2 minute read
In conversation: Petra
As airlines look to improve sustainability across all areas of their service, April Waterston talks to Petra Hissink, Heineken's global director – sustainable development to find out how Heineken is aiming to 'Brew a Better World'...
Without a shadow of a doubt, the COVID crisis has left a big impact on Heineken. However we have remained focused on three main priorities.
First, the health and safety of our own people. Second is supporting our customers and our suppliers. The third priority is to really focus on the continuity of our business, and at the same time, building on our future.
Green growth
We have launched the company's Evergreen sustainable growth strategy and within that sustainability and responsible consumption is one of the five work streams. Building on that, in April 2021 welaunched our Brew a Better World 2030 strategy. With this strategy we're building on a very strong foundation, but we want to raise the bar in this decade of action.
The strategy is a framework built around three pillars: environmental sustainability, social sustainability and responsible consumption. In total we have nine ambition areas. For example we have ambitions around decarbonizing, we have ambition around maximizing circularity and we have a strong ambition around keeping the water basins around our breweries healthy.
Social goals
Looking at the the social pillar, we touch upon Sustainable Development Goals five and eight, with gender equality and decent work and economic growth. We believe that our business can only thrive if our people, and the communities in which we operate in, thrive too.
We are committed to inclusion and diversity. We want to increase the percentage of female leaders and increase cultural diversity across the globe. We want to be on a path to an inclusive, fair and equitable world.
Responsible consumption
For our responsible consumption pillar we aim to give our consumers a choice, for example with transparency on our labels. We are even spending 10% of our Heineken brand media budget across the globe on responsible consumption messaging. We also really want to promote moderate consumption of alcohol and our portfolio of ‘zero’ products is always growing. We now offer the very tasty Heineken 0.0, which is already available in 95 markets worldwide. theheinekencompany.com •

Watch the full interview here