ILS - Digital Literacy Services CONSENT FORM (General) Ethics Committee Approved
DEPARTMENT NAME..................................................................................................... VENUE(S) University grounds or other learning environment approved by the University of Worcester
This form must be signed by the people who have agreed to be recorded/filmed (videoed) or are the principal parties to the recording of a lecture or other learning experience carried out under the control of University of Worcester. This agreement is valid for any educational activities from the date of signing until ended by the University of Worcester. The purpose of this form is to seek consent for the films and/or recordings, digital or otherwise, to be taken and subsequently to be used in a number of media, including the Virtual Learning Environment and the World Wide Web by the University of Worcester and/or Partner Colleges. These recordings either in part or as a whole might also subsequently be used in
Open Educational Resources under a
Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The University of Worcester in turn offers a commitment only to allow the media to be used appropriately and sensitively when used by the University or Partner Colleges. However once on the World Wide Web the University of Worcester and/or Partner Colleges are not responsible for how the films and/or recordings are used.
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Where a recording is being made, the lecturers/tutors will notify everyone present that a recording is being made.
There are 3 places for names on this form, one each for technicians, lecturers and students. All the undersigned, agree to this lecture/learning experience being recorded and managed by the University of Worcester.
TECHNICIAN(S) (please print name(s) in full)………………………………………..……...... .................................................................................................................................................... We the Lecturers confirm that where material is included in the recording which is the intellectual property of another party, we have licensed or written permission to include the materials in the lecture for all educational purposes.
LECTURER’S(S) NAME(S) (please print names in full)............................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................
STUDENTS I understand that any copyright or other intellectual property which arises in the recording belongs to the University of Worcester and that the recording may be used by the University of Worcester for the purposes of education. This may include conversion to digital format and storing and publication on a number of servers both on University grounds and in the Cloud.
I agree to assign all performance rights in the recordings of learning experiences to
the University of Worcester and grant to the University of Worcester a licence in perpetuity to record/film materials created by or of me in this instance.
I consent to the use of my personal data being processed for the purposes of this
recording and subsequent publishing. I understand my personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the data Protection Act 1998.
I require/do not require that my name is removed/retained in association with the
shots and/or recordings {please delete as appropriate} NAME: (print).......................................................................................... SIGNED: ........................................................................................
DATED: ........................
Instructions for Lecturers First steps •
Sign the Consent form yourselves
Have the Technicians sign the Consent form
Photocopy as many as you need for your students
Read through the Consent form with the students
Have each student sign their copy of the Consent form
Collect all completed Consent forms
Ask students who wish to be excluded from recordings for ethical reasons to discuss this with you later.
Retain all completed Consent forms in a secure place.
Students who wish to be excluded from the recordings must not be excluded from the learning experience. You must arrange for these students to work outside the viewing area of the camera.
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Before the recording starts Make it clear to all students and other parties attending the lecture/learning experience that a recording is taking place. Allow them the opportunity to opt out of the recording, by providing the following statement from the University of Worcester. “This lecture/learning experience is being recorded in (please supply the necessary information, e.g. digital video recording/film/digital stills) format by the University of Worcester.
The recording may be used by the University of Worcester for the purposes of education. This may include conversion to digital format and storing and publication on a number of servers. Any person who does not wish to appear in the recording should inform the Module Leader and/or Session Leader before the recording starts.�
GENERAL Copyright restrictions placed on the University of Worcester prevent the content being sold or used by way of trade without the express permission of the copyright holder. Personal details of those taking part are never made available to third parties.
USAGE INSTRUCTIONS The Consent Form (General) must be signed at the beginning of a Course or Module where students might be recorded (audio or video) during their educational activities. This Model Consent Form has been adapted from the JISC funded Web2Rights project: (Please use the Special Cases Consent Form for other purposes, i.e. in public involvement)