4 minute read
Dive in Deep
from Blush Spring 2021
DEEp by Olivia Siena
The perceived self-image we’ve created based on who we think we are or should be. Day in and day out, are you trying to maintain the image you have of yourself? Are you living your truth, or are you living up to your ego?

Stylist Raelen Todd Model Sierra Brave Photographer Mia Murphy

Your ego is the idea of who you are–the self that your subconscious has created as a result of your experiences, what you’ve been told, and who others think you are. To elevate your quality of life, it’s essential to dive in deeper and learn who you truly are underneath your perceived image.
Most people aren’t even aware of their perceived self-image. The key to true self love and appreciation is to find out who we are underneath the titles, masks, and faces we portray. Who am I before I’m a student? An athlete? A sister? A friend? Who am I before I’m funny, kind, or intelligent? Who is the lingering self underneath all of my traits and perceptions? How do you find this? How do you make sure you live through this truth and not through the image of this “perfect self” you feel you must maintain?
There are many people who live their lives through their unlimited potential knowing exactly who they are and their purpose in life. But if you feel like you’ve never identified with anything but your attributes, it may feel extremely overwhelming to realize that there’s more to you than you originally thought. You may not even know where to start to discover the self underneath.
Here’s a secret: you already know exactly who you are. All you have to do is watch and listen. Watch for patterns in the ways you react to situations, and listen to your inner voice; your intuition. Watch how you react to things that truly excite you, and listen to the whispers encouraging you towards the things you love. Begin to watch what feeds your ego. Are you following trends instead of doing what truly brings you joy? Are you posting on social media to seek external validation instead of using a platform to express your true self? Are you seeking relationships solely because you’re afraid of being alone? Are you searching for more reassurance from others than from yourself? These may all be signs that your subconscious mind is living through the ego instead of through your truth. Are your wants, desires, and needs stemming from a place of true fulfillment, or are they arising from society’s pressure? Do you even know what you want? Do you know what feeds your soul? Take a look at your fears. Are you afraid because of how you may look? Are you afraid because you may fail? Because society will disagree? It’s crucial to look at these things and truly ask yourself, “Are my desires and fears valid to who I truly am, or have they risen based on who I think I should be?”
If you find yourself questioning what you want, this may be a sign that you need to dig deeper into yourself and find the whispers pulling you towards who you truly are. We’ve all been there; we all have that one little far off dream, that far off lifestyle that we just know is for us; our calling. Anytime you do anything that isn’t in alignment with this deep vision, this can manifest into a feeling as if something is missing. In order to escape that feeling of off, that feeling that something just isn’t right, we must identify with these deep wants and desires, these deep goals and dreams, and we must accept that they are unique to our individual selves. They are ours; ours to own, ours to nurture, ours to chase. Oftentimes, we may feel lost due to societal pressures of where we have to go, what we have to do, and who we have to be. But in actuality, we already know our own answers, even if it’s deep, deep, down. THIS is your power. There’s no need to search externally for the answers, for all you need is already within. Searching for external reassurance isn’t necessarily always a negative thing! External support and validation are forms of community. Of course it feels fulfilling to be part of a relationship or community where you are seen, supported, and valued, but, if this is the only form of love and validation you seek, that’s where problems may arise. Strive to be seen, heard, and loved by yourself first. In order to be seen by others, you must first be seen by yourself. How do you truly see yourself? How do you show up for yourself? How do you nurture your passions? How do you hide from yourself? What are you afraid you might find? Be vulnerable. Get real. Seek to learn who you really are and love it, instead of trying to change and judge who you are. Once you begin to live your life for yourself and only yourself, your heart will be open to receive love from others. Shedding the ego and expressing yourself for who you really are isn’t an easy task. It’s something that requires time, consistency, patience, and dedication. But if not for yourself, then who else?