News Flash: Better Training Leads to Happier Employees

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News Flash: Better Training Leads to Happier Employees Your employees are your organization’s most important asset. It's critical to properly invest in your workforce to ensure long-term profits and success for your organization. Even after they are trained, it's vital your workers have access to continual education to maintain employee satisfaction. While bonuses and paid time off may be welcome incentives, training is the most sustainable, gratifying and empowering way to make your employees happier.

Learning management systems (LMS) represent one of the most productive means of providing ongoing and regular training. An LMS simplifies the creation, delivery and management of corporate education. The solution disseminates training information through online courses. Taking an elearning approach is important to ensuring that your employees are well-trained and happy.

Mobile LMS Advantages With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, it's now possible to offer training through mobile solutions, such as a mobile LMS. According to the "New Way of Life 2013 Study" commissioned by VMware and conducted by Acorn Marketing & Research Consultants, 61 percent of respondents said they were happier in their jobs when they could utilize their own self-chosen devices.

Employees can use a LMS to refresh their skills and learn about the latest products via a convenient mobile device, when and where they want. Essentially, the solution removes boundaries like time and place and puts the power in the employee’s hand. When you provide simple-to-use training systems to develop your employees, staff better understand the essential components of their work. As a result, they are able to perform their duties much more efficiently and have lower job stress.

Games Make for Happier Employees Typically, employees aren’t enthusiastic about enrolling in a training course they assume will be boring. However, learning can be fun, especially when it's in a game format. This is often referred to by industry professionals as gamification. Gamification can be defined as the art, and often science, of applying gaming theories and mechanics in non-game situations. Instead of using learning management systems to deliver training information in the traditional manner, you can leverage learning management software to spur excitement through gamification.

Businesses have been utilizing game mechanics for years, often in sales settings, in order to provide users incentives for completing tasks that are often tedious or important to the organization’s success.

According to co-author of "Mandatory Fun: Gamification and the Impact of Games at Work" and Wharton management professor Nancy Rothbard, "It's not just about fun. It's about how you engage enough that [employees] want to stay at work." Gamification makes consenting employees that are willing to play happier at work, which is positive for companies. “There is other research that shows that happier people in the long term leads to more creativity,� Rothbard notes.

More engaged employees are not only happier and more creative, but they outperform unengaged employees as well. In 2012 Gallup researchers completed a study that analyzed the differences in performance between employees that were actively disengaged and engaged. It found that that participants that scored in the top half of employee engagement nearly doubled their odds of success in comparison to those in the bottom half.

The key here is that engaged workers have bought into what the company is all about, while disengaged workers are simply waiting around to see what happens.

Learning management systems are designed to equip users with vital information that allow them to perform tasks at a higher level. Whether the information is disseminated through a mobile LMS or via traditional learning management software, the result is the same: better-equipped and happier employees.

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