11 minute read

Unit 8 – Weather and Seasons

8Weather and Seasons

How does the weather change from day to day?

In this chapter you will ...

• make observations about the weather, describe weather and weather patterns. • list and describe the four seasons.

• describe severe weather.

• understand the importance of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather.

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How does the weather change throughout the year?

Try This!

Go outside. Write three words to describe the weather.

Go Online!

Watch a video about different types of weather on the NGScience website. QuickCode: E6Z3

Daily Weather

Weather is what the air and the sky are like outside. The weather can change from day to day. Weather can affect the things we wear and how we act.

Hot and Cold

Sometimes the air outside is hot.

What activities do you do when the weather is hot?

Other times the air outside is cold.

What activities do you do when the weather is cold?

In the Sky

Sometimes the Sun shines bright in the sky during the day. The weather is sunny.

Sometimes clouds cover the sky and we cannot see the Sun. The weather is cloudy.

Try This!

Go outside and observe the sky. Draw the clouds you see. Do not look at the Sun. The light from the Sun can damage your eyes.

Sometimes rain falls from the clouds.

On other days there may be a lot of wind.

AB Activities 8.1 – 8.3

Engineer It!

It’s a rainy day and you forgot your umbrella. Design something to protect yourself from the rain. Draw a model to show your design.

Amazing Fact! Wind doesn’t make sound until it blows against an object!

When the weather is very cold, snow may fall from the sky.

How does weather affect the clothes you wear?

Try This!

Make a weather journal. Draw a picture and write a few words to describe the weather each day for a week.

AB Activities 8.4 – 8.6

Around the World

The weather can be different in different places.

In some places, the weather is hot every day. Other places are very cold all year long. Some places get lots of rain. In other places it may not rain all year.

Amazing Fact!

The coldest recorded temperature on Earth was measured in Antarctica. The temperature was −89 °C (–128 °F).

Go Online!

Watch a video about the four seasons on the NGScience website. QuickCode: X7T4


Have you ever noticed that the weather changes throughout the year? Some months may be hotter than others. In some months it may rain more often.

These changes are called seasons. In many parts of the world, there are four seasons – spring, summer, fall and winter.

As the weather changes in each season, the plants change too. Animal behaviors also change.

How do seasons change the environment?


During spring, the weather is warm.

Plants begin to grow. Animals have babies.


Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season.

There are many sunny days.

Amazing Fact!

In summer, there are more hours of daylight than in other seasons.


Fall comes after summer. The weather begins to get cooler. Plant leaves change color and fall to the ground.


Winter comes after fall. It is the coldest season.

Many plants do not have leaves or flowers.

Some animals move to warmer places during winter.

In what ways is winter different from summer?

AB Activities 8.7 – 8.8

Weather Forecasts

Scientists use tools to observe how weather moves in patterns. This allows them to know what the weather will be like in the coming days.

How are weather forecasts useful to people?

Weather forecasts help people plan for outdoor activities. They can tell us when the weather will be hot or cold. They can tell us when it will rain.

Weather forecasts can also let us know of severe weather.

Go Online!

Watch a video about different kinds of severe weather on the NGScience website. QuickCode: S6L8

Severe Weather

At times the weather can be dangerous. It can harm people, plants and animals.


During a thunderstorm, there are strong winds and heavy rain. Lightning can light up the sky. The lightning makes a sound called thunder.

The strong winds, heavy rain and lightning during a thunderstorm can be dangerous to people. It is important to stay inside during a thunderstorm.

Think Deeply

A thunderstorm is also called an electrical storm. Why is this so?


A hurricane is a very large storm that starts in the ocean and moves on to land.

Hurricanes have very strong winds and heavy rain.

Hurricanes can cause floods and damage property. It is important to know when a hurricane or thunderstorm is coming so we can stay safe.

What can you do to stay safe during a hurricane?

Earthquakes and Tsunamis

An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused when parts of the Earth rub together. Most earthquakes are small and do not cause many changes. Sometimes, earthquakes can be big and cause damage to buildings and roads.

An earthquake in the ocean can cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a large, powerful wave that can move from the ocean to land.

Tsunamis can cause floods and damage homes and buildings.

Other Extreme Weather

Different places on Earth have different types of extreme weather.

In some places there may be lots of rain for many days causing a flood.

In other places it may not rain for many months causing a drought. During a drought there may not be enough water for living things.

Sometimes the weather may get much hotter than usual.

This weather pattern, called a heatwave, can be harmful to people and animals.

During a winter storm it may snow for many days. It may not be safe to go outdoors.

AB Activity 8.9

Severe Weather Warnings

Severe weather can be dangerous. Weather patterns help scientists predict severe weather before it happens.

How is knowing about severe weather before it happens useful?

Severe weather alerts tell people about severe weather.

Alerts can be sent to people through televisions, the radio or mobile phones.

AB Activity 8.10

Did You Know?

Your body loses water quickly during a heatwave. You should find ways to stay cool and drink lots of water.

Severe Weather Safety

Ways to be prepared and stay safe during severe weather: • Cover doors and windows.

• Find shelter and stay indoors. • Have food, water and a flashlight nearby.

• Go to cooling centers during heat waves.

• Evacuate coastal areas before a hurricane or tsunami.

Go Online!

Learn other ways to plan for severe weather on the NGScience website. QuickCode: C5J4

Try This!

Make a severe weather safety poster for your home. Stick it in a place for your family to see.

A Closer Look


In some parts of the world, tornadoes can form during severe thunderstorms. Tornadoes are long tubes of air that reach from the ground to the clouds. The air spins very fast and can cause a lot of damage. Tornadoes can destroy homes, cars and landscapes.

In places where tornadoes occur, special buildings called tornado shelters are built. People can safely stay inside these shelters as the tornado moves through their city.

Science Words

weather hot cold sunny clouds cloudy rain wind snow seasons spring summer fall winter thunderstorm lightning thunder hurricane


1. What is weather? (a) A hot or cold day. (b) What the air and the sky are like outside. (c) A thunderstorm.

2. True or false. (a) Weather can change from day to day. (b) Weather can affect the clothes we wear.

3. List four words you can use to describe weather.

4. Choose a word to describe each picture.

summer winter fall spring


(c) (b)


5. Which is the hottest season? (a) winter (b) summer (c) fall (d) spring

6. Which season comes after summer? (a) winter (b) summer (c) fall (d) spring

7. List four types of severe weather.

In the Field

A meteorologist is a scientist that uses special equipment and tools to study weather and weather patterns. Meteorologists are able to predict storms and hurricanes and tell what the weather will be like in the coming days.

Meteorologists are very helpful. They share the things they observe and predict. This helps us prepare for weather each day. They also help us prepare for severe weather events.

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