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Vietnam Veterans 50th Anniversary Day
On Wednesday, March 29, 2023, on the grounds of the Pike County Courthouse, a commemoration program was held in observance of the Vietnam Veterans 50th Anniversary Day, hosted by Judith Robinson Chapter, NSDAR, and the Pike County Courthouse. More than 50 Vietnam Veterans were recognized for their honorable service with a lapel pin presented by Judith Robinson Chapter, NSDAR. The program began with the presentation of the colors by McComb High School ROTC, and the pledge of Allegiance was led by the McComb BSA Troop 124. Max Fenn was the Master of Ceremonies, and Curtis Brewer provided special patriotic music. Tammy Strickland, Regent of the Judith Robinson Chapter, NSDAR, read a signed proclamation from Governor Tate Reeves in observance of the program. Major Rachel Wilson, program speaker, was introduced by Max Fenn. Major Wilson is the Assistant Judge Advocate assigned to the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, 172d Airlift Wing, Thompson Field, Jackson. The program concluded with DAR members from Judith Robinson Chapter, NSDAR, MSSDAR Coastal Director Margaret Fish, and members from the Copiah DAR Chapter forming a receiving line to greet the Vietnam Veterans present with a handshake of thanks for their service.
Judith Robinson Chapter, NSDAR members
Judith Robinson Chapter member
Shondra Robertson and Regent Tammy
Strickland with McComb BSA Troop 124
Judith Robinson Chapter member Lynn Williams with Ruth Ann Tabor and Diane Harrell
Regent Tammy Strickland and Missy Bates displaying a picture of her deceased brother-in-law who was a Vietnam Veteran
Jim O’Rourke and Past Regent
Linda Young
Max Fenn, Major Rachel Wilson, Regent Tammy Strickland
Past Regent/Chaplain Linda Young, Vice Regent Lynn McInnis, Flag Chairman Sylvia Johnson, Past Regent/ Commemorative Chair Ava Madison, and member Jane Lawrence
Pike County Circuit Clerk Roger Graves and Regent Tammy Strickland
Gov Tate Reeves signs a Proclamation honoring Vietnam Veterans in Recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War as part of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
Annual Festival of Flowers Show
“Art in Bloom” was the Flower Lovers Club’s theme for this year’s Festival of Flowers held in the Pike National Bank Community Room on March 23, 2023, in McComb, Mississippi. The event was free and open to the public. Photos by Bill Perkins
Art in Bloom
Flower Lovers President Beth Wild and Betty Ann Perkins
Kelly Hart
Sherry Price, Fran Holloway, and Kathy Assaf
Sherry Slusher, Nancy Hewitt, and Nancy Smith
Sue Reeves and Virginia Goza with Patsy
Giles and Jane Beachman
Natalie Moore and Nancy Smith
Christopher Hart and Nancy Smith
Natalie Moore, Christina Mitchell, Betty Ann Perkins, and Nancy Smith
Hannah Hart Wells, Sara Doman, and Marigold Doman
Tina Brumfield, Bill Perkins, and Gay Austin
Hilary Freeman and Betty Ann Perkins