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BTA COMMENT Shifting the narrative
As we move further into 2023, we get closer to the NetZero by 2050 goal. In turn, industries have set their own NetZero initiatives. Airlines are incorporating set percentages of sustainable aviation fuel in their aircraft, car rental services are switching towards hybrid and electric vehicles and TMCs are implementing carbon emissions calculators.
The drive towards NetZero must continue at pace but it seems that instead of pushing communities towards sustainability goals, many across the industry are paralysed by the focus on reflective statistics and data, often concerning carbon offsetting.
We need to shift the narrative away from measurement after activity, and away from hitting data targets. Paralysis by data is currently threatening industries across the UK and their ability to reduce, move forward and reap the rewards of their sustainable actions. The overwhelming reliance on statistics makes targets seem near impossible to reach and holds individuals back from acting. Targets will seem to be more manageable when sustainability is factored in from the start of the activity of the individual, company or industry, without emphasising the importance of the measurement and figures afterwards. The achievement of carbon reduction and other NetZero initiatives can only happen if those within the industry are educated, to enable them to effectively make the right choices, as well as understand the wider sustainable data and statistics.
Cross-industry and government collaboration allows companies to lay out sustainable and incentivised choices for their employees to follow, simultaneously taking the pressure off meeting statistical targets afterwards.
Business travel is a power for good but it's no secret that it contributes greatly towards carbon emissions. This is why it is vital that there are clear and effective structures in place to make it as easy as possible to shift towards sustainability. We must encourage business travel as it makes a strong comeback postpandemic, but whilst also protecting the future of the environment.
Clive Wratten Chief Executive Officer