Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific is the leading consultancy for organizations communicating in Asia-Pacific and internationally. With a presence in the region dating back to 1973, Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific today includes 30 offices and affiliates in 16 countries integrated seamlessly into a global network operating in 98 countries. Our Evidence-Based approach to communications provides our clients with effective, data-driven programs delivered through multiple channels and focused on tangible, measurable results. Our team of more than 600 professionals offers a powerful combination of local knowledge, sector expertise and global communications reach. For more information, please visit burson-marsteller.asia.
October 2010
Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific burson-marsteller.asia
Executive Summary
Corporate Use of Social Media
Microblogs Social Networks Corporate Slogs Video Sharing Channels
13 15 17 19
Use of Social Media by Country
Australia China Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand
22 23
25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32
Approach to Corporate Social Media
Company-Country Index
Further Reading
Acknowledgements & Contacts
INTRODUCTION Since the term 'social media' burst its way into the global collective consciousness, organisations across the world have hastily had to consider what it means for them and how it will impact their approach to their business and marketing. As demonstrated by Burson-Marsteller's Fortune Global 100 Social Media Check-Up study (February 2010), the great majority of top multinational companies have moved from questioning the rationale of social media to implementing dedicated social media strategies, or including social media programmes within broader corporate and marketing campaigns. This report focuses on the use of top social media platforms by Asia's leading companies (as listed in the Wall Street Journal's Asia 200 Index), specifically their use of social networks, corporate blogs, microblogs and video sharing channels for global and domestic corporate marketing and communications. It is clear that top companies across Asia-Pacific are some way behind their western peers in this area. Few companies are approaching this area strategically; most appear largely driven by short-term marketing considerations, or are hampered by concerns about resourcing, cost or lack of control. It is perhaps no accident that top Asian companies most aggressively using social media tend to be those most focused on international expansion. As Asian firms turn ever more aggressively to foreign markets, they require deep knowledge and insight into local customer and opinion-former needs, expectations and behaviours. They are likely to have to fight harder for recognition and acceptance. Social media is no sideshow - it is a fully mainstream activity that dominates media consumption in many markets. Indeed, for most young people, it is a way of life. To take full advantage of this trend, top Asian companies have no option but to make social media a core component of their marketing and communications, both at home and abroad. This report is the first in a series that will chart their progress. We hope you find it interesting and useful. Sincerely,
fd Bob Pickard President & CEO Burson-Marsteller (Asia-Pacific) Email: bob.pickard@bm.com Twitter: @bobpickard
Top Asian companies have been slow to set up and use branded social media channels •
Asian companies are significantly lagging their international peers in their use of social media for corporate marketing purposes. 40% of Asia's top companies are using dedicated branded social media channels, compared to 79% of leading global firms 1 .
This reluctance can be explained by a variety of factors, including concern that social media results in a loss of control of messaging, timing and content, and has largely unknown ramifications in terms of skills, resources and budgets.
Few companies have developed a long-term, sustainable social media strategy •
Of those Asian companies with branded social media profiles, some 55% of these profiles are inactive, suggesting that most Asian companies remain unsure how to use these channels.
The high percentage of inactive accounts may also be explained by the short-term nature of consumer marketing. Companies more focused on building their corporate reputation over the long-term are much less likely to set up and then abandon their social media channels.
On average, only 18% of companies surveyed are promoting or have integrated their branded social media channels on their website homepage, implying that they are deliberately testing social media independently of their 'core' online channels.
Companies are focused on pushing information, rather than engaging with users •
Asian companies are reluctant to use open-ended two-way communications channels such as corporate blogs. In Asia, corporate blogs are used by 12% of companies, whereas 33% of global companies are blogging.
In most Asian countries, levels of interaction with users are low, with companies barely engaging with their followers. True engagement involving two-way dialogue, as measured by the average number of fan posts and average number of corporate responses to their fa nslfol lowers, remains limited.
Companies appear most comfortable using social media to communicate their Corporate Social Responsibility activities. While this helps portray a 'softer' corporate image, it is also less likely to invoke interaction or negative commentary.
Of the channels covered by this study, social networks are arguably the most intuitively conversational. However, while social networks are the most popular social media channels in Asia, they are used principally for consumer marketing purposes their use for corporate activities is secondary in most instances.
Digital storytelling using video and multimedia remains limited •
Only 8% of leading companies in Asia have set up dedicated channels on top video sharing channels such as YouTube, Youku in China or Nico Nico Douga in Japan. This compares to 50% of global companies using such channels.
The high volume of user views of existing branded video sharing channels suggests that companies are missing a significant opportunity to engage users by not providing structured access to online video and multimedia.
1. Fortune Global 100 Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller. February 2010
METHODOLOGY This study assesses corporate marketing activity on top social media channels by 120 of Asia's leading companies. Companies were selected from the Wall Street Journal Asia 200 Index ranking Asia's leading companies, as determined by executives and professionals across Asia-Pacific. The top 10 companies were selected per country. A full list of companies surveyed is available on page 38 of this study. The countries included Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. Corporate marketing is defined as: corporate social responsibility, issues or cnsls communications, thought leadership, leadership communications, media or influencer relations, public policy communications. Social media analysed were the top social networks, microblogs, video sharing and corporate blogging platforms per country - the latter either website-based or integrated with third-party channels. Accounts were considered 'active' if they had at least one post by the company between July 1-31, 2010. Data was collected between July 2010 and September 2010 by Buron-Marsteller Asia-Pacific's digital and research teams.
U~f O~ ~O(IAl MmlA
ith massive and accelerating use of the Internet and mobile devices, the popularity of social media technologies and the emergence of an increasingly sophisticated and demanding set of digital consumers, Asia is shaping, and in some cases leading, the new social media environment.
Social media is mainstream. Asians are enthusiastic users of social networks, whether of international platforms such as Facebook or local services such as Renren in China, Orkut in India or South Korea's CyWorid. Indonesia, the Philippines and India now rank in Facebook's top 10 markets". Microblogging rates are exploding, not least in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, where Twitter is recording some of its heaviest user volumes worldwide. Online video is also grabbing share of mind. Japanese Internet users spent nearly 17 hours a month watching videos, while their counterparts in Hong Kong and Singapore recorded 12.7 hours and lOA hours respectiveli. Further, Asians are not just passive consumers of web-based content but are active contributors. In China alone, there are over 221 million bloggers 3 • And the Chinese rank amongst the most active creators of online social content, far outstripping most western markets4 . Social media provides an opportunity for companies to communicate and build relationships directly with their stakeholders, gain a deeper understanding of their needs and behaviours, and to increase levels of awareness, trust and advocacy. 1. CheckFacebook.com
2. com Score Video Metrix, July 2010 3. China Internet Network Information Centre, December 2009 4. Forrester Research, September 2009
On the f1ipside, organizations are concerned that social media outreach result in a loss of control of messaging, timing and content (in short, their reputation), and has largely unknown ramifications in terms of skills, resources and budgets. It can also be difficult to quantify its value. This study shows that Asia's top companies have been hesitant to set up and use branded channels on top local and international social media platforms for corporate marketing and communications. Sixty percent of companies surveyed have no branded presence. With few exceptions, they are significantly lagging their international peers in this area according to Burson-Marsteller's Fortune Global 100 Social Media Check-Up study (February 2010), 79% of Fortune 100 companies have at least one 'owned' or branded social media channel. By contrast, only 40% of Asian companies have an equivalent branded social media channel. (See Figure 1.) In Asia, social networks are the preferred social media platform for corporate marketing and communications purposes, with almost a quarter of companies surveyed using a global (eg. Facebook) or local (eg. Renren in China) social network. The study also finds that, unlike their global peers, top Asian companies appear less enamoured of microblogs, with only 18% of companies using these for corporate purposes (as opposed to 65% of global companies). Corporate blogs (12%) and video sharing platforms (8%) are even less popular with leading Asian firms. (See Figure 2.) However, this masks considerable differences in approach across the Asia-Pacific region. Companies in South Korea are much more actively using social media, especially social networks and corporate blogs. By contrast, leading companies in the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan are barely using social media at all for corporate marketing and communications. (See Figure 3.)
Figure 1: Proportion of Asian Companies using Social Media All Channels S%
Three Channels \ 3%
Data was collected between July 2010 and September 2010 among the Wall Street journal Asia 200 companies. Top 10 companies from 12 countries in Asia-Pacific were selected. Total sample size = 120 companies.
Figure 2: Proportion of Companies using Social Media Actively 20%
Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Active accounts refer to companies with at least one post from each social media channel from July 1-31, 2010.
Figure 3: Use of Social Media by Countries in Asia-Pacific • Microblogs
South Korea
Hong Kong
• Social Networks
_ Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Inactive accounts The study also finds that 55% of branded social media channels surveyed are inactive. These have either been registered and are being saved for future use, used only privately, or have been used and abandoned. Others are apparently being 'squatted' by third parties, presumably looking to cash in at a later date, or perhaps use the channel for negative purposes. Some were not updated during the study research period. (See Figure 4.) The high percentage of inactive accounts may also be explained by the relatively short-term nature of most consumer marketing. Social media, not least the management of branded channels, requires long-term commitment, resources, budget and clear ownership. Companies more focused on building their corporate reputation over the long-term are much less likely to set up and then abandon their social media channels - a strong case for the PR department to be closely involved in the ongoing management of these channels. The high percentage of inactive accounts strongly suggests that many companies have yet to figure out how to use these channels - in isolation, or as part of a broader social media or multi-channel communications strategy. Lack of integration Very few (18%) of companies surveyed are actively promoting their branded social media channels on their website homepages, or through other online channels. The multi-disciplinary nature of many branded social media channels, which often support a mix of communications, marketing, sales, customer service and other activities, means they work best when closely aligned and integrated with other business functions and channels - both online and offline.
Figure 4: Proportion of Active and Inactive Accounts • Active
Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Inactive accounts refer to accounts with no activity from July 1-31, 2010.
Use by Industry The majority of companies covered by this study are from four industries: technology (consumer and 828), telecommunications, consumer goods (including retail and tobacco) and financial services. The study finds that companies in these industry sectors are using social media quite differently, according to their respective sectors. Technology companies are the most enthusiastic users of social media for corporate marketing and communications, closely followed by telecommunications firms. The majority of companies in both sectors are using microblogs and social networks, while at least a third of these firms are using multiple channels. (See Figure 5.) Online video channels are being used to a greater degree by Asia's top technology and telecommunications firms - perhaps as they have a vested interest in being seen to walk the data and social media talk. Conversely, consumer goods and financial services companies across the region are hardly using social media, at least for corporate marketing purposes. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given that firms in these sectors are primarily focused on consumer marketing, the most popular channels are social networks, through which some corporate messages are also being communicated.
Figure 5: Use of Social Media by Industry • Microblogs
_ Social Networks
_ Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Financial Services
Consumer Goods
Of the 120 companies surveyed, 23 of them are in financial services, 15 in telecommunications, 16 in consumer goods and 17 from the technology
his study finds that top companies across Asia-Pacific use microblogs less than they use social networks. Only 18% of companies use microblogs for corporate purposes, as opposed to 6S% of global companies.
This is likely in part to be due to the late consumer adoption of microblogs in the region, relative to the u.s. and Europe. While the English-language version of Twitter has led the way across Asia-Pacific, local language versions of the platform tended only to emerge later. Equally, locally-grown microblog services such as Sina Weibo in China (where Twitter is blocked) or Ameba Now in Japan have only recently started to gain real traction. South Korean companies are taking the lead in using microblogs for corporate purposes, posting much more actively than their peers in other Asian markets. Companies in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan and India - all markets with significant numbers of Twitter usersare also posting more actively to their microblog channels. On the other hand, top companies in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines are opting not to use micro-blogs for corporate marketing purposes, largely due to their focus on consumer marketing on these channels. Across the region, companies are having mixed success in terms of attracting and engaging with their audiences. While Chinese, Japanese, South Korean and Indonesian firms are gaining relatively high numbers offollowers, companies in Australia, Hong Kong and Thailand are having less success. Companies in South Korea and Indonesia are putting more effort into engaging with their audiences on microblog platforms, evidenced by the number of responses they are making to their followers. Yet only in China and South Korea, countries with deep cultures of sharing content, are there significant numbers of mentions and reposts of company information and views, often viewed as a measure of a company's success in engaging and activating their audiences on microblog channels. Companies prefer to focus on corporate social responsibility initiatives on microblogs, with some evidence of broader media and influencer relations activity.
Figure 6: Level of Frequency - Average Number of Posts on Microblogs 1513
Singapore South Korea
Average number of posts from July 1-31, 2010.
Table 1: Level of Engagement on Microblogs
··_· . . .····· ... . . . .IB. .
- .:"..
- .:-..
• • •
.". -
Main Focus of Microblog
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Recruitment
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Hong Kong
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Marketing Campaigns
Malaysia Philippines Singapore
South Korea
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Media & Influencer Relations, Marketing Campaigns
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
ocial networks are Asian companies' preferred social media platforms for corporate marketing and communications, with almost a quarter of companies surveyed using a top global or local social network.
However, due to a mixture of cultural, technological and other factors, significant differences exist in how companies are using social networks across the region. For instance, it is clear that top firms in Malaysia, Australia and Singapore attract many more fans/followers on top social networks (in these instances, all on Facebook) than top companies in India, the Philippines and Thailand. Equally, the study finds that top companies in South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia tend to be more active in communicating with their corporate audiences in terms of the average number of posts they are making to their branded channels. Despite their open-ended and conversational nature, top companies across the region prefer to view social networks primarily as channels to distribute content. True engagement involving two-way dialogue, as measured by the average number of fan posts and average number of corporate responses to their fans/followers, remains limited. Aside from consumer marketing campaigns, which form the focus of many companies' use of social networks, the preferred topics for corporate marketing tend to be related to corporate social responsibility, alongside some broader media relations/outreach activities and, in isolated cases, use of social networks for issues and crisis communication. Meanwhile, despite enthusiastic use of social media by consumers and netizens in China and Japan, firms in these countries do not use social networks for corporate purposes. In China, this is likely to be due to the number of large, state-owned firms included in this survey, which tend to have less incentive to talk directly with their customers, even if they are in relatively competitive consumer environments. On the other hand, despite being largely consumer-facing, Japanese companies are not using social networks for corporate marketing, even if they are using them, sometimes extensively, for consumer marketing. CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT 2010
Figure 7: Level of Frequency - Average Number of Posts on Social Networks
Hong Kong
South Korea
Average number of posts from July 1-31, 2010.
Table 2: Level of Engagement on Social Networks
.-' : -."-' : ••• • .
. , ..
" •
•• .• --:-., .
... , 't
Main Focus of the Social Networks
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Marketing Campaigns
Marketing Campaigns
Marketing Campaigns
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Marketing Campaigns
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
South Korea
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Media & Influencer Relations
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Australia China
Taiwan Thailand
Tonality is weighed on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the most negative and 5 the most positive.
ew leading Asian companies are using blogs for corporate marketing and communications, activity being limited principally to firms in South Korea, China and India, though a few companies in Japan, Hong Kong, India, the Philippines and Thailand are also blogging.
Many of these blogs are not proactively maintained, though companies in Japan, South Korea and the Philippines are making a greater effort to update these channels on a regular basis, sometimes posting content several times a day. Generally speaking, companies updating their blogs more frequently also see greater interaction with their users. This is particularly true of South Korea and China, where corporate blogs attract a high volume of user comments. In Japan, where corporate blogs are widely used by companies of all sizes, levels of user interaction tend to be lower. This may be explained by the reluctance of Japanese enterprises and people to get involved in public conversations, or to question something openly. It is also notable that many Japanese firms prefer to use blog platforms principally to distribute messages and content - the ability for users to post comments is sometimes limited or turned off. Similar to other social media channels, companies are using them chiefly to talk about corporate social responsibility-related topics. There appears little evidence of companies using blogs to extend and deepen their media and influencer relations, for CEO/leadership communications and other corporate activities.
Figure 8: Level of Frequency - Average Number of Posts on Corporate Blogs
Singapore South Korea
Average number of posts from July 1-31, 2010.
Table 3: Level of Engagement on Corporate Blogs
Average Number from Readers
Tone of Comments & Posts from Fans (on scale of 1-5)
Main Focus of the Corporate 810gs
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Marketing Campaigns
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility
Stakeholder Relations, Media & Influencer Relations
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Media & Influencer Relations
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Marketing Campaigns
of Comments
Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand
Tonality is weighed on a scale of 1-5. with 1 being the most negative and 5 the most positive.
ew top companies across Asia-Pacific are using online video to enhance their corporate communications; official video sharing channels for corporate marketing and communications are less popular than social networks, microblogs and corporate blogs.
The survey (Figure 9) shows that companies in India and Japan are most proactive in terms of the number of videos they are uploading - around one per working day. Elsewhere, adding content is much less frequent, and often depends on the archived materials available. For now, corporate video channels are mostly failing to attract significant numbers of subscribers/followers. However, the total average volume of video views per channel is over 90,000, and notably higher in Australia, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, confirming the popularity of video from a user perspective and suggesting that companies are failing to exploit opportunities to bring their stories to life using video (as well as other multimedia formats). However, dialogue on video channels remains limited in all countries. Watching video, even online, is ostensibly a 'lean back' activity. And some companies prefer to limit the ability for users to comment on their video channels. In addition to product marketing, companies are using online video channels to talk about their corporate social responsibility activities, to interview senior management and relay corporate events and announcements; some companies are also using video to support their crisis and issues communications. Few companies are using video for media and influencer relations, CEO/leadership communications or corporate recruitment marketing, at least in any systematic manner.
Figure 9: Level of Frequency - Average Number of Uploads on Video Sharing Channels 17
Hong Kong
Singapore South Korea
Average number of uploads from July 1-31, 2010.
Table 4: Level of Engagement on Video Sharing Channels
Average Nu mber of Su bscribers Per Channel
Average Number of Video Views Per Channel
Hong Kong
Marketing Campaigns
Corporate Social Responsibility, Marketing Campaigns
Issues & Crisis Communications
Corporate Reputation, Issues & Crisis Communications
South Korea
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Media & Influencer Relations
Corporate Reputation & Responsibility, Media & Influencer Relations
Main Focus of the Video Sharing Channels Corporate Reputation Responsibility
Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines
While Australians tend to be somewhat conservative by nature, and are not natural contributors to online communities or creators of online content', consumer use of social media in Australia is in fact amongst the highest in the world. Australians have flocked to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms, all of which have experienced strong growth over the past 18 months. However, the majority of Australia's top companies have yet to leverage social media effectively for corporate purposes, either to drive awareness or to build closer relationships with their audiences. Of those Australian companies that are using social media for corporate purposes, microblogs (30%) and video sharing (20%) are the most popular options, likely due to their relative ease of upkeep and perceived cost effectiveness. Conversely, in line with Burson-Marsteller 2009 research', Australian companies only rarely use corporate blogs, which are often seen as highly resource-intensive. Of the few companies that are blogging (none in this study), it is noticeable that levels of interaction and feedback with and between their users tend to be low. On the surface, it is surprising that so few Australian companies have set up shop on major social networks. (In Australia, this is almost always Facebook). In part,
Qantas - Corporate Social Responsibility ~
Source: http://www.youtube.com/userfqantas
Qantas uses YouTube to provide a lively mix of corporate announcements, updates on CSR activities such as the airline's Change for Good partnership with UNICEF (pictured), product overviews and promotions. Since it was launched early 2006, the channel has attracted over 900,000 views.
Lead Digital Strategist Email: stephanie.aye@bm.com Twitter: @steph_aye
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
_Inactive Accounts
Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
services and mining companies surveyed; it may also be explained by the general reluctance of companies to commit to channels such as Facebook that are naturally more open-ended and which can be difficult to manage, let alone control. In general, Australian companies are focused on leveraging the perceived 'viral' potential of the social media by trying to push content as far and wide as possible. From a corporate perspective, this has meant a focus on disseminating company news on the Internet, and using video where appropriate. Recently, it has become clear that social media can play a useful role in supporting customer service, resulting in a more conversational approach to social media communications in this area, not least on less overtly conversational channels such as Twitter.
Wolcome Octobor 2010 OMlMllt..- ..
Stephanie Aye
However, with some exceptions, judging by the general reluctance of Australian companies to stick their toes in the social media waters as well as the lack of integration between their websites, social media channels and traditional communications activities, few leading Australian firms are yet prepared to lead in front of the pack, or employ a joined-up approach to this area.
1. Australian Adult Social Technographics Revealed, Forrester Research, November 2008 2. Social Media Use by Australia's Best Brands, Burson-Marsteller, November 2009
. .-.... . Zaheer Nooruddin Director, Lead Digital Strategist Email: zaheer.nooruddin@bm.com Twitter: @BMDigitalChina
CHINA Chinese consumers have taken to the Internet, and continue to do so, in unprecedented numbers. They are using the social web as a core tool for information-gathering, decision-making and, increasingly, as a channel to compare prices and buy goods and services. Use of social media has spiraled as users look to social networks, video channels, online forums and other social platforms for word of mouth recommendations.
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
Inactive Accounts
As has been noted" while the Internet and social media do not yet have the reach of some traditional media, notably TV, Chinese consumers rate Internet-based advertising and information as more credible than TV. Two trends emerge from the study. First, many companies rushed to set up their social media presences in 2007 and 2008, but roughly half of those destinations have since turned inactive. The second trend is that active blogs and microblogs are increasingly used for what might be termed 'casual' communications, in addition to more formal marketing and public relations campaigns. This indicates that Chinese companies are still experimenting with these platforms, and are grappling to find their own social media strategies - often ones that are quite different from those adopted in the west. Of the many social media tools available, microblogs and corporate blogs are the most often used in China. Mainland companies have been relatively quick to adopt and experiment with corporate blogging, integrating them as part of an organization's corporate China Mobile - Telecoms Thought Leadership
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Source: http://blog.sina.com.cnlcmrililbs
China Mobile regularly provides corporate news and updates, and comments on telecommunications industry trends through its corporate blog (pictured) and microblog, hosted on top web portals Sina and Sohu respectively. In so doing, it has set the standard for Chinese companies on how to apply these tools to communicate with the media and other audiences.
Social Networi::s
Corporate Blogs
web environment (its corporate website) or, increasingly, as a stand-alone blog on a third party blogging service platform. The recent surge in popularity of microblogs has led many companies to experiment with these channels. For example, Ctrip, a highly discussed brand in the Chinese social web, is using a microblog hosted on top web portal Sina.com to update its stakeholders on corporate news and promote special offers. A major upside for microblogging in Chinese is that with the same 140 character limit you can write 70-90 words in Chinese, versus an average of 15 words in English. That's a 6 fold benefit when writing in Chinese. The surveyed companies represent some of the largest industrial and investment companies in mainland China. Many are state-owned enterprises, and tend to be conservative in nature, which may explain why their use of social media is not well developed. Another issue to keep in mind is that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are blocked in mainland China. Accordingly, global campaigns built for those platforms must be re-strategized, translated into Chinese and re-posted or re-created on China's dominant social media platforms. China's social media platforms are conceptually similar to major international ones, but each platform has its own unique qualities and dynamics.
1. China's New Pragmatic Consumers, McKinsey Quarterly, October 2010
K'i""I. Zaheer Nooruddin
.... _n
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
Most companies in Hong Kong are still in the early stages of assessing how to apply social media to their businesses. The most popular approach for Hong Kong-based companies has been to set up a presence on Facebook, which has very high local reach. Facebook is much the most popular destination on the Internet in Hong Kong" with an almost 8% share of web traffic. International companies have been the most enthusiastic users of social media, a good example being Cathay Pacific Airways, which in Hong Kong and globally, uses Facebook pages, Twitter and other social media platforms such as video and photo sharing channels to communicate with its corporate stakeholders and its consumers, to handle general customer enquiries and to drive recruitment. However, it is not just international companies that are adopting Facebook and other channels. For example, Hong Kong's MTR Corporation has set up camps both on Facebook and Twitter to share corporate news and information with journalists, bloggers, customers and railway enthusiasts, including updates on its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and programs. While Facebook and, to a lesser extent Twitter, are starting to occupy corporate minds, corporate blogging is almost non-existent in Hong Kong among the companies surveyed. In addition to concerns about the lack of internal capabilities, corporations may also find it easier to be "represented" online as an entity, rather than by individuals within a company. Cathay Pacific - Media
Be Influencer Relations
Cathay Pacfiic use a mix of social media channels, including a corporate blog (pictured), to tell the Cathay corporate story, as well as to announce product news and promotions, and answer customer questions. Cathay also encourage users to share their Cathay experiences with other customers using videos and photos.
Director, Lead Digital Strategist Email: zaheer.nooruddin@bm.com Twitter: @zooruddin
_ Inactive Accounts
Sodal Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
While Internet users prefer to click on videos and images on the Internet, rather than pure text, video sharing channels have yet to be embraced in Hong Kong, other than for consumer and product marketing purposes. This may be due to the relatively small amount of externally-sharable video content available, or that video sharing is seen to be only of interest to consumers. The relatively large number of inactive social network pages suggest that that many Hong Kong companies have yet to decide how best to sustain their social communications and engagement strategies beyond the relatively simple and straight-forward first step of channel creation. While Cathay Pacific and MTR are both proactively encouraging users to share experiences in the form of videos, photos and posts, most of the companies surveyed are primarily using social media to "push" corporate-related information, much of it text-based, and have not reached the stage of activating audience and through building online engagement communities of stakeholders through social media channels. Going forward, Hong Kong's companies should use social media to bring to life their brands and make them truly engaging for their audiences. They can also establish real dialogue between their brands, stakeholders and customers.
1. HitWise Hong Kong. September 2010
Palin Ningthoujam Digital Strategist Email: palin.ningthoujam@bm.com Twitter: @palinn
INDIA At 6.9%\ Internet penetration in India remains relatively low, yet social media use is swelling as ever greater numbers of people flock to social media to network and voice their opinions.
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
Social Networks
_Inactive Accounts
Facebook and Google's Orkut social networks are both highly popular in India; India is a major engine of growth for Linkedln. Meantime, Twitter's popularity among politicians, celebritites, film stars and sportsmen has given the microblog massive publicity. Given the low user penetration, combined with a patchy telecoms infrastructure, Indian companies have moved relatively fast in response to the opportunities afforded by social media. Many top Indian corporates surveyed are either experimenting or already have active accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Hardly surprisingly, India's top technology companies are proactively using social media of all types for both corporate and consumer outreach. Yet companies in other sectors are also jumping on the social media bandwagon, including FMCG companies, whose product brands are generally active in the social media space, and banks such as ICICI and HDFC. The latter are mostly focused on providing customer service support and product promotions. It is not all Facebook and Twitter. Corporate blogs are seen as a good way for Indian companies to
Infosys - Business Thought Leadership
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Source http://www.infosysblog!>.(omI
In addition to a slew of blogs on its products and partnerships, management and experts at IT firm Infosys tackle topics from global economics and business regulation to innovation, leadership and employee motivation and retention on their Flat Earth and Leaderati blogs (pictured).
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
communicate with their many stakeholders, both domestically as well as in other English language markets. Corporate blogs are also seen as a useful means of getting your message directed to the audience rather than having to communicate through intermediaries such as journalists. Partly given their international focus, Indian technology giants such as Infosys and Wipro are actively blogging. Infosys has a wide range of blogs, mostly focused on its products, categories and partnerships, but also highlighting and analysing trends around innovation and leadership. Wipro's blog discusses technology trends and the firm's sustainability initiatives, amongst other topics. Using video to tell the corporate story is also gaining ground in India. Here, companies are using YouTube (and increasingly Facebook) to host interviews and speeches by senior management and promote events, in addition to supporting broader marketing campaigns. Indian companies still put great emphasis on their websites. But only a small minority has sought to integrate their websites and activities on third party social media platforms. While Indian companies appear relatively comfortable with corporate blogs, most companies are still experimenting with Facebook and are not yet ready to join their various online channels at the hip.
1. InlernelWorldSlales, November 2008
Natashia Jaya Associate Email: natashia.jaya@bm.com Twitter: @natsiii
• Active Accounts
Indonesians have only taken to social media relatively recently. But the growth rates have been extraordinary, fueled in part by high mobile and 3G penetration rates, combined with widespread enthusiasm for mobile communication and social networking.
_Inactive Accounts
While the country's Internet penetration rate remains low, some 28m ' Indonesians have registered to use Facebook, the second highest number worldwide. And Jakarta is now labeled the 'Twitter Capital of Asia' based on its high share of global Twitter users'. The impact of such enthusiasm for social media has been immediate. Aside from sharing personal experiences, Indonesians are using these technologies to bring about societal change. The role of social media in helping resolve the reported misdiagnosis and subsequent mistreatment of Prita Mulyasari 3 at a Jakarta hospital has been well documented, and there are many other examples. Furthermore, Indonesian journalists, analysts and other influencers are highly active on both Facebook and Twitter, using these channels to track trends, research stories and discuss issues with their friends and professional networks. Despite this, Indonesian companies have been generally slow to use social media for corporate communication and marketing, and are largely still in experimentation mode, restricting their activities to social networks and microblogs, specifically Facebook and Twitter, which they use largely to distribute company news and to talk Social Responsibility about their Corporate programmes.
Kalbe Farma - Healthcare Thought Leadership ~ KALB£
blbe f",maa IUSTEX-KAL8E SCJEHa AWAAI) 2011)' R.ec.ognwng SOeolIfie "UAdllevemenl,24~20101lttp://bll·~fdYllo.l: .000lOt>o:rlht7:~
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Source: http://www.facebook.com/KalbeFarma.Tbk
Pharmaceutical company Kalbe Farma uses Facebook to highlight industry research into Alzheimer's, cancer and other illnesses (pictured). The page also highlights health workshops the company holds for local communities, and the Research and Technology-Kalbe Science Awards (RKSA) that it holds beinnially to reward Indonesian researchers for their achievements.
Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Video for corporate communication has yet to take off in Indonesia. This is most likely due to the country's poor telecoms infrastructure and high commercial and retail broadband prices. And while smartphones are increasingly widely used, the fashion is for Blackberries, which are less suited to viewing video than other smartphones. Nonetheless, telecommunications companies are amongst the most active adopters of social media channels in Indonesia. Both Indosat and Telkom Indonesia are using Facebook and Twitter, on which they have built substantial communities. Engagement and interaction with stakeholders and customers does not seem to be the main objective. Rather, top Indonesian companies are looking at social media primarily to disseminate content and drive awareness. Interestingly, the little interaction between companies and users is mostly on Twitter perhaps due to the microblog's relative ease of use from a corporate perspective. From the high percentage of inactive social media accounts in Indonesia, it is clear that Indonesian companies are mostly still taking a short-term approach. We expect this to change as the Internet and social media expand their reach beyond the urban areas, broadband becomes more pervasive and companies develop a greater understanding of the need to build close relationships with their sta keholders.
1. CheckFacebook.com, October 2010
2. Sysomos, January 2010
3. http'!/en.wikipedia.org/wikilPrita_Mulyasari
Cindy Low
Senior Associate Email: cindy.low@bm.com
On the surface, social media and the Japanese are not natural bedfellows. For westerners, social media is about networking and dialogue, an opportunity for individuals to promote themselves as topic experts. In Japan, blogging is mostly done for oneself, and is rarely promoted. Social networks are used largely to reinforce existing relationships, not develop new ones.
• Active Accounts
Inactive Accounts
From a corporate point of view, social media demands a to transparent and conversational approach communications that does not come naturally to Japanese organizations prone to bureaucracy and hierarchy. Yet after a hesitant start, Japanese people have taken to social media with some gusto. Microblogs, especially Twitter, are proving highly popular, and while social networks such as Mixi have struggled to advance beyond the 20 million user mark, social gaming, the latest big hit, looks likely to last the distance. Unlike many small businesses, which see the Internet and social media as a cost-effective way to cut through the consumer clutter, Japan's top companies have been more wary, using social media sparingly for consumer/product marketing, and little as a means to build their corporate reputation. Of the companies surveyed, there is a high proportion of inactive accounts. Why? Most likely as Japanese enterprises are still feeling their way in this area, and are sitting on their channels until they have decided how to move forward in a systematic manner. Ofthose companies that are actively using social media while there is some experimentation with microblogs, Nissan - Media 8c Influencer Relations
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Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
corporate blogs and video channels, it is striking that no companies in this study are using major Japanese (such as Mixi or Gree) or international social networks to communicate with journalists and other corporate stakeholders. Strikingly, neither are companies using corporate blogs, apparently contradicting Burson-Marsteller research ' that found that corporate blogs are used by a number of leading Japanese firms (none of which are covered in this study). Yet the bulk of these blogs were targeted at specific markets - mostly the US - as opposed to global or local Japanese channels. Furthermore, Japanese companies often review blog posts before they are posted, or turn off the ability for users to comment, thereby limiting open dialogue and turning the channel more into another content distribution arm. It is also apparent that major Japanese companies are not taking advantage of the Japanese love of video and the country's high speed 3G networks to tell their story, opting instead to host videos on their own websites, and then mostly to support their consumer marketing programmes.
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Source: http://twitter.com/'!/nissan
Drawing on press conferences, trade shows and other events, Nissan communicates its corporate activities, including environmental and community programs, using its website, Twitter and live video streaming service, USTREAM. Aimed principally at the Japanese market for now, such an approach can help Nissan to extend its corporate reach to other markets.
While large Japanese companies may not be aggressive users of social media, this does not mean that they are not paying attention to trends in media consumption nor to the requirements and behaviours of their stakeholders and customers. Strong demand for social media monitoring services in Japan is evidence of this interest.
1. Global Social Media Check-Up, Burson-Marsteller, February 2010
Felix Heinimann Group Managing Directior
MAlAYSIA Despite the rapid adoption of social media channels by the Malaysian general public - social networks now have almost 75% reach in the country, and Malays are amongst the heaviest users of online video in Asia-Pacific ' - Malaysian companies tend to see social media as a double-edged sword. For some it is a direct, dynamic and interactive avenue for stakeholder communication, for others it is an all too easy way to get exposed to negative feedback.
Essence Communications Email: felix@my-essence.com Twitter: @TechatEssence _Active Accounts
_Inactive Accounts
An essentially conservative and non-confrontational culture, the most trusted form of communication in Malaysia is through face-to-face interaction and word of mouth. Accordingly, top companies are mainly using social media to distribute company news and facts, rather than as a tool to connect and engage with their stakeholders. For example, Malaysia's Employee's Provident Fund (not covered in this study) recently launched new Facebook and Twitter channels, though the company has stated that both platforms will only be used for announcements. A similar approach is practiced by the majority of companies surveyed, who are using social media as additional channels for product promotions and to announce corporate updates. Almost all companies shy away from the core purpose of these platforms - direct interaction with their users. It is striking that no companies in the study are using blogs, at least for corporate purposes. Neither are local companies exploiting Malaysians' appetite for online video. This appears to be a missed
DiGi â&#x20AC;˘ Corporate Social Responsibility
DiGi's Deep Green programme set out the company's goals and activities to reduce its carbon footprint. Unlike most CSR programmes, set out in brochure format, online and in print, DiGi is encouraging users to share and vote on green ideas and is running Challenge for Change, in which contestants submit c1eantech and social enterprise ideas online and via video.
Socia! Networks
~ Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
opportunity, as video can be a highly engaging way to tell one's corporate story, whether it is to bring management closer to the customer, to explain the background and meaning of key corporate to illustrate corporate announcements, or responsibility and community programmes. Nevertheless, both corporations and government institutions are starting to realise that the benefits of a direct and interactive approach outweigh the challenges and risks. This is especially true of consumer-focused sectors, such as telecommunications, consumer technology, and tourism and travel. DiGi Amongst the companies surveyed, Telecommunications showed the highest level of activity, using Facebook and Twitter to make announcements and as channels to address consumer complaints quickly. While DiGi's Twitter-stream is fast becoming an avenue for customers to air their grievances publicly, the company moves fast to respond, with its posts also shared on Facebook. This provides transparency whilst building good corporate image by depicting itself as a company that cares. Though not covered by this study, the proactive use of Facebook, Twitter and corporate blogging by Tony Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, as well as by Malaysia's Prime Minister and a large number of other politicians (of all persuasions), have brought them closer to the public and are clearing a path for those unsure how to move forward.
1. State of the Internet with a Focus on Asia-Pacific, comScore, July 2010
PHlliPPINf~ :DIll
Jinny Jacaria Account Group Director Strategic Edge, Inc Email: jjacaria@seinc.com.ph
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
Despite a relatively poor telecoms infrastructure, and Internet penetration only 30%" suddenly people are talking of the Philippines as the new social media poster boy. Philippine use of Facebook has surged to 17.6m users, and the country boasts one of the highest Twitter penetration rates in the world'.
_Inactive Accounts
Local companies are now playing catch-up, with the great majority focused on exploiting consumer opportunities - typified by a multitude of contests, discounts, promotions and product launches - and an increasing focus on customer service. Most activity is on Facebook. A good example is mobile company Globe Telecom, which actively uses Facebook and Twitter to increase awareness of its products and get closer to its customers. And with some success - the company now counts over 230,000 fans on Facebook and 35,000 followers on Twitter. Even the top local banks, insurance and other financial services companies are experimenting with Facebook (though not with microblogs, video sharing, corporate blogs and other forms of social media). Yet it is mostly experimentation - the majority of accounts were inactive during the period of research for this study. Meantime, few Philippine companies have begun to use social media for corporate marketing and communications and, where it exists, it is mostly to highlight corporate citizenship activities. A notable exception is the Ayala Corporation conglomerate, which maintains an active Facebook page, a corporate blog and a YouTube channel. Ayala Corporation - Leadership Communica-
Ayala Corporation Chairman and CEO of Philippine conglomerate Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala uses Facebook to communicate the progress of his companies and corporate initiatives concerning sustainability and corporate governance, and to serve as a platform to share his views on philanthropy and other public issues.
Social Networks
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
Instead, the great majority are hanging back until they train their communications teams, have the necessary investment to sustain the relevance and interest in their social channels and are satisfied of the legal implications of sharing company information and views on the Internet and in social media. Philippine companies are also concerned about how to measure the success of social media as a platform for corporate marketing. It is perhaps only when companies are able to see the real value of social media engagement in their broader marketing efforts that they will be able to justify it as a corporate marketing tool. Meantime, most Philippine companies remain in website mode. Having spent sometimes large amounts of money relatively recently on these channels, they are keen to see a return on their investment. This is a missed opportunity. Web traffic in the Philippines is already dominated by search engines and social media, and traffic to company websites often in decline as people spend more in social networks and other media. More important, companies must understand that customers now have more choice, and power, than ever before. Staying away from social media simply lessens their ability to influence stakeholder behavior.
1. Internetworldstats.com, October 2010
2. Market Insight Social Networking in the Asia-Pacific Region, Gartner, October 2010
Jonathan Hoel Digital Strategist Email: jonathan.hoel@bm.com Twitter: @jon_hoel
Based on its strong trading economy, business-friendly regulatory environment and strong broadband and 3G mobile infrastructures, Singapore is rated as one of the most advanced digital economies in the world ' .
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
_Inactive Accounts
While Singapore has the makings of a truly world-class digital economy, its leading companies are in the experimental phase when it comes to corporate use of social media. This is most evident in the high proportion of inactive accounts, especially on Facebook and YouTube - the top social network and video sharing channel respectively in the island state. It is also apparent in the relative lack of two-way interaction with users. Most Singaporean companies prefer to take a 'push' approach to social media, using Facebook and other channels largely to disseminate press releases and other corporate statements. This 'push' approach comes at the expense of two-way online interaction between companies and their users; few companies are giving the impression that they are actively listening to their stakeholders' requirements and opinions. The dearth of corporate blogs used by Singaporean companies in this study, as well as more broadly, is instructive in this regard. This is not to say that Singapore's top companies are wholly shying away from two-way communications. DBS Bank - Issues & Crisis Communications @dbsbank
Read a personal message from Piyush, our CEO, about last week's service disruption. http://www.dbs.com/sg/pages jannouncement.aspx Retweeled by vi)eshkk and 4 othENs
Sodal Networks
Video Sharing
One Singapore company - Starhub - is actively using Facebook and other channels, though primarily to communicate product promotions and discounts and to provide customer service support. The firm's use of social media for corporate marketing and communications appears to remain a low priority. While Singaporean companies have been holding back on the use of social media for corporate purposes, those that are experimenting in this area are mostly focused on 'warmer' topics such as corporate responsibility, which are arguably less likely to be contentious. An example is OCBC Bank's annual Cycle Singapore campaign, which uses Facebook and, latterly, Twitter to build awareness and increase participation. Companies also realise social media can be a useful tool when faced with an issue or crisis. During an ATM service interruption in July 2010, Singapore-based DBS Bank used Twitter to communicate updates to its customers. Once the issue was resolved, DBS has continued to use the account to answer broader enquiries about its products and service.
DBS Bank uses Twitter to field customer service enquiries. This proved a useful tool in a much publicised ATM disruption in July 2010 (pictured), during which customer enquiries were fielded and updates and links to further information where communicated regularly to customers and other stakeholders.
Incidents such as the above can serve as a catalyst for more structured and proactive use of social media channels.
1. Digital Economy Rankings 2010, Economist Intelligence Unit
Margaret Key Market Leader Email: margaret.key@bm.com Twitter: @MargaretKey
Koreans are hungry for social media. A garrulous people, social media helps them meet, talk and organize during the working day and beyond. Social media also plays an increasingly important role in public life, for instance helping Koreans organize and run protests against US beef imports. Korea's President has taken to Twitter' .
• Active Accounts
• Inactive Accounts
Koreans are also fortunate to benefit from the fastest broadband infrastructure in the world'. Catching up on the latest sporting highlights or gaming with your friends is almost as simple as updating your social networking profile or sending an email on your smartphone. Microblogs
Local Internet companies have been quick to rise to the challenge, providing users with a slew of innovative services. Top local portal/search engine Naver's highly successful Knowledge iN Q&A service provided the inspiration for Yahoo! Answers; both Naver and rival Daum have launched real-time social media search services.
Social Networks
Video Sharing
Corporate Blogs
that can benefit, or damage, an organisation's longer-term reputation. There is also the volatile nature of the Korean blogosphere to contend with, made no easier by a widespread culture of anonymous contributions and a willingness to discuss issues that can make other internet cultures appear tame.
So it may come as little surprise to many that top Korean companies - including a good smattering of household name chaebol such as LG, Samsung, Hyundai It is equally little surprise then that microblogs are - are leading the social media charge in Asia. However, it today's preferred social media option. Increasingly has not been plain sailing. popular, easy to use, open and trustworthy for the user, Korean companies figure it is a good way to Generally conservative by nature, Korean companies communicate direct to local and international are keen to be seen as innovative, but would prefer to stakeholders at little cost, while maintaining be innovative without taking on the associated risks. reasonable control over the message. There is also a tendency to view social networks and other social channels as marketing tools to reach out to Social networks are also proving popular, and not just customers rather than as public relations platforms for consumer campaigns. Korean companies are using Facebook and Twitter to draw attention to the latest corporate news and to provide a better service more LG Electronics· Corporate Social Responsibility finely attuned to the evolving needs of journalists, bloggers, analysts and other influencers. Corporate "o!hIIlll~"~"''jI''uwaJfR~·::::::::::7.::;-'::'''-··-· LG --_._--.... .... •••.. ~~lli!l.IiIiIiiI;liiIIsocial responsibility programmes are widely ::;::="_-::..------_.""--- - ..- .. _._communicated through social media.
Source: http://blog.lge.comJ
LG Electronics launched a CSR campaign to highlight its commitment to hemophiliac sufferers using a corporate blog and Twitter. Users were encouraged to show photos of their blood donations via Twitter, and talk about them on the blog, with LG promising to donate direct to a charity.
Despite the excellent telecoms infrastructure, Korean companies have yet to start using video in any substantive way to illustrate their activities. In this area, PR departments have yet to learn the storytelling skills of their marketing colleagues. As such, it is a space to watch.
1. httpd/twitter.com/#!/BluehouseKorea
2. State of the Internet Report Ql 2010. Akamai Technologies
Luna Chiang
Group Director Compass Public Relations Email: luna.chiang@compasspr.com.tw
While many top Taiwanese companies are aware of the social media phenomenon, and are considering how to approach this area, most are staying clear of social media for corporate marketing purposes, at least for now.
â&#x20AC;˘ Active Accounts
â&#x20AC;˘ Inactive Accounts
Why are Taiwanese companies so reluctant? 10%
First, many firms are grappling with the value proposition of social media. How can their activities be measured and financial value evaluated? Culturally conservative, the need to attach tangible value to business activities is regarded as critically important. Microblogs
A second factor is the nature of media outreach in Taiwan, which is often stymied by the lack of in-house communications teams. Basic media enquiries tend to go through the company PR person, with spokesperson duties handled by the CFO - again, a reflection of the importance attached to financial and operational performance - and not well suited to the demands of social media, from initiating and responding to discussions, to ongoing channel management. Third, while a number of major Taiwanese companies are active in social media, they are using these channels almost exclusively for consumer marketing and product promotions. These channels are localised to meet the requirements and behaviours of consumers in specific markets - a global approach is rare.
HTC - Media & Influencer Relations
HTC is steadily building its profile on the Internet, using social media to communicate and engage with customers and opinion-formers. The company regularly uploads coverage of its press conferences to YouTube, Facebook and its website, resulting in hundreds of thousands of views, and has posted material telling the 'Quietly Brilliant' HTC corporate story (pictured).
Corporate Blogs
Video Sharing
If Taiwanese companies need local inspiration, they would do well to look at phone manufacturer HTC Corporation. HTC uses a combination of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in English language to highlight and showcase latest products globally, leverage physical events such as press conferences and product launches on the Internet, and build relationships with customers, bloggers and other opinion-formers. It is perhaps little accident that HTC, along with other top consumer technology players such as Acer, regard themselves as global companies with global ambitions. To reach today's consumer technology buyers in all parts of the world, HTC understands it has little option other than to be online, and be where their consumers increasingly are - in social media. However, to stay the long course, even the more global Taiwanese companies will need to move beyond product marketing and look to build trusted, long-term relationships with all manner of stakeholders, and proactively look to build a good corporate reputation .
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Source: http-;'www.youtube.comtwatchhzyai2u3nVlN4
Social Networks
In the future, we expect to see Taiwan's more progressive companies use corporate marketing in a more substantive way, and with social media at its heart. It is surely a question of when, not if.
Jeremy Plotnick Knowledge Director
Aziam Burson-Marsteller
Email: jeremy.plotnick@abm.co.th
• Active Accounts
Social media has been relatively slow in reaching critical mass in Thailand, though the political disturbances earlier in 2010 led to a spurt in the use of Facebook (now counting S.gm users' ) and Twitter by both citizens and politicians. Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva now counts over 480,000 followers on Facebook'.
Inactive Accounts
Likewise, companies have been hesitant to adopt these new channels and, when they do, generally follow consumer trends in opting for social networks such as Facebook and HiS, as well as Twitter, while largely steering clear of blogs and video sharing. While most Thai companies surveyed have a branded presence on at least one of the main social media platforms, there appears to be a lack of strategic rationale and organizational commitment to their endeavors. Social media is all too rarely integrated into a comprehensive corporate marketing platform; rather they serve as largely standalone communications channels or at best are linked to the corporate website in a hub and spoke system. There are also many inactive or under-utilized channels; others are usurped by customers and/or employees to discuss topics unrelated to the company or its business. The Thai translation of 'usage' of social media is to 'play' - that is, an individual will 'play Facebook' - and the connotation of fun seems to have carried over into the corporate arena, manifested in companies' apparent reluctance to address serious corporate marketing or CP ALL - Business Thought Leadership
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Thai conglomerate CP All uses its corporate blog to talk about a number of issues important to its business, including sharing anecdotes and best practices from franchises of its 7-Eleven stores: previous histories of store owners, how and why they started doing business with CP All, how they dealt with problems, the key to their success.
Social Networks
CorporClte Blogs
Video Sharing
reputation management topics and focus 'feel good' CSR stories or promotions. Corporate blogging is used by only one company in the survey, for a mix of corporate marketing and to enable company executives to share their thoughts on a range of social and cultural topics. The lack of interest in blogging is in line with overall consumer trends as well as with marketing practice in Thailand, which stresses the use of visual imagery rather than the written word. And while anecdotal reports indicate that Thai consumers, especially young people, are becoming active users of online video, local companies have stayed clear. Possible reasons: Thailand's weak technical infrastructure with limited broadband and almost non-existent 3G wireless access. Another reason: YouTube's checkered history in the country, with the government closing access to the platform a number of times due to claims of material deemed offensive to the Thai monarchy. Top Thai firms are not yet exploiting the conversational opportunities of social media. Bumrungrad Hospital, for instance, actively uses Twitter but almost exclusively as a one-way channel to provide health tips and information about hospital services.
1. Checkfacebook.com, October 2010 2. http.llwww.facebook.com/Abhisit.M.Vejjajiva
Some key considerations for organisations when developing and implementing a corporate social media strategy:
Monitor Continuously Discussions online don't conveniently take place during work hours - they can happen anytime, on any channel and any topic. Make sure you are tracking top influencers, forums and other online channels in order to identify potential issues early and proactively enter into relevant conversations.
Clarify Objectives Many organizations stray into social media without a clear idea of what they are looking to achieve, and using rudimentary metrics and tools to evaluate their performance. Having a clear set of objectives will make the programme more effective, easier to sell and simpler to evaluate.
Get Management Buy-In Encourage senior management to be aware of - and, optimally, participate in social media - in order to foster appropriate participation by employees on behalf of the company. Setting a positive example is the best method of social media leadership.
Align Messages Until recently, different stakeholders could be treated separately using different sets of messages and materials; the internet now gives all audiences access to much the same information. The need for consistent messaging to all audiences and across all channels is becoming increasingly important.
Connect the Dots Your stakeholders may have a different view of your company than you do, and can voice these opinions whenever they want. When considering your corporate social media strategy, look laterally across your organization to identify potential weaknesses or contradictions and plan your response.
Contribute to the Community Make sure that your participation in social media is relevant and genuinely helps and adds value to your audiences, as opposed to always providing content that is marketing or promotional in nature. As with human relationships, people respond to companies that listen, are responsive and approachable.
Participate in Good Times and Bad There will always be situations in which it is best to avoid participating in online conversations but, generally speaking, negative content provides an opportunity for an organization to share its point of view or set the record straight. Avoiding negative issues can also make you appear uncaring and perhaps with something to hide.
Be Prepared to Respond in Real-Time Social media conversations take place in real-time and can spread like wildfire, so it is often necessary to respond immediately to ensure that you are seen to care about your customers. Equally, a quick response can stave off reputation damage that may take months to repair. Be Flexible Whilst it is preferable that your message and content are as clear and consistent as possible in today's faster, flatter communications environment, the dynamics of online conversations can turn on a dime. Try to retain some flexibility both in your messaging and in its delivery.
m m m
Speak as a Human People expect to be talked to as human beings, not as constituents of a demographic or members of a database. When interacting with customers and other stakeholders on the internet, it is essential that your voice and tone are both personal and true to your organisation's values. Don't be Heavy-Handed Be careful about getting into fights with people on the Internet - large organizations rarely tend to win spats in the broad court of public opinion. Furthermore, the use of legal actions or threats often only makes matters worse, alienating your audiences and helping spread the fire. Optimise Continuously It is increasingly easy to track online conversations relevant to your organization, as well as monitor use of your branded social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. Such data can be enormously helpful in ensuring that your approach is appropriate. It can also help fine-tune your messages.
Next Steps Below are some initial actions for organizations considering planning and implementing corporate social media programmes.
Understand Audiences Few organizations get a grip on what their audiences think about them, beyond those they already know well. It is also important to appreciate their behaviours, in terms of preferred sources of information, approaches to research, relative spheres of influence etc - both online and offline. What people say and do online does not necessarily reflect what their offline lives.
Assess Communications Capabilities Understand how well equipped your internal and supplier teams are to plan, implement and assess social media programmes, build relationships in the online environment (including leveraging existing 'offline' relationships), and track, analyse, escalate and manage online discussions.
Identify and Strengthen Gaps Identify the gaps betw,een your overall communications objectives and plan, and your current social media knowledge, skills, systems, processes and tools. Look to strengthen weaknesses through training, recruitment or by improving internal decision-making processes and procedures.
Re-design Policies, Procedures and Toolkits Make sure your current communications infrastructure is up to date and sufficiently flexible to meet today's reality. This may include the introduction of a corporate social media policy, the development of handbooks and other resources and updating your crisis communications protocols.
Communicate Employee Roles and Responsibilities It is very easy, and tempting, for employees to share their own views and experiences on company-related issues on the internet. It is vital that your people are aware of the evolving legal framework (in some countries) governing disclosure to bloggers, their professional and personal responsibilities and the broad principles of communicating online.
Cascade Learnings While often the best way to develop capabilities in any area is through the implementation of communications programmes, also consider how best to develop a system for sharing social media knowledge and learnings within and across your communications teams, and ensuring these stay top of mind.
(OMrANY-(OUNTRY INDH The companies surveyed in this study comprise the top 10 companies per country as ranked in the 2009 Wall Street Journal Asia 200 Index. The Index can be viewed at http://asia.wsj.com/public/page/asia200.html.
Woolworths BHP Billiton Coca-Cola Amatil Australia & New Zealand Banking Group BlueScope Steel Qantas Airways Westpac Banking Wesfarmers Westfield Group Rio Tinto
Unilever Indonesia Astra International Indofood Suskes Makmur Bank Central Asia Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Indonesian Satellite (Indosat) Bank Mandiri (Persero) United Tractors Telekomunikasi Indonesia Kalbe Farma
Jollibee Foods Ayala Corporation Ayala Land, Inc. San Miguel Corporation Bank of the Philippine Islands Globe Telecom Banco de Oro Universal Bank Philippine Long Distance Telephone SM Prime Holdings Metropolitan Bank & Trust
Mainland China
China Merchants Bank Lenovo Group China Mobile Communications Ctrip.com Baidu China International Trust & Investment Industrial & Commercial Bank of China China Telecom Corporation Bank of China Bank of Communications
Toyota Motor Corporation Nintendo Co. Panasonic Honda Motor Canon Seven & I Holdings Sony Corporation Toshiba Corporation Nissan Motor NH DoCoMo
Singapore Airlines SingTel United Overseas Bank Singapore Press Holdings Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation StarHub CapitaLand Singapore Exchange SIA Engineering Co Keppel Corporation
Hong Kong
South Korea
Cathay Pacific Airways Swire Pacific Hang Seng Bank MTR Corporation Sun Hung Kai Properties Shangri La Asia China Light & Power Holdings Hong Kong & China Gas (Towngas) Li & Fung Cheung Kong Holdings
Samsung Electronics POSCO LG Electronics SK Telecom SK Holdings Samsung Corporation LG Corporation Hyundai Motor Shinsegae Hyundai Heavy Industries
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Asustek Computer President Enterprises Corporation Acer Formosa Plastics Corporation Hon Hai Precision Industry Formosa Petrochemical Corporation High Tech Computer Corporation Nan Va Plastics Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corporation
Infosys Technologies Tata Consultancy Services Bharti Airtel Larsen & Toubro Wipro Tata Steel Hindustan Unilever Limited HDFC Bank State Bank of India ITC Limited
Public Bank Berhad Nestle Malaysia DiGi.com Genting UMW Holdings VTL Corporation Sime Darby Malayan Banking Resorts World Hong Leong Bank
Siam Cement PH Public Company Limited Charoen Pokphand Kasikornbank Siam Commercial Bank Bumrungrad Hospital Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited Land & Houses Public Company Limited Total Access Communications CP Seven Eleven
~URTHfR RfADING Burson-Marsteller regularly publishes analysis and points of views on topical communications issues. Recent examples relevant to readers of this report include the publications listed here, which can be found on our Delicious bookmark page http://www.delicious.com/bm_apac/BMJnsight.
• • • The State of Mobile Communications September 2010 • • • The Brand Management Dinosaur August 2010 How to Effectively Manage Your Online Reputation August 2010 • • • The New Crisis & Issues Communications July 2010 Image and Reputation in the Age of Digital Communication July 2010 • •-
The Global Social Media Check-up February 2010
A(KNOWlmG[M[NT~ &(ONTACT~ Acknowledgements
For Further Contact
The following employees at Burson-Marsteller and its affiliates across Asia-Pacific have contributed to this study: Adeline Heng, Anoushka Bhar, Betty Ng, Carly Yanco, Cindy Low, Craig Adams, Elliza Abdul Rahim, Haruehun Airry Noppawan, Jeremy Plotnick, Jinny Jacaria, Jonathan Hoel, Luna Chiang, Margaret Key, Monica Meer, Natashia Jaya, Palin Ningthoujam and Stephanie Aye.
To speak to one of the authors of this report, or for further information, please contact:
Charlie Pownall Director, Lead Digital Strategist Burson-Marsteller (Asia-Pacific)
65.9655.7997 Email: charles.pownall@bm.com Twitter: @cpownall
Zaheer Nooruddin Director, Lead Digital Strategist Burson-Marsteller (Greater China)
852.5303.0394 Email: zaheer.nooruddin@bm.com Twitter: @zooruddin
Steve Bowen Managing Director, Marketing & Training Burson-Marsteller (Asia-Pacific)
65.9151.2778 Email: steve.bowen@bm.com Twitter: @steve bowen
Christine Jones Managing Director, New Business Burson-Marsteller (Asia-Pacific)
61.2.9928.1557 Email: christine.jones@bm.com