What Are The Reasons That Some Patients Leave Drug Rehabilitation Services Early?
Do you want to know why some patients leave drug rehabilitation services early? Below are the common reasons why there are patients who seek treatment for their addiction problems leave the premises of a rehab treatment facility.
The patient was forced to undergo drug rehabilitation treatment
This is one of the common reasons why a patient may decide to leave and not finish whatever rehab programs recommended because he or she didn’t come to this place on his or her own will, but was forced by their loved ones.
Lack of commitment to the rehab programs
Another reason why some patients leave the drug treatment facilities is due to lack of commitment to the suggested treatment programs. The person feels this lack of commitment as a valid excuse to withdraw soon from the treatments.
Unable to cope with the withdrawal symptoms
Among the compelling reasons why patients seeking rehabilitation leave the drug addiction facility is because they are unable to cope with the withdrawal symptoms.
No strong support system
A patient undergoing treatment of drug addiction may decide to leave the rehab treatment facility due to no strong support system. If the patient is confined for a certain period of time in a residential rehab center and his or her loved ones don’t take time to support or visit him or her during the group sessions and other treatments where family members are required to attend, the patient will see there’s no need to finish these treatments.
Patient believes recovery can be achieved even without treatment
There are some patients who leave a rehab treatment facility and not complete the rehabilitation programs because they firmly believe that they can be cured even without them.
Unrealistic expectations
One of the reasons why a patient may decide to leave the drug rehabilitation treatment center is due to his or her unrealistic expectations like achieving full recovery without undergoing a series of treatments and therapy sessions. The patient has a wrong belief that full recovery can be done in a matter of few days of confinement. Are there dangers of leaving the rehabilitation center early? Individuals who availed rehabilitation treatment and decide eventually to leave the facility earlier than the expected completion date may be exposed to different dangers such as:
They will easily give in to the cravings of drugs.
· Loved ones and friends of the patient may find it hard to trust this
Patients will find it hard for a smooth transition if they decide to go back to their homes. There are cases where patients who left the rehab facility soon are more prone to becoming emotionally disturbed and tend to make the wrong decisions as they go back to their comfort zones. individual because of not completing the rehab treatment programs.
Relapses are bound to happen anytime the moment a patient decides to leave the rehab sooner. ·
How to deal with the strong desire to leave the rehab early? It’s a common feeling for patients seeking rehabilitation treatments to feel lost and have that strong desire to leave the rehab early. If you are facing this challenging situation, below are the best approaches to deal or with issue: Share your sentiments or concerns with the assigned therapist handling your program because he or she is the right person who can give you professional advice on how to deal with this kind of challenge.
Don’t be afraid to express your emotions during the group sessions because you might find there are others enrolled in the rehab programs who have experienced the same feelings and help you cope with the idea of leaving the rehab early. See the rehab treatment as your only solution to achieve sobriety, so that you have a motivating factor to push you to continue and complete the rehab program. Keep a positive mindset that soon you will leave this facility, but right now you have to focus to and avail the treatments.
There are many struggles that a patient seeking detox drug rehabilitation center before he or she can finish the said program. In the event you or a loved one is already showing signs of giving up and wishes to leave the rehab facility motivate the person to fight this desire and proceed with the treatment program.