1 minute read
Green Space Preservation
During public engagement, community members voiced concern for preserving green spaces and forested areas in the face of ongoing growth. Natural resources are valued by the community as they add to the character of the Town, support wildlife, and mitigate stormwater runoff. While much of these natural areas exist within undeveloped private properties that the Town has limited control over, there are strategies the Town can implement to promote the preservation of valued green space.
Key Recommendations
| Prioritize higher density redevelopment and infill development within already developed areas to avoid premature development in long term growth areas and reduce greenfield development. | Work with private developers to preserve significant natural assets within sites, such as streams, steep slopes, unique geological formations, wetlands, and mature stands of trees, which can be incorporated as development amenities. | Continue to identify and strategically purchase environmentally sensitive land to preserve as dedicated conservation areas and publicly accessible open space. | Explore incentives to promote conservation design in future development, such as density bonuses to promote clusters of taller structures that preserve natural areas of the site. | Explore strategies to further promote green space preservation within the updated UDO, such as increasing set aside requirements.