Cooking No Problem!

Page 1

by Gloria


Issue 01 • October 2008

Vegiterian Recipes + Smoothies + Cooking Tips & more Ricetta Vegeterjani + Xorb tal-frott + Pariri fuq tisjier u aktar

20 recipes in English 20 ricetta bil-Malti

Contents 6

Pasta with potatoes & tomatoes


Aborigine cannelloni with ricotta


Pasta with tuna & celery




Veal escalopes pizzaiola style


Fruit, cheese and ham kebabs


Caponata moulds


Summer melons


Toasted bread with marinated vegetables


Tuna & potato mould


Bell peppers stuffed with aubergines & mozzarella


Vegetables terrine with aromatic herbs


Grilling fish on the barbeque


About barbecues & sauces


Rice salad with peas & tuna


Sangria Party


Red mullet in tomato sauce


Summer Salads


Fish kebabs with a sour sauce


Flavoured Oils ( Olive Oil Books)


Veal roll with ham






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Gloria Mizzi ish Bil-Malti / And in Engl

8 00 v2 No

by Gloria


Blues Ltd. 104 Ground Floor Dingli Street Sliema MALTA tel 2133 5272/3 fax 2133 5271 email Recipes in

English & Maltese

Ricetti bil-Malti

Recipes • Cooking Hints • Gifts • Free Meals Ricetti • Pariri • Rigali • Ikliet B’Xejn

u bl-Ingliz

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved. Dates, information and prices quoted are believed to be correct at the time of going to press but are subject to change and no responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions. Neither the editor nor publisher accept responsibility for any material submitted, whether photographic or otherwise. While we have endeavoured to ensure that the firms and organisations mentioned are reputable, the editor can give no guarantee that they will fulfil their obligations under all circumstances. © 2008


Serves 4: 400g short pasta 1 potata; peeled & sliced 2 celery stalks ; chopped 4 tomatoes 2 garlic cloves; chopped fresh basil leaves 1 teaspoon paprika 4 teaspoons extra virgin oil.

Prepare the tomato sauce: Plunge the tomatoes in boiling water, leave for 1 min drain, remove skin, cut in half, remove seeds and chop.

Biex taghmel iz-zalza tat-tadam: Ismot it-tadam ghal minuta nehhilu l-qoxra, aqsmu, nehhi iz-zerriegha u qatta’ bcejjec.

Heat the oil in a big pan add the garlic, fry slightly, add the tomatoes and paprika, season with salt and cook on low flame for 10 minutes.

Sahan iz-zejt go tagen kbir u tektek it-tewm imqatta irqiq. Zid it-tadam u l-paprika hawwar bil-melh u tektek ghal 10 minuti.

Ghal 4:

Fill a saucepan with water add salt, bring to the boil and add the potatoes cook for 1 min, then add the pasta cook for 5 mins, add celery and cook until the pasta is ready ‘aldente’.

Imla l-borma ghal-ghagin bl-ilma bil-melh fethu jaghli itfa l-patata u sajjar ghal minuta, imbaghad zid l-ghagin, kompli sajjar sakemm l-ghagin isir u jibqa haj.

Drain the pasta & vegetables, and put in the pan with the sauce add a little hot water and stir for 1 min.

Saffi l-ghagin u l-haxix, zidu fit-tagen maz-zalza, zid ftit ilma u hawwad ghal xi minuta fuq nar oghli.

Add shredded basil leave and serve immediately.

Zid il-habaq mqatta u servi.

400g ghagin qasir patata; mqaxra u mqatta dadi 2 zkuk tal-krafes; mqattin 4 tadammiet 2 sinniet tewm weraq tal-habaq frisk kuccarina paprika 4 mgharef zejt taz-zebbuga extra vergine.

Always shred basil leaves with your hands, using the knife will alter the taste and darken them.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6

Dejjem qatta l-weraq tal-habaq b’idejk, jekk tuza s-sikkina dawn jiswiedu u jibdlu it-toghma.


30 mins



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Serves 4: 2 aborigines slices lengthwise 300g ricotta 4 big tomatoes 150g mozzarella fresh basil leaves ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 50g grated parmesan cheese salt and pepper

Ghal 4: 2 brungiliet mqattin mit-tul 300g ricotta 4 tadamiet kbar 150g mozzarella weraq tal-habaq ¼ ta kikkra zejt taz-zebbuga 50g gobon parmeggjan mahkuk bzar u melh

Drizzle the aborigine slices with coarse salt and leave for 30 mins to drain off their bitterness. Rinse aborigines and pat dry. Grill aborigines for 3-4 mins on a griddle pan. Dice the mozzarella and add to the mashed ricotta, half the grated cheese and half the shredded basil leaves. Season with salted pepper. Distribute the stuffing on the aborigine slices and roll up. Place in an oiled oven dish, dust with reaming cheese and coves with foil. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 mins, remove the foil and cook for 5 mins more. Switch off oven and leave the cannelloni in it for a few mins. In the meantime prepare a fresh tomato sauce. Skin and deseed tomatoes, chop, season with salt and pepper and blend with the olive oil. Pour the sauce on each serving plate, place cannelloni on top, and decorate with basil leaves and more grated cheese.



Roxx is-slices ta-brungiel bilmelh ohxon u hallihom iqattru ghal xi 30 minuta biex jitnehha l unrar. Wara lahlaq, ixxotta u ixwi fuq gradilja fuq il-fjamma. Ghal milli: Qatta l-mozzarella dadi u hallat mar-rikotta; nofs il-gobon mahkuk, nofs il-habaq u hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh. Ifrex il-mili fuq il-brungiel mixwi, gerbeb sew u poggi god-dixx tal-forn midluk biz-zejt. Ghatti bil-karta tal-aluminju u ahmi go forn li ikun imsahhan temperature moderata, ghall 10 minuti. Nehhi l-karta tal-aluminju u kompli sajjar ghall 5 minuti ohra. Saddanitant lesti iz-zalza friska tad-tadam, billi tqaxxar it-tadam, nehhilu iz-zerriegha qattu bcejjec u ghasru fil ‘blender’ flimkien maz-zejt, il-bzar u l-melh. Ferra ftit zalza fuq kul platt, poggi l-kannelloni u zejjen bil-habaq u gobon mahkuk.


10 mins



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Serves 4: 400g penne rigate 1 tender celery heart chopped 50g green olives stoned and chopped 300g tuna in oil 4 tablespoons olive oil salt, freshly ground black pepper and fresh basil leaves.

Ghal 4: 400g penne rigate qalba ta karfusa taghrija 50g zebbug ahdar bl-ghadma mnehhijja u mqatta 300g tonn taz-zejt 4 mgharef zejt taz-zebbuga melh, bzar iswed midhun frisk ftit weraq tal-habaq.

Cook the pasta in plenty of salted water until aldente.

Ghalli l-ghagin fl-ilma bil-melh u hallih haj.

In the meantime, chop lender stalks, heart and leaves of the celery and put in a big bowl, add the olives, slightly break the tuna with a fork and add in the bowl.

Saddanittant, qatta il-qalba, il-weraq u z-zokk tal-kafusa u poggi go skutella kbira; zid iz-zebbug, it-tonn imfarrak, saffi l-ghagin u ferra fl-iskutella bit-tonn.

Drain the pasta add to the tuna mixture and stir well.

Ferra iz-zejt taz-zebbuga il-weraq tal-habaq u l-bzar midhun frisk Ghati tahwida sew u servi.

Drizzle with the olive oil and add shredded basil leaves and freshly ground black pepper and serve. For this recipe you can use fillets of mackerel in oil or salmon in brine.



Ghall din ir-ricetta minflok tonn taz-zejt tista tuza makarelli taz-zejt jew landa salamun.


15 mins



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Aubergines Aubergines are frequently used in meditterean working. These are different kinds but the majority found in stores is either a glossy purple or almost black and can be long and slim or fat and rounds. All have a similar flavor and the flash is spongy to the touch when raw, but soft after working. Aubergines are very versatile and can be worked in many different ways. The round shaped ones are slightly on the sweet side and ideal for use in dips for stuffing with minced meat. The long ones are good in sauces, fried or grilled. Aubergines tend to have a slight bitter taste and it is best to slice them, put in a colander, and generously sprinkle with salt and leave to stand for about 1 hr, then rinse well and squeeze gently to remove moisture. Pat dry with kitchen paper before working.


Fried aubergines tend to absorb large quantity of oil. To avoid this, use this method; slice or dice aubergines, put in a large bowl with plenty of water and salt. Let them soak for at least 1 hr. this way, the aubergine will absorb enough water therefore will not absorb the oil. When frying aubergines, the oil should be abundant rather hot, otherwise they tend to be saturated in oil leave drain fried aubergines on kitchen paper. When buying aubergines they should feel heavy and firm to the touch and have glossy unblemished skins. They will keep well in salad drawers of the fridge for up to a week.#

Il-bringiel huma popolari fil-kcina tal-meditteran. Hawn tipi differenti, imma l-aktar li issib tixtri huma l-vjola skuri, ileqqu u kwasi suwed. Hawn bringiel tawwali u it-tond. It-toghma hija l-istess, il-polpa tkun qiesa sponuza meta nejja imma tirtab fis-sajjran. It-tondi ghandhom toghma taghti ftit fil hlewwa u tajbin ghad-dip, u ghal mili. It-twal tajbin ghaz-zlazi, mixwijin u moqlijin. Il-bringiel ghandu toghma xi ftit morra u biex tnaqqas l-imrar, trid tqatahom roti ferrixhom bil-melh u hallihom go passatur biex joqtru ghal xi siegha. Imbaghad lahlah u xotthom bil kart ital-kcina qabel mas-sajjarhom.

Meta taqli il-bringiel, dan jixrob hafna zejt. Biex tnaqqas dan, qattahom roti jew dadi poggi fi skutella b’hafna ilma u melh u hallihom jixarbu ghall mill inqas siegha. B’hekk ikunu diga xorbu l-ilma u ma jixorbux hafna zejt. Dejjen lahhlah u ixxotta bil-karti tal-kcina qabel ma taqlihom. Meta taqli l-bringiel, iz-zejt irid ikun abundanti u nar xakarx gholi, inkella jixrob hafna zejt u jirtabu. Dejjem poggi il-bringiel moqli fuq karti tal-kcina biex jissafu miz-zejt zejjed. Meta tixtri il-bringiel ara li ikunu tqal u sodi meta tmisshom u l-qoxra tahom tkun minghajr daqqiet. Il-bringiel izomm anki sa gimgha jekk izommu fil-kexxun tal-fridge. 13

Veal escalopes pizzaiola style Vitella stil pizzaiola Serves 4: 500g thin veal escalops 400g plum tomatoes ½ glass dry white wine 1 garlic clove finely sliced 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon dried oregano extra virgin oil salt and pepper.

Pound the veal escalopes with a mallet to flatten them slightly.

Ghal 4:

Dust the escalopes with flour. Warm some olive oil in a frying pan and fry the escalopes for 3 to 4 mins on each side, until evenly drowned. Set side on a plate, season with salt and pepper and cover with plate.

500g slices irqaq tal-vitella 400g tadam zenguli ½ tazza inbid abjad sinna tewm imqatta irqiq 2 mgharef dqiq kuccarina rignu niexef zejt taz-zebbuga bzar u melh

Wash the tomatoes, using a sharp knife make shallow cross in the skin at the base and plunge in boiling water, leave for 1 min, drain, remove skin, deseed and dice. Put in a sieve to let them drain.

Sautee the garlic in a frying pan. Add the wine and let it evaporate on a high flame. Add the tomatoes, season with salt and pepper and simmer for about 6 mins. Now add the oregano and wok for a further, 2 mins. Remove pan from fire, cover with lid and leave for 5 mins, before serving with a good sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper, and a few basil leaves.


Habbat is-slices tal-vitella biex ticcattjhom ftit. Ahsel it-tadam, ghati zewg talji salib fin-nahha t’isfel tat-tadam u ismotthom ghal minuta. Qaxxar it-tadam, nehhilu iz-zerriegha, qattaw bicciet zghar u hallih joqtor go passatur. Dawwar il-laham fid-dqiq, sahhan iz-zejt got-tagen, u aqli ghal 3-4 minuti miz zewg nahat sa kemm jiehdu l kulur. Poggi go platt, hawwar bil- bzar u l-melh u ghati bi platt iehor. Itfa it-tewm got-tagen tektku ftit,zid l-inbid u hallih jevapora fuq nar gholi. Issa itfa it-tadam, hawwar bil-melh u sajjar ghal madwar 6 minuti. Poggi il-laham fit-tagen mat-tadam, ferrex ir-rignu fuqhu u kompli sajjar ghal 2 minuti ohra. Ghatli it-tagen bl-ghatu, nehhih min fuq in-nar u hallih joqod ghal 5 minuti qabel mas servi. Roxx bil-bzar iswed midhun frisk u zejjen bi ftit weraq tal-habaq.

20 mins



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Serves 2: 1 nectarine peach cut into 8 wedges 2 slices of melon, pealed and cubed 4 slices of ham

Halve the slices of ham, wrap each round a wedge of nectarine and secure with a skewer. Add a cube of cheese and a cube of melon and repeat until you have 8 kebabs.

100grams emmental cheese cubed 4 carrots finely grated 1 tablespoon olive oil lemon juice or balsamic vinegar salt and pepper 8 bamboo skewers.

Divide the grated carrots and put in 2 plastic containers, season with olive oil, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar, add salt and pepper and toss. Put 4 kebabs in each container, cover with lid and leave in the fridge until ready to take to work.

Ghal 2:

For these kebabs, you can use different fruits like kiwi or pinapple instead of melon.

Necipriska mqatta fi 8 flieli 2 slices bettieh mqatta dadi 4 slices perzut 100gramma gobon emmental mqatta dadi 4 karrotti mahkukin mgharfa zejt taz-zebbuga ftit meraq tal-lumi jew hall balsamiku bzar u melh 8 stikek tal-kebabs. suggestions


Aqsam il-perzut minn nofs , u gerbeb kull bicca ma felli necipriska u dahhal go stikka tal-kebab, imbaghad ibda zid bicca gobon u bicca bettieha u kompli sakemm ikollok 8 kebabs. Qassam il-karrotti mahkuka bejn zewg kaxxex tal-plastic, hawwar biz-zejt, lumi u hall balsamiku u ftit melh u bzar, kemm tiggusta. Hallat sew, poggi 4 kebabs f`kull kaxxa. Ghalaq b`ghatu u halli fil-fridge sakemm tigi biex tehodhom ix-xoghol mieghek. Ghal dawn il-kebabs tista tuza frott iehor bhal kiwi jew pineapple minflok bettieh.


15 mins



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Ideal as a quick, nutritious meal, that can be taken at work. 17

Caponata moulds Forom tal-kapponata Serves 4: 600grams aubergines 2 celery stalks finely chopped 300grams tomato passata 1 medium onion finely chopped fresh basil leaves 1 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons vinegar 100 grams olives stoned and halved 2 tablespoon capers 200 grams ricotta or feta cheese 2 hard boiled eggs oil for frying extra virgin oil salt & pepper

Ghal 4: 600 gramma brungiel 2 zkuk tal-karfus mqattin 300 gramma passata tat-tadam basla mdaqqsa mqatta irqiq ftit habab frisk kuccarina zokkor 4 mgharef hall 100gramma zebbug bl-ghadma mnehhija u mqatta 2 mgharef kappar 200 gramma ricotta jew gobon feta 2 bajdiet ibsin, zejt biex taqli, 3 mgharef zejt taz-zebbuga bzar u melh. 18

Heat 3 table spoons of olive oil in a pan, fry the onion, add the tomato passata and the sugar and cook for 5 minutes, add capers, olives and vinegar, cook for 10 minutes more and add the basil leaves.

Sahhan iz-zejt taz-zebbuga go tagen u tektek il-basla, zid il-passata tat-tadam, iz-zokkor u sajjar ghal 5 minuti.

Wash the aubergines, cut into 2cms cubes, soak in salted water for 1 hour, rinse, put to dry and fry in hot vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes until golden.

Zid il-kappar, iz-zebbug u l-hall u kompli sajjar ghal 10 minuti ohra, wara itfa il-weraq tal-habaq, ahsel il-brungiel, qattu dadi, hallih fl-ilma bil-melh ghal siegha, lahalhu, ixxuttah u aqlih fiz-zejt ghal 2-3 minuti sakemm jiehu il-kulur.

Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Fry the celery in the same oil and drain as well.

Saffi miz-zejt u poggih fuq il-karta tal-kcina. Aqli il-krafes fl-istess zejt, saffih u poggih karta ukoll.

Add fried vegetables to the tomato sauce; simmer for 10 minutes and season with salt and pepper.

Issa zid il-brungiel u l-krafes moqlija maz-zalza tat-tadam u tektek ghal 10 minuti. Hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh, u halli kollox jiksah.

Let the caponata cool completely, divide into 4 molds, press down with the back of the spoon. Unmold on to serving plates and serve with hard boiled eggs and pieces of ricotta or feta cheese. The caponata can be prepared 2 days ahead as it improves in flavour. Leave covered in the fridge.

Qassam il-kaponata f`4 forom u ippressa l-isfel bid-dar tal-mgharfa. Aqleb il-forom fuq il-platti u isservi flimkien mal-flieli tal-bajd, ricotta jew gobon. Tista tlesti il-kaponata minn jumejn qabel. Halliha mghottija fil-fridge, it toghma taghha aktar titjieb.


40 mins



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Melons come in a big number of varies, and range in size from a melon that provides a single portion to those that could serve 12 or more. They have a hard, often beautifully patterned and a very juicy refreshing flesh, mellows have a very high water content. The more orange the flesh, the more beneficial carotenes it contains. All melons are very low in calories. Summer melons include all the varieties with cross hatched skin like brown netting. Hawn varjeta kbira ta bettieh u daqsijiet differenti, min zghar ghall peruna wahda sa kbar ta 12 il persuna. Ghandhom il-qoxra iebsa u ta spiss iddisinjata u l-polpa tkun friska u b’hafna meraq. Il-bettieh ghandu kontenut gholi ta ilma. Aktar ma il-kulur orangjo skur aktar ikun fih vitamini ‘carotenes’. Il-bettieh ghandu numru baxx ta kaloriji. Bettieh tas-sajf; dawn jinkludu varjetajiet kollha li ghandhom il-qoxra qiesa xibka.

Buying & Storing Melons should feel heavy for their size, and give off a pleasant sweet aroma, they should not smell too musty as this is a sign that over ripe. To ripen a melon, keep it at room temperature. Ripe melons are best kept in a cool dry place. If keeping in a refrigerator, wrap in a clear plastic film. Aromatic melons are best eaten raw, on their oink, in a fruit salad or as a hors d’aeuvre with prosciutto or salami.


Meta tixtri u zzomm il-bettieh Il-bettieh ghandu ikun tqil ghad-daqs tieghu u ikollhom fwieha helwwa. Il-fwieha ma tritx tkun qawwija izzejjed ghaliex tkun misjura wisq u tkun kwasi marret. Biex bettieha tkompli isir zommha f’temperatura tal-ambjent. Bettieha misjura ghandha tinzamm f’post frisk u arjuz. Jekk izzomm il-bettieha filfridga gerbiha fil-plastik irqiq li jigebed. Il-bettieh l-ahjar jitikel nej, wahdu, mhallat ma insalata tal-frott jew inkellha mal-perzut taljan jew salami.

Cantaloupe These summer melons have a long led shape with craggy pale green or golden rind, marked into sediments and have an aromatic orangey yellow or delicate pale green flesh. Dan il-bettieh ghandu forma tawwalija bil-qoxrahadra u debbija, u bil-flieli immarkati. Il-polpa li tfuh hafna tista tkun safranija jew hadra cara.

To make a melon smoothy

blend the flesh of a small melon together with an apple, the juice of 2 orange, the juice of 1 lemon and 4 teaspoons of sugar and honey.

Biex taghmel xarba bnina tal-bettieh Charentias These have smooth greygreen rinds and very fragrant orange flesh. A ripe gives off a heady aroma. Dawn ghandhom qoxra lixxa taghti fil-griz hadrani u l-polpa tahom ghsndha riha tfuh specjalment meta tkun misjura.

Galia These are round with a raised pattern of fine netting on the skin. The skin turns from green to golden as it ripens. The flesh is green and juicy. Dawn huma tondi b’disinn ta xibka mqabza fuq il-qoxra. Meta tkun misjura il-qoxra minn hadra isir safranija u l-polpa tkun hadra u jkollha hafnsa meraq.

itfa fil-blender, polpa mqatta ta bettieha zghira, ma tuffieha meraq ta 2 larigiet, meraq ta lumija u 4 kuccarini zokkor jew ghasel. Halli fil-fridge qabel ma tixrobha.


Serves 4:

To make the marinated, put 16 slices of country style bread the wine, vinegar, sugar and salt in a saucepan, bring to the boil 1 carrot and pour over the vegetables 1 leak and leave to marinate for at 1 celery stalk least 80 mins. 1 red bell pepper Strain the vegetables and put all very finely chopped in a clean bowl, drizzle with the some parsley and basil leaves olive oil and season with salt 1 glass of white wine according to taste. 1 glass of white vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar Put the slices of bread on 4 tablespoons extra virgin oil a baking tray and toast in a salt. preheated oven at 180 deg (gas 4) temperature, for a few mins until crisp.

Ghal 4: 600 gramma brungiel 16 il slice hobz ta bezzun tal-malti carotta kurrata zokk tal-karfusa bzaru ahmar helu kollha mqattajn zaghar hafna ftit tursin u habaq imqatta tazza inbid abjad tazza hall abjad maghrfa zokkor 4 maghref zejt taz-zebbuga extra virgin u melh


Put a spoonful of marinated vegetables on each slice and serve hot with basil and parsley.

Biex taghmel l-imarinar, poggi l-inbid, il-hall, il-melh u z-zokkor go borma zghira u fettahom jaghlu. Ferra fuq il-hxejjex mqattajn u hallih ghal 30 minuta. Saffi l-hxejjex, poggi go skutella, bixxex biz-zejt u hawwar bil-melh. Poggi r-roti tal-bezzun fuq pjanca tal-forn u ahmi go forn shun ghal temperatura ta 180 deg gas 4 ghall ftit minuti. Poggi maghrfa immarinar fuq kull bicca hobz u servi shan bi ftit tursin u habaq. Tista izzomm il-haxix immarinat fil-vazzetti anka sa xaghrejn.

You can preserve the chopped vegetable in glass jars and keep even for 2 months.

Sterilizza il-vazzetti, imllihom bil-haxix ghatti biz-zejt u ghalaq bl-ghatu tal-kamin.

Sterilize the jars, fill with the drained vegetables, cover with oil, and close tightly with a screw top.

Poggi il-vazzetti go borma imla bl-ilma sa kemm jasal san-nofs il-vazzetti u ghalli fuq nar baxx ghal 30 minuta.

Put jars in a big pan, fill with water, till it reaches the middle of the jars and bring to boil on a slow flame for 30 mins.

Halli l-vazzetti fil-borma sa kemm l-ilma jitsah qabel ma tohroghom.

Leave the jars in the sauce pan until the water cools down completely before removing.


20 mins



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Serves 8: 2kgs potatoes 500g tuna in oil 100g stuffed green olives sliced 1 onion finely chopped 2 hard boiled eggs sliced 5 tablespoons mayonnaise juice of 2 lemons 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley salt and white pepper.

Ghal 8: 2 kili patata 500g tonn taz-zejt 100g zebbug ahdar mimli u mqatta roti basla mqatta rqiq hafna 2 bajdiet ibsin imqattain roti 5 maghref mayonnaise meraq ta 2 lumijiet tursin imqatta melh u bzar abjad

Cook potatoes until tender, peel and mash while still hot. Put mashed potatoes in a bowl, and half the lemon juice, parsley, season with salt and pepper and mix well. In a separate bowl flake the tuna, add the onion, the mayonnaise and the rest of the lemon juice, and mix well, line a pudding mold use the cling film, use 2/3 of the mashed potatoes to cover the bottom and side of the bowl, put tuna mixture, slices of hard boiled eggs and the olives, cover with the rest of the potatoes and press down well. Cover the top with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hr. remove cling film from the top, unmold carefully rest of cling film, and decorate with slices of lemon and parsley. You can use different shaped molds for this recipe, as long as they are lined with cling film.



Sajjar il-patata, qaxxarha u ghaffigha sakemm tkun ghadha shuna. Poggiha fi skutella zid maghha nofs il-meraq tal-lumi, it-tursin u hawwar bil bzar u l-melh. Go skutella ohra, farak it-tonn taz-zejt, zid il-basla, il-mayonnaise u il-bqija tal-meraq tal-lumi u hawwad sew. Issa iksi il-qieh u l-genb ta skutella, bil-folja irqiqa talplastic li jiggiebed u iksi il-qieh b’zewg terzi tal-patata maxx. Ferra t-tahlita tat-tonn, poggi r-roti tal-bajd iebes u taz-zebbug. Ghati l-wicc bil-kumpliment tal-patata, ghafas sew l isfel, ghati il-wicc b’folja tal-plastic irqiqa u halli fil-fridge ghal mill inqass siegha. Nehhi l-plastic mill-wicc, aqleb il-forma fuq platt, nehhi ilkumplament tal-plastic u zejjen bir-roti tal-lumi u ftit tursin. Tista tuza forom differenti ghal din ir-ricetta basta ikunu infuratti bil-karta irqiqa talplastic.


50 mins



ricett a rec i pe no.



Serves 4: 2kgs potatoes 500g tuna in oil 100g stuffed green olives sliced 1 onion finely chopped 2 hard boiled eggs sliced 5 tablespoons mayonnaise juice of 2 lemons 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley salt and white pepper.

Ghal 4: 2 kili patata 500g tonn taz-zejt 100g zebbug ahdar mimli u mqatta roti basla mqatta rqiq hafna 2 bajdiet ibsin imqattain roti 5 maghref mayonnaise meraq ta 2 lumijiet tursin imqatta melh u bzar abjad

Dice the aubergines, soak in salted crates for 1hr, rinse, pat dry and fry for about 10 mins. Drain on kitchen paper.

Qatta il-bringiel dadi u hallihom jixxarbu fl-ilma bil-melh ghal xi nofs siegha, lahlahhom u xxutthom.

Blend aubergines in the blender until they become creamy, add the egg and shredded basil to a bowl, add the breadcrumbs and seasons with salt and pepper, set aside.

Aqli ghal 10 minuti. Saffi miz-zejt fuq karta tal-kcina.

Cut off the top from peppers and set aside remove pith and seeds from peppers. Spoon the filling into the peppers and place them in a deep oven dish, with some water in a bottom, add the cut off tops as well in the dish. Put a slice of mozzarella on each pepper, drizzle with oil, cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 180 dec gas 4 for 35-40 mins. After 10 mins see if the filling is set, if not remove the foil lower temperature and continue cooking. Let them rest for 5 mins before serving.

Poggi l-bringiel fil-blender u ghamilhom puree, zid il-bajda u l-habaq u poggi fi skutella, zid il-frak tal-hobz, hawwad sew u hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh. Nehhi il-kallotta tal-bzar u zommha. Naddaf il-bzar miz-zerriegha u imlieh bit-tahlita tal-bringiel. Poggi il-bzar mimli f’dixx tal-forn bi ftit ilma fil-qieh, zid il-kallotti ukoll fid-dixx. Poggi rota mozzarella fuq kul bzaru, ferrex ftit qtar taz-zejt taz-zebbuga fil-wicc. Ghatti d-dixx bil-karta talaluminju u ahmi go forn shun ghall moderat ghal 35-40 minuti. Wara 10 minuti ara jekk ilmiliikunx qaghad. Jekk le nehhi il-karta tal-aluminju u kompli sajjar. Halli il-bzar joqod ghall ftit qabel mas-servi.



90 mins



ricett a rec i pe no.



Serves 6: 400g warm boiled potatoes 6 small carrots 300g green beans topped and tailed 100g cherry tomatoes Bunch of herbs, basil, thyme 2 eggs 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese. For the vinaigrette; 6 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar salt and pepper.

Ghal 6: 400g patata misjura 6 karotti zaghar 300g fazola hadra mnadfa 100g tadam cirasa bukkett zghir hxejjex aromatici, habaq, tursin u cluves 2 bajdiet maghrfa meraq tal-lumi 4 mghref gobon parmiggjan mahkuk Ghaz-zalza vinaigrette 4 maghref zejt taz-zebbuga 2 maghref hall balsamiku bzar u melh. 28


2 hrs



ricett a rec i pe no.

Peel the carrots, cook until tender, drain, and mash half of them with half the potatoes, add 1 whole egg and 1 yolk, the grated cheese, the lemon juice and half the chopped herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Cook the green beans and chop them together with the rest of the carrots and potato and add to the previously mashed mixture. Whisk the egg white until stiff and add to mixture mixing well.


Sajjar il-karrotti u ghaffeg nofshom ma nofs il-patata li tkun ghada shuna. Zid bajda shiha u isfar, il-gobon mahkuk, il-meraq ta lumija, nofs il-hxejjex aromatici, bzar u melh u hawwad kollox. Sajjar il-fazola hadra u qattaha dadi. Qatta il-karotti u l-patata li fadal dadi ukoll. U zid kollox mat-tahlita li ghandek lesta. Habbat l-abajd tal-bajda sakemm jigi xkuma u haltu sew mat-tahlita kollha.

Iksi id-dixx tat-terrina bil-karta tal-forn, Pour the mixture into a terrine dish lined li tkun xarrabt u ghassart, u ferra it-tahlita with a wet and squeezed oven paper and fiha. cover the terrine with its lid. Sajjar it-terrina banju maria, billi tpoggha Put the terrine in a deep oven dish, half go dixx tal-forn, nofs mimli bl-ilma u ahmi filled with water and cook bain mairie in gol-forn lit kun diga sahant ghal temperaa preheated oven at 180 deg gas 4 for 30 ture ta 180 deg gas 4 ghal 30 minuta. mins and let it cool. Ohrog mill-forn u hallieh jibred. SaddnitIn the mean line prepare the vinaigrette; tant lesti il-vinaigrette; go skutella zghira, in a small bowl, put the vinegar, salt and poggi il-hall, il-bzar u l-melh u zid iz-zejt ftit pepper and add the oil little by little beat- ftit waqt li thabbat bil-whisk jew furketta ing with a whisk until it starts emulsifying il-hin kollhu, sakemm il-vinaigrette tibda then add the remaining herbs. taqad. Unmold the terrine and serve with halves cherry tomatoes and a sprinkling of vinaigrette.

Aqleb it-terrina fuq platt, nehhi il-karta u servi fietla jew kisha, mat-tadam maqsum min-nofs iz-zalza vinaigrette.

This terrine can be served either warm or cold. If you do not have terrine dish, use a loaf tin covered with foil.

Terrine huwa l-isem ta recipjent bl-ghatu maghmul apposta biex issajjar banju maria. Tista tuza ukoll landa tal-cake tawallija miksija bil-karti tal-aluminju.


Select the fish of your choice, and remember that a marinade is necessary, as it adds taste to the fish and keeps it moist while cooking. Marinate fish in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper.

Jekk tkun ser tixwi il-hut fuq il-barbecue huwa importanti hafna li timmarinah sew min qabel, dan jaghti toghma tajba hafna lill hut u ma jinxifx waqt ix-xiwi. L-immarinar ghal hut maghmul biz-zejt taz-zebbuga, meraq tal-lumi, hxejjex aromatici, bzar u melh.

1. Of grilling big fish, make incisions of both sides with a sharp knife and fill the cavity with slices of lemon and herbs.

1. Jekk ser tixwi hut kbir. Ghati qatat bis-sikkina miz-zewg nahat u imla iz-zaqq bil-flieli tal-lumi u hxejjex.

2. Small fish like red mullet, sardines and mackerel are ideal. Brush fish with oil or dust them lightly in the flour. Cover the grill with aluminum foil and place the fish on it. Small fish are rather fragile and break easily.

2. Hut zghir bhal sardine, kavalli u trill huma ideali ghax-xiwi. Idlek il-hut biz-zejt jew ghaddieh bi ftit dqiq. Ghatti il-gradilja tal-barbecue bil-karta tal-aluminju u poggi il-hut fuqha. Il-hut zghir huwa delikat u jitfarrak facilment.

3. Grill scampi and prawns in their own shells. Make a shallow incision down the centre of the back of the prawn, pick out the black vein and discard. Thread through a skives and wok only for 1 min, on each side or if bigger 2 or 3 mins.

3. Ixwi il-gambli jew scampi meta ikunu ghadhom bil-qoxra. Bis-sikkina, aqsam il-qoxra tad-dar tal-gambli u nehhilhom dik il-vina is-sewda li jkollhom. Zomm fuq skives u ixwi ghal minuta fuq kull naha jekk zghar jew 2-3 minuti ghal dawk ikbar.

4. When grilling tuna, swordfish or salmon steaks, do not remove the skin, otherwise they will break. Cook for 5 mins on each side if they are approximately 2.5 centimeters thick.

4. Meta tixwi qatata hut bhat-tonn, pixxispad jew salamun tnehhilhomx il-gilda tad-dawra ghax inkella tharbathom. Ixwi ghall 5 minuti min kull naha jekk ikunu hoxnin madwar is-sivata.

5. Small squid, octopus and cuttlefish are delicious when grilled. Wash well and marinate. Keep brushing with oil while cooking as they dry civilly.

5. Klamari zghar, qarnit zghir msejjah brinb u anki sicc zghir jigu tajbin hafna mixwijin. Ara li jkunu immarinati sew u idlek biz-zejt waqt ix-xiwi ghax inkella jinxfu.

6. Fish kebabs are attractive and tasty; 6. Ghall kebabs tal-hut ghazel hut li choose fish with a firm flesh, cut into cubes jkollu l-laham sod u qattaw dadi kbar. and alternate on a skives with scampi and Zomm il-hut fuq skives flimkien ma calamari. gambli, klamari u sicc. 30





2 5 Points to remember

Always remember to brush the grill with oil before placing the fish. When cooking a variety of fish on the same grill, start with the big ones, then add the others according to size.

Ftakar dejjem li ghandek tidlek il-gradilja biz-zejt qabel ma tibda tixwi. Meta tkun ser tixwi hut ta daqs differenti, ibda mill-kbar u kompli biz-zghir skond id-daqs.

keep marinated fish in the refrigerator or in a picnic cooler, fish deteriorate easily in hot weather.

Ftakar dejjem

li il-hut immarinat ghandu jinzamm fil-fridge jew fil-picnic cooler jekk ser tiehdu miehek ghal-barbecue, ghaliex fis-shana il-hut jmur mall-ewwel. 31

Nuts & Sweets, Spices & Herbs Dried Fruits, Mixed Soup

Bunch of Roses

Pasta & Foodstuffs Distributor Raymond Buhagiar (Director) 38, Zinzel street,Qormi QRM11 - Malta. Tel: 2148 3443 | Fax: 2148 3343 | Mob: 9945 8532

About barbecues & sauces Barbecues u zlazi Setting up for a barbecue can be fun, so have every thing you need, prepared in advance to avoid last minute panic. Start the fire well ahead of cooking line and wait until the flame have died down and the charcoals covered in white ash and glowing red. Have ready by your side.

1. Brush to oil the grill and ingredients. 2. Thongs to pick the meat or fish without damaging them.

3. Kitchen gloves. 4. Palette to turn the food.

Kulhadd jiehu gost issajjar fuq ilbarbecue, imma filkas li ahjar ikollok kollox lest qabel ma tibda, biex kollox imur sew. Ibda in-nar qabel sew ma tkun ser issajjar. Stenna sakemm il-fjammi ibattu u lfaham ikun miksi bl-irmied abjar u l-gmar taht ikunu homor. Zomm l-ghodda hdejk.

1. Pinzell biex tidlek il-gradilja u anki l-ingridjenti.

2. Pinza bil-molla biex taqbad il-laham jew hut

3. Ingwanti tal-kcina 4. Paletta biex tqalleb l-ikel


Cream cheese & mustard Blend 200g cream cheese with 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon white wine, 1 tablespoon white vinigar1 teaspoon ready made mustered, some fresh cream and season with salt and pepper

Krema tal-gobon u mustarda hallat fil-blender 200g krema tal-gobon ma 2 mgharef zejt taz-zebbuga, kuccarina hall abjad, kucarina mustarda imhalltha lesta, ftit krema friska u hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh.

Yogurt and basil Blend same basil leaves with 1 garlic clove and 2 tablespoon of olive oil, add 1 carton of plain yogurt, season with salt and pepper and dilute with more oil and some lemon juice.

Yogurt u habaq

Mayonnaise and lime

Itfa fil-blender ftit weraq tal-habaq, sinna tewm u zewg maghref zejt taz-zebbuga.

add the grated rind and juice of 1 lime to a small jar of mayonnaise.

Zid kartuna yogurt naturali, hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh u holl bi ftit aktar zejt u meraq tal-lumi.

Add some chopped parsley, 2-3 tablespoon of plain yogurt and season with salt and pepper.

Bell peppers & paprika grill peppers, remove the skin and deseed. Blend peppers with some olive oil. 1 tablespoon paprika, 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, 1 garlic clove and freshly ground black pepper.

Bzar ahmar helu u paprika ixwi il-bzar, nehhilhom il-qoxrq u z-zerriegha u poggih fil-blender ma ftit zejt taz-zebbuga, kuccarina paprika, kuccarina hall balsamiku, sinna tewm u bzar iswed midhun frisk.

Mayonnaise u lime zid il-qoxra mahkuka u l-meraq tal-lime ( minflock tista tuza lumija ), ma vazett zghir mayonnaise. Hawwad u zid ftit tursin mqatta irqiq, daqs 3 maghref yogurt naturali u hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh.


Serves 4: 200g long grain rice 100g emmeuital cheese 50g stoned green olives 150g frozen peas 2 hard boiled eggs 2 tomatoes 1 roasted red bell pepper 4 small gherkins extra virgin oil salt and pepper

Ghal 4: 200g ross 100g tonn taz-zejt 100g gobon emmeuital 50g zebbug ahdar minghajar ghadma 150g pizelli frozen 2 bajdiet iebsin 2 tadamiet bzaru ahmar helu mixwi 4 hjariet zghar fil-hall zejt taz-zebbuga bzar u melh.

Boil the rice in salted water, drain and rinse with cold water.

Ghalli ir-ross fl-ilma bil-melh, saffih u lahlah bl-ilma kiesah.

Cook the peas, drain and put in a big bowl.

Sajjar il-pizelli, saffihom u poggihom go skutalla kbira.

Slice the gherkins, deseed the tomatoes and dice, skin the bell peppers and chop.

Qatta l-hjar roti zghar, nehhi iz-zerriegha tat-tadam u qatta bicciet, qaxxar il-bzaru u qattaw, farak it-tonn taz-zejt bil-furketta, qatta l-gobon dadi zghar.

Break the tuna with a fork, cut the cheese into small cubes. Add these ingredients to the bowl with the peas. Add rice, olives, season with salt and pepper and drizzle 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix the salad with a wooden spoon. Chill the rice salad for about 30 minutes before serving with wedges of hard-boiled eggs.



Itfa kollox fl-iskutella malpizelli. Zid ir-ross, iz-zebbug, hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh u ferra daqs 3 maghref zejt taz-zebbuga. Hawwad kollox b’maghrfa tal-injam. Halli l-insalata tar-ross fill-frige ghal madwar nofs siegha qabel mas-servi imzejjna bil-flieli tal-bajd iebes.


45 mins



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Sangria Party Festa bis-sangria Deliciously fresh and tasty sangria is a top drink for a summer party besides the traditional one, try this with unusual ingredients.

Is-sangria hija xarba delizzjuza u friska ghassajf. Baxxa hafna fl-amont ta spirtu, taqta hafna l’ghatx. Offri is-sangria qabel l-ikel.

Thirst quenching are very low in alcohol, offer it pre lunch drink

Classic Spanish Sangria Wash and slice 1 lemon, 2 oranges and any mixed seasonal fruits, put everything in a bowl, sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of brandy. Let it stand for 10 mins. Add 1-liter bottle of red wine 1 cinnamon stick and a few cloves. Chill for a night and serve with ice

Sangria klassika spanjola Ahsel u qatta roti lumija, 2 laringiet u frott iehor tal-istagun. Poggi kollox go buqar u ferrex 3 maghref zokkor u 3 maghref brandy. Hallih joqod ghall 10 minuti, imbaghad zid litru inbid ahmar, stika kannella u ftit imsiemer tal-qronfol. Kessah ghal lejl fil-fidge u servi bis-silg.


Aromatic sangria with rose wine Slice 1 lemon, 2 oranges, 2 green apples and 2 pears, put in a glass bowl, drizzle with 3 tablespoons of sugar and juice of 2 lemons Add 1 liter of rose wine, a bunch of mint and basil, and 2 chopped cinnamon sticks Chill up for 1 night and serve with ice

Exotic sangria with lime Slices 2 limes, put in a bowl, sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of white rum, and let stand for 10 mins. Add the juice of 2 lemons, 1 liter bottle of red sweet wine, mix well and chill for 1 night, serve with crushed ice and mint leaves.

Sangria e�otika bil-lime

Sangria aromatika bir-rose’ qatta roti lumija, 2 laringiet, 2 tuffiehat hodor u 2 langasiet, poggi kollox go buqar, zid il-meraq ta 2 lumijiet, imbaghad ferrex 3 maghref zokkor. Ferra litru inbid rose’, weraq tannanniegh u habaq, u zewg stikek tal-kannella imqatajn. Kessah fil-fridge ghal-lejl u servi bis-silg.

Qatta roti irqaq zewg lime, poggi f’buqar ferrex bi 3 maghref zokkor u 3 rum abjad. Halliha toqod ghall 10 minuti imbaghad zid il-meraq ta 2 lime, litru inbid ahmar helu, u hawwad sew, kessah fil-fridge ghal-lejl u servi bis-silg imfarrak u weraq tan-naniegh. 39

Red mullet in tomato sauce Filetti tat-trill fiz-zalza Serves 4: 4 filleted red mullets 3 garlic cloves chopped 1 cup fish stock (you can do it with a cube) 1 teaspoon crushed dried chili peppers 500g tomato polpa 1 teaspoon sugar 4 table spoons olive oil salt

Heat the oil in a frying pan, sautĂŠ the garlic, add tomatoes and simmer for 15 mines.

Sahhan iz-zejt go tagen u tektek bit-tewm, zid it-tadam u sajjar ghal 15 il minuta.

Add the sugar, the chilies and the salt, add fish stock and cook until sauce thickens slightly.

Issa zid iz-zokkor, il-bzar imfarak u hawwar bil-melh.

Ghal 4:

For this recipe, you can use a whole red mullet. To make the fish stock, ask the fish manger to give you about 500g of fish heads and bones, wash them well then sautĂŠ in oil together with chopped onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 chopped celery and a chopped carrot.

filetti ta 4 trillji 3 sinniet tewm imqattin tazza stock tal-hut (tista taghmlu bid-dadi) kuccarina bzar ahmar niexef imfarrak 500g polpa tat-tadam, kuccarina zokkor, 4 maghref zejt taz-zebbuga u melh kemm hemm bzonn.

Add the fish fillets and simmer sauce for about 5 mins. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Add 2 bay leaves, 2 sage leaves and a few whole black pepper corns.

Poggi il-hut fiz-zalza u kompli tektek ghal 5 minuti. Ferrex it-tursin mqatta u servi. Ghal din ir-ricetta tista tuza it-trill shih. Biex taghmel l-istokk tal-hut, staqsi lill tal-hut biex itik madwar 500g irjus u xewk tal-hut. Ahsilhom sew u tektikom fizzejt ma basla u 2 sinniet tewm imqattajn irqiq, qalba ta karfusa u karrotta mqattin. Zid 2 weraq rand u 2 tas-salvja u ftit bocci tal-bzar iswed.

Pour ½ liter of water and cook for at least 30 mines.

Ferra nofs litru ilma fuq kollox u sajjar ghall xi 30 minuta.

Strain and use according to recipe.

Saffi kollox u uza skond ir-ricetta.



Ferra l-istokk u kompli sajjar sakemm iz-zalza toqod ftit.

20 mins



ricett a rec i pe no.



Summer Salads Insalati tas-sajf Simple salads are excellent in summer either as an accompaniment to meat, fish or poultry or eaten as main delight dish. Rich in vitamins and minerals they make a nutritious and easily digested meal. You can make salads to suit your taste. The more varied the green leaves the more nutritious they are if you add nuts, seeds and herbs. Walnuts, pumpkin and sunflowers seeds are excellent.

L-insalati huma ideali fix-xhur tas-sajf, flimkien ma laham, hut u tigieg u anki wahedhom, bhala platt wiehed. Gholja hafna fil-vitamini u minerali, jaghmlu ikla stagjusa izda hafifa ghad-digestjoni. Hallat l-insalata kif trid l-aktar ma tvarja il-weraq akar tigi tajba specialment meta iz-zid xi lewz, zerriegha tal-qara hamra u tal-ward tax-xemx u anki il-gewz.

Things to remember when making a salad

Meta taghmel insalata ftakar;

wash leaves thoroughly and spin in a salad spinner to remove all traces of water, this will keep the leaves very crisp. If not using salad leaves immediately, wrap in a damp tea towel, and keep in the refrigerator they will keep fresh and crisp much longer. If you are using nuts and seeds, toast lightly and add at the last after you have tossed the salad with a dressing.

Ahsel il-weraq u nehhi l-ilma zejjed billi iddawwarhom go salad spinner. Jekk mhux ser tuza il-weraq mal-ewwel gerbibhom go sarvetta niedja u poggi fil-fridge, u hekk jibqaw hafna izjjed friski. Meta tuza xi zrieh, inkaljhom ghal ftit fuq tagen zid mal-insalata fl-ahhar. L-istess zid it-tahwir biz-zejt u hall fl-ahhar, ghax inkella l-insalata tidbiel. Hall balsamiku jaghti taghma fil-helu imma tista tuza hall ahmar jew abjad ukoll.

Always add the dressing just before serving otherwise the leaves go limp and soggy. Balsamic vinegar adds a rich sweet taste to a dressing but red or white vinegar can be used instead.



For a tasty dressing,

combine 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, ½ tablespoon Dijon mustard, salt and freshly ground black pepper, in a screw top jars, shake well until well amalgamated. This dressing will keep well in the fridge for about 4 days.

Ipprova dan it-tahwir,

hallat 4 maghref zejt, 2 maghref hall balsamiku, vazett bl-ghatu tal-kamin. Habbat sew il-vazett, sakemm kollox jithallat sew tista izzomm il-vazett fil-fridge ghal 4 tijiem.


Serves 4: 600g calamari ready cleaned 500g prawns some bay leaves chopped parsley 6 plum tomatoes 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper 1 garlic clove ½ cup fresh bread crumbs 3 limes or 3 small lemons extra virgin oil and salt.

Ghal 4: 600g klamari mnadffa 500g gambli kbar weraq tar-rand tursin imqatta 6 tadamiet miz-zenguli 2 kuccarini bzar cayenne sinna tewm ½ kikkra frak tal-hobz frisk 3 lime jew lumijiet zghar zejt taz-zebbuga extra virgin melh


Prepare the sauce, washes the tomatoes, halve, deseed and chop. Put them in a bowl add the juice of 2 limes, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 5-6 tablespoons of oil and the remaining lime, sliced thinly and chopped.

Lesti iz-zalza, aqsam it-tadam min-nofs, nehhi iz-zerriegha u qattaw bicciet zghar. Poggi go skutella u zid il-meraq ta 2 lime, kuccarina cayenne, 5-6 maghref zejt, il-lime l-ohra imqatta roti irqaq imbaghad f’bicciet zaghar.

Marinate the calamari, removes the tentacles, open the calamari lengthwise in 2 and cut in 3 triangles each half. Remove the shells of the prawns, but leave the tail, discard the black vein. Put the cut calamari, the tentacles and the prawns in a bowl add the bay leaves, the remaining cayenne pepper, the parsley and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Let them marinate for at least 30 mines. Finley chop the tentacles, add the breadcrumbs, and chopped garlic.

Ghamel l-imarinar ghall klamari, Nehhi is-siraba tal-kalamri, iftah il-klamari min nofs, u min kull nofs aqta 3 triangli, qaxxar il-gambli, halli d-denb, u nehhilhom il-vina sewda. Poggi il-klamari, is-sirba u lgambli go skutella, zid il-weraq tar-rand, il-bzar cayenne li ikun baqa, it-tursin u 4 maghref zejt. Halli kollox joqod ghal mill anqas 30 minuta. Qatta is-sirba tal-kalamari bicciet zghar u zid mal-frak tal-hobz u t-tewm mqatta.

Prepare the kebabs, remove the calamari triangles from marinate put on the centre of each the breadcrumbs mixture, roll up and thread into a skives, alternating with the prawns. Cook the kebabs on a very hot griddle or on a barbecue, brushing frequently with the marinade. Season with salt and serve with the prepared sauce.

Lesti il-kebabs, nehhi il-klamari mill-immanirar u fuq kull triangle poggi ftit mit-tahlita tal-hobz, dawwar u dahhal go stikka, flimkien mal-gambli. Sajjar il-kebabs fuq gradilja shuna hafna, jew fuq il-barbecue, u dellikom ta spiss bl-immarinar. Hawwar bil-melh u servi maz-zalza lit kun lestejt.

45 mins



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Juniper berry & bayleaf oil Use the same basic method to make all of these oils, just varying the flavouring ingredients. The golden rule is to always use the best oil you can find. Pour 500ml extra virgin oil into a saucepan and heat very gently with your chosen set of flavourings. The idea is just to warm the oil, not to get it hot. Remove the pan from the heat and leave it to cool completely, then pour the oil and the flavourings into a 600ml bottle. Leave the bottle to stand in a cool place for at least 2 weeks before using. The garlic and basil oil contains fresh ingredients, so it must be strained after 2 weeks to prevent harmful bacteria from growing. They can then be pored into clean bottles and kept like the other oils for up to 6 months.

1 tablespoon juniper berries 3 dried bayleaves This is an ideal oil to drizzle over any game dish. The interesting flavours also make it ideal for using in sauces and dips.

Zejt bil-bocci tal-gniebru u weraq tar-rand Mgharfa bocci tal-gnibru 3 werqiet tar-rand niexfa: Idejali ghal mal-fenek u kacca. It toghma tieghu ittejjeb zlazi u dips.

Usa I-istess metodu biex taghmel dawn iz-zjut, imma biddel I-ingredjenti. Regola tajba hija Ii taghzel zejt ta’ kwalita tajba. Ferra nofs litru zejt taz-zebbuga extra vergini go borma u sahhan fuq nar baghti flimkien mal­hwawar u I-hxejjex aromatici ta I-ghazla tieghek. L-ideja hija biex tfettel iz-zejt u mhux issahhnu hafna. Nehhi minn fuq in-nar, hallih jibred ghal kollox imbaghad ferra gol-flixken. Halli f’post frisk ghal mill-anqas gimghatejn qabel ma tuzah. Iz-zejt bit -tewm u I-habaq, peress Ii maghmul b’ingredjenti friski, ghandu jissaffa wara gimghatejn, bies ma jimmuffax. Erga ferra go flixken nodfa imbaghad tista zzommu bhal zjut ohrajn sa 6 xhur.



Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Chilli & peppercorn oil 15 Chillies slightly crushed 2 tablespoons mixed peppercorns Use this oil to drizzle over freshly cooked pizzas. The chilli gives it a kick, so try a little before you completely cover your food.

Zejt bil-bzar ahmar u bocci tal-bzar 15 il-bzaru ahmar, ftit imfarrak. 2 mgharef tal-bocci tal-bzar imhallta: Dan tajjeb ghal fuq ii-pizza. Ippruvah qabel ma tferrex hafna minnu ghax jista jkun jahraq xi ftit.

Garlic & basil oil 10 - 12 garlic cloves peeled Few fresh basil leaves: This oil is perfect for making quick and interesting Italian Bruschetta

Zejt bit-tewm u habaq 10-12 il-sinna tewm imqaxxrin Weraq tal-habaq frisk: Perfett ghal fuq il-hobz mixwi bit-tadam (Bruschetta)

Cumin, coriander & caramom oil 1 Tablespoon cumin seed 1 Tablespoon coriander seeds 10 cardamom pods,crushed This flavoured oil works perfectly well with any Indian dish and gives a particular taste to rice salad.

Zejt bil-kemmun, kosbor u caramom Mgharfa zerriegha tal-kemmun Mgharfa zerriegha tal-kosbor; 10 zerriegha tal-cardamom mghaffga. Perfett ghal ma I-ikel stil Indjan u anke ma I-insalata tar-ross


Veal roll with ham Bra�oli tal-vitella Serves 4: 800g veal cut in 1 big slice 150g ham thickly sliced 150g streaky bacon thickly sliced spring of rosemary spring of thyme 2 sage leaves 2 garlic cloves 1 carrot 1 celery stalk, 1 cup meat stock ½ glass of white wine 3 tablespoon olive oil salt and pepper

Ghal 4:


800g vitella mqatta f’bicca wahda 150g perzut imqatta ohxon 150g bacon streaky mqatta irqiq fergha klien fergha cinu 2 werqiet salvja 2 sinniet tewm karotta zokk ta karfusa kikkra stock tac-canga ½ tazza inbid abjad 3 maghref zejt taz-zebbuga bzar u melh.

Finely chop the herbs and the garlic.

Qatta irqiq hafna nofs il-hxejjex aromatici u t-tewm.

Put the slice of veal on a work surface, and flatten with a meat mallet.

Poggi il-vitella fuq il-bank tal-kcina u habbatha sew biex ticattja kemm tists.

Sprinkle with salt and spread half the herbs on it.

Ferrex ftit melh fuq il-laham u nofs il-hxejjex.

Cover with the ham, roll up and cover with the bacon slices.

Ghatti il-wicc bil-perzut u gerbeb il-bragolu bil-bacon.

Tie up with string, heat oil in a saucepan and put in the roll, and see from all side until it starts browning. Add the chopped carrots, celery, the remaining herbs, and the wine, let it evaporate then lower the flame and cook for 15 minutes. Add the stock and season with stock and pepper. Simmer on low flame for about 1 hr, adding some more stock, if it dries up. Let the meat roll cool before slicing and serving with a fresh salad.


Orbot bl-ispagg. Sahhan iz-zejt go kazzola, poggi il-bragolu, u qalli min kul naha biex jiehdu il-kulur. Zid il-karotta u l-karfusa mqatta u il-bqija tal-hxejjex, ferra l-inbid u hallih jevapora imbaghad baxxi in-nar u sajjar ghal 15 il minuta. Zid l-istokk hawwar bil-bzar u l-melh u kompli tektek ghal madwar siegha. Zid ftit aktar stock jekk hemm bzonn, biex ma jixutax. Halli il-bragolu jibred, qattaw roti u servi ma insalata friska.

2 hrs



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