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emerGinG From a backGrounD oF the classic rock anD blues oF the 60s anD 70s, aDam beGan PerForminG as a Guitarist at the tenDer aGe oF 15, aPPearinG reGularly at venues arounD his hometoWn in the south West oF enGlanD

I‘’ve had the pleasure of Adam opening for me, sharing the stage with me and drinkin’ whisky and playin’ the blues till four am in a lock-in with me. Each time he’s been a great musician to work with’ – fellow blues man Marcus Bonfanti told us after a show with Adam Sweet, describing him as a performer with ‘great guitar skills & vocals and a real good entertainer too...’

Emerging from a background of the Classic Rock and Blues of the 60s and 70s, Adam began performing as a guitarist at the tender age of 15, appearing regularly at venues around his hometown in the South

West of England. Adam has since honed his craft through continually performing with various bands over the last 10 years, and, with this experience, is now successfully carving out a solo career.

Since signing to independent Devon-based label NEO Music in 2012, Adam’s profile has been raised to a new level. Starting with the release of his debut live EP, I Work Alone , Adam has made his mark at some high-profile festivals, completed a successful tour of Scotland and received a nomination for ‘Best Blues Act’ at the South West Music Awards.

After a year of co-writing new material with awardwinning stalwart singer/songwriter Steve Black, and recording with producer Alan West at NEO Music in Devon and Thomm Jutz at his Nashville studio, Adam’s debut, Small Town Thinking , is due for release this winter.

Adam’s unique and engaging Blues/Rock/Roots fusion is wonderfully encapsulated in this collection of brand new, exceptionally well-crafted songs. With textured arrangements, skillful, expressive guitar playing, strong hooks and powerful instrumentation, this album demonstrates perfectly Adam’s maturity and integrity as a performer and recording artist. With grooves nailed down by Lynn Williams (Delbert McClinton’s drummer of 17 years) and some tasteful embellishments that include an emotive piece of cello playing from David Henry (Gretchen Peters, Tony Joe White), expect an album of deep rooted story telling, giving a nod to a classic era, but with an explosive rootsy edge that always has Adam’s driving guitar style at it’s core.

‘I’m very proud at what we have achieved with this first record. We’ve worked real hard at the studio here in Devon, and with the help of Thomm in Nashville we’ve created an album that I didn’t think was possible when we started laying the first tracks down. I feel very privileged to have worked with some great people on this album, and I can’t wait to get it out there and start taking these songs on the road to new audiences next year.’ v i S it www.adam SweetmuS ic.com for newS, live date S and to order tH e new cd, i work alone

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