12th Biennial
Spring Garden Tour
he Garden Club of Jackson in Jackson, Mississippi, will host its 12th Annual Biennial Spring Garden Tour on April 6-7, 2022, featuring four homes and five gardens in the gated community of Meadowbrook Highlands. One garden is the Japanese Meditation Garden. Entrance and ticket sales will be at Covenant Presbyterian Church at 4000 Ridgewood Road. There will also be Garden Club of Jackson’s Go Native Plant Sale. Boxed lunches will be available and will be a sale of art by GCJ members. Details are at gardenclubofjackson.com. This biennial event will benefit the Eudora Welty House and Gardens, a National Historic Landmark. Eudora Welty, Jackson’s own Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was an avid gardener who personally tended the grounds around her Belhaven home, an area that has benefited over the years from GCJ’s financial gifts and weekly hands-on work; and the club is excited about the opportunity to make a difference at this historic property. Funds will go to transform the home’s stucco garage into dedicated classroom space for horticultural activities and workshops.
Page 36 { March/April 2022 { Bluffs & Bayous