Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 1
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Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 3
f there is one thing I have learned since mid-March, it’s that I am witnessing the winds of change. In planning our new format of bi-monthly publications for 2020, we have found that preparing two months in advance has been a venture simultaneously exciting and challenging. As with so much of this pandemic summer, working our September-October issue in July and August has been a chess game of moves and countermoves. Covid-19 issues; limited travel and visits; local and national election rhetoric; and uncertain high school, college, and NFL football schedules have kept our researchers glued to the computer checking for updates daily. Amidst all this fray and fanfare, only recently have we realized that Bluffs & Bayous will celebrate its Twenty-year Anniversary in October; and for the past FRXSOH RI ZHHNV LWV ÀUVW LVVXH KDV EHHQ on my desk bringing with it more than an occasional walk down memory lane. As I KDYH à LSSHG WKURXJK WKH WZHQW\ SDJH WDEloid-sized Premier Issue, I have wondered how we even pulled this off.
At the time, the year 2000, both Jean Biglane and I were teaching high school full time and running a wedding, special events, and business etiquette company, Apropos Ltd. Into this mix, came the idea of a magazine for the Natchez community; it was the brainchild of Johnny Junkin and Joe Eidt, Sr. As part of our company’s community presence, Jean and I were submitting articles for an etiquette column in The Natchez Democrat; and these guys asked us to contribute to their publication in progress. As events and interests transpired, I shortly became Bluffs & Bayous’ publisher and eventually owner, and Jean, its editor. From our initial reach as a Natchez community magazine, we expanded Bluffs & Bayous into Jackson, Vicksburg, Meadville, Liberty, Brookhaven, McComb, Summit, and Port Gibson, Mississippi, and into Vidalia, Ferriday, Alexandria, St. Francisville, and Jackson, Louisiana, to become a regional magazine. In producing our 233 publications over these 20 years to date, we have changed our look and our size and joined the digital world. With a nod to our two decades of production, this month’s issue embraces the beginning of fall 2020 with its unique football season, its splashes and then explosions of autumn colors throughout the landscape, and its delicious seasonal dishes. Our writers Alma Womack and 6DP *ZLQ RIIHU VHDVRQDO UHà HFWLRQV DQG COVID-related legal commentary, respectively. We celebrate retirements, new businesses, and restructured events; and we applaud our communities’ and our citizens’
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strength in standing strong amidst these tense times close to home, across our nation, and throughout our world. Readers from all over the country enjoy the page-to-page read of our magazine online and treat themselves to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts as they share information about our advertisers, events, and stories. From the talented, creative, and devoted staff and writers who have contributed to our publication, from the people we have served and met and celebrated in our readership areas, and from our following of faithful readers and ardent advertisers who have supported and encouraged us, we have realized two exhilarating decades of bringing you the best of our entwined lives. As always, we appreciate your comments, suggestions, and contributions as they inspire us to continue sharing all that is informative and amazing along and beyond the Mississippi.
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 5
From Our Readers’ Kitchens pages 14 - 17
F E AT U R E S From Our Readers’ Kitchens .......................................................................... 14-17 A Fall Pumpkin Centerpiece ...............................................................................22 Wilmoth Warriors........................................................................................... 26-27 2020 Football Schedules.................................................................................. 30-34
F AV O R I T E S Legal Notes COVID-19, the First Amendment, and Politics ....................................................12
Southern Sampler LSU Football, Farming, and Flowers ...................................................................42
The Social Scene A Dinner at Sunnyside ..........................................................................................8
A Fall Pumpkin Centerpiece page 22
Wesson Garden Club Wins Award ........................................................................25 A Retirement Tribute to Cathy Beeson Bridge .....................................................25
Up & Coming Louisiana Up & Coming ................................................................................. 35-37 Mississippi Up & Coming ................................................................................ 38-41
ON THE COVER Vibe owner, Heather Thompson, is perfectly styled for fall in pieces starting at only $12.99. Photography by Emily Hall taken at Reed’s Hideaway, Brookhaven, Mississippi.
Wilmoth Warriors pages 26 - 27 Page 6 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
PUBLISHER Cheryl Foggo Rinehart COPY EDITOR Jean Nosser Biglane GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jan Ratcliff S TA F F P H O T O G R A P H E R S Tim McCary Cheryl Rinehart Bill Perkins Lisa Adams Whittington SALES STAFF Cheryl Rinehart Kari L. Blaney CONTRIBUTORS Kitty Bray Lucien C. “Sam” Gwin III Alma Womack
Cheryl Rinehart
Jan Ratcliff
Jean Biglane
Tim McCary
Bill Perkins
Lisa Adams Whittington
Kitty Bray
Lucien C. “Sam” Gwin III
Alma Womack
Kari L. Blaney
Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products or services herein. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.
OFFICE 225 John R. Junkin Drive | Natchez, MS 39120 601-442-6847 |
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 7
Visit for all social scenes.
A Dinner at Sunnyside renda and Binkey Vines of Natchez, Mississippi, hosted a dinner party for investors, friends, and family on August 6, 2020, at Sunnyside Bed and Breakfast in Natchez. Guests were from Houston and Dallas, Texas, as well as from France. Sunnyside chef and owner, Colleen Wilkins, prepared delicious hors d’oeuvres followed by a dinner of smoked salmon, fruit with balsamic vinegar, steak and chicken kabobs, and blueberry cobbler. The evening was extra special for one guest, Davis Martin of Dallas, Texas. Martin was honored with the key to the City of Natchez by Mayor Dan Gibson for establishing a new company in Natchez called Natchez Operating, LLC, that will secure property in the community.
7 1 2 3 4 5
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Brenda and Binkey Vines Brenda Vines and Jan Scarborough Davis Martin and Mayor Dan Gibson Binkey Vines, Jonathan Berry, and Ron Matis Davis Martin, Brenda Bucklen, James Brown, and Lewis Comas 6 Dale Hubbard, Thomas Collins, and Bob Flowers 7 Sergio Capello, Steven Gohlke, Mike Loggins, and Todd Waycaster 8 Steven Gohlke, Mayor Dan Gibson, James Brown, Todd Waycaster, and Lewis Comas
On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River
Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 9
On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River
Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Page 10 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River
Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 11
Lucien C. Gwin III
COVID-19, the First Amendment, and Politics
n a world of COVID-19, many people feel they are getting mixed signals from our government, the media, and health ofĂ€FLDOV FRQFHUQLQJ PDVNV VRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ WHVWLQJ DQG YDFcines. In addition, federal, state, and local governments have also been sending inconsistent messages to the American people about how to confront the virus. For instance, I have personally observed Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the White House COVID-19 Task Force, say that wearing a mask is of no great use and that it is “symbolic.â€? Dr. Fauci also stated (as late as February 19, 2020) that Americans really should not fear the virus. Within one month, however, Dr. Fauci reversed his stance on both the wearing of masks and the danger of this virus. The World Health Organization did not even declare a pandemic until March 13, 2020, all the while knowing that China was exploding with the virus. Since then, we have had hundreds RI PHGLFDO ´H[SHUWVÂľ DQG WKH PHGLD JLYLQJ LQFUHGLEO\ FRQĂ LFWLQJ directives to the public. Americans are told we shouldn’t be allowed to congregate in groups of ten of more, only then to be told that we should not be DOORZHG WR FRQJUHJDWH LQ JURXSV RI PRUH WKDQ Ă€IW\ :H KDYH DOVR been told that we should stay six feet apart (the proper social distance) if we cannot wear a mask, and then to stay six feet apart AND wear a mask, only then to be told that masks do not work and that the virus can travel twenty feet. If you are like me, you have no idea what or whom to believe. Add to this mix the protests and riots where there are huge numbers of people with and without masks congregating in the streets. There has been zero pushback by the various federal, state, and local governments about the danger of large groups congregating and spreading this virus. Of course, a person’s right to “peacefully assembleâ€? and protest is a right guaranteed to us all by the First Amendment to the Constitution; so despite the concerns about the virus, the protests and riots continue, apparently without much concern. Therefore, since riots and protests are allowed, what about other events such as church services? Can government regulate human attendance at events like church due to health concerns? The Page 12 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
answer is “yesâ€? they can and they have. An equally important question is this: Can government require different quarantine standards for varying groups during this pandemic? Recently, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the State of Nevada on this very issue stating that government can indeed do just that. The First Amendment guarantees all persons the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly; and up until now, such freedoms had to be applied equally. Enter Calvary Church, which observed that casinos, restaurants, amusement parks, and bars were allowed under Nevada Law to have 50% occupancy. Notice I didn’t say “personsâ€? but “occupancy.â€? Calvary Church was mandated to allow only 50 people; yet, it could hold 250 people. )HHOLQJ DJJULHYHG &DOYDU\ &KXUFK Ă€OHG LQ )HGHUDO &RXUW IRU an immediate injunction against the State of Nevada for discrimination. They even pled into evidence that they would adopt a COVID-19 Plan, complete with facemasks and social distancing. The District Court ruled that the State of Nevada had the right to regulate for health and safety issues. Calvary Church appealed the District Court ruling to the U. S. Court of Appeals, which upheld the District Court ruling. Calvary then appealed to the United State Supreme Court, which, without written opinion, upheld the District Court ruling. Let that sink in. Casinos, bars, restaurants, and theme parks can have hundreds of people at their venue, but a church can only have 50 people. This is the worst case of discrimination by the U. S. Supreme Court in its history. The Courts have become a catalyst for political opinion, which is exactly what the Court is supposed to be against. Courts are supposed to be independent and to apply the law equally. No logic or reasoning can explain the U. S. Supreme Court’s behavior, other than to say that 5 of the 9 justices are political pawns for untraditional views. The 4 Justices who dissented wrote strong opinions against the majority although dissenting opinions are just that, opinions. Justice Alito opined that it is illogical and without reason to say that a church can only have 50 people in attendance when casinos that serve alcohol allow multiple people to gather around the black jack table or the slot machines with very little COVID-19 precautions. Furthermore, on TV we watch our major cities become centers of rioting and violence with no condemnation or attempts to rein in this dangerous behavior and certainly no concern for COVID-19 transmission. My Thoughts: One has to wonder: Is the regulation of churches by the government actually for a legitimate health and safety concern, or is there some other political agenda being played out? I can see no legitimate health, safety, or legal basis for singling out and discriminating against churches and houses of worship versus casinos, restaurants, bars, protests, etc., in the name of health and safety. Lucien C. “Samâ€? Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.
Bluffs Bl B luufffs fs & Bayous Bayyou ous { S September Se epptteem mbe berr / October Occto O tobe tobe ber 20 22020 02200 { Pa 020 Page agee 1133
ur readers’ recipes this month feature quick and easy snacks, appetizers, main dishes, and something sweet for enjoying this fall’s televised sports events, small social gatherings, or picnics with friends and family; for spending lazy weekends at home; or for extending a nod of concern and care to a neighbor. No matter the occasion or those involved, these delicious recipes will be a hit. To submit your favorite holiday recipes for our next issue or your favorites for other occasions as well, please email them to From the Kitchen of . . . Melanie Kennedy, Vidalia, Louisiana
SEASONED CRACKERS 2 packages Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing 2 teaspoons red pepper 1 1/2 cups Canola Oil 1 box Saltine Crackers Place crackers in a zip-lock bag. Pour ranch dressing and red pepper over crackers in bag. Pour *HUVSH 6PS V]LY JYHJRLYZ *SVZL IHN HUK ÅPW V]LY several times. Then place bag on counter and leave MVY H ^OPSL ÅPWWPUN P[ V]LY L]LY` [PTL `V\ WHZZ I` P[ Serve in your favorite dish.
QUICK ROLLS J\W ZLSM YPZPUN ÅV\Y 1/2 cup milk 2 round tablespoons mayonnaise Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix all ingredients ^LSS HUK ZWVVU PU[V H NYLHZLK T\ɉU [PU )HRL TPU\[LZ 4HRLZ T\ɉUZ
Page 14 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
From the Kitchen of . . . Anna Payne, Erwinville, Louisiana
ARTICHOKE SQUARES 2 6-ounce jars artichoke hearts marinated in oil 2 tablespoons olive oil if you don’t have oil from the artichokes ZTHSS `LSSV^ VUPVU ÄULS` JOVWWLK 1 clove garlic, minced 4 eggs J\W ÄUL KY` IYLHK JY\TIZ Italian seasoned ones are good.) 1/8 teaspoon black pepper 1/8 teaspoon dried oregano 1/8 teaspoon Tabasco V\UJLZ J\WZ ZOYLKKLK JOLLZL I use Mozzarella and sharp cheddar.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Drain the artichoke hearts, reZLY]PUN [HISLZWVVUZ VM [OLPY VPS HUK ÄULS` JOVW /LH[ [OL [HISLspoons of the reserved oil or the olive oil. Add the onion and garlic, and stir until soft. Add artichokes and sautÊ for another minute or two. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs until frothy. Stir in breadcrumbs, seasonings, cheese, and artichoke-onion-garlic mixture. Pour into a greased 9�x9� pan. Bake 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool for 10 minutes, and then cut into 1-inch squares. These will keep refrigerated for 2 days or frozen for one month.
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 15
LEMON LOAF A delicious, melt-in-your-mouth loaf of lemony goodness, topped with a lemon glaze that will knock your socks off! Fab coffee cake for a brunch or for company dropping by for a visit and a cuppa coffee! Loaf Z[PJR \UZHS[LK I\[[LY LX\HS [V OHSM H J\W 1 cup sugar 2 large eggs 1 lemon, juiced, and zest J\WZ HSS W\YWVZL ÅV\Y 1 teaspoon baking powder Pinch salt 1 teaspoon vanilla J\W JYLHT Half-and-half works well or whole milk, but cream is better for moister loaf and richer taste.) Glaze J\WZ PJPUN Z\NHY same as powdered/confectioner’s sugar) 1/2 lemon, juiced, and zest 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Loaf Preheat oven to 350 degrees FahrLUOLP[ .YLHZL HUK Ă…V\Y H TLKP\T SVHM pan. Cream butter and sugar together. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and vanilla well; add lemon juice and zest. Add egg mix into the butter mix; beat slowly. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
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Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. Bake 40 minutes or until toothpick test is clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes before removing to wire rack. Cool another 10 minutes before topping with glaze. Glaze Mix all ingredients in a bowl until well combined and spread over warm loaf.
1 cup mayonnaise 2 11-ounce cans Mexicorn, drained 2 green onions, chopped 1 12-ounce package shredded ched3 jalapeno peppers, chopped dar cheese 1 cup sour cream Mix all ingredients in a bowl and set in refrigerator. (This dip is better if you let it stand overnight in the refrigerator.)
WV\UK L_[YH SLHU NYV\UK ILLM I use 85/15.) 1 cup chopped onion or seasoning blend 1 can crescent rolls JHU YLMYPLK ILHUZ I use FF.) 1 can whole kernel corn, drained 1 can Rotel tomatoes, drained 1 small can diced green chilies, drained V\UJLZ JYLHT JOLLZL ZVM[LULK 0 use reduced fat.) J\W ZV\Y JYLHT I use light.) J\WZ ZOYLKKLK ZOHYW JOLKKHY JOLLZL low fat) J\WZ ZOYLKKLK TVaaHYLSSH JOLLZL part skim) 1 packet taco seasoning 3-4 green onions, chopped 8�x10� Pyrex dish or casserole dish Non-stick spray Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray dish with UVU Z[PJR ZWYH` HUK WYLZZ JYLZJLU[ YVSSZ PU H ZOLL[ on bottom and up sides as much as possible. Cook ground meat and onion/blend; drain. Mix taco seasoning, cream cheese, and sour cream until well blended and spreadable. On the crescent sheet, *layer refried beans, taco seasoning, green chilies, corn, tomatoes, beef, and cheeses. Repeat, ending with cheeses, and top with green onions. Bake at 350 degrees 25-30 minutes or until cresJLU[ PZ NVSKLU if you can see it) and everything is heated through. *If you don’t want to layer this, mix it all together in a bowl and dump it in. Top with cheese and green onions. Enjoy!
INSTANT POT PRESSURE COOKER CHICKEN & PASTA In an 8-quart pressure cooker, combine 1 can hot Rotel with juice plus 1 can water, 4 medium frozen chicken breasts, 1 package ranch dressing mix, 1 large onion diced, 1 pepper diced, and 1 block of cream cheese cut in blocks. Cook on high for 18 minutes. *NPR x 10 minutes then *QR. Remove lid and stir. Add half a box of angel hair pasta and scoop some liquid over it. Replace lid. Cook on High pressure x 2 minutes. QR. Stir to break up pasta. Add a handful of shredded mozzarella and sharp cheddar cheeses, and stir until melted and sauce thickens. Enjoy! *Instant Pot Acronyms 1. IP/Instapot = Instant Pot 2. Pothead = Instant Pot user 3. PC = Pressure Cooker, EPC = Electric Pressure Cooker 4. HP = High Pressure 5. LP = Low Pressure 6. NPR or NR = Natural Pressure Release or Natural Release When pressure cooking is done, let the instant pot release the pressure by itself until the pin drops. Do not change the pressure valve position. 7. QPR or QR = Quick Pressure Release or Quick Release When the pressure cooking is done,
release the pressure by moving the pressure valve to venting position. Wait for the pin to drop before opening the instant pot. Quick release is not recommended for foods with large quantities of liquid since food can splatter with steam. 8. X minute NPR = Do natural pressure release for X minutes; then do a quick release. You will see this used often as “5-minute NPR� or “10-minute NPR.� A 10-minute NPR means you release the pressure manually 10 minutes after the instant pot beeps.
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 17
Touching lives. Powering the future. At Entergy Mississippi, the communities we serve are the communities we call home. That’s why we stay active and involved – because we know our responsibility reaches beyond the power grid. So, we invest in education and industry, while developing new solutions to power tomorrow. As a community, our successes fuel each other. We’re all on a circuit. And together, we power life.
A message from Entergy Mississippi, LLC ©2020 Entergy Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 21
A Fall Pumpkin Centerpiece We are thrilled to have one of our former contributors in this autumn issue. Kitty Bray wrote many articles in her column titled At Home with Kitty Bray. Her articles touched on a variety of WRSLFV DIĂ€OLDWHG ZLWK HOHPHQWV RI GHVLJQ DUFKLWHFWXUH Ă RUDO DUrangement, and holiday dĂŠcor. Kitty was kind enough to share the creation details of this striking arrangement with you, our readers. Following her “how-toâ€? steps, you can create a stunning centerpiece for your fall dinners. This arrangement was created using a princess pumpkin. I chose WKLV SDUWLFXODU RQH VLQFH LW KDV PRUH RI D Ă DW WRS DQG KDV EHDXWLIXO orange-and-green coloration. I fashioned the mechanics using a small square plastic container. , LQVHUWHG D SLHFH RI ZHW RDVLV DQG VHFXUHG LW ZLWK Ă RUDO WDSH DQG added some water. Next, I hot-glued the plastic container to the top of the pumpkin.
At this point, I was ready to insert the plant materials that I collected from my garden: golden eleagnus, ornamental pepper, solidago (goldenrod) beauty berry, wire vine, and equasitum (horsetail). To these, I added broom sedge and grass from the roadside, white status DQG ODYHQGHU DVWHU IURP WKH Ă RULVW DQG FRWWRQ IURP WKH IDUP Accents: I had no arrows handy, so I used a piece of dried bamboo and glued bird feathers on the end. Then, I placed the arrangement on a plate that was covered with ligularia, commonly known as the tractor-eat plant. This was one of the most fun arrangements that I have ever fashioned, for it was created for the birthday of a good friend who is an avid LSU fan. Kitty Bray is a creative artist, gardener, floral designer, and head organizer of all things in the Bray home. She resides in Natchez with husband David and their children Cody and Julia.
By Kitty Bray Page 22 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 23
Shop For Everything on Your List at Over 25 Locally Owned Boutiques & Dine at a Wide Variety of Restaurants
Our businesses are abiding by all safety precautions this season to make sure your shopping & dining experience is as fun and safe as possible. For a full list of participating retailers & restaurants go to or call 601-833-1411
Page 24 { July September / August / October 2020 { 2020 Bluffs { &Bluffs Bayous & Bayous
THE social SCENE
THE social SCENE
Visit for all social scenes.
Visit for all social scenes.
Wesson Garden Club Wins Award he Wesson Garden Club in Wesson, Mississippi, recently was recognized by the Mississippi Department of Transportation. For its members’ diligent work in their area’s roadside maintenance and beautification, the club received the MDOT Commissioner’s “Mississippi Roadside” award.
Front—Robin Furr, Jennifer Peets, Debbie Smith, Lisa Smith, and Nancy Sullivan; back—Joy Westbrook, Debbie Hoaglin, Cathy Warren, Jean Ricks, Beverly King, and Marilyn Britt
A Retirement Tribute to Cathy Beeson Bridge fter forty years of serving others, Cathy Beeson Bridge retired on June 26, 2020; and King’s Daughters Medical Center in Brookhaven, Mississippi, and the Brookhaven community at large celebrate the gift she has been to so many as they recall her diligence, devotion, and sacrifice.
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 25
eather Thurgood-Wilmoth of Brookhaven, Mississippi, is a warrior in her efforts to spread information about Huntington’s disease (HD), a neurodegenerative disorder that kills healthy nerve cells in the brain, leading to a loss of thinking and reasoning skills, memory, coordination, speech, and movement. Four years ago, her husband, Nathan, was diagnosed with this rare genetic disease. Since then, with tireless energy, Heather has steamrolled through all avenues to acquire information about HD and the treatment of it, to get the word out about this malady, and to seek support for those affected by it. She has involved multiple media outlets in sharing various HD families’ stories with countless other families victimized by this debilitating disease. Heather works for Brookhaven’s SuperTalk Mississippi; and earlier this year, she was featured on its JT Show. In addition, articles in various newspapers and medical publications have covered the Wilmoths’ HD struggle, serving as outlets in her quest to rally support for tackling this disease. She also worked with Mississippi Senator Sally Doty on a Proclamation for the State of Mississippi to recognize May as Huntington Disease Awareness month, during which the Wilmoth family participated in various nationwide campaigns to help bring awareness to the state. As a result of this concentrated effort, Mississippi Representative Becky Currie has authored a bill to declare May as Huntington Disease Awareness month. “I have a saying I came up with and use a LOT to help spread Awareness,� Heather explained: “With Awareness comes funding, with funding comes research, and with research comes Hope for a treatment or even better a cure.� She then added, “Every bit of awareness helps us get that much closer to a treatment or a cure.� The Wilmoths consider HD “their� disease rather than just Nathan’s, whose mother and mother’s father were diagnosed with HD as well. “Huntington’s is like having ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s all at the same time. It affects about 30,000 Americans and an estimated 200 Mississippians,� according to Heather. Also, each child of a Huntington’s disease patient has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease.
Aboove—Presenting the resolution to the Wilmoths is Mississippi Representative Becky Currie. May 2020 was declared National Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month.
The couple has been instrumental in creating a support group called Mississippi Huntington’s Family Support and Awareness. “Mainly we are trying to get awareness about the disease to let others like our family know they are not alone. When ZH Ă€UVW IRXQG RXW DERXW P\ KXVEDQG¡V GLagnosis, we felt very alone and don’t want others to feel that way,â€? Heather said. Huntington disease manifests in a triad of motor, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms, which include personality changes, mood swings, depression, forgetfulness, impaired judgment, unsteady gait, involuntary movements, slurred VSHHFK VZDOORZLQJ GLIĂ€FXOWLHV DQG VLJQLĂ€FDQW ZHLJKW ORVV 6\PSWRPV XVXDOO\ Ă€UVW DSSHDU LQ LQGLYLGXDOV EHWZHHQ and 50 years of age and then worsen over a 10-year to 25-year period. The couple is fortunate to have the medical care of Dr. Juebin Huang, Associate Professor of Neurology and HD Care Specialist at UMMC. Nathan also has on his team a psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, genetic counselor, social worker, registered nurse care coordinator, physical and
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occupational therapists, a speech therapist, and other specialists. The University of Mississippi Medical Center is designated as a Level 1 Partner HD Clinic that allows its physicians and researchers to work hand in hand with a Center of Excellence. The University of Alabama-Birmingham has been designated by the Huntington Disease Society of America as one of 50 Centers of Excellence for 2020. Nathan is presently
participating in a two-year trial treatment program at UAB. The Wilmoths’ new normal also has been complicated by COVID-19, but the warrior energy is still there. Heather and Patrick’s son, Haden, and Patrick’s daughter, Gabrielle, are vital members of this family team in dealing every day with the challenges of this disease. Heather, who works full time, continues to carry out her wife, mother, career, and caregiver duties. She imparts a positive attitude in all
aspects to the ups and downs the family faces with this disease; and her determination to bring awareness to this disease and KHU ÀJKWLQJ VSLULW VXSSRUW 1DWKDQ PHQWDOO\ emotionally, and physically. Today, the word warrior frequently SUDLVHV D IURQW OLQH ÀJKWHU RQH VWURQJ GHtermined, and unyielding. The Wilmoth family members are, indeed, warriors; and we wish them God Speed as they face each day confronting and combating Huntington’s disease.
Above Left—Wilmoth Family picture taken for the Huntington’s Disease Society of America as part of their virtual walks and a cooking contest Above Right—Family photograph submitted to Champions for Huntington Disease for their awareness campaign
Support group information: Heather Thurgood-Wilmoth / 601-754-6323 / Support and Awareness: Huntington Disease Society of America: FB: Mississippi Huntington’s Family Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 27
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Page 28 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
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2020 FOOTBALL SCHEDULES NOTE: The following football schedules are up to date at press time. Due to Covid-19, schedules could change, be cancelled, or be postponed until 2021. Please consult respective college websites for the most up-to-date changes should they occur. ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE
Sep. 26 ................................... @ Missouri
Sept. 26..................................vs. Georgia Oct. 3..........................@ Mississippi State Oct. 10......................................@ Auburn Oct. 17...................................vs. Ole Miss Oct.t. 24............................................ 24............................................ ....... ..................... OPEN Oct.t. 31................................. 31 ... .................................... @ Texas Teexa xas A&M A M A& Nov. v. 77................................. .............................. ............ ... .......... vs. vvss. Tennessee Teennnes esse sseee Nov. 9..................... v. 9........ ............................ vs. vs. Western Weest stern Kentucky Nov. 14 14......................................@ @ Florida Fl id Nov. 21......................................... vs. LSU Nov. 28................................... @ Missouri Dec. 5 ................................... vs. Alabama
Oct. 3..................................vs. Texas A&M Oct. 12 ......................................@ Ole Miss Oct. 17....................................vs. Georgia Oct. 24..................................@ Tennessee Oct. 31 ....................... vs. Mississippi State Nov. 7............................................. OPEN Nov. 14 ............................................@ LSU Nov. 21 .................................. vs. Kentucky Nov. 28 .....................................vs. Auburn Dec. 5 ......................................@ Arkansas
AUBURN TIGERS Sept. 26................................vs. Kentucky Oct. 3....................................... @ Georgia Oct. 10.................................. vs. Arkansas Oct. 17...........................@ South Carolina Oct. 24.................................... @ Ole Miss Oct. 31.......................................... vs. LSU Nov. 7............................................. OPEN Nov. 14.......................@ Mississippi State Nov. 21............................... vs. Tennessee Nov. 28...................................@ Alabama Dec. 5 .................................vs. Texas A&M
FLORIDA GATORS Sept. 26 .................................. @ Ole Miss Oct. 3 ........................... vs. South Carolina Oct. 10 ..................................@Texas A&M Oct. 17 .......................................... vs. LSU Oct. 24 ...................................vs. Missouri Oct. 31 ............................................ OPEN Nov. 7 ............... vs. Georgia (Jacksonville) Nov. 14 ................................. vs. Arkansas Nov. 16 ................................ @ Vanderbilt Nov. 28 .................................vs. Kentucky Dec. 5 ...................................@ Tennessee
GEORGIA BULLDOGS Sept. 26 ..................................@ Arkansas Oct. 3 ...................................... vs. Auburn Oct. 10 ................................ vs. Tennessee Oct. 17 ....................................@ Alabama Oct. 24 ..................................vs. Kentucky Oct. 31 ............................................ OPEN Nov. 7 ........................................@ Florida Nov. 14 ................................... @ Missouri Nov. 21 ..................... vs. Mississippi State Nov. 28 ............................. @ Georgia Tech Dec. 5 .................................vs. Vanderbilt Page 30 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
LSU TIGERS Sept. 26 .................... vs. Mississippi State Oct. 3 ................................... @ Vanderbilt Oct. 10 ...................................vs. Missouri Oct. 17 .......................................@ Florida Oct. 24 ......................... vs. South Carolina Oct. 31 ......................................@ Auburn Nov. 7 ............................................. OPEN Nov. 14 ................................. vs. Alabama Nov. 21 ...................................@ Arkansas Nov. 28 ................................ @ Texas A&M Dec. 5 ....................................vs. Ole Miss
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 31
Sept. 26....................................@ Auburn
Sept. 26..........................................@ LSU
Oct. 3.....................................vs. Ole Miss
Oct. 3.................................... vs. Arkansas
Oct. 10...................... vs. Mississippi State
Oct. 10................................... @ Kentucky
Oct. 17..................................@ Tennessee
Oct. 17................................vs. Texas A&M
Oct. 24....................................vs. Georgia
Oct. 24............................................ OPEN
Oct. 31.................................... @ Missouri
Oct. 31....................................@ Alabama
Nov. 7............................................. OPEN
Nov. 7.................................vs. Vanderbilt
Nov. 14...............................vs. Vanderbilt
Nov. 14................................... vs. Auburn
Nov. 21...................................@ Alabama
Nov. 21.................................... @ Georgia
Nov. 28......................................@ Florida
Nov. 28................................... @ Ole Miss
Dec. 5 .......................... vs. South Carolina
Dec. 5 ....................................vs. Missouri
Sept. 26................................... vs. Florida
Sept. 26................................ vs. Alabama
Sept. 26.............................. vs. Tennessee
Oct. 3..................................... @ Kentucky
Oct. 3....................................@ Tennessee
Oct. 3.........................................@ Florida
Oct. 10.................................. vs. Alabama
Oct. 10............................................@ LSU
Oct. 10................................. @ Vanderbilt
Oct. 17.................................... @Arkansas
Oct. 17................................vs. Vanderbilt
Oct. 24.................................... vs. Auburn
Oct. 24.......................................@ Florida
Oct. 31................................. @ Vanderbilt
Oct. 31..................................vs. Kentucky
Nov. 7............................................. OPEN
Nov. 7............................................. OPEN
Nov. 14........................ vs. South Carolina
Nov. 14...................................vs. Georgia
Nov. 7.................................vs. Texas A&M
Nov. 21................................ @ Texas A&M
Nov. 21..........................@ South Carolina
Nov. 14................................... @ Ole Miss
Nov. 28..................... vs. Mississippi State
Nov. 28................................. vs. Arkansas
Nov. 28.................................. vs. Georgia
Dec. 5 .............................................@ LSU
Dec. 5 .........................@ Mississippi State
Dec. 5 .................................... @ Kentucky
Sept. 26.........................@ South Carolina
Sept. 26..............................vs. Vanderbilt
Sept. 26............................... @ Texas A&M
Oct. 3.....................................vs. Missouri
Oct. 3......................................@ Alabama
Oct. 3............................................ vs. LSU
Oct. 10..................................... @ Georgia
Oct. 10..................................... vs. Florida
Oct. 10......................... vs. South Carolina
Oct. 17..................................vs. Kentucky
Oct. 17........................@ Mississippi State
Oct. 17.................................... @ Missouri
Oct. 24.................................. vs. Alabama
Oct. 24............................................ OPEN
Oct. 24............................................ OPEN
Oct. 31............................................ OPEN
Oct. 31.................................. vs. Arkansas
Oct. 31...................................vs. Ole Miss
Nov. 7.....................................@ Arkansas
Nov. 7............................@ South Carolina
Nov. 7.........................@ Mississippi State
Nov. 14...............................vs. Texas A&M
Nov. 14.................................@ Tennessee
Nov. 14.................................. @ Kentucky
Nov. 21.....................................@ Auburn
Nov. 21..................................vs. Ole Miss
Nov. 21.................................... vs. Florida
Nov. 28................................ @ Vanderbilt
Nov. 28......................................... vs. LSU
Nov. 28............................... vs. Tennessee
Dec. 5 ...................................... vs. Florida
Dec. 5 .......................................@ Auburn
Dec. 5 ...................................... @ Georgia
BELHAVEN BLAZERS Postponed until Spring 2021 COPIAH LINCOLN COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOLFPACK Fall Football beginning October No Schedule Announcement at Press Time DELTA STATE STATESMEN Postponed until Jan. 1, 2021 HINDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE EAGLES Fall Football beginning October No Schedule Announcement at Press Time HOLMES COMMUNITY COLLEGE BULLDOGS Fall Football beginning October No Schedule Announcement at Press Time MILLSAPS MAJORS Suspended until Spring 2021 MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE CHOCTAWS Postponed until January 1, 2021 SOUTHWEST MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY COLLEGE BEARS Fall Football beginning October No Schedule Announcement at Press Time
Page 32 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Oct. 17.................................... vs. Auburn Oct. 24............................................@ LSU Oct. 31............................................ OPEN
Spring 2021
Spring 2021
2021 Spring
Feb. 27 ...........................@ Alabama A&M
Feb. 27 .....................vs. Prairie View A&M
Feb. 27 ........... vs. Mississippi Valley State
Mar. 6...........................vs. Alabama State
Mar. 6............................ vs. Jackson State
Mar. 13.............................................. BYE
Mar. 13.............................................. BYE
Mar. 20.............@ Mississippi Valley State
Mar. 20...................@ Arkansas-Pine Bluff
March 20 ....................... @ Alabama State
Mar. 27.................................. @ Southern
Mar. 27...........................@ Alabama A&M
March 27 ..................vs. Prairie View A&M
Apr. 3.............................................. OPEN
Apr. 3............................ @ Texas Southern
Apr. 10.........................vs. Texas Southern
Apr. 10............................................ OPEN
Apr. 17........................... vs. Jackson State
Apr. 17..................................vs. Southern
Apr. 24............................................ OPEN
Apr. 24............................................ OPEN
Sept. 12......................................@ Baylor
Sept. 3.........................vs. Incarnate Word
Sept. 19......................... @ Southern Miss
Sept. 12..................................vs. Nicholls
Sept. 26..................... vs. Houston Baptist
Sept. 19........................................@ Tulsa
2021 Spring Feb. 13 ......... vs. Southwestern University Feb. 20 .. @ University Mary Hardin-Baylor Feb. 27 ....vs. East Texas Baptist University
Oct. 10........................................ vs. UTEP Oct. 17.................................. vs. Marshall Oct. 24..........................................@ UTSA Oct. 31......................................... vs. UAB
March 6 ...................... @ Grambling State
April 10 ........................ vs. Alabama A&M April 17 ............................. @ Alcorn State
Sept. 26..................... vs. Houston Baptist Oct. 10...................vs. Sam Houston State Oct. 24............................................ OPEN
Nov. 7.................................@ North Texas
Oct. 31........................@ Central Arkansas
Nov. 14.........................................vs. Rice
Nov. 7.........................................@ Lamar
Nov. 21........................................vs. ULM
Nov. 14................................. vs. McNeese
Nov. 28........................................... @ FIU
Nov. 21...................... @ Stephen F. Austin
Spring 2021
Sept. 19...........................@ Georgia State
Sept. 19............................. vs. Texas State
Feb. 27 .......................... @ Alabama State
Sept. 26...................vs. Georgia Southern
Oct. 3.......................vs. Georgia Southern
Mar. 6................... vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff
Oct. 7........................@ Appalachian State
Oct. 10.......................................@ Liberty
Mar. 13.............................................. BYE
Oct. 17....................... vs. Coastal Carolina
Oct. 17........................................... @ Troy
Mar. 20......................... @ Texas Southern
Oct. 23........................................... @ UAB
Oct. 22.......................... @ South Alabama
Mar. 27.............................vs. Alcorn State
Oct. 31.................................@ Texas State
Oct. 31.................... vs. Appalachian State
Apr. 3.............................................. OPEN
Nov. 5...........................vs. Arkansas State
Nov. 7..............................@ Georgia State
Apr. 10....................... @ Prairie View A&M
Nov. 14........................vs. South Alabama
Nov. 14.......................... @ Arkansas State
Apr. 24............................................ OPEN
Nov. 21..................... vs. Central Arkansas
Nov. 21.............................. vs. LA-Monroe
Nov. 28......................................... @ ULM
Nov. 28............................ vs. LA-Lafayette
Mar. 6....................@ Belhaven University Mar. 13.................................. ASC Playoff
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 33
Sept. 12...................................... vs. Navy
Sept. 3.........................vs. South Alabama Sept. 19........................vs. Louisiana Tech Sept. 26....................................vs. Tulane Oct. 3..................................@ North Texas Oct. 10.........................vs. Florida Atlantic Oct. 17..............................@ Texas-El Paso Oct. 24.......................................@ Liberty Oct. 31..........................................vs. Rice Nov. 7..........................vs. North Alabama Nov. 14.....................@ Western Kentucky Nov. 21................... vs. Texas-San Antonio Nov. 28...............@ Alabama-Birmingham
Sept. 26......................... @ Southern Miss Oct. 8...................................... @ Houston Oct. 17.........................................vs. SMU Oct. 24........................................... @ UCF Oct. 31.....................................vs. Temple Nov. 7............................................ @ ECU Nov. 14.......................................vs. Army Nov. 21.........................................@ Tulsa Nov. 28................................ vs. Memphis
NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Sept. 13.................................vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Sept. 21..........................................@ Las Vegas Raiders Sept. 27....................................... vs. Green Bay Packers Oct. 4.....................................................@ Detroit Lions Oct. 12.................................... vs. Los Angeles Chargers Oct. 18.................................................................... BYE
Oct. 25..........................................vs. Carolina Panthers Nov. 1..................................................@ Chicago Bears Nov. 8.....................................@ Tampa Bay Buccaneers Nov. 15...................................... vs. San Francisco 49ers Nov. 22.............................................vs. Atlanta Falcons Nov. 29..............................................@ Denver Broncos
Page 34 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Dec. 6 ................................................ @ Atlanta Falcons Dec. 13 ....................................... @ Philadelphia Eagles Dec. 20 ........................................ vs. Kansas City Chiefs Dec. 25 ....................................... vs. Minnesota Vikings Jan. 3 ............................................ @ Carolina Panthers
Louisiana Up & Coming! SEP / OCT a great site for everything Louisiana ALEXANDRIA / PINEVILLE Every Tuesday Alexandria Farmers Market 2727Jackson Street 3 - 6 pm October 3 10th Annual AMOA Dragon Boat Race Buhlow Lake 7 am - 3 pm 318.443.3458 October 17 Van Gogh Gala Folklore & Vintage Halloween River Oaks Square Arts Center 7 - 11 pm 318.473.2670 October 31 5th Saturday Market on Main Main Street / Pineville 9 am - 2 pm BATON ROUGE Red Stick Farmers Market October 22 - November 1 Baton Rouge State Fair CLINTON / JACKSON September 5 & October 3 Clinton Market Days Courthouse 8 am - 1 pm 225.683.5531 September 12 Deep South Stock Horse Show Association Horse Show Clinton Arena / Free 9 am - 6 pm
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 35
SEP / OCT Louisiana Up & Coming! September 12, 26 & October 10, 24 Greater Baton Rouge Model Railroaders 3406 College 11 am - 3 pm September 18 & October 17 Feliciana Trade Days Hwy. 10 & Line Rd. 9 am - 5 pm 335.773.6396 or 225.719.2199 FERRIDAY October 28 Ferriday Garden Club Luncheon & Fashion Show Arcade Theatre Contact Lena Batemen. 318.201.9960 MONTEREY September 26 $LGHQ·V /LJKW Gold Gala Site: TBA 6:30 - 10 pm MONROE / WEST MONROE September 6 Luau at Moon Lake Moon Lake Marina $5 / children in lifejackets 318.322.2300 FB: luau-at-moon-lake September 26 ¶5LWD RQ WKH 5LYHU Monroe Civic Center 10 am - 4 pm 318.329.2225 October 10 Dine & Wine under the Vines Landry Vineyards 318.557.9051 October 10 Blues, Brews & BBQ River Market 10 am - 4 pm / $15 318.807.1735
Page 36 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Louisiana Up & Coming! SEP / OCT
October 17 Chennault Gala Monroe Civic Center Time TBA 318.329.2225
October 10 Carnaval Latino New Orleans Washington Square Park 2 pm
October 24 Bloody Mary Festival River market 10 am - 4 pm / $20 318.807.1735
October 16 - 18 Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival Lafayette Square Park / Free
MADISONVILLE October 17 - 18 Wooden Boat Festival 10 am - 6 pm 985.845.9200 NEW ORLEANS September 11 Whitney Zoo-To-Do Audubon Zoo 7 pm October 9 - 11 Gentilly Fest Pontchartrain Park Playground
ST. FRANCISVILLE FB St. Francisville Farmers Market
PORT ALLEN September 15 An Evening of Art & Intrigue: Counterfeit Clementine Hunger Paintings Investigation West Baton Rouge Museum 6:30 - 8:30 pm 225.336.2422
VIDALIA Every Wednesday Farmers Market Old Court House N. Spruce St. 9 am - 1pm October 16 - 18 River Front Flea Market Vidalia River Front Noon - 10 pm Sat. 8 am - 8 pm / Sun. 9 am - 2 pm 318.336.9934
September 20 & October 18 Bracelet-Making Workshop WBRM / Limited Space 2 - 3 pm 225.336.2422 October 3 - 4 Virtual SugarFest WBRM All Day West Baton Rouge Museum FB: The WBRM 225.336.2422 ext.200
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 37
SEP / OCT Mississippi Up & Coming! MISSISSIPPI BROOKHAVEN Brookhaven Farmers Market Fridays 7:30 am - Noon Railroad Depot FB Brookhaven Farmers Market November 7 Christmas Open House 9 am - 5 pm 25 Boutique Shops & Restaurants FERNWOOD September 11 Pike Chamber 17th Annual Golf Tournament Fernwood Country Club 601.684.2291
THE MELLON COLLECTION OF FRENCH ART FROM THE VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS The 17th presentation in the Annie Laurie Swaim Hearin Memorial Exhibition Series The presentation of this exhibition in Jackson, Mississippi is sponsored by the ROBERT M. HEARIN SUPPORT FOUNDATION and
BOOK YOUR VISIT TODAY Claude Monet (1840–1926), Field of Poppies, Giverny, 1885. oil on canvas, 23.625 x 28.75 in. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, 85.499. Image © Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
380 SOUTH LAMAR STREET • DOWNTOWN JACKSON MSMUSEUMART.ORG Page 38 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Mississippi Up & Coming! SEP / OCT
JACKSON Through January 10, 2021 Van Gogh, Monet, Degas & Their Times Mississippi Museum of Art 601.960.1515 October 7 - 18 Mississippi State Fair Fairgrounds 601.961.4000 November 4 - 7 Mistletoe Marketplace Winter Wonderland Mississippi Trade Mart MADISON/RIDGELAND September 1 - 30 Christmas in September 06 &UDIWVPDQ·V *XLOG Pearl & Ridgeland Galleries September 12 - 13 KidsFest Freedom Ridge Park Sat. 9 am - 6 pm / Sun. Noon - 6 pm October 10 Natchez Trace Century Ride 2020 Ridgeland Recreation Center 7 am - 3 pm 601.856.7113 October 10 Renaissance Euro Fest Colony Park 10 am - 5 pm October 31 - November 1 Spooky Cross Festival Magnolia Ridge BMX Track Sat. 9 am / Sun. 1 pm MCCOMB )% 0F&RPE )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 39
SEP / OCT Mississippi Up & Coming! October 1 - 8 10th Annual PALS Toast & Tails Virtual Silent Auction MEADVILLE October 24 Homochitto River Festival Downtown 601-341-2262 FB: Homochitto River Festival NATCHEZ Live Music Events Calendar FB Downtown Natchez Farmers Market September 5 Drive-in Movies on the Mississippi 7 Silver St. 7 pm $25 per car
September 17 Junior Auxiliary Paint Party & Social Duncan Park Canteen $50 Mail to: Courtney Maples / PO Box 1592 Natchez, MS 39121 September 19 Young Professionals Bicycle Classic Downtown / Broadway St. 8 am / $50 entry fee September 26 - October 23 Grand Fall Pilgrimage & Events 318.744.8445 Every Friday in October Fridays @ 5 On the Bluff @ The Gazebo 5 pm until sunset Live Music Cash Bar October 10 Cathedral Fall Festival Virtual Adult Night FB Cathedral Greenwave Live
October 16 - 18 Natchez Balloon Festival Hot Air Balloon Flights 601.442.2500 October 17 Balloon Race Bash Magnolia Hall 11 am / $20 per person Cash Bar 601.443.9065 October 17 Natchez Four Elements Downtown on the Bluff All Day October 31 Longwood Afternoon Music Fest Gates Open at 11 am 601.442.5193 PORT GIBSON FB: portgibson.chamber SUMMIT
Downtown and All Around Our City... VICKSBURG
Page 40 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
Mississippi Up & Coming! SEP / OCT
VICKSBURG Vicksburg Farmers Market Vicksburg Main Street 601.801.3513 / September 17 7th Annual Ritz on the River “A Disco Ball” Vicksburg Convention Center 6 - 10 pm / $50 September 24 3rd Annual Supper on the Sip Old Miss. River Bridge 6 - 8 pm / $35 601.636.1733 / September 24 - 25 Fiber Fun in the Sip Vicksburg Convention Center 8 am ÀEHUIXQLQWKHVLS FRP September 26 Vicksburg National Park Fee Free Day All Day 601.636.0583 October 3 Old Courthouse Flea Market Grounds Surrounding Old Courthouse 8 am - 4 pm 601.636.0741 October 10 Over the River Run Old Mississippi River Bridge I-20 & Washington St. 601.631.2997 / WESSON FB Wesson Chamber WOODVILLE FB Woodville/Wilkinson County Main Street Association
%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.
Bluffs & Bayous { September / October 2020 { Page 41
Alma M. Womack
LSU Football, Farming, and Flowers
ugust, 1965. It was the beginning of my senior year at Block High School in Jonesville, Louisiana. We cheerleaders had practiced all summer, getting ready for football season. Even though August was as hot then as it is now, we could feel football in the air, and we were ready. 2QH RI RXU Ă&#x20AC;UVW JDPHV ZDV FDQFHOHG EHFDXVH RI +XUULFDQH %HWV\ and we were absolutely dismayed. We were young and concerned with our gameâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being washed out, not thinking of the damage to crops and homes and businesses that a hurricane could do. It was the arrogance and insulation of youth at its best. I have seen quite a few fall football seasons since then, some enjoyable, some completely ignored; but nothing can compare to last season, watching LSU storm to the national championship. It was a marvelous season, a season that made all Louisianans proud, and one that we will discuss as long as we are on the earth. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how important college football is to this state: Our lives are centered around the games on Saturday, and we are as faithful as any fans in the whole country. Parties and friends, good times, and LSU football: life is good when the Tigers are winning. Of course, we still have the parties and friends and good times when the Tiger season is mediocre, too. Page 42 { September / October 2020 { Bluffs & Bayous
This year, this bizarro, mixed-up, insane year, we are all hoping for SEC football still to be available, to bring some enjoyment and relaxation to our lives. As I type this article, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been no cancellation of the SEC season yet. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve heard that it may start in October and have only six to nine games for each team. Other conferences have already thrown in the towel, so I suppose there wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be any national championship this year. Right now, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d just be happy to watch the Tigers play anyone, for I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think that Coach O ZLOO OHW KLV SOD\HUV GLVUHVSHFW RXU Ă DJ DQG FRXQWU\ 1RW HYHQ 1LFN Saban would allow that, and you know how Louisiana feels about olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Nick. In the South, we love God, our country, and football; and we wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let Antifa or Marxists or anyone else stand between us and our games on Saturday night. Besides waiting hopefully for football to begin, we farmers are also watching our crop harvesting get started for the 2020 crop \HDU &RUQ LV Ă&#x20AC;UVW RQ WKH OLVW WR VHH WKH FRPELQHV DQG WKH\ DUH UROOing through thousands of acres. We had better rain this year for the corn, and the yields are showing the results of that rain. Up the road from me, Chance Cooper has some early beans on part of the old Nicholia Plantation; and the leaves are already turning yellow as they dry down for harvest. He got his beans in early, and they have been a show all year. In fact, all the soybeans in our area, Catahoula and Concordia Parishes, look to harvest a great crop this year. Believe me, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for the farmers to have a crop that looks this good. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no cotton on Smithland this year, but there is cotton on WKH IDUPV WKDW , VHH ZKHQ ,¡P JRLQJ WR WRZQ 7KH FRWWRQ ORRNV Ă&#x20AC;QH too, and is loaded with blooms and young bolls; but it will be another month at least until picking time comes. Cotton acreage is down in our area, but the farmers have to plant what will give them the best return for their investment. This year, it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t my favorite crop, old king cotton. The rain that helped so much with the crops has been a blessing IRU DOO P\ EORVVRPV DV P\ PRWKHU LQ ODZ UHIHUUHG WR Ă RZHUV 0\ perennials and annuals are all in pots because the dogs will sleep on WKHP LI WKH\¡UH SODQWHG LQ EHGV DQG WKH UDLQ KDV PDGH WKHP Ă RXUish. For some strange reason, my altheas of all colors did not start blooming until late July this year. I was beginning to think that an althea virus had swept through the plants and destroyed all the buds WKDW WXUQ LQWR Ă RZHUV IURP ZKLWH WR SLQN WR ODYHQGHU WR RQH WUXH EOXH 7KLV LV GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ D FDVH RI EHWWHU ODWH WKDQ QHYHU IRU WKH DOtheas have always been one of my favorite old plants. Our small part of the world is surviving in spite of the virus and the chaos so prominent in too many cities. We rural folks are hardy and resourceful and willing to work and pray for our country and president; and we are surely hoping to be able to watch some college football before long. To quote Coach O, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Geaux Tigers!!â&#x20AC;? Those games cannot come too soon. Columnist Alma Womack lives on Smithland Plantation on Black River, south of Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.
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