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2022 annual gEnEral mEEting minutEs
Outgoing Dealer Liaison Report: Don reports it was a great year for all the dealers – basically sold more bikes than the previous year. Globally, BMW sales in Australia were up 14.8%, with R Series sales up 50%. UK sales up 27%; & USA sales up 32%. In Australia, the percentage increase equates to 2,500 units sold which included 821 GS bikes sold (up 10%); and the S1000 RR being the most popular sports bike in Australia. Now the bad news, still limited stock – often a 4 – 5 month wait on new bikes. Servicing wait times are still long. Don reported on a number of upgrades across the range of bikes with the big news of a new “M” Series bike arriving soon. R18 currently under promotion Australia wide – Team Moto at Slacks Creek has 7 currently; 2 x K1600’s; & CX 400 Scooters. An open day is to be announced soon.
Outgoing Vice President Report: Very quiet on the VP front as Tony Gray was in attendance all year.
2022 Committee Nominations: These nominations were received prior to the meeting by the Secretary. A call was made to the floor for any other nomination before the nominees were named. No other nominations were received. All nominees were elected as follows:
President: Tony Gray
Vice President: Paul Hughes
Secretary: Geoff Hodge
Treasurer: Darryl Gowlett
Records: Greg Gaffney
Tools: Geoff Hamon
Regalia: Donna Wiltshire
Events: Mark Mustchin
Editor: Cindy & Duncan Bennett
Dealer Liaison & Advertising: Don Grimes. President congratulated the new Committee.
Bill Luyten to assist Geoff Hamon
Gary Bennett to continue role as Club Historian.
Jane Gray to continue role as Club Librarian.
AGM Business Nil
Closed: 8.45 pm
Certified as a fair and accurate record:
Tony Gray Steven Johnson President Outgoing Secretary