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Balance the Mix of Uses
Support a balanced mix of uses that create attractive residential areas, well-paying employment opportunities, and an abundance of recreation options.
Encourage Growth & Activity in Downtown
Continue efforts to revitalize and extend Downtown into a lively, pedestrian-friendly center of civic activity that provides places to eat, shop, and enjoy outdoor public gathering spaces.
Expand & Maintain Wake Forest’s Green Spaces
Enhance, expand, and maintain the Town’s open space and tree canopy as growth occurs, and balance the preservation of the urban tree canopy with personal property rights.
Establish Safe & Connected Public Transit Options
Establish a well-connected public transit system that improves access to regional and local destinations while supporting transitoriented development.
Maintain the Historic, Small-Town Charm
Reinvest in established neighborhoods, preserve historic assets, and ensure the quality design of future development to maintain Wake Forest’s unique charm and desirability as a place to live.
Provide Diverse Housing Opportunities
Ensure Wake Forest provides a range of housing choices for residents of all income levels, stages of life, and abilities.
Support a Pedestrian/Bicycle-Friendly Community
Establish a highly-connected network for active modes of transportation to ensure residents can safely and conveniently travel between their neighborhoods, shopping areas, and other community destinations without a car.
Support Strategic Growth
Prioritize infill development and ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place to support future growth.
Support Unique, Thriving Businesses
Support small businesses, innovative industries, and diverse employment opportunities to strengthen the Town’s tax base and increase its job, retail, and service options.
3Land Use & Development
From long-standing residential areas surrounding the historic Downtown to new neighborhoods like Heritage and Traditions, the community has grown from a Town of 5,769 residents in 1990 to one of 47,601 in 2020. With Wake Forest’s population projected to more than double over the next two decades, it is critical that the Town plans ahead to ensure it can accommodate the growing resident body while continuing to support high quality of life for all. The Wake Forest Community Plan addresses this by providing policy and direction for future land use and development for the next coming years. The Land Use Plan chapter is a high-level policy guide, indicating the type, intensity, and location of land uses and long-range investment. The chapter builds upon existing uses and patterns of development within the community, including areas within the Town’s planning jurisdiction and growth areas. The Land Use Plan aims to establish a sustainable, compatible, and desirable mix of uses to meet the needs of current and future residents, while preserving the Town’s assets and character that makes it unique in the region.