b) the Earth to complete one revolution of the Sun? (c) the moon to complete one revolution of the Earth? 4. List the planets in the solar system. Indicate which are the inner planets and which are the outer planets. 5. Why are the outer planets much colder than the inner planets? 6. List three types of satellites sent into space by people.
7. What are space probes? What do they do?
Guggenheim Museum, Spain

In the Field
Space Architect
An architect is a person that designs structures such as skyscrapers, sports arenas, museums and houses. The purpose of their designs is to serve a function and have a form that is visually appealing. The Guggenheim Museum in Spain and the National Stadium in China are examples of spectacular architectural designs. One very unique type of architect that requires a lot of scientific knowledge and research is a space architect. A space architect designs space crafts and structures for humans to live in outer space! The environment in space is not a friendly place for people to live. There is no air, temperatures can change from freezing to boiling very quickly and there is no gravity.

These factors must be considered when space architects design space crafts and living quarters. They must have very good knowledge about materials and their properties. They have to consider if materials will be safe and suitable for the fast changing environment in space. It’s not easy getting things into space, so the materials they choose also have to be lightweight and very strong. Space architects focus mainly on how their structures will function and not so much on how they look. There aren’t many people around to admire the outside of a space station!
8Rocks and Soil
In this chapter you will ...
• describe minerals and rocks and where they can be found on Earth.
• describe how rocks are classified and distinguish between the three main types of rocks.
• describe soil and how it is formed.
• list the layers of soil.
• list ways people use soil and describe the importance of caring for soil.
What are rocks and minerals? How are they used by people?

What makes up soil? Where does soil come from?
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