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THE socialSCENE MCCOMB, MS Natchez Trace District Garden Clubs' Workshop

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Mixing Edibles

Mixing Edibles

The Natchez Trace District Garden Clubs, a member of the Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., held a workshop at Fernwood Country Club in McComb, Mississippi. This event was hosted by the McComb Garden Club, and Chef Michael Guttuso and his staff prepared a delicious meal for garden club members from all over the district. Those garden clubs attending were Brandon, Chautauqua, McComb, Natchez, North Bay Madison, Raymond, Richland-Florence, Spring Lake, and Wesson. The table centerpieces, created by members of the McComb Garden Club and given away as door prizes, featured bird houses and unique bird feeders.

Hillary Freeman, Nikki Belote, Jillian Nettles, Carla Stringer, and Jennifer McNeil

Regan Jones and Stephanie Pigott

Suzanne Pegues and Glenda Marberry

Loran Gerald, Gail Spinnato, and Deidre Brewer

Jennifer McNeil, Stephanie Ott, and Jillian Nettles

Darlene Underwood, GCM Third Vice President, and Debbie Rutledge

Hillary Freeman, McComb Garden Club President, with Nikki Belote, MGC First Vice President

Nancy Smith, Sara Hemphill, and Gay Austin

Pam Owens, Debbie Hoaglin, Debbie Smith, and Denise Jackson

Raymond Garden Club: Lou Anne Askew, Susan Wilks, Gloria Brister, Carla Stringer, Glenda Marberry, Shirley Ware, Torona Stokes, and Dovie McGowan

Dixie Vance and Ann Wentz

Pauline and Wes Holsapple

Catherine Sanders and Katherine Bishop, Pike County Miss Hospitality

Carla Stringer, Natchez Trace District Director; Pat Young, GCM President; Katherine Bishop; and Catherine Sanders

Pat Young, GCM President, and Katherine Bishop, Pike County Miss Hospitality

Tina Brumfield, McComb Garden Club Board Advisor; Pat Young, GCM State President, presenting a State Flower Show Award; Hiliary Freeman, McComb Garden Club President; Donna Smith, McComb Garden Club Board Advisor; and Carla Stringer, Natchez Trace District Director

Debbie Smith; Dixie Thornton, Wesson Garden Club President; and Marilyn Britt

Charla Jordan, seated, with Georgie

Craig and Kathy Fletcher

Wesson Garden Club: Front—Jean Ricks, Pam Owens, and Debbie Hoaglin / Back—Lisa Smith, Jennifer Peets, and Denise Jackson


Delena Hamel, Dixie Vance, and Pat Young presenting Brandon Garden Club the GCM State Garden Club of the Year Award

Gail Spinnato, District Meeting Registrar

Chautauqua Garden Club: Front—Nan Harris, Diane Sims, and Karen Clower / Back—Laurie Singletary and Kathy Wells, Chautauqua Garden Club President

Brandon Garden Club: Front—Debbie Edwards, Charla Jordan, and Dixie Vance / Back—Delena Hamel and Ann Wentz

Spring Lake Garden Club: Pamela Williams, Sissie Haynie, Jody Logue, and Martha Fincher

North Bay Madison Garden Club: Claudia White; Paula HolsappleHoward, North Bay Madison Garden Club President, and Pauline Holsapple

Tina Brumfield and Donna Smith

Lou Ann Askew and Torona Stokes with Marsha Barber, River Road

District Director

Debbie Knight and Marion Wallace

Carroll Azzone, Richland Florence Garden Club President, and Shannon Lasseter

Gaynell Ainsworth and Beverly Hemphill

Delena Hamel and Ann Wentz

Gay Austin, 2019-2021 National Garden Club President; Melinda Causey, GCM First Vice-President; and Pat Young, GCM State President

Spring Lake Garden Club: Janette

Brewer, Betty Newman, and Jimmie Lingle with Susan Newton, SLGC


Stephanie Ott and Lesley Sterling

Sissie Haynie, Jody Logue, Martha Fincher, Dinah Miller

Dotsy Fitts and Hazel Baker

Stephanie Ott with table centerpiece

Daughters of the American Revolution Christmas Social

The Judith Robinson Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter met at the beautiful home of Peggy Tidewell in Summit, Mississippi, for a Christmas social on December 8, 2022. Regent Tammy Strickland welcomed members and guests. Special guest Joe Elliot, Humanities Department Chair and Music Faculty at Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, presented a program in song, “The Sounds of Christmas.” Those receiving NSDAR certificates were Virginia Zeigler and Lori Keller for 10 years. Those recipients not present were Mary Mitchell for 10 years and Kay Allred for 25 years. Door-prize recipients were Dale Free, Ava Madison, and Ramona Young. December hostesses were Peggy Tidewell, Melissa Holeman, Regent Tammy Strickland, Lynn Schiro, and Virginia Zeigler.

Elaine Jenkins, Ann Hobgood, Crystal Newman, Mignon McKennon, and Janice Brock

Janis Dowe, Rosemary Rushing, Jane Ard, Sue Boyd, and Connie Lambuth

Jane Lawrence and Janet Alexander

Regent Tammy Strickland, Joe Elliott, and Vice-Regent Lynn McInnis

Glenda Howell, Regent Strickland, and Ava Madison

Virginia Zeigler and Liz Mason

Jane Lawrence and Vice-Regent

Lynn McInnis

Lori Keller and Ramona Young

Virginia Zeigler and Lori Keller

Ann Hobgood, Linda Young, and Sue Boyd

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