1 minute read
What the heck is a T.E.C?...
Cindy Bennett, Member #4170
Appropriately for “The Last Word” segment I am reproducing a fun short description on the role of Tail End Charlie that was posted in an online female riders group that I am a part of! Who is this crazy person in hi-vis? Well that’s your average group ride T.E.C. (Tail End Charlie). What is a T.E.C? - The “mother hen” making sure all the chicks are together. - Always the last rider - The one that puts themself between you and the traffic behind you. Your protector. - The one that will stay with you at the back of the group if you’re uneasy, or just feel like going slow - The one that will pull over with you if you decide you need a break (or a cry)! - The one that will pull over and wait with you if you come off - The one that will pull over with you, if you forgot to zip up your jacket, tie your laces or do up your helmet. - We’re also the one that will pull over with you if you’re getting a ticket! If you’re in a group ride and you have a T.E.C, just remember, they’re there for you. Don’t be afraid to pull over if you need to.