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Growth Strategy
As Wake Forest continues to experience significant growth, it must balance preserving the character of the Town’s established neighborhoods and supporting new residents and development in appropriate locations. A sustainable and efficient approach to growth will need to prioritize investment in existing infrastructure and established neighborhoods within Town limits before outward expansion. While the Land Use Plan designates where different types of development should be accommodated within the Town’s planning area, a comprehensive approach must be taken to guide decisions related to short-, medium-, and long-term growth opportunities and public investment.
The growth strategy is guided by the following objectives:
| Prioritize infill development and reinvestment in established neighborhoods to maximize developable areas while maintaining the existing character. | Focus development, redevelopment, and infrastructure improvements within Town limits and unincorporated pockets first before expanding into the eastern growth area. | In the review and approval of proposed development, encourage development of areas that would not require annexation of non-contiguous land. If a non-contiguous area is proposed, work with applicants to explore more suitable land for the development if available.
Promoting Context-Sensitive Infill
Infill development is when a vacant, abandoned, or underutilized property is developed within an area that is largely built out. It supports sustainable development by reducing premature outward growth and greenfield development, while promoting land conservation and reinvestment in neighborhoods. As infill occurs, it is important that new development respects the character of existing neighborhoods while accommodating opportunities for a range of context-sensitive housing options that provides greater housing choices and commercial options. Base zoning district standards should be reviewed and updated to ensure they allow for higher densities while conforming to the surrounding context. Factors to consider include parking orientation and maximums, lot widths, setbacks, and building heights relative to adjacent properties. Incentives for infill development should also be evaluated, such as reduced permitting fees, increased maximum densities, and/or allowable building height.
Enhancing Infrastructure with Growth
Ease of mobility and access to quality utility services are key factors to high quality of life. As the Town continues to grow, it is important that infrastructure is improved and expanded to support the increasing population. As development proposals come online, the Town should continue to work with developers to assess impacts on roadway and utility infrastructure, ensuring necessary improvements are implemented to support new and existing residents. This includes mitigating traffic congestion as required by the UDO and State law, which was frequently cited as a concern by community members. Together with improving roadway capacities for vehicles, supporting multimodal connectivity and pedestrian-friendly environments will play a critical role mitigating congestion, while providing more equitable access to community destinations and enhancing quality of place.