Food addiction and drug addiction have in common

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Food Addiction And drug Addiction HAve in common?

There are shocking parallels between food addiction and drug addiction. The centers of the brain that lead to drug addiction and the need for Los Angeles drug rehab are the same as what leads a person to be addicted to food.

Food Addiction

drug Addiction

tHe similArities Are rAtHer FrigHtening, yet tHey give treAtment centers And doctors An ideA oF How to Help pAtients overcome botH Forms oF Addiction.

tHe brAin’s rewArd system is out oF control

A better understAnding oF tHe wAy tHe brAin oF cocAine Addicts works mAy FAvour more suitAble treAtments.

botH drugs And junk Foods bombArd tHe brAin witH dopAmine, wHicH is A Feel-good neurotrAnsmitter. dopAmine AFFects tHe pleAsure centers oF tHe brAin. over time, tHe brAin’s structure And Function cAn cHAnge, wHicH leAds to A reduction in dopAmine receptors.

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