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Indigenous Experiences
Authentically Canadian
Many of the 700 Indigenous communities in Canada now offer visitors the opportunity to connect with their traditions, cultures and landscapes. Lauren Jarvis suggests 10 authentic experiences to offer clients
Dine under the Northern Lights
One of the world’s best places to see the Aurora Borealis, Yellowknife in Canada’s Northwest Territories sees the spectacular display dance across the sky on more than 200 nights every year. The Indigenous family-owned Aurora Village provides the perfect cosy spot to view the phenomena. Guests can dine in a traditional teepee before watching the cosmic show, and learning about the myths and legends linked to the Northern Lights. auroravillage.com
Take a thrilling dog-sled ride
Indigenous Peoples have been using dog sleds in Canada for hundreds of years, and today, there’s no more thrilling way for visitors to whiz through a winter wonderland than on a sled pulled by a team of huskies. Based in Churchill, Manitoba, family-run Wapusk Adventures off ers dog sledding tours through the boreal forest, and cultural talks about the Métis People. wapuskadventures.com
Seek out a spirit bear
British Columbia’s Great Bear Forest is home to grizzly and black bears, along with several hundred ghostly-white Kermode bears, which have shared the Kitasoo Xai’xais traditional territory for aeons. Believed to have magical powers, these cream-coloured animals have become known as ‘spirit bears’. At Indigenousowned Spirit Bear Lodge, you can join a guided safari to fi nd them. spiritbear.com
Go on an Arctic adventure
Their deep connection to their traditional lands makes Indigenous Peoples fascinating guides. Inuit-owned Arctic Bay Adventures off ers a memorable immersive Indigenous experience. Set within the Arctic Circle on the northwest corner of Nunavut’s Baffi n Island, Arctic Bay is one of the world’s most northerly communities, and the gateway to glacial valleys, red rock cliff s and Admiralty Inlet, the longest fjord on Earth. arcticbayadventures.com
Watch out for whales
Homalco Wildlife & Cultural Tours off er voyages in the Salish Sea, off British Columbia, in search of whales, dolphins, sea lions, otters and eagles, and interpretive explorations of Orford Bay, a winter gathering place for the Xwémalhkwu or Homalco of Bute Inlet, known as the ‘People of Fast running Waters’. Visitors learn about traditional plants, medicines, shelter and clothing from an Indigenous guide – and might spot grizzly bears feasting on salmon. homalcotours.com
Explore indigenous traditions
Wendake in Quebec off ers an immersive journey into the culture of the Huron-Wendat People. The HotelMusée Premières Nations is home of the Huron-Wendat Museum, while the Huron Traditional Site, on the Huron-Wendat reservation, off ers canoe rides, tours of a Yänonhchia’ (long house), dance displays and Indigenous cuisine. tourismewendake.ca/en/
Herd reindeer across the tundra
Join Indigenous herders on an epic journey by snowmobile, guiding thousands of reindeer to their spring calving grounds, and enjoy Inuvialuit hospitality in Tuktoyaktuk on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. This authentic experience offers the option of building and sleeping in an igloo, dining in a teepee, and watching the Northern Lights. Guests can also visit an igloo church, go on a snowshoe hike, and enjoy local cuisine and cultural activities. tundranorthtours.com
Uncover Indigenous treasures
Known as ‘Canada’s longest-running archaeological dig’, Wanuskewin Heritage Park in Saskatchewan protects precious archaeological sites, some older than the Egyptian Pyramids. This modern cultural centre, which honours the 6,000-year history of the Northern Plains Indigenous Peoples, has a gallery showcasing Indigenous artists, an Indigenous restaurant – and a bison herd. wanuskewin.com
Escape to the islands
Off the northern Pacific coast of Canada,Haida Gwaii is an archipelago with two main islands, Graham Island and Moresby Island, along with 400 other isles. Visitors can learn about the history and culture of the Haida People, who have lived in the region for 13,000 years, and experience their warm hospitality with a stay at Haida-owned accommodations, including the boutique beachfront Ocean House, or the lodges and cabins at Haida House. haidatourism.ca
Join a Pow Wow
These large ceremonial gatherings are a celebration of Indigenous heritage, preserving ancestral traditions and displaying the skills and crafts of Indigenous communities. The summer months sees First Nations Peoples from Yukon to Québec come together through dance, storytelling and food, and are ready to welcome nonIndigenous guests to join the party. canadianpowwows.ca
Keith Henry
President and CeO Of tHe indigenOus tOurism assOCiatiOn Of Canada (itaC),
How do Indigenous experiences deepen visitors’ understanding
of Canada? They allow Canadians and tourists alike to experience the diversity and richness of Indigenous cultures from coast to coast. Visitors can connect with the Elders, cultural knowledge keepers, storytellers, artists, chefs and others. This encourages visitors to ask questions and deepen their understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture.
Tell us about are some of these diverse Indigenous experiences.
There are so many! Such as dogsledding in Manitoba, watching the Aurora Borealis in the Northwest Territories, and searching for the elusive Spirit Bear in British Columbia. Indigenous-owned resorts include Klahoose Wilderness Resort near Desolation Sound in BC and Dakota Dunes Resort near Saskatoon.
Q: How can visitors ensure they receive a truly authentic
Indigenous experience? It’s important to support Indigenous businesses directly, and not folks that are appropriating Indigenous culture for profit. Buying authentic ensures that our culture is shared in a respectful manner and supports local Indigenous communities, which is why we launched The Original Original brand mark. The mark signals businesses that have been vetted by the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, and that they are Indigenous-owned and led.
Q: Why is it important for Indigenous Peoples to shape the Canadian tourism experience?
Indigenous Peoples in Canada are at a point of cultural reclamation and rejuvenation, using tourism to rediscover and share their culture with the world. It also provides a chance for them to be proud of who they are and share their history in their own voice.