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Pilgrimage Garden Club 2023 Royalty
The Pilgrimage Garden Club 2023 Royalty was presented at Stanton Hall on Saturday, January 7, 2023. The formal affair was the inaugural event for their Royal Court. Presiding as royalty were Queen Baylee Rose Graning and King Hagan Kennedy Speed. The event entertained guests with a ball following the royalty presentation. Photos submitted by Noelle Stewart
Front—Queen Baylee Graning and King Hagan Speed with Royal Pages Benton

Ater, Grafton Dollar, Sutton Smith, Aubrey Ryan, Ella Blase Gaudé, and Abigail Hall / Ladies of the Royal Court— Emily Stewart, Hannah Mire, Clare Meng, Christi Harrison, and Liza Mayo / Gentlemen of the Royal Court—Lael Lum, Luke Wright, Coleman Tate, McLain Henderson, J. D. Frasier, Will Vaughan, Jackson Moody, Lance Gaudé, and Hayes Daly

Front—Gwen Massey, Jennifer Lessley, Leigh Saunders, and Melissa Vaughan / Back—Betsy Mosby, Lisa Falkenheiner, Monica Mayo, Noelle Stewart, and Sarah Smith

Royal Attendants—Alice Martin, Jordan Stubbs, Grant Carlton, Walker Carby, and Mary Blair Johnson

Grafton Dollar, Abigail Hall, Aubrey Ryan, Ella Blase Gaudé, and Benton Ater Brooksie Speed and brother, King Hagan Speed

Queen Baylee Rose Graning and King Hagan Kennedy Speed
Front—Emily Stewart, Queen Baylee Graning, and Clare Meng / Back— Coleman Tate, Liza Mayo, Hayes Daly, J. D. Frasier, Hannah Mire, Will Vaughan, Lael Lum, McLain Henderson, and Luke Wright
Queen Baylee Rose Graning and King Hagan Kennedy Speed

Royal Heralds—Eden Smith and Sophia Waldrep
Robbie Barnes, Noelle Stewart, Laurie Peré, and Melissa Vaughan