1 minute read
Back Soon-ish!
Well this is it people. As you read these very words, we will be somewhere in South America riding and sacrificing all for the club. Another Pisco Sour? For the glory of the BMWMCQ, we will prevail! Paul didn’t write that bit obviously, he’s done the hard yards assembling the pieces, rivetting them together, and panel beating the witch’s coven into a collage of mixed metaphors. Was the packing easy? No it wasn’t. See Cindy’s “Last Word” article on our preppin’ to gain a full insight to the horror. My system of a spreadsheet with number of days away and selectable options (eg Cold? - choose from No, Yes, or Very) helps manage the inventory, unless you somehow badly miscalculate the number of days away. Not admitting to doing this, but let’s just say the team at the Brut roll-on deodorant factory had to do a bit of overtime to get my order out, and I now won’t have the opportunity to change deodorant brands until 2056.
A big thanks to Dave Whale and Paul Hughes for the kind loan of their bikes while Storm Boy has been in transit - much appreciated given how hard it was to get a ride on The Best in Show.
Paul’s revenge - always sending me photos of my old R850R now unrecognisably beautiful under the stewardship of James Scheidler. Who knew the rims were a light grey and that the tank was shiny?