Once Upon A Time: Gala Program 2022

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1 Emerald Sponsor Clancy-Gernon Funeral Home 295 Main Street N.W. • Bourbonnais, Illinois Clancy-Gernon Funeral Home 291 N. Main St. • Manteno, Illinois Clancy-Gernon-Hertz Funeral Home 1480 W. Court St. • Kankakee, Illinois Clancy-Gernon-Houk Funeral Home 214 W. Sheffield Ave. • St. Anne, Illinois Honoring Tradition... Respecting Change. EMERALD SPONSOR www.clancygernon.com (815) 932-1214 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 1 11/3/2022 12:41:32 PM

Emerald Sponsor

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Emerald Sponsor

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Friends of Bishop McNamara,

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and the student body of Bishop McNamara Catholic School, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to “Once Upon a Time: One Hundred Years of Irish Tales.” As we celebrate our 100th Anniversary Gala and our thirty-ninth annual dinner auction, all of us associated with Bishop McNamara wish to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and generosity as well as partnering with us in carrying out our mission.

A very special thank you goes to Nick and Meghan Elliott who are our chairs for this year’s event. Their unending dedication and support demonstrates what Bishop McNamara is all about! The willingness to take on this huge responsibility speaks volumes for their selflessness and commitment to our mission. We would also like to express our gratitude to their co-chairs, Andy and Meredith Purcell and Mike and Nikki O’Brien, along with the multitude of volunteers that will make tonight’s event a huge success. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of all of us associated with Bishop McNamara I say thank you for giving so much of yourselves to Catholic education.

From the bottom of thank you for giving

Piggush as our Honorary part of both their all graduated from St. as did Lynn’s five Bishop McNamara true commitment to ‘98, Scott ‘01, and in the 1980’s. They leading several committees, Chairpersons. And still today, the Annual Dinner commitment provides enrichment include three of their continuing traditions and new

Please join me in saying thank you to Smitty and Jean for the many years of continued support and the giving of themselves for the greater good of Bishop McNamara. Smitty and Jean you truly exemplify the Bishop McNamara spirit and the continued dedication and commitment to

Dale and Lynn for the themselves for the greater exemplify the “Bishop commitment to Catholic

we are blessed with the present, and we look forward to a bright future for Catholic education in our community. The continued dedication and loyalty of the Bishop McNamara family and the community at large, will ensure that our mission of providing a quality Catholic education will continue for generations to come. All of us have been entrusted with the challenge to not only live out our faith, but to share it with our children.

Let us celebrate tonight knowing that through your generosity, you are indeed supporting our mission. On behalf of the entire Bishop McNamara community, I say thank you for your support.

As we, celebrate our 100th anniversary of St. Patrick and Bishop McNamara it is appropriate to look back and to reminisce the great history and events of our storied past. But, just as we celebrate our past, we look forward to the next 100 years and our reminded of the fact that it is going to take the continued dedication and loyalty of the Bishop McNamara family and the community at large, to carry out our mission of providing a quality Catholic education. All of us have been entrusted with the challenge to not only live our faith, but to share it with our children. To that end, let us celebrate tonight knowing that through your generosity, you are indeed accepting this challenge and recommitting yourself to the mission of Bishop McNamara. Again, on behalf of the entire Bishop McNamara community, I say thank you for your generous support.

With deep appreciation,

With deep appreciation,

Tonight we honor Francis “Smitty” ’60 and Jean Smith as our Honorary Chairpersons. Smitty and Jean through their word and deed exemplify what it means to be a tireless and gracious volunteer and supporter of Bishop McNamara and of Catholic education. Whether it was selling raffle tickets, Ceile calendars, organizing and working Madcaps, Smitty and Jean were not only active contributors but were there for Bishop McNamara. If asked, both Smitty and Jean would probably say they are most proud of their four children, William ‘84, Pam ’85, Michael ’89, and Kelly ‘95, and how they have followed in their footsteps and have not only learned, but demonstrated the importance of giving back to the community. All four were instrumental in establishing the Smith Media Center in honor of their mother and father. They also played a huge part in establishing the Dennis J. Smith Foundation which is instrumental in funding scholarships for Bishop McNamara students to this very day.

and support willingness to take on selflessness and
to the many
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One Hundred Years of Irish Tales upon a time Bishop McNamara 100 Year Gala

Best Wishes For A Successful Gala

Platinum Sponsor
of 2007
of 2001
of 2010
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We are proud to be graduates of Bishop McNamara High School


Friends and Family of Bishop McNamara,

It is truly an honor to serve as the Honorary Chairpersons of the 39th Annual Bishop McNamara Dinner Auction during the school’s 100th anniversary year.

For those of you who do not know it was Paul Keigher who brought the idea of the Auction to Bishop McNamara and who along with his wife Pat served as the first auction chairman.

While the Smith family hasn’t been involved with St. Pat/Bishop McNamara since day one, our association with the school dates back 70 years to the days when Smitty’s parents, Francis W. and Rita Smith, played a key role in the formation of St. Patrick Central High School. Indeed, Francis was instrumental in raising the money to build a building on Brookmont Boulevard to house St. Patrick Central High School, and was a charter member of the Board of Directors for the school. But his support didn’t end there – he and Rita helped by doing everything from selling tickets to the Huddle Club Dance to cooking french fries in the concession stand at football games.

Smitty was the first of Francis and Rita’s children to attend St. Pat’s, but was followed by Madelyn (O’Brien), Denny and Jim. While the school provided each with an excellent education, it was so much more than that. At St. Pat’s/Bishop McNamara, we formed lifelong friendships, many of which endure to this day. We learned the importance of giving back to the community, following the example not only of our parent’s service, but also other St. Pat’s families of that era like the Mackins, Woyahns, Romarys, Dunns, O’Connors, Kilbrides, Huots, Azzarellis and many more. We nurtured our faith, attending religion class and school mass, under the guidance of Viatorian priests such as Fr. Gene Hoffman, Fr. Ed Shaw, and Fr. Matt Noonan. And we had a lot of fun, whether it was Friday night football games, sock hops at the CYO, or pizza at the Sahara restaurant.

When it was time for us to send our own children to high school, there was no question about where we wanted them to go. We never took it for granted, however, that Bishop McNamara would always be there for them. We know it is only because of the hard work and generous support of so many in the Bishop McNamara community that our kids, and so many others, had that opportunity.

We always tried our best to do our part as well. Whether it was organizing Madcaps, selling raffle tickets, or going door-to-door with Ceile calendars in hand, we worked hard, but had a lot of fun as well. (The stories about the Madcaps days are probably better left unsaid!)

the school’s media center. And they created the Denny J. Smith Memorial Foundation to fund scholarships and other programs at Bishop McNamara. That program has, to date, funded over 180 Denny Scholarships at Bishop McNamara. And we are grateful to those of you who have contributed to those scholarships, or are in attendance at the auction tonight, for everything you have done to support the school.

So many of our family’s fondest memories involve Bishop McNamara: we were in the bleachers cheering all the state championship football teams and we have been there this year when the football team was not quite as good. We attended school dances, homecoming parades, pig roasts, and swing choir performances. We have attended the weddings and other celebrations of friends that our children made at the school, and have been thrilled to have those friends attend Smith family celebrations to this day. And most of all, we are grateful for the foundation that Bishop McNamara gave our children, and so many children, to build their lives.

It is our desire that many more generations to come will have the opportunity that comes with a Bishop McNamara education. That is the reason we agreed to serve as Honorary Chairpersons of tonight’s auction. We urge you to bid early and often tonight and remember Bishop McNamara’s future depends on your support.

God bless, and Go Irish!

Francis '60 “Smitty” and Jean Smith


One Hundred Years of Irish Tales upon a time
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Bishop McNamara 100 Year Gala

Platinum Sponsor

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Hello Friends!

Welcome to Bishop McNamara Catholic School celebration of 100 Years, “Once Upon a Time: One Hundred Years of Irish Tales.” It is truly unbelievable that Bishop McNamara, and St Patrick’s before it, has been providing our community with quality Catholic education for 100 years!

We hope you enjoy this evening while we celebrate our past, live in the present and look to our future. We are truly humbled to have the opportunity to chair this year’s gala. We are both alumni of Bishop McNamara High School, and can remember working the annual auction when we were students. We never could have imagined that one day we would be given the opportunity to chair this spectacular event. It is very special to us to be a part of the 100 Year Anniversary of the Bishop McNamara!

This year’s gala would not be possible without the hard work of the Advancement Office, our gala planning team, parent volunteers and our honorary chairpersons. We also want to thank all of our sponsors, donors and the local community for all of their generous support.

We are proud to celebrate this year’s honorary chairpersons, Francis “Smitty” ‘60 and Jean Smith. They have been integral parts to Bishop McNamara’s history. Smitty and Jean were active volunteers and leaders in the Bishop McNamara community when their four children attended Bishop McNamara. We are grateful for their dedication and belief in what Bishop McNamara can provide. Thank you, Smitty and Jean for your support over the last 50 years, and all of the support given to this evening’s gala!

Everyone has their own Bishop McNamara story. Tonight, as we reflect on the last 100 years, let us think about all of the ways Bishop McNamara has positively affected our lives. Enjoy the company of those individuals you might not have known if not for Bishop McNamara. Most importantly, let us help continue the tradition of Bishop McNamara for the next 100 years by showing our generosity and support. The best is yet to come… Go Irish!

Steering Team and Committee

President/BMCS Kankakee Site Principal: Terry Granger ‘76

BMCS Bradley Site Principal: Dana Berg

BMCS Bourbonnais Site Principal: Sue Goselin

BMCS Kankakee Site Assistant Principal: Bradie Ryan

General Chairpersons: Nick ‘06 and Meghan ‘06 Elliott

Co-Chairpersons: Andy ‘92 and Meredith Purcell

2nd Co-Chairpersons: Mike ‘92 and Nikki ‘92 O'Brien

Honorary Chairperson: Francis '60 “Smitty” and Jean Smith

Past Chairpersons: Dr. Scott and Jenny ‘90 Fogel

Raffle Chairpersons: Nic and Tracy Rohr

Ads & Acquisitions Team: Sarah Brooks, Andy Czako, Cathy Kaner ‘89, Danielle Martin, Nikki O’Brien ‘92, Tyler Pallissard ‘99, Angie Phillips, Leanne Provost ‘94, Kendra Smith ‘06

Class Baskets: Aliess Bedford, Cindy Mullinax

Basket Decorating: Lynn Pearce ‘66

Experiential: Renee Brouilett, Heather Johnson, Beth Provost ‘75

Director of Advancement: Areca Van Mill

Advancement Specialist: Lisa Gerth ‘80

Director of Technology: Steve Langelett

Director of Finance: Tricia Surprenant

Coordinator of Special Events: Peggy Mayer ‘90

Cooridnator of Alumni Relations: Liz Madsen ‘77

Marketing Assistant: Lori LaMore

Emcee: Jeremy Andersen, Matt Hemenover

Cooridnator of Social Media: Tiffany Kruse

Musical Performance Coordinator: Stacie Knefelcamp

Nick ‘06 & Meghan Billadeau ‘06 Elliott
One Hundred Years of Irish Tales upon a time
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Bishop McNamara 100 Year Gala
Sponsor 815.614.3447 PiggushEng.com SHAPING THE WORLD AROUND US. 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 9 11/3/2022 12:43:51 PM

Evening Agenda


Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres

Online Check-in

Silent Auction Begins

Purchase “Your Live Item Raffle” Chance for $100


Welcome by BMCS President, Terry Granger '76

Prayer by BMCS Executive Pastor, Fr. John Peeters


Live Item Raffle Drawing

Progressive Raffle Drawing

Remarks by our 2023 Auction Chairpersons, Nick & Meghan Elliott

Toast to our Honorary Chair Persons, Francis “Smitty” & Jean Smith

Live Auction Begins

Silent Auction Closing Times



500 Food & Fun; 600 Youth Corner

Dinner Menu


Fairy Good Fall Harvest Salad with Pear and Feta Cheese

Main Characters

Resplendent Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Sticky Plum Sauce

Breathtaking Braised Short Ribs

Idyllic AuGratin Potatoes

Dreamy Green Beans and Bacon


Charming Assorted Cobblers

200 Sports; 300 Home; 400 Ladies and Gents
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Platinum Sponsor

Industrial Institiutional Retail Senior

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1985 Spring Specatacular I

1986 Spring Spectacular II

1987 Spring Spectacular

1988 Spring Spectacular, Fantasy

1989 Spring Spectacular, A Picnic in the Park

1990 An Irish Spectacular

1991 Up, Up and Away

1992 A French Impression

1993 An American Celebration

1994 Puttin’ on the Ritz

1995 Emerald Elegance

1996 Golden Moments

1997 Mardi Gras Magic

1998 An Evening in the Garden

1999 Our Irish Memories

2000 Let’s Go Overboard

2001 City Lights

2002 A Rendezvous with Monet

2003 A Ride on the Orient Express

2004 An Evening at the Kentucky Derby

2005 Cirque ‘05

2006 A Red Carpet Affair

2007 Return to Emerald City

2008 Chicago, Our Kind of Town

2009 World Showcase

2010 Una Bella Festa Italiana

2011 A Sojourn to Egypt

2012 Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

2013 An Evening in Innisfree, An Irish Tradition

2014 Spring Spectacular, A Festival of Years Past

2015 Grand Ole Opry

2016 Our Way

2017 When Irish Eyes Are Smiling

2018 A Night at the Races

2019 Sweet Home McNamara

2019 Under the Stars

2020 The Roaring 20’s

2021 A Million Dreams

Past General and Honorary Chairpersons


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keigher

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huot

Dr. and Mrs. James Kennedy

Dr. and Mrs. James Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romary

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. James Ruder

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gernon

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tholen

Dr. and Mrs. Karl Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Deno

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mackin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Argyelan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaBeau

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baron

Dr. and Mrs. Kelly O’Connor

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. David Tyson

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Piggush

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Worth

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Franco

Dr. and Mrs. John Vallone

Dr. and Mrs. John Jurica

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Vaubel

Dr. and Mrs. Mike Corcoran

Mr. and Mrs. Chad Nugent

Dr. and Mrs. John Vallone

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Arseneau

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDermott

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Provost

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mayer

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Andersen

Dr. and Mrs. Scott Fogel

Dr. and Mrs. J.T. Baldwin

Mrs. Michael L. Clancy

Mrs. Francis W. Smith

Mr. Clarence Bergeron

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunn ‘

Rev. Joel Fortier

The Azzarelli Family

Dr. and Mrs. James Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huot

Mr. Joseph Gianotti

Mr. and Mrs. William Salkeld

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien

Mrs. Cecile LaMarre Enright

Rev. Donald R. Lewandowski, OSA

Brother Gerard LaMarre, C.S.V.

Most Rev. Joseph L. Imesch

Dr. Leo F. O’Connor

Dr. and Mrs. James Schwade

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keigher

Father Tony Nugent

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Franco

Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Hoekstra

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gernon

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hammes

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nugent

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn O’Brien

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laurenti

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baron

Dr. and Mrs. Kelly O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tutt

Mrs. Sharon Jackson

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Corcoran

Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Piggush

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Malpasuto

Dr. and Mrs. John Vallone

Fr. Dan Belanger, C.S.V.

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Platinum Sponsor

Best Wishes to Bishop McNamara Catholic School!

Brad & Krissy '02

Kyle '14 &

Miranda'30, Owen '32

Olivia '32 and William '38

Myron and Reneé Hendrix & Family Myron & Reneé
Jason '01 & Angie
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 13 11/3/2022 12:44:11 PM

Thank You!

To our donors and volunteers who worked on the Annual Dinner Auction as well as to those that serve on the Progressive Raffle committee.

Acting Out Theater

Adam '03 & Dominque '03 Ahramovich

Allegra Marketing Print Mail, Coal City, Joliet, and Kankakee

Jeff '83 & Debby Arseneau

Todd '86 & Tricia Arseneau

Art's Landscaping

Scott & Katie Austin

Edgar Aviles

Aaron & Amy Baker

Doug & Katie '99 Bean

Keshawn & Aliess Bedford

Kyle '04 & Danielle '04 Benoit

Benoit Greenhouse

Jeremy & Tracy Beseke

Jane Bickel

BMCS PreK3 & PreK4 Families

BMCS 1st Grade Families

BMCS 2nd Grade Families

BMCS 4th Grade Families

BMCS 5th Grade Families

BMCS 6th Grade Families

BMCS 7th Grade Families

BMCS Freshman Families

BMCS Sophomore Families

BMCS Junior Families

BMCS 3rd Grade Families

BMCS 8th Grade Families

BMCS Senior Families

BMCS Athletics

BMCS Bookstore

BMCS Faculty & Staff

Ed & Jennifer '91 Brockell

Michael & Sarah Brooks

Nick & Renee Brouillet

Rich & Kelly Bylak

Eric & Ashlie Coughlan

Andy & Terra Czako

Brian & Trisha Dandurand

Edwin '89 & Mandi Darr

Daryl & Heather Denton

Justin & Kris Dole

Jeff & Clarissa Downs

Greg Dralle & Heather Behrends

Mike '93 & Tera '93 Edwards

Adam '97 & Lacy Ehrman

Nick '06 & Meghan '06 Elliott

Evolve Clothing

Stephanie Felesena

Sean & Amanda Fierce

Scott & Jenny '90 Fogel

Mark Frechette '78

Margaret Frechette

Aaron & Ellysa '04 Galloway

Tim & Collette Gernon

Rob '98 & Nicole Gernon

Jim '80 & Lisa '80 Gerth

Terry '76 & Jackie '79 Granger

Zachary & Jenna Gray

Matthew '02 & Gena Gregoire

Ben & Kim Haigh

Tim & April Heinrich

Matt & Sarah Hemenover

Myron & Renee Hendrix

Jeremy & Tricia Hodak

Jerry & June Hoekstra

David '84 & Cathy Hoekstra

HomeStar Insurance

Scott & Amanda Irps

Bill '99 & Jenna Jamros

Luke '99 & Heather Johnson

Tim & Cathy '89 Kaner

Kankakee Area YMCA

Kankakee Community College

Kankakee Country Club

Kankakee Nursery

Kankakee Valley Symphony

Orchestra Assoc.

Kankakee Valley Theater Assoc.

Ted '86 & Judi Keigher

David Kennedy

Gerry '56 & Judy '57 Kilbride & Family

Phil & Anna Kirchner

Ralph & Maureen Kliest

Jason & Carrie Klopp

Stacie Knefelcamp

Spiros & Anna '00 Kolokythas

Katie Kresl '03

Dave & Tiffany Kruse

Mike & Tara LaCost

Todd '72 & Joanne '72 Lambert

Verne & Lori LaMore

Jeremy & Anna Landrie

Scott & Bonnie Lewis

Liz Madsen '77

Bob & Sandy '82 Malpasuto

Peggy Mayer '90

Donnie & Mia McCammon

Tim & Steph McGrath

Michael & Michelle McTaggart

Tim & Patti McThenia

Pat & Sarah '99 Mickler

Scott & Laura '03 Moran

Jeff '83 & Cindy Mullinax

Kevin & Debbie Mussmann

Valerie Nugent '92

Mike '92 & Nikki '92 O'Brien

Shawn '84 & Teresa O'Brien

Jose & Maria Ochoa

Dr. Kelly '79 & Linda O'Connor

Thomas and Maureen

O'Connor Family Foundation

Oivet Nazarene University

Papineau Meat Locker

Robert & Amanda Parchim

Irish Pride Donors

Mrs. Marlene Clancy

Jerry & Lynn '66 Pearce

Jason '01 & Angie Phillips

Jake & Jen Phillips

Scott '01 & Kim '01 Piggush

Pinski Dermatology

Karl '75 & Beth '75 Provost

Nathan '97 & Jill '95 Provost

Ramsey Provost

Preston Provost

Neeley Provost-Regas '01

Andy '92 & Meredith Purcell

Reeds Canoe Rental

Nic & Tracy Rohr

Victor & Veronica Rosales


Bill & Ladonna Russell

Mike Saineghi & Claire '02


Sammy's Pizza - Bourbonnais

Vincent '99 & Danielle Singleton

Sleepwise Consulting

Aubrey Smith '14

Kendra Smith '06

Francis '60 & Jean Smith

Jason '89 & Christy '00 Smith

Olivia Sproul Designs

Brent & Kaitlyn Steinberg

The Swanky Home

Judy Todnem '78

Dr. John & Carol Vallone

Michael '83 & Areca VanMill

Eric & Lisa Weber

Max '01 & Sarah Williams

Dan Witte

Jim '85 & Julie Worby

Wright in Kankakee

Sulejman & Christine Zeedyk

Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Lillie Fleming in Memory of Francis and Rita Smith, Denny and Jill Smith, Pat O'Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Maureen Kliest

Mr. Dan Witte

Thomas & Jeanne Tisbo

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Meisenbach

If you joined our team after this went to press and your name doesn’t appear on this page, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 14 11/3/2022 12:44:12 PM

You can get screened and have peace of mind

Getting regular health screenings is important for every woman. They may help detect cancer and heart disease early, when it’s most treatable. So schedule a health screening with Ascension Saint Mary and start a conversation with your doctor. Depending on your age and family history, a doctor may recommend a:

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15 © Ascension 2022. All rights reserved.
Schedule a screening today at
ascension.org/ILColonHealthScreening Gold Sponsor 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 15 11/3/2022 12:44:12 PM

Bidding Instructions

Register for Online Checkout

A link was sent to you via email with your unique bidding access. This link will be used to provide your contact information, credit card, view the item catalog, bid online, and checkout on November 12th.

Donate Now: Paddle Raise

Simply Click the "Donate Now" button on your smartphone and enter an amount or raise your paddle during the Live Auction for this donation.

Silent Auction Instructions

Donate Now!

Hand bidding will be the form of silent auction biddind. Please place your bid number on the bid sheet with your bid amount. Please identify on each bid sheet the opening bid and minimum bid increments, buy it now pricing before placing your bid. The winning bid number will be identified by the runners.

Additional Instructions

• Payment in full must be made by credit card, cash or check. Winning bids will be sent to the guest’s email. Guests may self checkout or go to our checkout stations to pay.

• All sales are final. No exchanges or refunds.

• Unless otherwise indicated, all items must be removed removed by purchaser, at purchaser’s expense on the evening of the auction.

• Unless otherwise indicated, all services must be used within one year. Expiration date is November 6, 2023.

• In the event of a dispute with regard to auction items or donate now items, the event chairs shall act as the final authority and shall determine the winning bidder. Their decision shall be final.

• The committee reserves the right to remove items from the auction if a minimum bid is not made.

• The winning bidder should contact the donor(s) directly to complete arrangements for vacations, special events, and services. Exact dates, times, and locations are to be mutually agreed upon by the donor and the winning bidder.

• Bishop McNamara Catholic School makes no expressed or implied warranties on auction items other than those from the manufacturer which may be with a purchase.

• Certificates and tickets for hotels, air transportation, events, or gift items should be treated as cash, as they cannot be replaced if lost. All airline travel may be subject to specific restrictions.

• Any group purchase must be made and paid for by a single bidder.

Live Item Raffle

Purchase your $100 Live Item Raffle chance during Cocktail Hour!

Just before the Live Auction begins, one winner will be drawn. That person will select an item from the Live Auction List. (Exclusions: Waste Management Open, Notre vs. Navy in Ireland). The item chosen will be removed from bidding and awarded to the Live Auction Raffle winner. The remaining items and experiences in the Live Auction List continue to be up for bid.

Good Luck!

One Hundred Years of Irish Tales upon a time

Bishop McNamara 100 Year Gala

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 16 11/3/2022 12:44:16 PM
17 Gold Sponsor Sponsored by Member FDIC 1-855-696-4352 midlandsb.com Congratulations on 100 years and to Smitty and Jean serving as Honorary Chairs! 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 17 11/3/2022 12:44:16 PM

Major Sponsors


Clancy Gernon Funeral Homes

Riverside Medical Center

SA Piggush Financial Consultants


Fisher Gentry Eyecare

Peddinghaus Corporation

Piggush Engineering

Piggush Simoneau Inc.

Stifel Certified Financial Planning Services


Ascension Saint Mary Midland States Bank


Digestive Disease Consultants & Center for Digestive Health

Bob & Sandy Malpasuto

Johnson Downs Construction

Momence Pallet Corporation

Oak Sports Medicine-Dr. Michael Corcoran, MD

Shawn and Teresa O’Brien

Proven IT


Benoit Greenhouses

Central Illinois Transportation

Jim and Lisa Gerth

Godin, Denton, and Elliott

Knights of Columbus, St. Viateur’s Council #745

Rooted Wealth Advisors

Schaafsma Seed Service


Hoekstra Farms

Law Offices of Patrick T. Dunn

National Bank of St. Anne

Taylor Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Taylor Ford of Manteno


Todd Arseneau Insurance Agency

Bipin Bhayani, MD, SC

Borschnack, Pelletier & Co.

Brickstone Brewery & Restaurant

Dralle Chevrolet & Buick

Eakins Contracting

FACTS Management

Kankakee Tank Wash

KPI Electric

Precision Piping

Sammy’s Pizza of Bourbonnais

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 18 11/3/2022 12:44:16 PM
19 1615 N. Convent Street 1890 Silver Cross Blvd. Suite 1 & 2 Suite 225 Bourbonnais, IL 60914 New Lenox, IL 60451 (815) 937- 5200 (815) 602- 8251 ddcofkankakee.com CENTER FOR DIGESTIVE HEALTH
Silver Sponsor

Live Auction


This package starts with a guitar autographed by country star Lee Brice, who headlined Mac Fest 2007 - and there is a good chance you will hear some of his songs on your trip to Nashville! Enjoy 2 nights at the Renaissance Hotel March 24th and 25th, located within just a few electric slides and two step of Tootsie’s and the other famous honky tonks on Broadway. Your trip also includes 4 tickets to the Saturday (3/25) 1 p.m. hockey game at Bridgestone Arena as the Nashville Predators take on the Seattle Kraken. Tickets are provided by Willy Daunic, TV voice of the Predators, and include a behind-the-scenes visit to the broadcast booth during an intermission. Also included are $100 gift certificates to the famous Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge and Rippy’s Honky Tonks. This package could be yours if the price is right!

Donated by: Dr. Kelly ‘79 and Linda O’Connor

Keep This Party Rolling TAILGATE PACKAGE

Are you planning to keep tonight’s party going with an after party? Or maybe plans to gather tomorrow to survey all your auction winnings? Then you need this party package that includes a metal rolling cooler, a charcuterie box/platter, Brickstone’s BMCS Centennial Lager, a box ‘o wine, Sweet Street goodies, four YETI low ball tumblers, Mac swag (coozies and megaphones), and two GCI brand collapsible rocker chairs. You’ll also be ready for your next party with a $100 gift certificate for Plan It with Rebecca (freshly prepared meals and charcuterie).

Donated by: The Fierce Friends (the Fierce, Gentry, Hodak, Gernon, Coughlan, Keigher, Phillips, Steinberg, Provost-Regas, Knefelkamp, and Moran families)


You’ll need to conserve your energy before heading to this “Wasteful” event! This package, courtesy of Shawn & Teresa O’Brien, includes 4 tickets each day for four people to the “Greatest Show on Grass”: the 2023 Waste Management Open the weekend of February 10-12, 2023, at the beautiful TPC Scottsdale Stadium Course in Scottsdale, Arizona. Your weekend at the PGA Tour’s most-attended event includes access to the 1937 Club – a new 18th hole experience serving top tier food and beverages -- as well as accommodations at the Comfort Suites at the Talking Stick entertainment district. You do not want to waste this opportunity to attend the PGA’s biggest party!

Donated by: Shawn '84 & Teresa O’Brien

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 20 11/3/2022 12:44:18 PM
Silver Sponsor
best wishes to bishop mcnamara catholic school for a fabulous 100 year gala celebration! From The Malpasuto Family Bob and Sandy '82 Jack '12 Michael '14 Congratulations to our Gala Chairpersons Nick '06 and Meghan'06 Elliott and Honorary Charpersons Francis '60 "Smitty" and Jean Smith band sponsor 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 21 11/3/2022 12:44:18 PM
Bob and Sandy

Live Auction

Once a Pup a Time


Write your family’s once-in-a-lifetime story of puppy love with this adorable 12-week-old Golden Retriever puppy. What better way to celebrate 100 years of Irish Tradition than by adding this Golden boy to your family?! Our donors, Kevin and Debbie Mussman have made sure he has all the shots he needs. We know he has all the love YOU need, and he is ready to go home with you tonight! You only get one chance at this Once Upon a Time Puppy. Don’t miss it!

Donated by: Kevin & Debbie Mussman

Irish Basketball – South Bend Style!


Get on your green and head to South Bend as the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame take on George Tech on Tuesday, January 10, 2023! The bounce of the ball, the squeak of the shoes on the court, the energy of the crowd and high-level NCAA basketball ---- you will catch it all from 6 courtside seats inside the Purcell Pavilion at the Joyce Center on the beautiful and historic campus of the University of Notre Dame. (Game time TBD).

Donated by: Francis “Smitty” ’60 & Jean Smith, Bill ‘84 & Laura Smith, and Mike ‘89 & Amy Smith

Get Loud At The Library


You and your guests can get as loud as you want at the The Library! This private party in the upstairs room at the Library Bar in Bourbonnais is perfect for the Super Bowl, a birthday party, holiday party, or just a great time with friends. Your party can be up to five hours and will include a bartender, a $300 credit toward your bar tab, 10 large pizzas with any toppings and 10 orders of jumbo chicken wings from Sammy’s Pizza. Scheduling will be based on availability and can be booked through the Library Bar.

Donated by: Scott & Amanda Irps

Mike & Sarah Brooks

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 22 11/3/2022 12:44:19 PM
815-932-8700 EST. 1968 SID DOWNS / JEFF DOWNS ILLINOIS, INDIANA OFFICE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 140 WEST MERTENS STREET KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS 60901 815-932-2136 www.johnsondowns.com 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 23 11/3/2022 12:44:20 PM
Silver Sponsor

Live Auction

Beef ... It’s What’s for Dinner SIDE OF BEEF WITH PROCESSING

No trips to the grocery store or butcher needed before dinner. Take a stroll to your own freezer for the best beef in town! Included with your side of beef will be the cuts you desire as processing is included from Papineau Meat Locker in this premium package. Rising beef prices got you down? MOOOOVE your paddle up and get ready to fire up the grill!!!

Donated by: Karl ’75 & Beth ’75 Provost, Nathan ’97 & Jill ’95 Provost

Papineau Meat Locker

Bourbon Boil Anyone?


(Don’t worry, we’ll keep the bourbon and the boil separate.) You will enjoy a memorable evening, sampling a variety of tasty bourbons while filling up with a delicious seafood boil prepared by the boil master, Jim Gerth. Your hosts, Jim & Lisa Gerth and Nick & Meghan Elliott, agree: the only thing that makes great food and great music even better is live music! Your party of 20 will enjoy a perfect evening under the stars with bourbon, seafood and music provided by local musician Chris James, at the Gerth’s party shed in peaceful Aroma Park! (Available fall of 2023 with the exception of 9/22 through 9/30 and 11/24 through 11/26.)

Donated by: Jim ‘80 & Lisa ’80 Gerth

Nick ’06 & Meghan ’06 Elliott

Waterpark Weekend


Our donors enjoy weekends away from school and they want you do the same. Grab the kids and head to the Timber Ridge Lodge & Water Park at the Grand Geneva in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. This package includes a two-night stay for six in a two-bedroom suite, as well as six waterpark passes and a $200 Visa gift card for your weekend! The Timber Ridge is proud to be one of USA Today’s Top 10 Waterparks and boasts 35-foot-high slides that take you on an epic 300-foot adventure of twists and turns before ending in the heated pool. Looking for a tamer time? Enjoy more than 500 feet of pure relaxation of the lazy river. Whatever you’re looking for in a water park, Timber Ridge has it and you won’t want to miss it!

Donated by: BMCS Faculty & Staff

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 24 11/3/2022 12:44:21 PM
25 Silver Sponsor Best wishes, Bishop McNamara Catholic School! From the O'Brien Family Shawn '84 and Teresa Patrick '07 and Bridget Kolin '08 and Christi BRONZE SPONSORS MP MOMENCE PALLET CORPORATION Manufacturers of Pallets and Custom Wood Products Quality and service you can count on! P. O. Box 708 • Momence, Illinois 60954 • Fax 815-472-6453 815-472-6451 Andy Cryer designs mean more efficiency Custom wood 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 25 11/3/2022 12:44:21 PM

Live Auction

Irish Going for the “Dub” In Dublin!!


Don’t miss out on a this truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a classic college football matchup as the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame take on the Navy Midshipmen at HOME in DUBLIN, IRELAND! This amazing trip to the Emerald Isle includes four tickets to the game at Aviva Stadium on Saturday, August 26, 2023, as well as a $5,000 credit toward airfare and a $2,000 credit for lodging. While you are in Dublin you will also enjoy a tour of the Irish Parliament. This game, in this location is not likely to happen again in your lifetime. So, come on Irish fans, raise those paddles and “Shake Down the Thunder” to land this coveted trip and watch the Irish go for the “dub” in Dublin!!

Donated by: HomeStar Insurance

KCC – College Right at Home! KCC TUITION

Continue your education right here at home along the beautiful Kankakee River on the campus of Kankakee Community College! This tuition award package is for up to $4,950 towards tuition and fees for one academic year for any full-time student. This award will be applied after any scholarships or state or federal grants the student receives and may be used through the 2025-26 academic year. This package includes a KCC swag bag so you will be ready for your first day on campus as a Cavalier!

Donated by: Kankakee Community College

Grand Weekend in Geneva


Ready for a perfect weekend getaway at a premier resort? Look no further than a quick two- and half-hour trip to the beautiful Grand Geneva Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Relax in style and enjoy this two-night stay at the Grand Geneva with a package that includes a round of golf for two and $200 to use for spa services of other amenities!

Donated by: Jerry & June Hoekstra

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 26 11/3/2022 12:44:22 PM

Raise Your Paddle!

Bid Paddle Raise Elementary Reading Series

As an adult, you find comfort in slowing down to curl up with a good book. You might even remember the bedtime story your parents read to you every night as a child.

That’s because a love of reading is something that stays with you forever, and a love of reading equals a love of learning.

Reading is also the cornerstone of education.

An effective instructional reading program emphasizes five essential components of instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Over the past 7 years, we have systematically replaced most of the elementary textbooks. Most recently, a new math series was purchased, and this year we adopted a new science program. Our current reading series, Journeys, will be retired after the 2023-24 school year, and the publisher will not be releasing a new edition. In addition, all current online instruction will no longer be available. This feature includes assessments, differentiated materials to support learning, and at home learning resources.

Raise your paddles to benefit our elementary BMCS reading program, which will strengthen the foundation of learning for all students and resources for our teachers. Not to mention it will spark that love of reading that will stay with our students their entire lives.

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 27 11/3/2022 12:44:23 PM

Live Auction

Chicago Dolls!


Grab your little dolls and head to city for a birthday party for five at the American Girl store! Your birthday girl will welcome her new friend, “Corinne”, the American Girl Doll of the Year for 2022 with snow ski outfit and accessories just in time for winter. This package includes a birthday meal, birthday cake and ice cream, goodie bags, doll tiaras, a gift or crown for the birthday guest of honor, and personalized digital invitations. To top it all off, you and your girl and her four friends will arrive in style with a limo ride to and from Chicago. (Package does allow option to exchange for a different doll or party theme.)

Donated by: Tim & Collette Gernon

Madcaps Madness!!


The word is out, and the anticipation is in the air as McNamara’s iconic Madcaps makes a one-time return as part of the 100 Years of Irish Tradition celebrations! You know you are going, so why not go in style? This VIP package includes admission for a party of 14 on either Friday (April 14) or Saturday (April 15), $300 in “chits”, transportation for your group to and from the event, and a photo op with Those Funny LITTLE PEOPLE --the entertainment troupe that started right here at MADCAPS!!!!

Donated by: Friends of Bishop McNamara

Reach For The Sky!!


You want to see a winning Chicago sports team? Here is your chance - the Chicago Sky won the 2021 WNBA championship, and in 2022 tied for the regular season best record! Reach your paddles high for the SKY!!! This item is a 10-person suite for an agreed-upon Sky game and includes soda, water, snacks, and a special VIP experience. Transportation for all 10 guests is included, as is a $200 gift certificate to Pizano’s Pizza and Pasta located right across the street from Wintrust Arena in the heart of McCormick Square. As a bonus, you get 2 cases of Brickstone’s beer brewed for the team. Go Sky!

Donated by:David Kennedy

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 28 11/3/2022 12:44:24 PM



Injuries can happen anywhere—from the field to the gym to the backyard—but at OAK Orthopedics, our dedicated experts provide the care you need to stay in action.

With our Immediate Orthopedic Access clinic, you can be seen the same day you sustain an injury, saving you on cost and time by skipping the expensive ER.

Injury walk-ins welcome. No appointment necessary.

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

6712 North Convent Street

Bourbonnais, IL 60914

(815) 928−8050

Silver Sponsor
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 29 11/3/2022 12:44:24 PM

Who Will You Be “Sheeran” This “Perfect” Night With? ED SHEERAN CONCERT FOR FOUR

We know you’ll be “Thinking Out Loud” when it comes having the winning bid to this awesome night of ED SHEERAN live at Soldier Field!! This package to see the ginger-haired singer-songwriter in Chicago on July 29, 2023, will give you “Shivers”. It includes four tickets to the show, transportation to and from Soldier Field in a limo fully stocked with drinks and snacks, and a $200 gift card for food and drinks!! As if seeing the show isn’t enough? You’ll also receive the lyrics to the hit song “Perfect” printed on metal in a wooden frame! So, grab some “Beautiful People” and land this item and you’ll feel like you live in a “Castle on the Hill”!! (Yes people, those are all Ed Sheeran songs!)

Donated by: Scott ‘01 & Kim ‘01 Piggush


Then Relax in style. This premium package is a perfect start to the holiday shopping season! Load your wallet with gift cards for Nordstrom ($200), Lululemon ($100), and RPM Restaurants ($300) and head to Chicago for a weekend of shopping, dinner, and fun, including a two-night stay at Trump International Hotel! Can be used through August 31, 2023. Some dates may not be available.

Donated by: Myron & Renee Hendrix

David ’84 & Cathy Hoekstra

Tin Can Caribbean Club Party!! PRIVATED


Well, we all know winter is tough here in Illinois, but that doesn’t mean you have to be COLD. Come to the Island in the Alley and hang out with your Party of 20 at the “Tin Can Caribbean Club”, where it’s always 72 degrees with a sweet, soft trade wind! Enjoy the “Tin Can” from noon ‘til??? Watch college football during the day and slow roll into an evening meal fit for Caribbean royalty. All the food and drink you can handle and MORE! Beach Attire Optional but always welcome!

Donated by: Ted ’86 & Judi Keigher

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 30 11/3/2022 12:44:25 PM

Silver Sponsor

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 31 11/3/2022 12:44:26 PM

Live Auction

Count the (MLB) Stars in Seattle


Ever been to the Major League Baseball All-Star Game? Ever counted the stars over Seattle? This trip will be all you do both during your stay in Seattle, Washington for the 2023 MLB All-Star game on July 11, 2023. This package includes four tickets to the 93rd “Midsummer Classic”, a $2,500 credit toward airfare, and a $1,500 credit toward hotel accommodations. Get those paddles up and knock this bid out of the park to land this homerun of an experience!!

Donated by: HomeStar Insurance

Get Yeti to Tailgate With the Irish


Are you a true Irish fan? Then you need this tailgate package! Get ready and get YETI with the winning bid on this package, which includes a custom-wrapped BMCS Yeti Roadie 60 cooler on wheels, a custom-wrapped BMCS 8’ folding table, two CGI brand Outdoor Roadtrip rocker folding chairs, a tailgate spot for the 2023 Irish football season, and two athletic passes for entry into all BMCS junior high and high school home athletic contests for the 2023-24 school year!! Tee-ho, Tee-ho, ho -- Irish, Irish Go!! Tee-ha, Tee ha, ha – Win this bid, RAH, RAH, RAH!!!

Donated by: The Rohr & Lewis Families

Fun Is On Deck!


If you are a Chicago baseball fan, then you’ve hit it out of the park with this one! We’ve got 4 premium lower-level box seats in Section 123, Row 9, Seats 7-10 along with a parking pass and access to the Stadium Club. Grab all your tailgating needs with your $200 Meijer gift card for game day. You and your friends will be “Thunderstruck” at how much fun you will have cheering on the Sox at the stadium known for having the best ballpark food in the country! But Holy Cow, that’s not all! You and 3 of your fellow Cub fans are going to a game during the 2023 season at Wrigley Field in Section 116, Row 12, Seats 12-15. Don’t forget to hit up all the bars and restaurants around the friendly confines with your $300 Visa gift card. There will be a selection of games to choose from once the ticket holders acquire their tickets next spring. You’ll STRIKE OUT if you let this home run slip away!

Donated by: Todd ’86 & Tricia Arseneau

Bob & Sandy ’82 Malpasuto

Andy ’92 & Meredith Purcell

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 32 11/3/2022 12:44:27 PM

Silver Sponsor

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 33 11/3/2022 12:44:27 PM

Live Auction

Oh Canada! - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise (Alberta) TRIP FOR TWO TO LAKE LOUISE

Don’t pass up this chance to visit our neighbor to the north!! This amazing Winspire vacation experience includes a three-night stay in a junior suite, with daily breakfast for two, at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada. Enjoy stunning views of Whitehorn Mountain and the Bow Valley. The “Diamond in the Wilderness” invites you to hit the slopes in winter, or paddle a canoe on the lake in summer, while enjoying the year-round luxury mountain resort that offers guided mountain tours, a luxury spa and exceptional dining experiences. The Fairmount is located three hours from Calgary and one hour from Banff. A prestigious member of Conde Nast’s Gold List, the Fairmont is one of the Top 500 Hotels in the World according to Travel & Leisure Magazine. To top it all off, round-trip, coach class airfare for two from within the 48 contiguous U.S. states to Calgary, Canada and Winspire booking, and concierge service is also included! Travel must be completed within two years of the date of purchase.

Blackout dates: Thanksgiving (U.S.), Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Donated by: Thomas and Maureen O’Connor Family Foundation

Olivet – First Year Tuition Scholarship


This scholarship award at Bourbonnais’ Olivet Nazarene University covers the full tuition for the first year of your student’s undergraduate studies. That means your student will pay $0 for his/her first year, right here at ONU. This $36,450 scholarship must be used before August 2026, which means you can secure the first year of college for your BMCS freshman (or older) tonight! Olivet reserves the right to apply other scholarships, or state and federal grants before applying this scholarship. The name of the scholarship recipient must be provided within two weeks and the scholarship is non-transferable to another student.

Winner must complete student financial aid (FAFSA) application to use this scholarship

Donated by: Olivet Nazarene University

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 34 11/3/2022 12:44:28 PM

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Central Illinois Transportation, Inc.

Kankakee, Illinois

815.939.3155 centraliltrans com

The Stauffenberg, Shirley & Post Families


Norma ’57, Kimberly ’81, Julianne ’84, Darren ’91, Justin ‘06, Joshua ‘08 (Abigail ‘11), Jacob ’09, Jordan ’09, Jenna ’14 (Trevor ‘14), Mitchell ’15, Dylan ’17, Shelby ‘17 FUTURE ALUMNI:

Jackson ’36, Tatum ’37, Lawson ‘40, Braelynn ‘40 Oliver,‘40, Waylon ‘40

“When you need cargo moved, think CIT ”

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 35 11/3/2022 12:44:28 PM

Live Auction

The BULLS are Back!


You will have four great seats as the exciting, new-look Chicago Bulls provide the action as you enjoy this clash against the Milwaukee Bucks on December 28, 2022, at 7 p.m. at United Center in Chicago. These amazing seats are in the lower section, at the free-throw line and directly across from the visiting team’s bench. You do not want to miss this opportunity to see an exciting NBA Eastern Conference showdown featuring stars such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach LaVine and Ayo Dosunmu of the Bulls, as well as Giannis Antetokounmpo (you don’t have to pronounce his last name to win these tickets) and Khris Middleton of the Bucks.

Donated by: Gerry ‘56 & Judy Kilbride and Family

Priceless Slices!


You just can’t top this Pizza Party! You and 49 guests will enjoy a night of premium pizza, featuring the Vallone’s “Secret Recipe” homemade pies made on Dr. John and Carol’s Blodgett Pizza Oven. This party will be topped off by tons fun and extra laughs with McNamara’s premium pizza people. Four out of five dentists recommend you eat Pizza!

Donated by: Dr. John & Carol Vallone

Thank you

our 2022-2023 Empower Illinois Donors

Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program

To date we have funded 31 scholarships for Bishop McNamara Students. We have 130 students waitlisted. The Invest in Kids Tax Credit allows you to target your 2022 tax liability towards Bishop McNamara. Don't miss out on this great opportunity. Act now to take advantage of your 2022 tax liability! For more information, contact Tricia Surprenant at tsurprenant@bmcss.org.

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff and Debby Arseneau

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and Cindy Borschnack

Mr. & Mrs. Steven and Sherri Chinski

Dr & Mrs. Marc and Fisher

Mr. Matt and Dr. Emily Gentry

Mr. & Mrs. Tim and Colette Gernon

Mr. Daniel Hawtree

Mr. & Mrs. Myron and Renee Hendrix

Mr. Doug Hodak

Mrs. Sue Hodak

Mr. Matthew Larson

Ms. Marielena Lavoie

Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Sandy Malpasuto

Mr. & Mrs. Randy and Eleanor Molthan

Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Nina Pelletier

Mr. & Mrs. Neil and Courtney Piggush

Mr. & Mrs. Scott and Kim Piggush

Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Ruth Smith

Mrs. Mary Splear

Mr. & Mrs. Matt and Tricia Surprenant

Mr. Jeffrey Tjarks

Ms. Dorothy Troost

Mr. Robert Waring Anonymous


Terry Granger, BMCS President/Principal: t granger@bmcss.org

Tricia S urprenant, D irector of Finance: tsurprenant@bmcss. org

Get started at EmpowerIllinois.org
most of
donation. 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 36 11/3/2022 12:44:29 PM
Sponsor - 20BRONZE SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS 815. 472.2634 815.935.1117 123 West Washington Street18 Briarcliff Professional Ctr. Momence Bourbonnais Jim & Lisa Gerth Family Congratulations, Bishop McNamara, in celebrating 100 years! Best Wishes, Jim & Lisa, Cameron & Meredith, Mitchell & Abby Oliva, Ava, Lia & Kolton 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 37 11/3/2022 12:44:31 PM

Bronze Sponsor



Bronze Sponsor

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 38 11/3/2022 12:44:33 PM

Bronze Sponsor

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 39 11/3/2022 12:44:33 PM
Irish Sponsor
40 Irish Sponsor Irish Sponsor 1250 N. Convent St. Suite B Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Telephone 815-933-6637 Patrick T. Dunn Attorney and Counselor at Law 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 40 11/3/2022 12:44:34 PM
Irish Sponsor
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 41 11/3/2022 12:44:35 PM
Irish Sponsor
Gaelic Sponsor Gaelic Sponsor Gaelic Sponsor BBipinMD,Bhayani, SC CLADDAGH SPONSORS 200 E. Court Suite 608 Kankakee, IL 815.933.1771 fax: 815.933.1163 www.bpc-cpa.com Your support tonight positively impacts our students. Thank you for your generosity! Services Provided Audits • Reviews • Compilations Accounting Services Quickbooks® Consulting Tax Planning & Preparation 200 E. Court St., Suite 608, Kankakee, IL 60901 815.933.1771, fax: 815.933.1163 www.bpc-cpa.com Certified Public Accountants & Consultants Daniel J. Borschnack, Partner Paul A. Pelletier, Partner James F. Borschnack, Manager Brian L. Creek, Manager Robert J. Sikma, Manager 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 42 11/3/2022 12:44:37 PM
Gaelic Sponsor Gaelic Sponsor
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 43 11/3/2022 12:44:38 PM
Gaelic Sponsor
Sponsor 1495 Grinnell Road
Illinois 60901
Phone: 815-932-1800 Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 44 11/3/2022 12:44:39 PM
45 Gaelic Sponsor Gaelic Sponsor - 30IRISH SPONSORS -381004 Lincoln Drive • Manteno, Illinois 60950 • (815) 468-7599 • www.eakinsgroupinc.com PLUMBING • HVAC • REFRIGERATION • PROCESS PIPING Industrial • Commercial • Residential 1350 Stanford Drive – Kankakee, Illinois 60901 815-933-4027 IL. Plumb. Lic #055-002679 Precision Piping, Inc. PLUMBING · HVAC REFRIGERATION · PROCESS PIPING Industrial · Commercial · Residential 1350 Stanford Drive Kankakee, Illinois 60901 815-933-4027 IL. Plumb. Lic. #055-0002679 Thank you to all our awesome teachers at Bishop McNamara Catholic School! 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 45 11/3/2022 12:44:41 PM

100th Year Celebration!

Fun Filled Event


APRIL 14-15, 2023

Vintage fun returns for a reprised version of the iconic Madcaps event to wrap up The 100th Year Celebration!


The Little People Game Shows

Sing Alongs with Alumni & Friends

Short Skits by Alumni & Friends

Tim “That’s Amazing” Magic Show

The Silhouettes and so many more....!

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 46 11/3/2022 12:44:43 PM
47 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 47 11/3/2022 12:44:43 PM
48 info.kcc.edu Take the first step to achieving your GOALS, DREAMS & AMBITIONS 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 48 11/3/2022 12:44:43 PM
49 “Providing Real Estate Solutions …Earning Your Business” INDUSTRIAL OFFICE RETAIL/COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL LAND RESIDENTIAL 275 East Court Street, Suite 202, Kankakee, Illinois 60901 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 49 11/3/2022 12:44:43 PM
50 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T E R R Y G R A N G E R A N D B I S H O P M C N A M A R A C A T H O L I C S C H O O L F A M I L Y O F T H E O C C A S I O N O F Y O U R 1 0 0 T H A N N I V E R S A R Y W e a r e p r o u d t o c a l l y o u a “ P a r t n e r i n M i s s i o n ” L a r r y F u r e y , F o u n d e r C h r i s S t i l e s , P a r t n e r lfurey@partnersinmission.com | 781-710-0242 | www.partnersinmission.com 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 50 11/3/2022 12:44:43 PM
51 Congratulations on Your CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BOURBONNAIS | KANKAKEE | MANTENO 815-936-7600 | PeoplesBankDirect.com 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 51 11/3/2022 12:44:44 PM
52 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 52 11/3/2022 12:44:44 PM
53 Congratulations Uncle Smitty & Aunt Jean Go McNamara! Maggie, Katie & Murphy 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 53 11/3/2022 12:44:44 PM
54 Aqua is Proud to Serve Illinois. For tips to keep you green and save money, visit Aqua’s website. AquaAmerica.com /MyAquaAmerica @MyAquaAmerica 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 54 11/3/2022 12:44:44 PM
55 of Illinois ® Ashley Clemans Customer Service Banker (815) 929-4001 Fax (815) 275 E. Court St. • Kankakee, ashleyc@firsttrustbankil.com Making the Loans That Work for You! Kankakee, Bourbonnais, West Kankakee (815) 929-4000 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 55 11/3/2022 12:44:44 PM
56 -53J. Michael Krisko, D.D.S.'82 Richard D. Hess, D.D.S. Madalyn Vacca, D.M.D. '10 482 Brown Blvd. Bourbonnais,Illinois 60914 815-939-2012 Kankakee Valley Construction Co., Inc. 4356 W. Rte. 17 • P.O. Box 767 • Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Phone (815) 937-8700 Fax (815) 937-0402 Website: www.kvcci.com 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 56 11/3/2022 12:44:45 PM
Happy 100th Anniversary, Bishop McNamara!
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 57 11/3/2022 12:44:45 PM
Michael & Michelle McTaggart

N E T H E R T O N ' S B O D Y S H O P

N E T H E R T O N ' S B O D Y S H O P

N E T H E R T O N ' S


N E T H E R T O N ' S B O D Y S H O P

N E T H E R T O N ' S B O D Y S H O P

Abbie Class of 2016

Wilson Class of 2019

Abbie Class of 2016

Wilson Class of 2019

Abbie Class of 2016

Wilson Class of 2019

Collision Repair
Abbi Cl f 2016
Collision Repair
2 0 8 1 W S T A T I O N S T . K A N K A K E E I L . 6 0 9 0 1 8 1 5 9 3 3 4 1 9 1 Complete
Collision Repair
2 0 8 1 W S T A T I O N S T . K A N K A K E E I L . 6 0 9 0 1 8 1 5 . 9 3 3 . 4 1 9 1 Complete
Collision Repair
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 58 11/3/2022 12:44:45 PM

Leanne Provost


W h e t h e r y o u ' r e b u y i n g o r s e l l i n g ,

I ' m h e r e t o h e l p y o u t h r o u g h e v e r y s t e p o f t h e p r o c e s s


8 1 5 - 7 9 0 - 1 6 4 6

l p r o v o s t r e a l t o r @ g m a i l . c o m w w w l e a n n e p r o v o s t c o m

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 60 11/3/2022 12:44:46 PM
61 Congratulations on 100 Years of Excellence! Claire Chaplinski, ‘02 Attorney at Law 815.939.7155 200 E. Court Street, Ste #212 Kankakee, IL 60901 chaplinski.lawfirm@gmail.com 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 61 11/3/2022 12:44:46 PM
62 CUBBY HOLES MINI STORAGE 815-478-5448 24614 S. US Highway Rt. 52 Manhattan, Il 60442 tax services • bookkeeping and payroll business advisory • assurance 815.933.7781 cpa-kankakee.cpa 1949 W. Court St. • Kankakee, IL 60901 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 62 11/3/2022 12:44:46 PM
Congratulations on 100 Years Thank you Bishop McNamara Catholic School for your commitment to our children. JACKIE HAAS STATE REPRESENTATIVE ● 79TH DISTRICT 370 E. Court Street ● Kankakee, IL 60901 ● (815) 523-7779 ● rephaas.com Paid for by Citizens for Jackie Haas. 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 63 11/3/2022 12:44:47 PM

Karen purcell mann- '75

David Purcell- '77

Judy purcell Todnem- '78

Diane purcell boyd- '80 & linda purcell deagan- '81

dan purcell- '83

patty purcell goldstein- '85

chris purcell- '88

peggy purcell mayer- '90

andy purcell- '92

64 Shine the Light on your Next Event Managing The Bradley House and Train Depot in Kankakee For all your event planning needs Please call 312-501-0609 or Email Peggy Mayer pmayer@spotlightmeetings.com www.spotlightmeetings.com walt krause- '25 colleen boyd- '26 sean boyd- '28 maggie krause- '29 austin boydmatt boyd- '07 alex boyd- '09 riley mayer- '22 grace purcell- '23 morgan mayer- '24 abby purcell- '25 jack purcell III- '27 owen mayer- '31 Celebrating Four Generations of Irish Tradition! grandchildren
children great grandchildren
We celebrate our Irish history and look forward to our future! Andy '92 & Meredith Purcell Grace '23, Abby '25, & Jack '27 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS! '02 & Elizabeth Flageole Boyd '01 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 64 11/3/2022 12:44:51 PM
Jamie boyd '80

St. George Church St. George Church embraces the embraces the BISHOP

MCNAMARA MCNAMARA difference: education difference: education of mind, heart and of mind, heart and spirit, while proudly spirit, while proudly supporting your supporting your commitment to commitment to Christian Excellence. Christian Excellence.

WEBSITE: www.stgerofeil.com

St. Patrick Church

St. Patrick Church

428 South Indiana Avenue Kankakee, Illinois

428 South Indiana Avenue Kankakee, Illinois

(815) 932-6716




Celebrating 125 years of serving the People of God in the Kankakee Area. Supporting Catholic Education for over 100 years.

Celebrating 118 years of serving the People of God In the Kankakee area. Supporting CatholicEducation for 97 years.

The Parishioners of St. Pa trick Parish wish you God’s blessings forasuccessfulyear.

The Parishioners of St. Patrick Parish wish you God’s blessings for a successful year

Bourbonnais, IL 60914
(815) 939-1851 www stgeorgeil com -570 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100 0 5 25 75 95 100
St. George Catholic Church 5272
5000 N Rd
Rev Daniel R Belanger, CSV Pastor
5272 E. 5000N Road Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Rev. Daniel R. Belanger C.S.V Pastor: St. George Catholic Church Chaplain: Bishop McNamara High School Saint George Parish Community Collaborating with the Clerics of St. Viator since 1898
366 S. East Avenue • Kankakee, IL 60901 www.raichelock.com (815)933-4732 Fax (815) 933-3099 IL License #192-000185 128 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 65 11/3/2022 12:44:52 PM
St. George Catholic Church... embracing the Bishop McNamara difference... education of mind, heart & spirit
66 Congratulations Bishop McNamara on Another Successful Auction! Celebrating 47 years of service in the community One Heritage Plaza Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 933-0570 www.bankof bourbonnais.com Member FDIC 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 66 11/3/2022 12:44:52 PM
67 RICHARD S. NICKLAS, D.D.S. GENERAL DENTISTRY 497 SOUTH WALL STREET KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS 60901 (815) 932-6251 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 400 N. WALL, SUITE 510 KANKAKEE, IL 60901 TELEPHONE: (815)932-5725 BRIAN P. OLOFSSON, M.D. Family Practice and Obstetrics Kevin and Jodi Johnson Owners Best Wishes Bishop McNamara! 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 67 11/3/2022 12:44:53 PM
68 Ne ele y P. Regas ʹ01, Attorney at L aw NEEL E Y R EG A S P. C. I N C . 1 Dearborn Square, Suite 400, K ank akee, IL 60901 815-933-6681 Vivian ʹ32 & Auggie ʹ34
2022 AUCTION Program.indd 68 11/3/2022 12:44:53 PM
All students wishing to get a glimpse at life as a BMCS student are welcome to attend a student-guided day at Bishop McNamara. To schedule
visit, contact Dawn Akerman at dakerman@bmcss.org
69 OUR PARISH OUR FAMILY 211 N. Center Ave. Bradley, IL 60915 www.stjosephbradley.org Fr. Thomas J. Teneth CMI, PASTOR ST. JOSEPH PARISH 207 S. Main Street Manteno, Illinois 815-468-3403 Proudly Supports Bishop McNamara Catholic School -61295 STEBBINGS CT., SUITE #2 • BRADLEY, IL 60915 Chris Beard • 815-474-5001 • CBeard8@yahoo.com Brian Schubert • 815-405-9778 • AbsoluteRestorationBrian@gmail.com PAUL ROUTSON Owner Residential • Commercial • Carpet • Vinyl Hardwood • Ceramic FULLY INSURED - FREE ESTIMATES Also available: Carpet Cleaning 2960 N 1100 East Rd Clifton, IL 60927 info@rwpropertyservice.com (815) 693-4063 FARM MANAGEMENT FARM REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS ROB WARMBIR 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 69 11/3/2022 12:44:54 PM

Go Irish!

Bishop McNamara Fight Song

Go McNamara Irish tried and true.

We will sing your praises, McNamara We’re for you. Ra! Ra! Ra!

Lead on to vic’try, noble green and white. Colors so bold, we’ll always honor McNamara. Fight! Fight! Fight!

Tee Ho, Tee Ho Ho, Irish, Irish, Go, Go, Go!

Tee Ha, Tee Ha Ha, Irish, Irish, Ra, Ra, Ra!

2022 AUCTION Program.indd 70 11/3/2022 12:44:55 PM
71 324 E. Marsile St. 815-933-7758 247 N. Center Ave. 815-933-8013 6th-12th Grade 550 W. Brookmont Blvd. 815-932-7413 SHARE acaDemics catholic culture leadership student experience THE BISHOP MCNAMARA Advantage 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 71 11/3/2022 12:44:57 PM
72 Acting Out Theatre 46 ADL Heating 61 AHW 45 Ascension Saint Mary 15 Aqua Illinois 54 Todd Arseneau Insurance Agency 42 Bank of Bourbonnais 66 Benoit Greenhouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bipin Bhayani, MD, SC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Borschnack Pelletier & Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Brandon Casey's Comfort Crew 42 Brickstone Brewery 43 BSN Sports 61 Central Illinois Transportation 35 Claire Chaplinski 61 Clancy Gernon Funeral Homes 1 Clean Cut Lawn Care 69 CNG 66 Chris Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Country Chevrolet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cubby Holes Mini Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Court Street Ford 6 Crane Quality Equipment, LLC 55 Deck & Baron Attorneys at Law 66 Digestive Disease Consultants & Center for Digestive Health 19 Dralle Chevrolet & Buick 43 Eakins Contracting 43 First Trust Bank 55 Fisher-Gentry Eyecare 5 Jim and Lisa Gerth Family 37 Godin, Denton, & Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Groskreutz, Abraham, Eshlemen & Gerretse LLC . . . . . . . 62 Jackie Haas State Representative 79th District . . . . . . . . 63 Hoekstra Farms 39 Home Helpers Home Care 56 Iroquois Federal 63 Image Flooring Installations 69 Johnson Downs Construction 23 K of C, St. Viateurs Council #745 38 Kankakee Community College 48 Kankakee Tank Wash, Inc. 44 Kankakee Valley Construction Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Kankakee Valley Theater Assoc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ken’s Truck Repair, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 KJR Repair, Inc 67 KPI Electric 44 Michael J. Krisko, DDS 67 Law Offices of Patrick Dunn 40 Bob & Sandy Malpasuto Family 21 Maternity BVM Church, Bourbonnais, IL 67 Mayhill Moon 57 McColly Bennett Real Estate 63 McTaggart & Co. 57 Midland States Bank 17 Milner Radio WVLI, WFAV, WIVR, WYUR 63 Momence Pallet 24 Municipal Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 National Bank of St. Anne and Manteno . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Netherton’s Body Shop LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Richard S. Nicklas, DDS 67 Nugent Family Companies 15 Nugent Curtis Real Estate 49 Oak Sports Medicine, Dr. Michael Corcoran MD 29 Shawn & Teresa O’Brien 31 Brian P. Olofsson, M.D. 67 Partners in Mission . 50 Peddinghaus . 7 Peoples Bank of Kankakee County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Piggush Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Piggush Simoneau, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Precision Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Property Services 69 Protection Associates 59 Proven IT 33 Provost Cattle & Farms 59 Leanne Provost, Realtor 60 Purcell Family 64 Andy and Meredith Purcell 68 Neely P. Regas, Attorney at Law 62 Riverside Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rooted Wealth Advisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SA Piggush Financial Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sammy’s Pizza of Bourbonnais 45 Schaafsma 39 Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary 65 Smith, Dawson & Andrews 52 Jim Smith 53 Spotlight Meetings & Events, Inc 64 St. George Catholic Church 65 St. John Paul II Catholic Church 68 St. Joseph Parish, Bradley, Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 St. Joseph Parish, Manteno, Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 St. Patrick Church, Kankakee, Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Star Radio 60 STIFEL Certified Financial Planning Svcs/Hendrix Family 13 Syngenta Seed - Gene Rademacher 68 Taylor Dodge Chrysler Jeep 41 Taylor Ford of Manteno 41 We are grateful f or your generosi ty which posit ively . Save The Date! Bishop McNamara Catholic School 40th Annual Dinner Auction Saturday, November 4th, 2023 CHAIRPERSONS: Andy '92 and Meredith Purcell CO-CHAIRPERSONS: Mike ‘92 and Nikki ‘92 O'Brien Advertisers 2022 AUCTION Program.indd 72 11/3/2022 12:44:57 PM

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