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science Department
224 Grade 9
Full Year
Cumulative 1 Credit Biology is a course designed to introduce students to the science processes, skills, and understandings related to a wide range of biological topics: biochemistry, cellular biology, ecology, genetics, and biotechnology. Important skills to develop throughout this course include: microscopy, graphing and measurement, making and analyzing models, working on a team, and as an independent learner. Students participate in lab experiments and demonstrate their mastery of the scientific method and the related topic, and record data in a lab report format.
Honors Biology
222 Grade 9
Full Year
Cumulative 1 Credit Honors Biology is an inquiry based course designed to introduce and develop a deeper understanding of science processes, and skills related to a wide range of biological topics: biochemistry, cellular biology, ecology, genetics, and biotechnology. Important skills to develop throughout this course include: microscopy, graphing and measurement, making and analyzing models, working on a team, and the ability to be a self-directed learner. Students participate in lab experiments and demonstrate their mastery of the scientific method and the related topic. Experiments are documented using a lab report format. Students are also involved in different areas of research based on the topic.
Grades 10, 11, 12
Full Year
Cumulative 1 Credit Chemistry is usually seen as the study of the structure and properties of matter. It is often referred to as the most central of the sciences. Students will study structure of the atom, chemical properties, chemical equations, properties of gases, and stoichiometry in this course. Chemistry is experimentally based and designed to involve the student in the purposeful interrogation of nature. Algebra II is a recommended pre-requisite for this course, and moderate computational skill is assumed.