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art department
art & design I
81 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Full Year
Non-Cumulative 1 Credit
This course is for any student wanting to learn the fundamentals of art and creativity. Focusing on basic art skills with a concentration on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, students will conceive and create works of art through a variety of different media, mostly for 2D production. Students will also study perspectives about art history and influential artists. Student will participate in creative journaling, guided projects with deadlines and art critiques. A strong work ethic and a positive attitude are imperative for success in this class.
art & design II
82 Grades 10, 11, 12 Full Year
Non-Cumulative 1 Credit
This course is for the second-year, art and design student. Completion of Art and Design I is required. Having built a foundation of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, students will explore and create projects through more diverse and complex artistic processes, mostly 3D. Students will be more challenged to think creatively and problem solve for success in their design projects. Students will participate in community-based art exhibitions, creativity exercises, complete lengthy, involved projects and class critiques. A strong work ethic and positive attitude are imperative for success in this class.
art & design III
83 Grades 11, 12 Full Year
Non-Cumulative 1 Credit
TThis course is for the art and design student in the third year, as completion of Art and Design II is required. Amassing learned skills from previous courses, students will hone in on particular skills, materials and processes that interest them and complete projects of their own design. Students will develop an artist’s statement and discover the beginnings of taking their art journey to the next level. Students will participate in community-based art exhibitions, develop an artist statement, complete self-developed projects and class critiques. A strong work ethic, time-management skills and a positive attitude are imperative for success in this class.