2 minute read


Band name and origins: Pilots Of Baalbek formed in 2018 in Canberra with members from the ACT and outer limits.
Group members: Kaptain Adamski (vocals and guitar), Mistress of Arms (guitars and synth), Wing Walker (bass), and Astro Navigator (drums).
Describe your sound: It’s based on many styles of rock and hard rock from the 1970s; Think Sweet meets AC/DC and Hawkwind.
Who/What are your influences, musical or otherwise? Musical Influences include Sweet, Guida, AC/DC, The Cult, The Stooges, The Angels, Hawkwind, The Dictators, Hellacopters, James Gang, and Accept.
Can you tell us about some of the most memorable experiences you’ve had as a band? We haven’t been around that long, but I think a very memorable experience so far was playing a Live in your Lounge set last year. The crew were super professional and it was just great to be on stage with a full set up mid covid. What is it that you love about the scene? Your genre’s scene? I love that the rock ‘n’ roll scene is mostly middle-aged people. They welcomed us with open arms and it is generally a low ego, positive scene. I have had more fun playing in this scene than I have in many years involved in others.
Tell us about one of your proudest moments? Proudest moment was being asked to open for my favourite Aussie band The Neptune Power Federation! I had attended many of their gigs and was so happy they reached out and offered us a show when we had only done a few.
What are your plans for the future? Finish writing new tunes and release some vinyl and secure some shows in Melbourne, Brisbane, and Adelaide.
What makes you laugh? Generally very silly things make me laugh. Dumb stuff , people doing silly things. I like adult animation like just about anything from Adult Swim.
What pisses you off? Generally people speaking shit about others as a conversation topic. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
Anything else you’d like to add? Cheers to BMA keeping interest in live music in Canberra alive, Check us out at our next show at The Basement on 28/05/21.