Have you dreamt of Plein Air painting and traveling to Greece to paint in oil, acrylic, pastel, or casein?
How would you like to spend your days applying energetic color to your paintings while visiting and photographing mountains, Blue Flag award-winning beaches, historic castles, vineyards, olive groves, and Homer’s wine-dark, azure seas?
Do you love authentic travel and “secret” destinations?
If this is you, come stay with like-minded painters and friends at Blue Seas Villa, a private, Greek family home on the legendary Peloponnese Peninsula, at the seaside village of Plytra, also known as Ancient Asopos.
"Beginner" artists are welcome, as are pros.
Get ready to enjoy life at a Grecian pace and paint away with Linda Richichi on September 25th - October 4th, 2021.