9000 Metre Challenge

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Scuba 9000 Metre Challenge Nine Thousand Meter Challenge on Scuba

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Our 9000 Meter Challenge

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Our 9000 METER challenge will be an attempt to dive to a depth of 152 meters below sea level, cycle to basecamp Mount Everest (North Side) and summit Mount Everest at 8848 meters. 9000 METER, yes that is right! Nine Thousand Meter challenge is a statement to the world how important biodiversity is for humanity. We hope to show people the wide range of biodiversity present in ocean, land and mountains within the 9000 vertical meter range.

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We aim to inspire young people to take action to explore their own world, learn about the importance of biodiversity and take on the fight against global warming and environmental degradation. The 9000METER project is not about taking life to the extreme, nor is it about taking unnecessary risks. Our project is aimed to show the world how to overcome a challenge, in particular how to overcome the greatest challenge of all: to save the biodiversity on our precious planet.

http://www.diveplanet.co.nz/scubon/scubon2010/scuba9000.asp[22/07/2011 1:37:43 a.m.]

Scuba 9000 Metre Challenge Nine Thousand Meter Challenge on Scuba

The 9000METER project is not about taking life to the extreme, nor is it about taking unnecessary risks. Our project is aimed to show the world how to overcome a challenge, in particular how to overcome the greatest challenge of all: to save the biodiversity on our precious planet. It is about a dream, teamwork, dedication and lots of hard work to set up what we believe is an extraordinary project.

It is not only about the pure mental and physical challenge, but more about being an example to the world and youth in particular. With the current economy in significant turmoil, the world is in need of people that dare to dream.

Thanks to all the Fantaseatec Team (Dahab, Egypt) and congratulations to all of you for the great dive :-)

http://www.diveplanet.co.nz/scubon/scubon2010/scuba9000.asp[22/07/2011 1:37:43 a.m.]

Scuba 9000 Metre Challenge Nine Thousand Meter Challenge on Scuba

Jantoon Reigersman Simon Townsend Pim van der Horst


-158 meters on CCR Megalodon

Contact Tom for all your Technical diving requirements. tom.steiner@fantaseatec.com


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http://www.diveplanet.co.nz/scubon/scubon2010/scuba9000.asp[22/07/2011 1:37:43 a.m.]

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